TrueOsiris / docker-vrising

Container for V-Rising dedicated server
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Can't apply server settings, potential volume definition issues #39

Closed TheDenast closed 1 year ago

TheDenast commented 1 year ago

First, of all, extremely sorry, I'm a Docker noob and quite possibly I messed up somewhere. I'm using docker-compose.yml in order to initialize the container and I've edited the volumes as the following:

      - './server:/home/denast/Docker/Vrising/server:rw'                                          
      - './data:/home/denast/Docker/Vrising/persistentdata:rw'

Where /home/denast/Docker/Vrising/server and /home/denast/Docker/Vrising/persistentdata are directories I've manually created on my machine.

Container has launched fine and I can connect to the server no problem, however it proceeded to ignore pesistentdata path and created a /home/denast/Docker/Vrising/data directory. I've then attempted to edit server settings in that data directory as suggested by readme, but they don't seem to get applied after restart. Particularly, server does not prompt the password that I've set in ServerHostSettings.json.

I've restarted the container with both sudo docker restart vrising and sudo docker-compose up -d, nothing happens. I've also edited docker-compose.yml to correct new "data" location to Vrising/data, no difference.

If I look at the process description with bpytop, it has the following flag: -persistentDataPath /mnt/vrising/persistentdata, directory /mnt/vrising/ does not exist on my machine.

Spent many hours tinkering and got nowhere, any ideas? I'll appreciate any help!

Metalrasputian commented 1 year ago

You've got your binds backwards I believe.

Should be:

  - '/home/denast/Docker/Vrising/server:/mnt/vrising/server:rw'
  - '/home/denast/Docker/Vrising/persistentdata:/mnt/vrising/persistentdata:rw'

The first (left) side of the colon is your HOST (the system running docker) directory you want to mount to. The second (right) side is where you want to mount it onto your CONTAINER (the docker container running on the host)

TheDenast commented 1 year ago

This worked! Many thanks, marking issue as resolved