Closed gschmutz closed 2 weeks ago
the solr instance has been changed to remove the commented lines (depends_on, volume mapping and command):
image: solr:9.3.0
container_name: dataverse-solr
hostname: dataverse-solr
labels: "solr"
com.platys.description: "Dataverse Platform SolR Instance"
# depends_on:
# - dataverse-solr-initializer
{%if use_timezone | default(false) %}
- TZ={{use_timezone}}
{% endif -%} {# use_timezone #}
- ./data-transfer:/data-transfer
- ./init/dataverse/solr:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
# - ./container-volume/dataverse/solr/data:/var/solr
# - ./container-volume/dataverse/solr/conf:/template
{%if use_timezone | default(false) %}
- "./etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro"
- "./etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"
{% endif -%} {# use_timezone #}
{%if logging_driver is defined and logging_driver and logging_driver in ('fluentd','loki','syslog','splunk') | default(false) %}
<<: *logging
{% endif -%} {# logging_driver is defined ... #}
# command:
# - "solr-precreate"
# - "collection1"
# - "/template"
restart: {{container_restart_policy}}
The standard way for creating and initializing the Solr instance for dataverse is to use a separate docker instance.
The challenge with this approach is that there is a need to volume map an external folder into both containers, with the benefit that a single docker-compose.yml holds all the info and there is nothing else needed.
We can remove the need for the
image and replace the functionality using the/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
folder to provide init scripts. This approach matches the way the CKAN solr instance is initialized.