Open ThunderBirrddd opened 1 week ago
So in terms of the current plugin, it will only accept a base64 encoded url.
I think it's possible to pass through a jpeg as the image, its just that the current plugin wont support that.
If you look at the example I showed in the README:
playing = true
songtitle = Repeat After Me (Interlude)
artist = The Weeknd
volume = 86
album = After Hours
command = {"command": "next"}
albumart = /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEASABI ...
The albumart
section would change to something like so if there was jpg support:
albumart = http://someip/albumart/cover.jpg
This would mean that you would have to make the image url accessible over your local network (i.e you would have to run a small webserver serving the images) so that Homeassistant could read/resolve it.
In terms of complexity & flexibility, it's much easier to support having a base64 encoded url instead.
What media source are you using?
okay so i am using Shairport-hass,
- image:
name: "Airplay2 Cover"
image_topic: "airplay2/cover"
content_type: image/jpeg
this is written on shairport syncs github
PICT -- the payload is a picture, either a JPEG or a PNG. Check the first few bytes to see which
Is there any way I can convert it to base64?
NVM got it working as base64 encoded I think now how do I use this sensor.cover_base64 as album art??
this is the state of my base64 entity: MjAyNC0xMS0xMVQxODowNTo0OC4xMDkwOTUrMDA6MDA=
- platform: template
value_template: >
{% if states.image.airplay2_cover.state %}
{{ states.image.airplay2_cover.state | base64_encode }}
{% else %}
No Image Available
{% endif %}
friendly_name: "AirPlay2 Cover in Base64"
Hey, First of all thank you so much for this awesome add-on works flawlessly totally in love with this...
I had one question can I pass my album art as a jpeg?