TrueOsiris / docker-vrising

Container for V-Rising dedicated server
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Saving progress before restarting the server #57

Open DervilRus opened 6 months ago

DervilRus commented 6 months ago

Please tell me how to force save server progress before server restart?

On Windows, you could press CTRL-C for the server to save the current state, how can I do this? I just don’t want to set automatic saving very often.

TrueOsiris commented 6 months ago

For now, it's autosaving

I'm testing if I can do an rcon instruction via bash. If that's possible, this request is doable.

Killerherts commented 6 months ago

rcon instruction via bash. If that's possible, this request is doable.

we could need to do a web socket connection so we could call rcon directly. We would need to use python or some other language as this is a bit out of reach of bash

We could write something up with this module pretty easily. We would need to include it into our build along with py 3.10.

Killerherts commented 6 months ago

This person looks to have a much cleaner way of doing this. @TrueOsiris what do you think?

TrueOsiris commented 6 months ago
  1. that he is a better coder
  2. that I could add
ARG GORCON_MD5SUM="8601c70dcab2f90cd842c127f700e398"

# Install GoRcon
RUN curl -fsSL -o rconcli.tar.gz${GORCON_VERSION}/rcon-${GORCON_VERSION}-amd64_linux.tar.gz \
    && echo "${GORCON_MD5SUM}" rconcli.tar.gz | md5sum -c - \
    && tar -xf rconcli.tar.gz --strip-components=1 --transform 's/rcon/rcon-cli/g' -C /usr/bin/ rcon-${GORCON_VERSION}-amd64_linux/rcon

to the Dockerfile, like he does. I could also use that to make a proper container healthcheck. Interesting.

Killerherts commented 6 months ago
  1. that he is a better coder
  2. that I could add
ARG GORCON_MD5SUM="8601c70dcab2f90cd842c127f700e398"

# Install GoRcon
RUN curl -fsSL -o rconcli.tar.gz${GORCON_VERSION}/rcon-${GORCON_VERSION}-amd64_linux.tar.gz \
    && echo "${GORCON_MD5SUM}" rconcli.tar.gz | md5sum -c - \
    && tar -xf rconcli.tar.gz --strip-components=1 --transform 's/rcon/rcon-cli/g' -C /usr/bin/ rcon-${GORCON_VERSION}-amd64_linux/rcon

to the Dockerfile, like he does. I could also use that to make a proper container healthcheck. Interesting.

Yeah stumbled on it and figured I would atleast share