TrungNguyen1909 / qemu-t8030

iPhone 11 emulated on QEMU
1.98k stars 194 forks source link

Cannot boot emulator, kernel panic, thermalmonitord #35

Closed PabloGirol closed 2 years ago

PabloGirol commented 2 years ago

Im having this issue while booting a recently restored system

apfs_is_valid_class:2253: rejecting class open (class 2) because we're not content protected
handle_mount:627: vol-uuid: 3D9B78CD-479A-4DC6-ACE3-B6D84DC5166E block size: 4096 block count: 8388597 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 8.0.12)
handle_mount:640: setting dev block size to 4096 from 512
nx_volume_group_update:6634: Volume System is not in a volume group
apfs_vfsop_mount:2171: disk0s1s1:0 mounted volume: System
handle_revert_to_snapshot:5195: On next mount, volume will revert to snapshot '' w/snap xid 54
apfs_vfsop_unmount:2375: disk0s1: unmounting volume 'System'
apfs_vfsop_unmount:2406: waiting for cleaners to finish: purgatory 
apfs_stop_bg_work:1028: disk0s1s1:0 Volume System is unmounting, stop any bg work
tx_flush:1075: disk0s1 xid 323 tx stats: # 20 finish 22 enter 599 wait 2 209518us close 32us flush 315223us
apfs: total mem allocated: 12501875 (11 mb);
apfs_vfsop_unmount:2682: all done.  going home.  (numMountedAPFSVolumes 5)
revert_to_snapshot:1260: Reverting to snapshot w/xid 54 and old sblock oid 8259450.
revert_extents_to_snapshot:1093: free'ing extents in main extentref tree 8257872
free_allocated_snapshot_extents:1008: processed 0 extents and free'd 0 blocks
obj_cache_remove_reverted_fs_objects:1547: disk0s1s1:0 removing reverted fs objects for fs 1026: 55 - 326
revert_to_snapshot:1336: DONE reverting to snapshot w/xid 54
handle_mount:627: vol-uuid: 3D9B78CD-479A-4DC6-ACE3-B6D84DC5166E block size: 4096 block count: 8388597 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 8.0.12)
handle_mount:640: setting dev block size to 4096 from 512
nx_volume_group_update:6634: Volume System is not in a volume group
apfs_vfsop_mount:2171: disk0s1s1:0 mounted volume: System
apfs_vfsop_unmount:2375: disk0s1: unmounting volume 'System'
apfs: total mem allocated: 13116575 (12 mb);
apfs_vfsop_unmount:2682: all done.  going home.  (numMountedAPFSVolumes 5)
static IOReturn AppleMobileFileIntegrityUserClient::isCdhashInTrustCache(OSObject *, void *, IOExternalMethodArguments *): Process 170 is checking if a cdhash is in the trust cache
static IOReturn AppleMobileFileIntegrityUserClient::isCdhashInTrustCache(OSObject *, void *, IOExternalMethodArguments *): Returning IOReturn 0x0 to process 170
tx_flush:1075: disk0s1 xid 343 tx stats: # 40 finish 42 enter 3116 wait 6 281119us close 18us flush 354580us
tx_flush:1033: disk0s1 tx xid 344 took 1046026 us to sync and write superblock
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleANS2NVMeController
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleS5L8960XWatchDogTimer
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleSMC
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleT8030PMGR
panic(cpu 3 caller 0xfffffff009169144): userspace watchdog timeout: no successful checkins from since load
service returned not alive with context : is_alive_func returned unhealthy : current 400000000000, mask 7fffffffffff, expected 7fffffffffff.  SD: 1 Missing sensor(s): TG0B TG0V TP1A TP2C TP3R TP4H TP5d TP0Z Th0a Th0f Th0x Th1a Th1f Th1x Th2a Th2f Th2x Tc0a Tc0f Tc0x Tc1a Tc1f Tc1x Tc2a Tc2f Tc2x 
service:, total successful checkins since load (180 seconds ago): 19, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago
service:, total successful checkins since load (180 seconds ago): 17, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago
service:, total successful checkins since load (180 seconds ago): 19, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago
service:, no successful checkins since load (180 seconds ago)
service:, total successful checkins since load (180 seconds ago): 19, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago
service:, total successful checkins s
Debugger message: panic
Memory ID: 0x0
OS release type: Beta
OS version: 18A5351d
Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 20.0.0: Wed Aug 12 22:56:55 PDT 2020; root:xnu-7195.0.33~64/RELEASE_ARM64_T8030
Kernel UUID: FDDAF386-4EA2-35FC-8235-1F167AEFD6F3
iBoot version: qemu-t8030
secure boot?: YES
Paniclog version: 13
Kernel text base:  0xfffffff007004000
mach_absolute_time: 0x11ab03024
Epoch Time:        sec       usec
  Boot    : 0x62376f1f 0x000825ce
  Sleep   : 0x00000000 0x00000000
  Wake    : 0x00000000 0x00000000
  Calendar: 0x62376fe3 0x0008cccd

Total cpu_usage: 118819282
Thread task pri cpu_usage
0xffffffe19c0cd170 watchdogd 97 0
0xffffffe19c868000 backboardd 63 0
0xffffffe19c0cc5d0 thermalmonitord 37 0
0xffffffe19cb84000 watchdogd 31 105505
0xffffffe19cae68b0 lsd 31 4488402

