TronLink / tronlink-extension

TronLink Chrome Extension
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JS crash and high CPU usage when visiting certain webpages #337

Open quetzalcoatl opened 2 years ago

quetzalcoatl commented 2 years ago


What happens:

Most probable cause(s):

Here you can see that is undefined, message is certainly coming from the WP webpage (origin, etc), and the contentScript will crash on the n.isTronLink (and similar below) because n is not checked against null/undefined. image

I was able to diagnose and trace it, but it took me:
(a) several weeks to stop blaming Chrome and notice that the problem is only related to WP
(b) and then several days to stop blaming WP and notice it's a problem with some of my local extensions
(c) and then, icing on the cake, I finally got irritated enough and it took about 3hrs to properly attribute problem to TronLink and debug&find the case
(btw. not an easy thing to do with the DeveloperTools constantly crashing due to CPU/MEM bottleneck).

It's not important that I wasted time, it's important how long it make take to notice things when you're just using the browser, and it's safe to assume that I'm on the furhter end of those more tech-savvy users of TronLink. For those less, it will be an unknown problem out of the blue sky.

At this moment, TronLink prevents normal browsing of WP pages, and also may cause problems with other pages where there are ad frames from WP. And any other page that dares to send a message with unset data field. Having such a tab opened causes a very high CPU usage, browser because less and less responsive, with no easily discoverable cause from the user's perspective, who may perceive it as a instability of the browser itself.

For those reasons, it'd call this bug a critical one.