TruncateGame / Truncate

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Bug(?) in new rule for invalid attackers #254

Closed MrZander closed 5 months ago

MrZander commented 5 months ago


The new rule to allow invalid attackers seems to have a bug when selecting the "strongest" attacker. As you can see in the battle below, REF beat OR, despite it not being 2 characters longer. Instead, it used the length of OSFC to determine the character length for the attack. This feels like a bug, or at minimum, very misleading.


If this is intended, I'd suggest a different example than ENOUGH and EEX in the "What's New" tutorial. Something that illustrates this behavior.

bglw commented 5 months ago

Ah! That does indeed look like a bug, thanks for pointing that out! ❤️ Will fix that asap.

bglw commented 5 months ago

That has made it's way through to the production instance now so you shouldn't see it past your next refresh. Thanks again! 😄