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IPv6 broken under bhyve unless allow_ip_spoofing is set. #930

Open sjorge opened 4 years ago

sjorge commented 4 years ago

Today on #smartos Alasdair was asking about some odd behavior he was seeing.

I was able to replicate the behavior, it seems to effect both windows and linux so it is probably a issue on the illumos side.

With an interface configured for dhcp and addrconf (slaac or dhcpv6):

    "interface": "net0",
    "mac": "52:84:c7:c8:8f:e8",
    "vlan_id": 10,
    "nic_tag": "trunk",
    "ip": "dhcp",
    "ips": [
    "model": "virtio",
    "primary": true

The interface comes up and gets both a ipv4 and ipv6 address, but that is roughly where it stops.

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> ipconfig

Windows IP Configuration

Ethernet adapter Ethernet:

   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
   IPv6 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : 2001:xxx:xxx:10:3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d
   Temporary IPv6 Address. . . . . . : 2001:xxx:xxx:10:2078:871e:1d20:b0c
   Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d%17
   IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
   Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : fe80::222:6ff:fe0a:1%17

No IPv6 global or local-link address can be reached, ipv4 is working fine.

After settingallow_ip_spoofing to true and rebooting the vm everything is working fine. (easy to check by going to

You can even play with this on a live VM, starting the vm without allow_ip_spoofing set to true.

Notice IPv6 is broken, then toggle it from the global zone:

dladm set-linkprop -z eceec5eb-22c7-e65b-fd6b-81ebdb36406b net0 -p protection=mac-nospoof,dhcp-nospoof,restricted

And imediatly IPv6 starts working.

jasonbking commented 4 years ago

It may be a bit before I can dig into this, but if you want to play around in the meantime, the following D script might help identify what's failing

ipnospoof_check_v6:entry { self->trace = 1 }
check_slaac_ip:return /self->trace/ { trace(arg1); }
check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return /self->trace/ { trace(arg1); }
ipnospoof_check_v6:return { self->trace = 0; trace(arg1); }
sjorge commented 4 years ago

So do each of these separate like:

 dtrace -n 'ipnospoof_check_v6:entry { self->trace = 1 }'

Doesn't seem to work, but given the self->trace I assume I need to have them multiline somehow?

jasonbking commented 4 years ago

should be able to put them into a file and run with dtrace -s (or put #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s on the first line)

sjorge commented 4 years ago

OK, figured it out. Add it all to a file and call dtrace -s filename...

