TronLink / tronlink-extension

TronLink Chrome Extension
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Cannot ADD custom tokens under Shasta testnet #313

Open ustx opened 3 years ago

ustx commented 3 years ago

When trying to add a TRC20 token to Tronlink I get the message: "Sorry, we could not find this token". The token is correctly shown in Tronscan. Is there any workaround to this issue?

AVert commented 3 years ago

Same issue ((

ken-acdx commented 3 years ago

Same issue, push

kgara commented 2 years ago

Confirm same problem v3.23.1, up!

kgara commented 2 years ago

Probably a duplicate for

coder-mysea commented 2 years ago

Same issue

kypanz commented 2 years ago

Same issue

Dev-Topaz commented 2 years ago

You can check the condition of becoming a custom token in Shasta testnet.

timwoodward commented 2 years ago

Same issue in V3.24.0; smart contract deployed, verified, tested and fully functional externally and on TRONSCAN. Error message: "This is not a token contract. The custom token cannot be added."

ImanMousavi commented 2 years ago

Same issue :‑|

Francisundermoon commented 2 years ago

may i ask u guys how to get shasta test token

RachelRB commented 2 years ago

таже проблема

artureg commented 2 years ago

no one cares

artyomLisovskij commented 2 years ago

same here

Bereket-G commented 2 years ago

Same here

artyomLisovskij commented 2 years ago

for anyone who confused - you can still make txs on testnet via tronscan website Connect wallet, move cursor to your address on top right, choose "Send" from dropped menu

Bereket-G commented 2 years ago

@artyomLisovskij That's very helpful. Thanks a lot.

hy-net commented 1 year ago

Already 2022 and problem still persist. Any solution yet?

RohanPhpDev commented 1 year ago

same issue

CocDap commented 1 year ago

same issue

AlekseiBuzlov commented 1 year ago

Same issue and no response. very disappointed in TRON community. Telegram is filled with scammers, official app lack support nile testnet network as well as adding a custom trc20 token. It looks raw and far behind metamask app.

I guess a better solution would be to drop TRON and TRC20 over newer competitors on market and not waste time on whom makes nothing for community and product itself

jjthug commented 1 year ago

अभी भी बुरा है

filimonovmax commented 1 year ago

2023-03-14 17:55:02 UTC-4 the problem is still there very disappointing 😔

okusarobert commented 1 year ago

too bad for business

derpsol commented 1 year ago

We can make transaction with website. Go to and connect your wallet. If you move your mouse over the wallet address, there will appear all function of your wallet. You can choose send, receive etc. You can do anything you want with this. Don't have to add custom tokens or NFTs. I wish this could be helpful for you.

SergoKalandadze commented 1 year ago

2023 is now on - the problem persists.

tosstosstoss commented 1 year ago

This problem still exists

alichz2001 commented 1 year ago

still exists ...

mp285545974 commented 1 year ago

still exists

syamsoul commented 1 year ago

tron community is not good....

DairoPortillo commented 1 year ago

Use Nile testnet and you can see usdt token

ershad7 commented 11 months ago

Month October, year 2023, two years passed, the issue still exists, very disappointing community

rutvij-unlimit commented 8 months ago

We can make transaction with website. Go to and connect your wallet. If you move your mouse over the wallet address, there will appear all function of your wallet. You can choose send, receive etc. You can do anything you want with this. Don't have to add custom tokens or NFTs. I wish this could be helpful for you.

at the time of making transaction we need to add token

VajraK commented 4 months ago



jekabolt commented 4 months ago

still same 😅😢

trase8 commented 3 months ago


Joy91-Lin commented 3 months ago

still same!!!!!!!

PhakornKiong commented 2 months ago

Issue still exists

rnesytov commented 2 months ago


jesobreira commented 1 month ago

More than 3 years past, how can this still be a thing?

digorc commented 1 month ago

Issue still exists!

hadideveloper commented 1 month ago

The problem is NETWORK, I think it's searching the wrong network. It should be Shasta.