Panicked task 0xffffffe19be98640: 242 pages, 5 threads: pid 52: watchdogd
Panicked thread: 0xffffffe19c0cd170, backtrace: 0xffffffe9c237b1e0, tid: 549
          lr: 0xfffffff007a2af48  fp: 0xffffffe9c237b220
          lr: 0xfffffff007a2ad48  fp: 0xffffffe9c237b290
          lr: 0xfffffff007b64940  fp: 0xffffffe9c237b2b0
          lr: 0xfffffff007b56e1c  fp: 0xffffffe9c237b370
          lr: 0xfffffff00811c5f4  fp: 0xffffffe9c237b380
          lr: 0xfffffff007a2aa30  fp: 0xffffffe9c237b700
          lr: 0xfffffff007a2aa30  fp: 0xffffffe9c237b760
          lr: 0xfffffff0097db9c0  fp: 0xffffffe9c237b780
          lr: 0xfffffff009169144  fp: 0xffffffe9c237b7a0
          lr: 0xfffffff009168e38  fp: 0xffffffe9c237b7c0
          lr: 0xfffffff00808cb78  fp: 0xffffffe9c237b820
          lr: 0xfffffff009168130  fp: 0xffffffe9c237b900
          lr: 0xfffffff00809a98c  fp: 0xffffffe9c237baa0
          lr: 0xfffffff007b25190  fp: 0xffffffe9c237bbc0
          lr: 0xfffffff007a30e9c  fp: 0xffffffe9c237bc20
          lr: 0xfffffff007a021d8  fp: 0xffffffe9c237bca0
          lr: 0xfffffff007a1d810  fp: 0xffffffe9c237bd60
          lr: 0xfffffff007b4a434  fp: 0xffffffe9c237be30
          lr: 0xfffffff007b57094  fp: 0xffffffe9c237bef0
          lr: 0xfffffff00811c5f4  fp: 0xffffffe9c237bf00

** Stackshot Succeeded ** Bytes Traced 115555 (Uncompressed 294176) **
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleANS2NVMeController
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleS5L8960XWatchDogTimer
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleSMC
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleT8030PMGR
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleANS2NVMeController
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleS5L8960XWatchDogTimer
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleSMC
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleT8030PMGR
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleANS2NVMeController
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleS5L8960XWatchDogTimer
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleSMC
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleT8030PMGR
wdog panic (attempt 1)
wdt_update: wdog reset chip

this is my startup script, which is the same which is found at Bringing Up The Emulator - Auto Boot section only added -noconsole -vnc :1 -k es

qemu-t8030/build/qemu-system-aarch64 -s -M t8030,trustcache-filename=Firmware/038-44135-124.dmg.trustcache,ticket-filename=root_ticket.der \
-kernel kernelcache.research.iphone12b \
-dtb Firmware/all_flash/DeviceTree.n104ap.im4p \
-append "debug=0x14e kextlog=0xffff serial=3 -v" \
-initrd 038-44135-124.dmg \
-cpu max -smp 4 \
-m 4G -serial mon:stdio \
-drive file=nvme.1,format=raw,if=none,id=drive.1 \
-device nvme-ns,drive=drive.1,bus=nvme-bus.0,nsid=1,nstype=1,logical_block_size=4096,physical_block_size=4096 \
-drive file=nvme.2,format=raw,if=none,id=drive.2 \
-device nvme-ns,drive=drive.2,bus=nvme-bus.0,nsid=2,nstype=2,logical_block_size=4096,physical_block_size=4096 \
-drive file=nvme.3,format=raw,if=none,id=drive.3 \
-device nvme-ns,drive=drive.3,bus=nvme-bus.0,nsid=3,nstype=3,logical_block_size=4096,physical_block_size=4096 \
-drive file=nvme.4,format=raw,if=none,id=drive.4 \
-device nvme-ns,drive=drive.4,bus=nvme-bus.0,nsid=4,nstype=4,logical_block_size=4096,physical_block_size=4096 \
-drive file=nvram,if=none,format=raw,id=nvram \
-device apple-nvram,drive=nvram,bus=nvme-bus.0,nsid=5,nstype=5,id=nvram,logical_block_size=4096,physical_block_size=4096 \
-drive file=nvme.6,format=raw,if=none,id=drive.6 \
-device nvme-ns,drive=drive.6,bus=nvme-bus.0,nsid=6,nstype=6,logical_block_size=4096,physical_block_size=4096 \
-drive file=nvme.7,format=raw,if=none,id=drive.7 \
-device nvme-ns,drive=drive.7,bus=nvme-bus.0,nsid=7,nstype=8,logical_block_size=4096,physical_block_size=4096 \
-monitor telnet:,server,nowait \
-nographic \
-vnc :1 -k es \
TrungNguyen1909 commented 2 years ago

Refer to Issue #33

PabloGirol commented 2 years ago

Still panicking disabling watchdog timeout solved the last one

because we're not content protected
tx_flush:1075: disk0s1 xid 476 tx stats: # 40 finish 40 enter 264 wait 3 3840us close 8us flush 354554us
apfs_is_valid_class:2253: rejecting class open (class 2) because we're not content protected
tx_flush:1033: disk0s1 tx xid 481 took 1421838 us to sync and write superblock
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleANS2NVMeController
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleS5L8960XWatchDogTimer
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleSMC
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleT8030PMGR
panic(cpu 1 caller 0xfffffff007b573d0): "Undefined kernel instruction: pc=0xfffffff007ac2fa0 instr=200820\n"
Debugger message: panic
Memory ID: 0x0
OS release type: Beta
OS version: 18A5351d
Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 20.0.0: Wed Aug 12 22:56:55 PDT 2020; root:xnu-7195.0.33~64/RELEASE_ARM64_T8030
Kernel UUID: FDDAF386-4EA2-35FC-8235-1F167AEFD6F3
iBoot version: qemu-t8030
secure boot?: YES
Paniclog version: 13
Kernel text base:  0xfffffff007004000
mach_absolute_time: 0x1e392886a
Epoch Time:        sec       usec
  Boot    : 0x62385f01 0x000da624
  Sleep   : 0x00000000 0x00000000
  Wake    : 0x00000000 0x00000000
  Calendar: 0x62386052 0x000517bc

