TruncatedDinoSour /

Ari-web users comments & opinions
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Comment #3

Closed utterances-bot closed 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 2 years ago

Ari::web -> Comments

Comment about ari-web related topics

TruncatedDinoSour commented 2 years ago

Hello world!

FraSharp commented 2 years ago


TruncatedDinoSour commented 2 years ago

I forgot a license lol, added it few minutes ago :skull: Now it's licensed under WTFPL:

TruncatedDinoSour commented 2 years ago

New blog btw, sorry forgot to tell y'all lol:

TruncatedDinoSour commented 2 years ago

New blog:

killajoe commented 2 years ago

Your Blog is blowing up awesomeness !! minimalistic and personal.

oguzdeler commented 2 years ago

I like watermelons.

TruncatedDinoSour commented 2 years ago

@killajoe omg joe :D

TruncatedDinoSour commented 2 years ago

@oguzdeler a very fine choice in fruits

TruncatedDinoSour commented 2 years ago

btw forgot again, new blog: It's about this:


TruncatedDinoSour commented 2 years ago

New blog, my mother being an ✨asshole✨ again:

TruncatedDinoSour commented 2 years ago

More shit things happening to me today :)))))))))))))))))):

TruncatedDinoSour commented 2 years ago

New blog, fuck my classmate for outting me:

TruncatedDinoSour commented 2 years ago

Finally, something good:

TruncatedDinoSour commented 2 years ago

2 new blogs, took 2 tests lol: and

TruncatedDinoSour commented 2 years ago

Kinda an awkward-ish blog lol:

TruncatedDinoSour commented 2 years ago

New blog:

TruncatedDinoSour commented 2 years ago

!! New important blog:

TruncatedDinoSour commented 2 years ago

New blog about accessibility:

TruncatedDinoSour commented 2 years ago

New blog about being lgbt in lithuania, bullying and all that bs:

TruncatedDinoSour commented 2 years ago

!! Important changed to ari-web

TruncatedDinoSour commented 2 years ago

Apparently I have no charges to worry about but just in case I'll limit it

TruncatedDinoSour commented 2 years ago

Smokers are assholes, this has been going on for 3 fucking days already:

TruncatedDinoSour commented 2 years ago

A blog about the FASM assembler:

TruncatedDinoSour commented 2 years ago

TruncatedDinoSour commented 2 years ago

Forgot to make a blog about this:

TruncatedDinoSour commented 2 years ago

"You're too skinny" my ass

TruncatedDinoSour commented 2 years ago

Doubt y'all care but

TruncatedDinoSour commented 1 year ago

I forgot to post it again damn:

TruncatedDinoSour commented 1 year ago

I recently found out that my impersonator is a pedophile, omg, I hated him before, but now I hate him even more, the hate has not even doubled, it has been squared, imagine being a pedo and impersonating a teenager, jesus crist, disgusting, fuck him, pedos are fucking disgusting

TruncatedDinoSour commented 1 year ago

Modernism, a new blog about why modernism sucks:

TruncatedDinoSour commented 1 year ago

Imagine being in a normal family in 2022

TruncatedDinoSour commented 1 year ago

Leaving CollabVM

TruncatedDinoSour commented 1 year ago

My site this month at minumum got 16304.510157545103 visits (calculated using math, I don't track visit count)

Legacy blog: 4465.738564454891 times Main site: 8000 times Blog: 3838.771593090211 times

It's my average lol, still quite nice that 16k people visited it and it's still growing lol, sorry wanted to share :)

TruncatedDinoSour commented 1 year ago

Forgot to update about my blogs

Also, this is off-topic but like wouldn't it be so nice if python supported like:

await from (... coroutines ...)


yield from (... stuff ...)

Would make your code kinda nicer

TruncatedDinoSour commented 1 year ago

Maybe people will stop trying to replace C++ one day... hopefully /shrug

TruncatedDinoSour commented 1 year ago

Andrew Tate is genuinely so disgusting

ghost commented 1 year ago

Since most people don't know this comments website exists, you can add a button that inserts script tag

TruncatedDinoSour commented 1 year ago


My blog blocks js, well not anymore as of now (, but it might be reverted to block again in a month if it doesn't affect anything, so yeah, though, I could add like a link or something to this domain specifically. maybe in the navbar ot smt

TruncatedDinoSour commented 1 year ago

also, @user-take I don't currently merge PR because how netlify handles the billing for it so an issue is enough :)

TruncatedDinoSour commented 1 year ago

goddamn, scammers are a different breed of disappointment, I have begun to call them horsefuckers, a horsefucker is an online scammer who puts 0 effort into what they do, meaning 99% of them, other 1% of them are children.

TruncatedDinoSour commented 1 year ago

Heyo, I tried improving and clearifying some documentation about pricing, would be nice if y'all helped me fill it in to make it clear for both me and other confused users :D

Right now all I'm looking for is in the section Resources per namespace and in it there's an item called Network bandwidth/?, now I need to find the namespace which is used to calculate the 100GB soft limit of

kthxbye :)

TruncatedDinoSour commented 1 year ago

Also one more update, as per @user-take 's request I added a way for users to comment, but not in the way they asked, I added a link in the navabar for users to be redirected here

TruncatedDinoSour commented 1 year ago

A guide how to manually install alpine linux on any distribution livecd (x86_64 efi):

usernameeReal commented 1 year ago


killajoe commented 1 year ago

developers monologues? ;)

TruncatedDinoSour commented 1 year ago

Lollllllllllll @killajoe

TruncatedDinoSour commented 1 year ago

Guten tag @usernameeReal How's it going

TruncatedDinoSour commented 1 year ago why not you know

TruncatedDinoSour commented 1 year ago

Fun fact: I hate both doctors and psychiatrists