Tropix126 / fluent-svelte

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Add `color` property to ProgressRing #43

Closed gspasov closed 2 years ago

gspasov commented 2 years ago

Before you start...


When adding ProgressRing to my SvelteKit project I was expecting the Ring to have the color that was showcased in the Docs. When going to the page I didn't even see the ProgressRing. Going to the Elements section of the dev tools I saw that the html was present, and there was a stroke color assigned from a variable (var(--fds-accent-default)), yet the circle had no color, hence it was invisible.

To add color I did the following:

<script lang="ts">
    import { ProgressRing } from "fluent-svelte";
    let circleElement: SVGCircleElement;

    $: if (circleElement) { = "red";

<ProgressRing size={50} bind:circleElement />

Which is basically going around the issue. Which is: How to set the color of the ring?

Alternative solutions

What I propose is to expose a variable called stroke on which the User can set the desirable color of the ProgressRing.

Maybe something like:

<script lang="ts">
   export let stroke: string | undefined = undefined;

    stroke-dashoffset={((100 - value) / 100) * circumference}

If stroke is a bit confusing you could go with color like so as well:

<script lang="ts">
   export let color: string | undefined = undefined;

    stroke-dashoffset={((100 - value) / 100) * circumference}

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Tropix126 commented 2 years ago

Are you importing the default theme file? It's needed to give components the correct styling through variables.

gspasov commented 2 years ago

Yup, this does it. But what if I wish to have the process ring in another color? What would be the best way to accomplish this?

Tropix126 commented 2 years ago

Yup, this does it. But what if I wish to have the process ring in another color? What would be the best way to accomplish this?

Either add a class to the ProgressRing and manually style it (note that classes on components need to be wrapped in :global()), or use style props:

<ProgressRing --fds-accent-default="red" />

Note that while the style props approach looks nicer in svelte, it will add an inline style and an extra <div> wrapper if you're okay with that.