Panicked task 0xffffffe19b955f40: 9023 pages, 117 threads: pid 0: kernel_task
Panicked thread: 0xffffffe19bf81d10, backtrace: 0xffffffe81a13b2f0, tid: 364
                  lr: 0xfffffff007a2af48  fp: 0xffffffe81a13b330
                  lr: 0xfffffff007a2ad48  fp: 0xffffffe81a13b3a0
                  lr: 0xfffffff007b64940  fp: 0xffffffe81a13b3c0
                  lr: 0xfffffff007b56e1c  fp: 0xffffffe81a13b480
                  lr: 0xfffffff00811c5f4  fp: 0xffffffe81a13b490
                  lr: 0xfffffff007a2aa30  fp: 0xffffffe81a13b810
                  lr: 0xfffffff007a2aa30  fp: 0xffffffe81a13b870
                  lr: 0xfffffff0097db97c  fp: 0xffffffe81a13b890
                  lr: 0xfffffff007b573d0  fp: 0xffffffe81a13b950
                  lr: 0xfffffff00811c5f4  fp: 0xffffffe81a13b960
                  lr: 0xfffffff007abd1fc  fp: 0xffffffe81a13bd30
                  lr: 0xfffffff007abd1fc  fp: 0xffffffe81a13bdb0
                  lr: 0xfffffff007abee88  fp: 0xffffffe81a13be10
                  lr: 0xfffffff007afe250  fp: 0xffffffe81a13be70
                  lr: 0xfffffff007afdf74  fp: 0xffffffe81a13bf00
                  lr: 0xfffffff00812495c  fp: 0x0000000000000000

** Stackshot Succeeded ** Bytes Traced 124692 (Uncompressed 319968) **
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleANS2NVMeController
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleS5L8960XWatchDogTimer
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleSMC
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleT8030PMGR
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleANS2NVMeController
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleS5L8960XWatchDogTimer
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleSMC
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleT8030PMGR
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleANS2NVMeController
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleS5L8960XWatchDogTimer
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleSMC                       IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleT8030PMGR                 wdog panic (attempt 1)
wdt_update: wdog reset chip
TrungNguyen1909 commented 2 years ago

That one is a really rare issue that I haven't encountered to bother implementing that.

The fault instruction is documented at Asahi Linux wiki

It is totally possible to implement this one. However, I haven't found a way to reliably reproduce this. Does that panic happens constantly?

PabloGirol commented 2 years ago

Looks like it happens constantly actually

OfficiallyMelon commented 2 years ago

Looks like it happens constantly actually

Found Any Fix?

TrungNguyen1909 commented 2 years ago

@Bhood23 Can you copy the log up here again?

OfficiallyMelon commented 2 years ago

@Bhood23 Can you copy the log up here again?

After A restart a couple of times it booted with no errors Up on my Windows PC with WSL im planning to copy it over to My Android device with Termux I will See if i get any more errors (:

Also Thanks For Making This Project (:

OfficiallyMelon commented 2 years ago

@Bhood23 Can you copy the log up here again? During The Restore I Get This Heres My Log:

root1@DESKTOP-GRME42H:~$ cd ios/iphone root1@DESKTOP-GRME42H:~/ios/iphone$ qemu-t8030/build/qemu-system-aarch64 -s -M t8030,trustcache-filename=Firmware/038-44135-124.dmg.trustcache,ticket-filename=root_ticket.der \

-kernel kernelcache.research.iphone12b \ -dtb Firmware/all_flash/DeviceTree.n104ap.im4p \ -append "debug=0x14e kextlog=0xffff serial=3 -v wdt=-1" \ d 038-44> -initrd 038-44135-124.dmg \ -cpu max -smp 4 \ -m 4G -serial mon:stdio \ -drive file=nvme.1,format=raw,if=none,id=drive.1 \ -device nvme-ns,drive=drive.1,bus=nvme-bus.0,nsid=1,nstype=1,logical_block_size=4096,physical_block_size=4096 \ -drive file=nvme.2,format=raw,if=none,id=drive.2 \ -device nvme-ns,drive=drive.2,bus=nvme-bus.0,nsid=2,nstype=2,logical_block_size=4096,physical_block_size=4096 \ file=nv> -drive file=nvme.3,format=raw,if=none,id=drive.3 \ -device nvme-ns,drive=drive.3,bus=nvme-bus.0,nsid=3,nstype=3,logical_block_size=4096,physical_block_size=4096 \ -drive file=nvme.4,format=raw,if=none,id=drive.4 \ -device nvme-ns,drive=drive.4,bus=nvme-bus.0,nsid=4,nstype=4,logical_block_size=4096,physical_block_size=4096 \ -drive file=nvram,if=none,format=raw,id=nvram \ -device apple-nvram,drive=nvram,bus=nvme-bus.0,nsid=5,nstype=5,id=nvram,logical_block_size=4096,physical_block_size=4096 \ -drive file=nvme.6,format=raw,if=none,id=drive.6 \ -device nvme-ns,drive=drive.6,bus=nvme-bus.0,nsid=6,nstype=6,logical_block_size=4096,physical_block_size=4096 \ -drive file=nvme.7,format=raw,if=none,id=drive.7 \ -device nvme-ns,drive=drive.7,bus=nvme-bus.0,nsid=7,nstype=8,logical_block_size=4096,physical_block_size=4096 \ -monitor telnet:,server,nowait Loading iOS 14.0... kernel_low: 0xfffffff004000000 kernel_high: 0xfffffff00a4cd4f0 KPF: found apfs_vfsop_mount KPF: found handle_eval_rootauth KPF: Found AMFI hashtype check kpf_amfi_callback: Found AMFI (Leaf) kpf_amfi_callback: start @ 0xfffffff007b5d718 kpf_amfi_callback: Found lookup_in_static_trust_cache KPF: Found mac_mount KPF: Found mac_mount kpf_amfi_callback: Found AMFI (Routine) kpf_amfi_callback: start @ 0xfffffff0097edcb8 kpf_amfi_callback: Found lookup_in_trust_cache_module KPF: Found AppleKeyStoreUserClient::handleUserClientCommandGated Qemu FB realize g_virt_base: 0xfffffff004000000 g_phys_base: 0x0000000802000000 entry: 0x00000008061204e8 boot_mode: 0 auto-boot=false cmdline: [-restore rd=md0 nand-enable-reformat=1 -progress debug=0x14e kextlog=0xffff serial=3 -v wdt=-1] VNC server running on iBoot version: qemu-t8030 Darwin Image4 Validator Version 3.0.0: Wed Aug 12 22:19:21 PDT 2020; root:AppleImage4- AMFI is running in RESEARCH mode! AUC:[0xffffffe19bb807e0]::init(0xffffffe19bbb6210)

