TroubleInTerroristTown / Public

The game is about a group of "terrorists" who have traitors among them, out to kill everyone who's not a traitor.
GNU General Public License v3.0
93 stars 38 forks source link

When I check a body, the server laggy for 0.5 - 1 second #511

Open superblack4 opened 1 year ago

superblack4 commented 1 year ago


Please provide us a detailed account of the error and give us your perception of its severity (Did it make the game unplayable? Just laggy?). Please only report one bug per issue, otherwise we may close the issue without any feedback or fixes.

Server Details

Please provide us some details and specifications of the server you've encountered the bug on. This helps us narrow down specific issues as not all bugs are blanketed over multiple versions of SourceMod, MetaMod, etc.

TTT version: 2296 MM version: 1148 SM version: 6936

If you're also running any extensions, please list (sm exts list) them below:

[01] Automatic Updater ( Updates SourceMod gamedata files
[02] Webternet ( Extension for interacting with URLs
[03] Accelerator (2.5.0): SRCDS Crash Handler
[04] CSGO-ArmsFix (1.0): Fix glove overcap with custom arms
[05] Console Cleaner (1.3.0): Console warning suppressor
[06] GameUI Lag Fix (0.1): Prevents adding FL_ONTRAIN flag to game_ui
[07] Hook Sound Messages (0.4): Hook Sound NetMessages
[08] SDK Tools ( Source SDK Tools
[09] BinTools ( Low-level C/C++ Calling API
[10] Nav File Download Blocker (1.0): Blocks the server navigation files from being downloaded by the client.
[11] CS Tools ( CS extended functionality
[12] Top Menus ( Creates sorted nested menus
[13] GeoIP ( Geographical IP information
[14] SDK Hooks ( Source SDK Hooks
[15] <OPTIONAL> file "geoipcity.ext.dll": The specified module could not be found.

[16] Regex ( Provides regex natives for plugins
[17] Client Preferences ( Saves client preference settings
[18] SQLite ( SQLite Driver
[19] DHooks (2.2.0-detours16): Dynamic Hooks
[20] SteamWorks Extension (1.2.3): Exposes SteamWorks functions to Developers
[21] SMJansson (2.6.0/1): JSON parser/writer
[22] SoundLib2 (0.1): Sound Info Library
[23] <OPTIONAL> file "vphysics.ext.dll": The specified module could not be found.

[24] <OPTIONAL> file "steamtools.ext.dll": The specified module could not be found.

[25] <OPTIONAL> file "curl.ext.dll": The specified module could not be found.

[26] <OPTIONAL> file "socket.ext.dll": The specified module could not be found.

[27] MySQL-DBI ( MySQL driver implementation for DBI

If you're also running any other plugins, please list (sm plugins list) them below:

