TrueCommerce / MermaidJS.Blazor

A simple MermaidDiagram component for Blazor.
MIT License
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Size issues on large diagrams #12

Open johankson opened 2 years ago

johankson commented 2 years ago

I created a quick and dirty fix for setting the height to 100% (instead of the calculated height). The issue was that large diagrams got a large height set to a specific number that made the rendering of the element to be pushed down a lot.

Did it on server side, but it could easily be moved to javascript if needed.

I reused my earlier hack :) with the SVG hook and simply applied a regex to replace the calculated height with 100%.

The questions are:

And since I suck at naming things, the attribute name is quite large. :)

<MermaidDiagram Definition="@diagramDefinition" 

And the naive, hacky implementation.

public async Task<string> OnSvgCreated(string svg)
    if (ForceHeightTo100Percent)
        var regex = new Regex("<svg[^>]*?height=([\"\'])?((?:.(?!\\1|>))*.?)\\1?");
        var match = regex.Match(svg);
        var g = match.Groups[2];
        svg = svg.Substring(0, g.Index) + "100%" + svg.Substring(g.Index + g.Length);

    if (SvgTransform != null)

        svg = SvgTransform(svg);

    return svg;