AUC:[0xffffffe19bb807e0]::probe(0xffffffe19b94e3a0, 0xffffffe80847bdac)

AppleCredentialManager: init: called, instance = . ACMFirstResponderKernelService: init: called, . ACMRM-S: init: called, starting PersistentStore service. ACMRM-C: init: called, starting AccessoryCache service. ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: acc-cache size = 16 (default). ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: acc-cache expiration = 2592000 (default). ACMRM: init: called, starting TRM service. ACMRM-A: init: called, starting TRM Analytics service. ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: analytics collection period = 86400 (default). ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: policy mode timeout = 259200 (default). ACMRM-A: notifyStandardModeTimeoutChanged: called, value = 259200 (modified = YES). ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: (bounded) grace period timeout = 3600 (default). ACMRM-A: notifyGracePeriodTimeoutChanged: called, value = 3600 (modified = YES). ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: enabled = 1 (default). ACMRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=YES] (mask=0, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO LegHW=NO OSEnv=NO | MngCo=NO DwnOS=NO ChkBd=NO coGSw=NO). ACMRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=YES] (mask=0, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO LegHW=NO OSEnv=NO | MngCo=NO DwnOS=NO ChkBd=NO coGSw=NO). ACMRM: _loadDisabledByOSEnvironment: disabled by OSEnvironment: NO. ACMRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=YES] (mask=0, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO LegHW=NO OSEnv=NO | MngCo=NO DwnOS=NO ChkBd=NO coGSw=NO). ACMRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: set TRM_PolicyTimeout = 259200. ACMRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: sending kIOMessageServicePropertyChange(n=1) while DISABLED, TRM: 259200 -/ff 4294967295 -/ff miss=ff (CUR: 259200 -/ff 4294967295 -/ff). AppleCredentialManager: init: returning, result = true, instance = . AppleARMBootPerf: Error: profile region not found (2) AppleARMBootPerf: Error: failed to publish profile data (2) virtual bool CoreAnalyticsHub::start(IOService )::105:CoreAnalyticsHub start AppleSSE::start called AppleSSE::start returning, result = 1 AUC:[0xffffffe19bb807e0]::start(0xffffffe19b94e3a0)

AppleInterruptController::start: Num Shared Timestamps == 0 virtual bool AppleARMLightEmUp::start(IOService *): starting... AppleSEPKeyStore:321:0: starting (BUILT: Aug 12 2020 22:51:30) AppleSEPKeyStore:545:0: _sep_enabled = 1 AppleCredentialManager: start: called, instance = . ACMRM: _publishIOResource: AppleUSBRestrictedModeTimeout = 259200. AppleGPIOICController::start: this: , _gpioicBaseAddress: 000003.396868 wlan0.A[1] start@968:Default options property found with value 4 Creating an object of AppleBCMWLANPlatformFunctionEmbeddedAMFM class 000003.505550 wlan0.A[2] start@1401: Raised adjustBusy(+1), getBusyState() -> 1 000003.506928 wlan0.A[3] start@1403:Setting up notifier for CoreAnalyticsHub AppleS5L8960XUSBPhy::start: hsic disabled AppleCredentialManager: start: initializing power management, instance = . AppleCredentialManager: start: started, instance = . AppleCredentialManager: start: returning, result = true, instance = . AppleGPIOICController::start: this: , _gpioicBaseAddress: AppleS8000AES::start: registers at phys:0x0x235008000/0x0x23d2d0000 virt:0x/0x0x4000 / 0x/0x0x4000 AppleGPIOICController::start: this: , _gpioicBaseAddress: 000003.722142 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::prepareDefaults: model iPhone version 12.1 AppleA7IOPNub: withRegistryEntry, 47: allocated nub Identified Serial Port uart7 at 0x23521c000() Identified Serial Port uart0 at 0x235200000()

AppleA7IOPNub: withRegistryEntry, 47: allocated nub

RTBuddy(SMC): start() - (Aug 12 2020@22:50:37) AppleA7IOPNub: withRegistryEntry, 47: allocated nub RTBuddy(SMC): Boot args override: wdt = -1

RTBuddy(SMC): Resuming...

RTBuddy(SIO): start() - (Aug 12 2020@22:50:37) RTBuddy(ANS2): start() - (Aug 12 2020@22:50:37) RTBuddy(SIO): Boot args override: wdt = -1 LPM state clear Starting AppleSMC kext() - (Aug 12 2020@22:51:44) 000004.133245 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_handleUSBCableConnect: cable connected, but don't have device configuration yet AppleSMCEmbedded::setPowerState(): ENTER powerStateOrdinal=1, _activeKeyCommand=0 newState=1 RTBuddy(ANS2): Boot args override: wdt = -1 000004.150570 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_handleUSBCableConnect: cable connected, but don't have device configuration yet LPM: Log data is NOT valid. 0x0 0x0 AppleDialogSPMIPMU::start: Primary PMU detected RTBuddy(ANS2): Resuming...

