TrueHorse / Your-Items-To-New-Worlds

A Minecraft mod, that allows you to copy your items from one world to another.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Items disappear from Sophisticated Backpacks #5

Open MrProton657 opened 4 days ago

MrProton657 commented 4 days ago

Items disappear from Sophisticated Backpacks after import into the new world. With Travelers Backpacks mod they don't disappear, because of that it's not a big deal, but I still wanted to inform you.

Version 1.20.1 your_items_to_new_worlds-1.20- sophisticatedbackpacks-1.20.1-

TrueHorse commented 4 days ago

Thank you. Reports are always appreciated, especially when most people don't. (put anecdote here) 😉 Havn't looked at Minecraft code in a while, so I don't immediately have an idea, what the problem might be and unfortunately I also can't promise to make your effort of reporting it worth it by looking at it at some point, because I am currently not very interested in Minecraft modding. Sorry.

TrueHorse commented 3 days ago

Ok, looked at it and found the cause. For some reason SophisticatedBackpacks doesn't store the content of the backpack in the normal nbt tag called "tag", but in a seperate nbt called "contentsUuid" and I use a vanilla method to convert the nbt data to items, which of cause doesn't check that nbt. I could put a Mixin in so it does, even though I would like it more if SophBP would just conform with Minecraft conventions. Would be cleaner. But maybe they have a good reason. Still no promise I will implement it, but I will consider it. 😉