Open Trung0246 opened 1 year ago
Lots of great ideas.
FWIW, I occasionally wish to have a reroute node that can fork the input in two opposite directions, as a T junction. But it's purely to save a few pixels and increase the clarity a little. Like in this example:
But, right now, I only have two situations where it would be useful, out of a hundred nodes.
The complexity might be disproportionate compared to the gain.
Dude...this is an amazing bunch of nodes. Thank you!
Is there anyone that has a "pipe" syle bus node that allows one to add in an arbitrary number of inputs to a pipe and output that on the opposite end? all pipes and buses that I have found so far are pre-configured.
Reason I ask is this: I have a complex workflow (AegisFlow). It has several modules (as templates) to it, and I want to make a pipe that takes all the things one needs to pack up from module to module, and have a corresponding from node on the other end to accept that pipe. Issue is that I want to pass more than just the standard pipe stuff (model, vae, etc) and also pass images, seeds, sometimes text, etc, which are then wired into the next module.
I'd like to not have to use a different node for each, but rather have a final input that grows the inputs/outputs as you connect stuff (similar to how RGThree does the Bypass Repeater, f/e). That way, as the workflows change, I don't have to code new bus nodes.
Any ideas?
@aegis72 would Junction
solve that since it group data based on type?
It might :) I'm installing the nodes now and I'll try it. I've tried modifying the "tobasicpipe" in the impact nodes, and had some success, but I am not a Python wrangler so progress is slow...lots of trying stuff, having it not work, then trying again.
I was able to get a couple of image nodes working, then tried to add latent width/height, seed and broke it. Also, since everything is required, I HAVE to connect all the model/etc up. Tried moving everything to "optional" and that broke too LOL.
I'm a proverbial monkey on a typewriter here
Holy hell, what a GREAT node. A bit confusing at first to understand how the "offset" thing works, and also it would be SUPER cool if the node names, rather than using the type only, could use the label of the item to which it was connected (I wired them to preview nodes so I could tell which image was which by the name), and also to prevent having to rename in/out pins, as I like my users to know what connects to what by pin name. Perhaps a checkbox or a bool selection to choose "show types/show names" if such a thing is possible. Really though----OUTSTANDING work.
Hmm for name oriented pipe there's Highway
, and you can probably mix those two together by having a junction to accept a highway in one of it's input
Trying to figure out highway. I get the basic idea --- I put in >model;<model f/e, click update, and connect a node to it. But how do I add more inputs/outputs?
If I type something else in the "_query" box and update, it updates the first item in the list, even if it's connected. Is there documentation that shows how to get "multiple cars on the highway?"
Trying to figure out highway. I get the basic idea --- I put in >model;<model f/e, click update, and connect a node to it. But how do I add more inputs/outputs?
By provide more input/output pins. Something like >a;>b;>c;<d;<e
like in the demo workflow.
I'm also available in the official Matrix chat since this issue probably reserved for suggesting features only (scroll way down at for the chat room. Just ping me with same github name here.
thanks, i get it now...alll the desired ins and outs are done at the same time. Thank you and i'll head to chat if i can't get it figured out. I honestly don't know how you guys figured all this node dev stuff out. It's hard to even get basic info for comfy node dev and yet jupiter brains are out here making awesome stuff like this.
Junction Plus
at the top.Merge
to mergeHighway
to extract subset fromHighway
to ignore and skip some output ofJunction
by connecting to it and do nothing else.Hold
to temporary store data and pausing and display what being stored like certain node in another extension. Otherwise acts likeHighway
and will have two versions for this.