AppleARMRTC started!##### virtual IOService AppleANS2NVMeController::probe(IOService , SInt32 *)::194:Found (ANS2) provider, returning score 100000 AppleDialogSPMIPMURTC started!** Failed to read info-leg_scrpadAppleDialogSPMIPMURTC tick read!&&&&&&& AppleDialogSPMIPMURTC ending!%%% void AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::GetRestoreEnvironment()::444:Restore Environment! virtual bool AppleANS2NVMeController::start(IOService )::394:Found the ANS2Endpoint1 void AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::GetRestoreEnvironment()::444:Restore Environment! bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::SetNamespacesStruct()::186:Obtained 7 namespaces from DT virtual IOFilterInterruptEventSource AppleANS2NVMeController::CreateDeviceInterrupt(IOInterruptEventSource::Action, IOFilterInterruptEventSource::Filter, IOService *)::2719:ANS2 NVMe interrupt index - 0x4 AppleARMRTC registering service!@@@@@@ /Library/Caches/ _setPowerStateGated() ENTER powerStateOrdinal=1, _powerState=1 AppleARMRTC service registered!$$$$$ AppleARMRTC publishing service!^^^^^^ apfs_module_start:2411: load:, v1677.0.5, apfs-1677.0.5, 2020/08/12 kmod start apfs_sysctl_register:1253: done registering sysctls. load succeeded L2TP domain init L2TP domain init complete Load request for failed: -603946998 BSD root: md0, major 3, minor 0 apfs_vfsop_mountroot:2188: apfs: mountroot called! virtual IOReturn IONVMeController::CreateSubmissionQueue(uint16_t, uint8_t)::2886:SQ index=0 entrysize=64 apfs_vfsop_mount:1745: unable to root from devvp (root_device): 2 apfs_vfsop_mountroot:2192: apfs: mountroot failed, error: 2 virtual IOReturn IONVMeController::CreateSubmissionQueue(uint16_t, uint8_t)::2886:SQ index=1 entrysize=128 ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x1210 value=0x240024, returning ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24004 value=0x1000, returning ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24008 value=0x0, returning ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24118 value=0x102, returning ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24108 value=0x102, returning ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24420 value=0x102, returning ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24414 value=0x102, returning ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x2441c value=0x10002, returning ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24418 value=0x10002, returning ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24144 value=0x10002, returning ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24524 value=0x10002, returning ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24508 value=0x102, returning ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24504 value=0x10002, returning virtual void AppleANS2NVMeController::SetModeselRegister(uint32_t)::1186:Setting modesel to 4 ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x1304 value=0x4, returning hfs: mounted AzulSeed18A5351d.arm64eCustomerRamDisk on device b(3, 0) bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1964:nvme: Vendor ID : 0x1b36 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1965:nvme: Model Number : QEMU NVMe Ctrl
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1966:nvme: Serial Number : QEMUT8030ANS bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1967:nvme: Firmware Rev : 1.0 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2000:nvme: S3E A0 Invalid 1x slc 1D 0 plane 128GB NAND bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2009:ECCVersion : 0 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2010:FTL Rev : 0.0 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2011:DM_Version : 0 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2012:======================= bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2019:Found 16 namespaces in current NAND bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[1] as nstype[1] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[2] as nstype[2] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[3] as nstype[3] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[4] as nstype[4] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[5] as nstype[5] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[6] as nstype[6] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[7] as nstype[8] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[8] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[9] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[10] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[11] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[12] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[13] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[14] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[15] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[16] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::SetSwapWriteLimit(uint32_t)::2192: Swap limit set to 2147483648bytes, 2GB virtual bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::InitializeController()::507:FW update not complete, create dummy block device uint32_t AppleEmbeddedNVMeNVRAM::GetNVRAMSize()::745:NVRAM size is 8192 bytes virtual bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::AllocateNodes(bool)::1578:allocateAll 1 virtual bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::StartController()::1547:Setting NAND status to Ready dyld: setting comm page to 0x0 Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022[1] : hello Darwin Bootstrapper Version 7.0.0: Mon Aug 10 04:09:14 PDT 2020; root:libxpc_executables-2038.0.13~13/launchd/RELEASE_ARM64E boot-args = -restore rd=md0 nand-enable-reformat=1 -progress debug=0x14e kextlog=0xffff serial=3 -v wdt=-1 Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022[1] : Restore environment starting. Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022[1] ( : entering ondemand mode Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : Skipping boot-task: fsck Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : Skipping boot-task: mount-phase-1 Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : Skipping boot-task: data-protection Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : Skipping boot-task: finish-obliteration Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : Doing boot task: commit-boot-mode Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : boot-mode committed: (null) Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : Doing boot task: restore-datapartition Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : restore-datapartition: optional boot task not present Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : Skipping boot-task: mount-phase-2 Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : Doing boot task: init-with-data-volume Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : Skipping boot-task: MSUEarlyBootTask Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : Skipping boot-task: fips Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : Skipping boot-task: keybag Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : Skipping boot-task: usermanagerd Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : Skipping boot-task: init_featureflags Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : Skipping boot-task: fud Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : Skipping boot-task: tzinit Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : Skipping boot-task: finish-restore Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : Skipping boot-task: finish-demo-restore Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : Skipping boot-task: sysstatuscheck Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : Skipping boot-task: prng_seedctl Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : Unable to open /System/Library/xpc/launchd.plist [2:No such file or directory] Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : Skipping boot-task: launchd_cache_loader Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : No MRM cache found Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : Unable to load cache Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : launchd UUID: 4C2464F5-9F87-31DE-B252-584E3391D4FA Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] : Early boot complete. Continuing system boot. Sun Apr 17 01:05:52 2022 localhost[1] ( : entering bootstrap mode Sun Apr 17 01:05:53 2022 localhost[1] ( : Unknown key for Boolean: EnablePressureExit Sun Apr 17 01:05:53 2022 localhost[1] ( : (lint): Unable to find persona with type 6: kpersona_find returned -1 Sun Apr 17 01:05:53 2022 localhost[1] ( : (lint): Unable to find persona with type 6: kpersona_find returned -1 Sun Apr 17 01:05:53 2022 localhost[1] ( : (lint): Unable to find persona with type 6: kpersona_find returned -1 Sun Apr 17 01:05:53 2022 localhost[1] ( : (lint): Unable to find persona with type 6: kpersona_find returned -1 Sun Apr 17 01:05:53 2022 localhost[1] ( : Failed to bootstrap path: path = /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemonsAltAccount, error = 2: No such file or directory Sun Apr 17 01:05:53 2022 localhost[1] ( : Failed to bootstrap path: path = /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemons, error = 2: No such file or directory Sun Apr 17 01:05:53 2022 localhost[1] ( : Failed to bootstrap path: path = /AppleInternal/Library/LaunchDaemons, error = 2: No such file or directory Sun Apr 17 01:05:53 2022 localhost[1] ( : exiting bootstrap mode Sun Apr 17 01:05:53 2022 localhost[1] ( : exiting ondemand mode Sun Apr 17 01:05:53 2022 localhost[1] ( : Could not find and/or execute program specified by service: 2: No such file or directory: /usr/local/bin/KeyMaker Sun Apr 17 01:05:53 2022 localhost[1] ( : Service setup event to handle failure and will not launch until it fires. Sun Apr 17 01:05:53 2022 localhost[1] ( : Missing executable detected. Job: '' Executable: '/usr/local/bin/KeyMaker' Sun Apr 17 01:05:54 2022 localhost[1] ( : Service exited with abnormal code: 78 objc[4]: Class AMSupportURLConnectionDelegate is implemented in both ?? (0x101ec0000) and ?? (0x1028d0028). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. objc[4]: Class AMSupportURLSession is implemented in both ?? (0x101ec0050) and ?? (0x1028d0078). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. [01:05:58.0512-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: Pre-existing NVRAM variable: restore-outcome=recovery_mode [01:05:58.0554-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: Pre-existing NVRAM variable: restore-child-failures={initial:EXIT(1)[REBOOT]} [01:05:58.0585-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT ANOMALY: [check_collection]auto-boot(does_not_exist) executing /usr/sbin/nvram -d restore-child-failures restore-child-failures [01:05:59.0524-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: Old restore failure indication(s) [01:05:59.0529-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT PROGRESS: START (unknown) -> (initial_monitor_no_return) [01:05:59.0532-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: NVRAM access available on initial check restore-anomalies = {0x00000000:[check_collection]auto-boot(does_not_exist)} restore-outcome = initial_monitor_no_return executing /usr/sbin/nvram -s restore-outcome=initial_monitor_no_return [01:06:00.0422-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: (NVRAM set) restore-outcome=initial_monitor_no_return [sync=true] (initial entry) entering set_boot_stage [01:06:00.0501-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT MONITOR: [0x0204] boot_stage restore-step-monitor = {0x11010204:"boot_stage"} executing /sbin/mount_tmpfs /mnt5 entering show_service_nodes disk0

