Your adapter seems to use sentry for error reporting.
Please add a dedicated infomation about this feature at the head of
The standatrd text would be:
**This adapter uses Sentry libraries to automatically report exceptions and code errors to the developers.** For more details and for information how to disable the error reporting see [Sentry-Plugin Documentation](!
As you currently do not use the ioBroker sentry plugin (which works with too and does not require you either should switch to use the ioBroker sentry plugin OR adapt the text above to your situation, describing what data is recorded (i.e. IP addresses, uids, ...) AND implement a possibility for the user to block unwanted reporting (which is most likely required by data protection rules in moste countries).
Your adapter seems to use sentry for error reporting.
Please add a dedicated infomation about this feature at the head of
The standatrd text would be:
**This adapter uses Sentry libraries to automatically report exceptions and code errors to the developers.** For more details and for information how to disable the error reporting see [Sentry-Plugin Documentation](!
As you currently do not use the ioBroker sentry plugin (which works with too and does not require you either should switch to use the ioBroker sentry plugin OR adapt the text above to your situation, describing what data is recorded (i.e. IP addresses, uids, ...) AND implement a possibility for the user to block unwanted reporting (which is most likely required by data protection rules in moste countries).