Truinto / ONI-Modloader-SimpleMods

OxygenNotIncluded Mods
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[CustomizeBuildings] Autosweeper can reach through farm tiles #65

Open Truinto opened 1 week ago

Truinto commented 1 week ago

Auto sweeper slider option and pickup through farm tile. There is a weird interaction in auto sweeper. If the auto sweeper slide option is set to enabled, the auto sweeper would be able to pickup and drop items through farm tile and hydroponic farm.

There seems to be no indication that this interaction is intended in any of the documentations. by LennyTheLing

Good point. I should probably write that down. Someone asked for this because plants wouldn't get recognized when the farm tile is at longer distances. The line of sight is measured to the center of the farm tile, which would be blocked by the edge of other farm tiles.

But I can see why this would be weird in other cases. I should make a on-off setting for that.