IOBlockStorageDriver RegistryID : 0x10000021a Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e NS_01 RegistryID : 0x100000219 Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e AppleANS2NVMeController RegistryID : 0x1000001fb Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e RTBuddyService RegistryID : 0x1000001f8 Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e RTBuddyV2 RegistryID : 0x1000001f1 Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e iop-ans-nub RegistryID : 0x100000132 Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e AppleASCWrapV2 RegistryID : 0x1000001b3 Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x0 ans RegistryID : 0x100000131 Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e AppleT803xIO RegistryID : 0x1000001a6 Busy State : 0x5 Service State : 0x1e arm-io RegistryID : 0x100000116 Busy State : 0x1 Service State : 0x1e AppleARMPE RegistryID : 0x100000187 Busy State : 0x2 Service State : 0x1e N104DEV RegistryID : 0x100000186 Busy State : 0x1 Service State : 0x1e Root RegistryID : 0x100000100 Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x0

[01:06:01.0187-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT MONITOR: [0x1180] create_ramdisk restore-step-monitor = {0x11011180:"create_ramdisk"} [01:06:01.0198-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT MONITOR: [0x0206] monitoring_child restore-step-monitor = {0x11010206:"monitoring_child"} objc[8]: Class AMSupportURLConnectionDelegate is implemented in both ?? (0x106048000) and ?? (0x106a58028). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. objc[8]: Class AMSupportURLSession is implemented in both ?? (0x106048050) and ?? (0x106a58078). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: Image4Supported 2022-04-17 01:06:03.310915+0000 restored_external[8:375] RestoreLog: Client Query: Image4Supported libMobileGestalt utility.c:64: Could not open /private/var/containers/Shared/SystemGroup/ No such file or directory 2022-04-17 01:06:03.348917+0000 restored_external[8:375] Could not open /private/var/containers/Shared/SystemGroup/ No such file or directory libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: Image4Supported : true 2022-04-17 01:06:03.383106+0000 restored_external[8:375] RestoreLog: Client Response: Image4Supported : 1 [01:06:03.0387-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: Image4 device: AP nonce clearable entering ramrod_clear_ap_nonce [01:06:03.0435-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: AP nonce consumed [01:06:03.0451-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: Pre-existing NVRAM variable: restore-outcome=initial_monitor_no_return [01:06:03.0480-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT ANOMALY: [check_collection]auto-boot(does_not_exist) [01:06:03.0484-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT PROGRESS: START (unknown) -> (initial_engine_no_return) [01:06:03.0487-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: NVRAM access available on initial check restore-anomalies = {0x00000000:[check_collection]auto-boot(does_not_exist)} restore-outcome = initial_engine_no_return executing /usr/sbin/nvram restore-outcome=initial_engine_no_return [01:06:04.0390-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0400] umask restore-step-ids = {0x11030400:1} restore-step-names = {0x11030400:umask} restore-step-uptime = 15 restore-step-user-progress = -1 [01:06:04.0411-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0400] umask restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 15 restore-step-user-progress = -1 [01:06:04.0430-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0402] setvbuf restore-step-ids = {0x11030402:2} restore-step-names = {0x11030402:setvbuf} restore-step-uptime = 15 restore-step-user-progress = -1 [01:06:04.0450-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0402] setvbuf restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 15 restore-step-user-progress = -1 [01:06:04.0476-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0403] kernel_logger_thread restore-step-ids = {0x11030403:3} restore-step-names = {0x11030403:kernel_logger_thread} restore-step-uptime = 15 restore-step-user-progress = -1 [01:06:04.0499-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0403] kernel_logger_thread restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 15 restore-step-user-progress = -1 [01:06:04.0520-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0406] set_progress_0 restore-step-ids = {0x11030406:4} restore-step-names = {0x11030406:set_progress_0} restore-step-uptime = 15 restore-step-user-progress = -1 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: DeviceClass 2022-04-17 01:06:04.548261+0000 restored_external[8:375] RestoreLog: Client Query: DeviceClass libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: DeviceClass : iPhone 2022-04-17 01:06:04.558049+0000 restored_external[8:375] RestoreLog: Client Response: DeviceClass : iPhone libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: DeviceColorMapPolicy 2022-04-17 01:06:04.564594+0000 restored_external[8:375] RestoreLog: Client Query: DeviceColorMapPolicy libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: DeviceColorMapPolicy : 0 2022-04-17 01:06:04.593978+0000 restored_external[8:375] RestoreLog: Client Response: DeviceColorMapPolicy : 0 2022-04-17 01:06:04.619667+0000 restored_external[8:375] IOMFB: /System/Library/Frameworks/MediaToolbox.framework/MediaToolbox not found 2022-04-17 01:06:04.631056+0000 restored_external[8:375] IOMFB: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MediaToolbox.framework/MediaToolbox not found 2022-04-17 01:06:04.643174+0000 restored_external[8:375] IOMFB: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Celestial.framework/Celestial not found 2022-04-17 01:06:04.648087+0000 restored_external[8:375] IOMFB: FigInstallVirtualDisplay not found 000023.504843 wlan0.A[4] initWithProvider@120:amfm not matched 000023.510266 wlan0.A[5] deferredStart@1730: Lowered adjustBusy(-1), getBusyState() -> 4 unable to get display list unable to get framebuffer No framebuffer but an internal display. Ok on bridge but weird anywhere else. ramrod_display_set_granular_progress_forced: 0.000000 [01:06:10.0289-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0406] set_progress_0 restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 21 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:10.0303-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0407] start_gasgauge_thread restore-step-ids = {0x11030407:5} restore-step-names = {0x11030407:start_gasgauge_thread} restore-step-uptime = 21 