[root@boron ~]# dtrace -s 930.d
dtrace: script '930.d' matched 4 probes
CPU     ID                    FUNCTION:NAME
  8  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 1
  8  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  8  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  8  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  8  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  8  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  8  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 13  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 13  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 13  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 13  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 13  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 13  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 13  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 13  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 13  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 13  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 13  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 13  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  8  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  8  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  8  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  8  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  8  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  8  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  8  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  8  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  8  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  8  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  8  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  8  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  8  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  8  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  8  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  8  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  8  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  8  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  8  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  8  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  8  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  8  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  8  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  8  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  8  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  8  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  8  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 10  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 10  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 10  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 10  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 10  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 10  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  7  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0                                                 [365/418]
  7  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 11  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 11  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 13  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 13  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 13  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 13  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 13  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 13  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 13  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 13  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 13  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 13  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 13  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 13  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 13  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 13  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 13  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 14  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0                                                 [344/418]
 14  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 14  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 14  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 14  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 14  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 14  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 14  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 14  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 14  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  0  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  0  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  1  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0                                                 [326/418]
  1  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  1  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  1  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  1  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  1  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  1  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  1  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  1  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  1  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  1  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  1  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  2  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  2  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  2  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  9  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0                                                 [305/418]
  9  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  9  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  9  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  9  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  9  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  9  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  9  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  9  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  9  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  9  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  9  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 11  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 11  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 11  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 11  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  1  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  1  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  4  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  4  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  4  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  4  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  4  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  4  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 3  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0                                                 [278/418]
  3  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  3  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  3  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  3  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  3  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  3  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  3  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  8  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  8  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  8  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  8  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  8  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  8  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  8  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  8  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  8  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  8  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  8  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  8  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  7  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  7  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  0  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  0  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 14  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 14  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 14  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 14  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 14  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 14  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 14  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 14  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 14  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 14  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 11  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 11  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 11  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 11  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 12  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 12  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 12  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 13  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 13  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 13  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 14  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0                                                 [221/418]
 14  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  7  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  7  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  7  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  7  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  7  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  7  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  7  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  7  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  7  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  7  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 13  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 13  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 13  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 13  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 13  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 13  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 13  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 13  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 13  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  6  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  6  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  6  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  6  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  6  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  6  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  6  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  6  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  6  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  4  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  4  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  4  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  7  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  7  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 14  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 14  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 14  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 14  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 14  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 14  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  0  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0                                                 [170/418]
  0  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  0  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  0  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 14  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 14  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 14  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 14  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 14  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 14  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 14  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 14  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 15  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 15  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 15  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 15  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 15  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 15  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 14  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 14  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 14  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 14  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 14  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0                                                 [138/418]
 14  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 14  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 15  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 15  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 15  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 15  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 15  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 15  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 13  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 13  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 13  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 13  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 13  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 13  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 13  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 13  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 13  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 13  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 13  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 13  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 15  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 15  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 15  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  3  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  3  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  7  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  7  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 11  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 11  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  3  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  3  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  1  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  1  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  2  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  2  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  2  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 11  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 11  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 13  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 13  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0 
 13  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 13  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 13  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 13  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  3  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0                                                [86/418]
  3  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  5  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  5  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  5  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  0  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  0  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 15  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 15  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 15  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  0  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  0  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  0  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  0  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  3  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  3  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  8  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  8  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  8  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  2  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  2  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  2  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  4  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  4  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  4  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  4  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  4  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  9  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  9  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  9  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  9  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  9  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0                                                                                                                                        9  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0                                                                                                                                        3  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  3  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  5  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  5  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  5  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 15  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 15  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 15  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  5  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  5  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  5  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  1  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  1  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 14  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0                                                                                                                              [24/410]
 14  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 15  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 15  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 15  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 14  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 14  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 15  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 15  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 15  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 14  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 14  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 12  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 12  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 12  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 12  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 12  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 12  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  3  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  3  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  3  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  3  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 11  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 11  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 11  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 11  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 11  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 11  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 11  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 11  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  4  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  4  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  4  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  4  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  4  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  4  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 12  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 12  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 12  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
 10  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
 10  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
 10  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  0  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  0  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  0  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  0  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
  0  36541            check_slaac_ip:return                 0
  0  36521       check_dhcpv6_dyn_ip:return                 0
  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return                 0
sjorge commented 4 years ago

That was captured during boot and trying to load an ipv6 webpage

jasonbking commented 4 years ago

That first success is actually interesting... maybe try this (hopefully no bugs):

#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
ipnospoof_check_v6:entry { self->addr = args[2]; }
ipnospoof_check_v6:return { printf("addr = %s ret = %lld\n", inet_ntoa6((struct in6_addr *)self->addr), (long long)arg1); }
sjorge commented 4 years ago
dtrace: failed to compile script ./930.d: line 3: self->adds has not yet been declared or assigned
jasonbking commented 4 years ago

I corrected it since autocorrect was so unhelpfully altering the code.. try it again..

sjorge commented 4 years ago
[root@boron ~]# ./930.d
dtrace: script './930.d' matched 2 probes
CPU     ID                    FUNCTION:NAME
  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = :: ret = 1

  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = :: ret = 1

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = :: ret = 1

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

  5  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  6  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  6  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

  9  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 10  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 10  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 10  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

 10  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 10  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 10  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  5  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  5  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  5  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  6  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

  6  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  9  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  9  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  9  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  9  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 10  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 13  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  5  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 15  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