  001 "Admin File Reader" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  002 "Admin Help" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  003 "Admin Menu" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  004 "[CSGO] Advanced Admin" (1.7.1) by PeEzZ
  005 "Anti-Flood" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  006 "Basic Ban Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  007 "Basic Chat" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  008 "Basic Comm Control" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  009 "Basic Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  010 "Basic Info Triggers" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  011 "Basic Votes" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  012 "Connect Announce" (1.8) by Arg!
  013 "[ANY] Chat-Processor" (2.3.0) by Drixevel
  014 "[Any] Chat Logging Redux + RTF Support" (1.1.2) by McFlurry, Keith Warren (Shaders Allen)
  015 "Client Preferences" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  016 "Connect Announcer" (1.0) by sneaK
  017 "Flashlight" (1.3.63) by Mitch
  018 "CS:GO Movement Unlocker" (1.0) by Peace-Maker
  019 "Fun Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  020 "Fun Commands X" (2.5) by Spazman0 and Arg!
  021 "Fun Votes" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  022 "Hitmarkers" (1.1) by Nano
  023 "List SourceMod Commands" (1.1) by denormal, shanapu
  024 "Map | Mod Configs" (v1.0) by BOT Benson
  025 "Map Music Control" (4.3.1) by Mitch, PŠΣ™ SHUFEN, Yuna (Multi Lang), PerfectLaugh (New Methods), CrazyKid (Testing), tilgep, koen, Snowy
  026 "Map Music Control Interface" (4.2.5) by Mitch, PŠΣ™ SHUFEN, PerfectLaugh (New Methods), CrazyKid (Testing), koen, tilgep
  027 "No Block" ( by sslice
  028 "BlockRadio" (1.0) by cra88y
  029 "Panorama - Timeleft" (1.0.1) by Fastmancz
  030 "Player Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  031 "sm_curse" (2.0.2) by Farbror Godis
  032 "Sound Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  033 "Block messages" (1.0.0) by Bara
  034 "CustomKeyValues" (1.0) by SlidyBat
  035 "No Weapon Fix" (3.2) by .#Zipcore
  036 "Trouble in Terrorist Town" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  037 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Blackout" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  038 "Trouble in Terrorist Town" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  039 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Bullets (Fire, Freeze, Poison)" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  040 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Buy Roles" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  041 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - C4 & Jihad" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  042 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Item: Clothes" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  043 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Crash Catcher" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  044 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Decoy Body" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  045 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Items: Decoy Teleporter" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  046 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Detective Bans" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  047 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Dna Scanner" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  048 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Drop Weapons" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  049 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Exojump" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  050 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Items: Fake Body" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  051 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Fake Name" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  052 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Glow" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  053 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Grabber Mod" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  054 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Haste Mode" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  055 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Items: Healthshot" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  056 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Hide Radar" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  057 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Hurtshot" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  058 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Items: Ice Knife" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  059 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Icons" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  060 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Items: ID" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  061 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Inventory" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  062 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Items: Ion Cannon" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by Jannik 'Peace-Maker' Hartung, AMXX version: A.F., Bara (CSGO port), TTT Contributors
  063 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Knockout" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  064 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Items: Martydom" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  065 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Items: Missiles" (good_live) by TTT Contributors
  066 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Models" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by Bara
  067 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Nightvision" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  068 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Overlays" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  069 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Hud" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  070 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Poison Smoke" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  071 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Radar" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  072 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Radio" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  073 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Items: Random Teleporter" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  074 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - RDM Manager" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  075 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Round End Sounds" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by Bara (& AbNeR_CSS)
  076 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Respawn" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  077 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Items: Revive" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  078 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Revolver" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  079 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Items: Shield" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  080 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Shop" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  081 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Silent AWP" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  082 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Spec Menu" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  083 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Sprint" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  084 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - SQL Manager" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  085 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Health/Hurt Stations" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  086 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Stats" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  087 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - TA-Grenade" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  088 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Talk Override" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  089 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Items: Taser" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  090 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Teleporter" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  091 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Tracer" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by & zipcore
  092 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Traitor Secrets" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  093 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Traitor Tester" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  094 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Tripmines" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  095 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Turret" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors &
  096 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Items: Wallhack" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  097 "Trouble in Terrorist Town - Items: Weapons" (1.11.2296.ba43df04) by TTT Contributors
  098 "CS:GO Turret Core" (1.0) by Tast - SDC Edited by Kento & e54385991
  099 "VPhysics Crash Avoider" (1.0.2) by c0rp3n
  100 "[UMC] Admin Menu" (3.7.1) by Previous:Steell,Powerlord - Current: Mr.Silence
  101 "[UMC] Ultimate Mapchooser Core" (3.7.1) by Previous:Steell,Powerlord - Current: Mr.Silence
  102 "[UMC] Echo Nextmap" (3.7.1) by Previous:Steell,Powerlord - Current: Mr.Silence
  103 "[UMC] End of Map Vote Warnings" (3.7.1) by Previous:Steell,Powerlord - Current: Mr.Silence
  104 "[UMC] End of Map Vote" (3.7.1) by Previous:Steell,Powerlord - Current: Mr.Silence
  105 "[UMC] Nominations" (3.7.1) by Previous:Steell,Powerlord - Current: Mr.Silence
  106 "[UMC] Player Limits" (3.7.1) by Previous:Steell,Powerlord - Current: Mr.Silence
  107 "[UMC] Rock The Vote" (3.7.1) by Previous:Steell,Powerlord - Current: Mr.Silence
  108 "Updater" (1.2.2) by GoD-Tony
  109 "VPhysics Crash Avoider" (1.0.2) by c0rp3n

Errors Logs

Please provide us with the SourceMod logs located under addons/sourcemod/logs/error_*.log that show us the issue. If your issue does not produce error logs, let us know.


## On Server Crash
Please provide us the latest accelerator crash id/url located under `addons/sourcemod/logs/accelerator.log`.

Your crash id/url

No crash
## Steps to Reproduce:
Please please us a detailed set of steps that can be used to reproduce this bug in a controlled environment. This will help us narrow down the source of the issue much faster.
