Trixta187 / 187

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Chat app #1

Open Trixta187 opened 3 months ago

Trixta187 commented 3 months ago

This is difficult I'm one step ahead then 3 behind I'm just trying to get my app out there and help humanity. At the same time.

Trixta187 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi I really hope someone has the time and a little bit of patients just for glance at this comment I wanted to subscribe to the Google Console what worries me is I won't know enough and I'll just keep getting as far as I can and then I get errors please understand to get to where I am now my partner said it's roughly 18 months to just grasp the concept of app development obviously monetizing for the future of my apps but I'll leave a donations page a percentage will be going to mental health foundations particularly UPRAWR mental Health Foundation. Of course I would like to be able to come to Comfortably make a small amount of money for my effort because I asked some great ideas for some groundbreaking apps namely AI contributes or whatever it is trending. I must stress I pick things up pretty quick because I have qualifications in other areas but it and computers and technology is just starting to grab my attention and draw me in like an addiction I love gadgets and apps I can't tell you how much I rely on apps as to many many millions of people so if anyone can give me a bit of advice please I would really appreciate it any constructive criticism obviously I won't send money unless it was for a legitimate company I am just after some advice about how to use git and if anyone would like to collaborate on maybe one of my ideas and go forward as a team I would love to collab with anyone I'm a musician I edit sound and video and my goal is to now learn the future of technology if you read this thank you so much and then he feedback would be welcomed so gratefully thank you very much