  5  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 10  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

 10  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  9  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 13  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  4  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

  5  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 10  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 10  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  8  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  8  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  5  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  5  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  5  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  5  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  6  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  9  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  9  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

  2  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

  2  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

 10  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

 10  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  6  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

  4  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  5  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  4  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 13  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  9  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 12  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 15  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 15  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 15  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  5  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  8  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  4  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  9  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  9  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

  4  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  9  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  9  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  2  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  8  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 10  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  4  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 12  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

  8  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  8  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  9  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 12  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 12  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 12  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  6  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 12  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 13  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 12  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

  8  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  5  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 15  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  4  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

 15  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 15  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 15  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

 15  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

 15  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

 11  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 12  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 12  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

 12  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  0  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  9  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  9  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 10  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  2  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  2  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  2  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  2  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  5  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 15  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

 14  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

  5  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  4  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  6  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  8  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  8  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  9  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  1  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  2  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  4  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

  4  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  4  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  7  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8 ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  3  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  4  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  4  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  9  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

  9  36559        ipnospoof_check_v6:return addr = fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d ret = 0

Those addresses are indeed what I have in the vm:

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> ipconfig

Windows IP Configuration

Ethernet adapter Ethernet:

   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
   IPv6 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d
   Temporary IPv6 Address. . . . . . : 2001:xxx:xxxx:10:95bc:7145:6f6f:c8d8
   Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::3968:b0fa:f23d:e99d%17
   IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
   Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : fe80::222:6ff:fe0a:1%17
jasonbking commented 4 years ago


#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s

sdt::intercept_dhcpv6_inbound: {}
sdt::intercept_dhcpv6_outbound: {}
sdt::insert_slaac_ip:generated-addr { trace(inet_ntoa6(arg0)) }
sjorge commented 4 years ago
dtrace: failed to compile script ./930-2.d: line 5: inet_ntoa6( ) argument #1 is incompatible with prototype:
    prototype: in6_addr_t *
     argument: int64_t
sjorge commented 4 years ago
1435static boolean_t
1436insert_slaac_ip(avl_tree_t *tree, in6_addr_t *token, slaac_addr_t *addr)
1438    uint_t      i;
1439    avl_index_t where;
1440    in6_addr_t  *prefix = &addr->sla_prefix;
1441    in6_addr_t  *in6p = &addr->sla_addr;
1443    bcopy(prefix, in6p, sizeof (struct in6_addr));
1445    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
1446        in6p->s6_addr32[i] = token->s6_addr32[i] |
1447            in6p->s6_addr32[i];
1448    }
1450    DTRACE_PROBE1(generated__addr, in6_addr_t *, in6p);
1452    if (avl_find(tree, addr, &where) != NULL)
1453        return (B_FALSE);
1455    avl_insert(tree, addr, where);
1456    return (B_TRUE);

I think we want arg1 here?

Edit: same error, so I guess not.

sjorge commented 4 years ago

I removed the net_ntoa6() so it just trace(arg0), that printed nothing.

[root@boron ~]# ./930-2.d
dtrace: script './930-2.d' matched 9 probes
jasonbking commented 4 years ago

What specific method are you using to obtain the IPv6 address?

sjorge commented 4 years ago

In this case just slaac, with dns server over dhcpv6 (so no addresses via dhcpv6) Not even sure windows 10 will query the dhcpv6 for DNS.

But the addresses in the ipconfig are slaac.

From what it looks like windows first tries to reach the internet via the temp address and then switch to the normal one afterwards (probably as a fallback)

jasonbking commented 4 years ago

It was probably args[0] -- but doesn't really matter since the probes weren't triggered.

IIUC, it should be detecting and adding the SLAAC address -- which should happen via the insert_slaac_ip function -- but since that isn't happening (the generated-addr probe didn't fire), it seems like it's not detecting that at all. I'll need to dig a bit more to understand how it does that.

jasonbking commented 4 years ago

Maybe broaden our scope a bit... see which of these fires..

