TruckMovers / cordova-plugin-remote-injection

DEPRECATED: Cordova plugin to allow a remote site to interact with cordova's javascript APIs when loaded within a cordova app.
Apache License 2.0
91 stars 95 forks source link

Could not find cordova.js script tag. Plugin loading may fail. #9

Closed fevxie closed 8 years ago

fevxie commented 8 years ago


When I run plugin on cordova 6.3 , cordova android 5.2.1 with remote url which config like this

<content src="" />. 

The remote web page meet an error:

data:text/javascript;base64,ZnVuY3Rpb24gdGVzdCgpIHsKICAgIGFsZXJ0KCd0ZXN0Jyk7Cn0KLy8gUGxhdGZvcm06IGF…:1920 Could not find. Plugin loading may fail.

@bradleyjames Can you give me some advices.


bradleyjames commented 8 years ago

I may recall seeing something like this before but it was just an info message, not an actual error. Is cordova being injected or are you seeing a issue?

fevxie commented 8 years ago

As you said, It just an info message and the plugin work as expected. Still thanks for your work and quickly reply.