Trixarian / NetherSX2-patch

Unofficial Patches for NetherSX2
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Possibility for USB Microphone Usage? #45

Open CyndelTango opened 4 months ago

CyndelTango commented 4 months ago

This is less an issue and moreso just coming up with an idea. There are a couple of games that use microphones for some actions in certain games, specifically a game called Life Line. It uses your microphone to be able to tell the main character what to do or where to go, kinda like a more high tech version of Zork, and is the primary way of controlling your character, and has no other options for controls, especially since the controller is used for something else entirely in the game.

Either way, from what I can tell and where I've been looking, microphone support was never added in the original release of Aether. Is there any way that we could add in microphone support, or is that something we would be unable to implement? Just thought I'd ask since the game is something I've been wanting to test for a while but never had the facilities to.

I know this is super niche, but it would be super fun to run. Any response, good or bad will be gladly received. Thanks in advance!

Trixarian commented 4 months ago

Lifeline was too ambitious for the technology it was made for, which is why commands generally end up being one worded Engrish phrases

While the PCSX2 core that AetherSX2/NetherSX2 uses should have the ability to use the Logitech USB Mic/Headset USB Port Device Type, I'm not sure how to expose it to the app itself so we can use it

This may be possible in the future, among other core changes, but for now this is where we are with it