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:10.0327-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT WARNING: MAIN:[0x0407] gasgauge_start_update_thread failed: -1 restored_external: gasgauge_start_update_thread failed: -1 [01:06:10.0335-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0407] start_gasgauge_thread restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-warnings = {0x11060407:{0:"gasgauge_start_update_thread failed: -1"}} restore-step-uptime = 21 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:10.0359-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0408] listen_for_log_client restore-step-ids = {0x11030408:6} restore-step-names = {0x11030408:listen_for_log_client} restore-step-uptime = 21 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:10.0394-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0408] listen_for_log_client restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 21 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:10.0413-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x040D] create_listen_socket restore-step-ids = {0x1103040D:7} restore-step-names = {0x1103040D:create_listen_socket} restore-step-uptime = 21 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:10.0432-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x040D] create_listen_socket restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 21 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:10.0448-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0404] update_root_mount restore-step-ids = {0x11030404:8} restore-step-names = {0x11030404:update_root_mount} restore-step-uptime = 21 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:10.0523-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0404] update_root_mount restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 21 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:10.0538-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0405] disable_watchdog restore-step-ids = {0x11030405:9} restore-step-names = {0x11030405:disable_watchdog} restore-step-uptime = 21 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:10.0563-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0405] disable_watchdog restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 21 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:10.0583-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x040E] enable_usb restore-step-ids = {0x1103040E:10} restore-step-names = {0x1103040E:enable_usb} restore-step-uptime = 21 restore-step-user-progress = 0 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: UniqueDeviceID 2022-04-17 01:06:10.651301+0000 restored_external[8:375] RestoreLog: Client Query: UniqueDeviceID 2022-04-17 01:06:10.659634+0000 restored_external[8:375] [fast-path] taking platform fast path for key: re6Zb+zwFKJNlkQTUeT+/w libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: nFRqKto/RuQAV1P+0/qkBA 2022-04-17 01:06:10.663734+0000 restored_external[8:375] RestoreLog: Client Query: nFRqKto/RuQAV1P+0/qkBA 2022-04-17 01:06:10.667015+0000 restored_external[8:375] [fast-path] taking platform fast path for key: nFRqKto/RuQAV1P+0/qkBA libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: TF31PAB6aO8KAbPyNKSxKA 2022-04-17 01:06:10.676499+0000 restored_external[8:375] RestoreLog: Client Query: TF31PAB6aO8KAbPyNKSxKA libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: TF31PAB6aO8KAbPyNKSxKA : 1234605616436508552 2022-04-17 01:06:10.691983+0000 restored_external[8:375] RestoreLog: Client Response: TF31PAB6aO8KAbPyNKSxKA : 1234605616436508552 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: 566JrJVMlDfnslGpwUzNlQ 2022-04-17 01:06:10.699962+0000 restored_external[8:375] RestoreLog: Client Query: 566JrJVMlDfnslGpwUzNlQ libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: 566JrJVMlDfnslGpwUzNlQ : 32816 2022-04-17 01:06:10.718026+0000 restored_external[8:375] RestoreLog: Client Response: 566JrJVMlDfnslGpwUzNlQ : 32816 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: nFRqKto/RuQAV1P+0/qkBA : <CFData 0x109f0a570 [0x10673c1b8]>{length = 25, capacity = 25, bytes = 0x30303030383033302d31313232333334 ... 3535363637373838} 2022-04-17 01:06:10.765182+0000 restored_external[8:375] RestoreLog: Client Response: nFRqKto/RuQAV1P+0/qkBA : {length = 25, bytes = 0x30303030 38303330 2d313132 32333334 ... 35353636 37373838 } libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: UniqueDeviceID : 00008030-1122334455667788 2022-04-17 01:06:10.776090+0000 restored_external[8:375] RestoreLog: Client Response: UniqueDeviceID : 00008030-1122334455667788 000025.560047 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: Apple Mobile Device 000025.564494 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: AppleUSBMux 000025.566781 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: Reserved 1 + Apple Mobile Device 000025.569946 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: Reserved 000025.571102 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: AppleUSBMux 000025.572306 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: Reserved 2 + Apple Mobile Device 000025.573065 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: Reserved 000025.574633 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: AppleUSBMux 000025.575779 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: Reserved 3 + Apple Mobile Device 000025.577220 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: Reserved 000025.578896 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: AppleUSBMux 000025.597744 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function Reserved waiting for matching IOKit service: { IOProviderClass = AppleUSBDeviceMux; } AppleUSBDeviceMux build: Aug 12 2020 22:50:42 000025.614383 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function AppleUSBMux 000025.615252 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::startUSBStack: starting usb stack 000026.076263 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::setupDeviceSetAddress: setting USB device address 13 000026.197648 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@13: IOUSBDeviceController::setupDeviceSetConfiguration: configuration 0 -> 1 AppleUSBDeviceMux::message - kMessageInterfaceWasActivated 000026.291028 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@13: IOUSBDeviceController::setupDeviceSetConfiguration: configuration 1 -> 0 AppleUSBDeviceMux::message - kMessageInterfaceWasDeActivated AppleUSBDeviceMux::reportStats: USB mux statistics: USB mux: 0 reads / 0 errors, 0 writes / 0 errors USB mux: 0 short packets, 0 dups asyncReadComplete:1829 USB read status = 0xe00002eb 000027.394469 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@13: