TrueMB / DiscordNotify

Connects your Discord Server with your Minecraft Server!
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[ISSUE] #10

Closed karamzyatina closed 2 years ago

karamzyatina commented 2 years ago

Good afternoon. When I write the *info command, velocity displays an error in the console: (I attach a screenshot)

The version of the spicord and dinotify plugins is the latest. Velocity version is the latest opera_ox1YxaO41s

karamzyatina commented 2 years ago

It also spams with errors of this type: opera_5YPECK2Z3U

TrueMB commented 2 years ago

So you are using velocity correct? Could you send me the whole latest.log?

karamzyatina commented 2 years ago

latest (2).log

TrueMB commented 2 years ago

Weird that the Prefix of the plugin isn't shown. Going to fix that in the future.

Your problem should be the missing/wrong Database Connection: {MySQL} Failed to start MySql (Could not create connection to database server. Attempted reconnect 10 times. Giving up.)

karamzyatina commented 2 years ago

opera_pH4oBxOAcB opera_OclmvKPPx4 Yes, indeed. I specified the wrong password for MySQL, but still the problem remained

TrueMB commented 2 years ago

This is a dev Version from my Discord. It should fix the first error. And maybe the second is a follow up. Not sure atm. Please test the version and let me know, if there is still an error.

karamzyatina commented 2 years ago


karamzyatina commented 2 years ago

You forgot velocity.json

karamzyatina commented 2 years ago

opera_W15OVu98WA .json, then the error opera_DAo3p5IQji but if you add velocity will still remain

TrueMB commented 2 years ago

Sometimes the velocity compiler just doing weird stuff... Thanks for letting me know about the missing JSON. So the first error disappears, only if the velocity json isn't in the jar? Or did it happen even after that?

Looking into the second error atm.

karamzyatina commented 2 years ago

No, if there is no json file, the plugin simply does not start. The server cannot load it and index it, this does not apply to the error at all, you just forgot to add it. I added it myself from the last version of the plugin, it only specifies the path to launch the plugin, you as the creator should know this.

When I launched the DEV version plugin, the errors did not disappear.

Sorry if I put it wrong, I use a translator from Russian to English.

TrueMB commented 2 years ago

Yes I know about the velocity.json, otherwise the official version wouldn't have worked :D The Velocity Compiler normally should generate a Config from this line:

But sometimes for some reason, it won't use the correct compiler to generate it.

I think I need to test it later at home, since my current environment doesn't allow me to test the versions.

TrueMB commented 2 years ago

Also, are you using IPv6 to connect to your server? Which Version of Spicord are you running? Does the first error appear after you run a command or after joining the server?

karamzyatina commented 2 years ago

No, I don't use IPv6. What is Picard? Yes, the first error in my last message with the screenshots attached to them appears when executing a command via discord.

TrueMB commented 2 years ago

Not Picard, Spicord :D This is a dependency, and you should have it installed. At least I saw it once in your log. But the exact Version would be interesting.

Which command are you trying to use through Discord?

karamzyatina commented 2 years ago

The latest version of Spicord. The commands are absolutely any, personally I use the *info command for the test. Here is my Spicord config: opera_yRqDv2muDo

((I erased the extra lines of explanation of the #text format so that the entire config fits into 1 screenshot)

TrueMB commented 2 years ago

Then this might be an Issue of Spicord itself. It seems to use the Bungeecord Class, even tho it is velocity. I am not sure atm, if this is a problem from my site using the API, or just a bug. Maybe @OopsieWoopsie can tell us something about it.

I will fix the second error later at home.

karamzyatina commented 2 years ago

Okay, thanks. I will be waiting for an update. If there are any more questions, I will definitely write to you. Thanks again for the detailed answer and help!

anvorgesa commented 2 years ago

The issue with you are having with Spicord is because you are using "snap" and it makes Spicord detect your server as BungeeCord instead of Velocity.

karamzyatina commented 2 years ago

Yes, indeed it was related to the snap plugin. Thank you very much! But the second error from the console has not gone anywhere, but the plugin now responds to commands!

TrueMB commented 2 years ago Could you try this version, if this fixed the error?