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feat: imgadm: add support for authentication to docker hub #1075

Closed gaige closed 1 year ago

gaige commented 1 year ago

With the recent moves by to reduce availability of images without authenticated access, I've found that some docker images are no longer able to be pulled from docker hub without authentication. Unfortunately, it doesn't use basic auth, so just using an authenticated URL isn't sufficient.

It's possible to use a proxy which does the authentication (or to mirror the images manually), but authenticating in the imgadm daemon would be more straighforward and generally useful for new docker users on smartos.

bahamat commented 1 year ago

Do you have any references where I can read more about this change?

gaige commented 1 year ago

My apologies. This may be a different problem.

I was inferring the issue based on a number of data points:

The latter resulting in:

imgadm import: error (ActiveImageNotFound): an active image "curlimages/curl:8.1.0" was not found in image sources

I had no problems with these on systems that were authenticated. However, when I logged out on those same systems, they seem to be able to access just fine.

I haven't found a way to get more diagnostics out of the failure, so I'm at a bit of a loss here. With that said, I had previously been able to imgadm install yuzutech/kroki on multiple machines, but I cannot any longer.

gaige commented 1 year ago

@bahamat Ok, I've now gotten a bunch further with figuring this out. The problem appears to be manifests for OCI-type manifests:

{"name":"imgadm","req_id":"9f8ae8c3-be72-49c7-bef3-3f517bf97572","hostname":"zim","pid":10013,"component":"source","source":{"type":"docker"},"level":10,"body":"{\"errors\":[{\"code\":\"MANIFEST_UNKNOWN\",\"message\":\"OCI index found, but accept header does not support OCI indexes\"}]}\n","len":117,"msg":"body received","time":"2023-05-28T10:34:36.458Z","src":{"file":"/usr/img/node_modules/docker-registry-client/lib/docker-json-client.js","line":96,"func":"finish"},"v":0}

I'm going to close this ticket and open an issue against since that appears to be more appropriate.

gaige commented 1 year ago

Issue opened