#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
::intercept_dhcpv6_inbound: {}
::intercept_dhcpv6_outbound: {}
::insert_slaac_ip: {}
::insert_slaac_prefix: {}
::intercept_prefix_info: {}
::intercept_ra_inbound: {}
sjorge commented 4 years ago
CPU     ID                    FUNCTION:NAME
  0  36536  intercept_dhcpv6_outbound:entry
  0  36537 intercept_dhcpv6_outbound:return

Oddly enough it also returns the above if I disable the dhcpv6 server. It gets the slaac address in both cases and also DNS, so I'm not even sure windows 10 needs dhcpv6.

jasonbking commented 4 years ago

If the VM is sending out a DHCPv6 query, then it would make sense -- that's capturing the outbound traffic. From what I can tell, the address restriction bits act somewhat analogous to a very small stateful firewall in that it tracks the outbound requests and responses. So it looks at the inbound and outbound DHCP packets, and a valid DHCP server response adds the IP to the allowed list of the VM. It does look like I missed a probe in the above script which might help as well, so another one to try:

#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
::intercept_dhcpv6_inbound: {}
::intercept_dhcpv6_outbound: {}
::insert_slaac_ip: {}
::insert_slaac_prefix: {}
::intercept_prefix_info: {}
::intercept_ra_inbound: {}
::ipnospoof_check_ndp: {}
sjorge commented 4 years ago
dtrace: script './930-2.d' matched 32 probes
CPU     ID                    FUNCTION:NAME
  3  36560        ipnospoof_check_ndp:entry
  3  36561       ipnospoof_check_ndp:return
  3  36536  intercept_dhcpv6_outbound:entry
  3  36537 intercept_dhcpv6_outbound:return
  3  36560        ipnospoof_check_ndp:entry
  3  36561       ipnospoof_check_ndp:return
  3  36536  intercept_dhcpv6_outbound:entry
  3  36537 intercept_dhcpv6_outbound:return
  8  36560        ipnospoof_check_ndp:entry
  8  36561       ipnospoof_check_ndp:return
  8  36536  intercept_dhcpv6_outbound:entry
  8  36537 intercept_dhcpv6_outbound:return
sjorge commented 4 years ago

As mentioned on IRC:

bahamat commented 4 years ago

Some additional info here.

Maybe what we're looking at here is simply that addrconf gets ignored for kvm/bhyve?

The link properties are the same though.

# dladm show-linkprop -p dynamic-methods
LINK         PROPERTY        PERM VALUE          DEFAULT        POSSIBLE
e1000g0      dynamic-methods rw   --             --             dhcpv4,dhcpv6,slaac,
sdc_underlay0 dynamic-methods rw  --             --             dhcpv4,dhcpv6,slaac,
net0         dynamic-methods rw   dhcpv4,dhcpv6, --             dhcpv4,dhcpv6,slaac,
                                  slaac                         addrconf 
net0         dynamic-methods rw   dhcpv4,dhcpv6, --             dhcpv4,dhcpv6,slaac,
                                  slaac                         addrconf 
net0         dynamic-methods rw   dhcpv4,dhcpv6, --             dhcpv4,dhcpv6,slaac,
                                  slaac                         addrconf 
net0         dynamic-methods rw   dhcpv4,dhcpv6, --             dhcpv4,dhcpv6,slaac,
                                  slaac                         addrconf 
eth0         dynamic-methods rw   dhcpv4,dhcpv6, --             dhcpv4,dhcpv6,slaac,
                                  slaac                         addrconf 
sjorge commented 4 years ago

But it was seeing the traffic right? So the layer underneath bhyve/kvm is aware of the addrconf configured address?

bahamat commented 4 years ago

@sjorge I'm not sure which "it" you mean.

Both kvm and bhyve receive neighbor-solicitations (because they happen over link-local addresses), and respond with neighbor-advertisements, which can be seen with tcpdump in the guest. But they don't always get all the way out.