IOUSBDeviceController::setupDeviceSetConfiguration: configuration 0 -> 4 AppleUSBDeviceMux::message - kMessageInterfaceWasActivated IOReturn AppleUSBDeviceMux::setPropertiesGated(OSObject *) setting debug level to 7 [01:06:13.0850-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x040E] enable_usb restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 24 restore-step-user-progress = 0 waiting for host to trigger start of restore [timeout of 120 seconds] recv(9, 4) failed: connection closed unable to read message size: -1 could not receive message libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: Image4Supported 2022-04-17 01:06:17.165060+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: Image4Supported libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: Image4Supported : true 2022-04-17 01:06:17.172644+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: Image4Supported : 1 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: CertificateSecurityMode 2022-04-17 01:06:17.180648+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: CertificateSecurityMode libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: CertificateSecurityMode : false 2022-04-17 01:06:17.191542+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: CertificateSecurityMode : 0 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: EffectiveProductionStatusAp 2022-04-17 01:06:17.198273+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: EffectiveProductionStatusAp libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: EffectiveProductionStatusAp : true 2022-04-17 01:06:17.209437+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: EffectiveProductionStatusAp : 1 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: EffectiveSecurityModeAp 2022-04-17 01:06:17.217112+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: EffectiveSecurityModeAp libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: EffectiveSecurityModeAp : false 2022-04-17 01:06:17.230988+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: EffectiveSecurityModeAp : 0 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: Image4Supported 2022-04-17 01:06:17.427415+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: Image4Supported libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: Image4Supported : true 2022-04-17 01:06:17.431130+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: Image4Supported : 1 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: CertificateSecurityMode 2022-04-17 01:06:17.434561+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: CertificateSecurityMode libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: CertificateSecurityMode : false 2022-04-17 01:06:17.438607+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: CertificateSecurityMode : 0 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: EffectiveProductionStatusAp 2022-04-17 01:06:17.444103+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: EffectiveProductionStatusAp libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: EffectiveProductionStatusAp : true 2022-04-17 01:06:17.449596+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: EffectiveProductionStatusAp : 1 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: EffectiveSecurityModeAp 2022-04-17 01:06:17.455414+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: EffectiveSecurityModeAp libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: EffectiveSecurityModeAp : false 2022-04-17 01:06:17.460676+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: EffectiveSecurityModeAp : 0 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: Image4Supported 2022-04-17 01:06:18.435567+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: Image4Supported libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: Image4Supported : true 2022-04-17 01:06:18.441574+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: Image4Supported : 1 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: CertificateSecurityMode 2022-04-17 01:06:18.446077+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: CertificateSecurityMode libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: CertificateSecurityMode : false 2022-04-17 01:06:18.454469+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: CertificateSecurityMode : 0 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: EffectiveProductionStatusAp 2022-04-17 01:06:18.462266+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: EffectiveProductionStatusAp libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: EffectiveProductionStatusAp : true 2022-04-17 01:06:18.468708+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: EffectiveProductionStatusAp : 1 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: EffectiveSecurityModeAp 2022-04-17 01:06:18.477335+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: EffectiveSecurityModeAp libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: EffectiveSecurityModeAp : false 2022-04-17 01:06:18.485595+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: EffectiveSecurityModeAp : 0 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: Image4Supported 2022-04-17 01:06:22.172551+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: Image4Supported libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: Image4Supported : true 2022-04-17 01:06:22.178036+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: Image4Supported : 1 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: CertificateSecurityMode 2022-04-17 01:06:22.183100+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: CertificateSecurityMode libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: CertificateSecurityMode : false 2022-04-17 01:06:22.198912+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: CertificateSecurityMode : 0 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: EffectiveProductionStatusAp 2022-04-17 01:06:22.218667+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: EffectiveProductionStatusAp libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: EffectiveProductionStatusAp : true 2022-04-17 01:06:22.223597+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: EffectiveProductionStatusAp : 1 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: EffectiveSecurityModeAp 2022-04-17 01:06:22.246472+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: EffectiveSecurityModeAp libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: EffectiveSecurityModeAp : false 2022-04-17 01:06:22.270651+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: EffectiveSecurityModeAp : 0 Apr 17 01:06:25 PurpleReverseProxy[10] : PurpleReverseProxyService.c:390(startProxy_block_invoke_4): got a ctrl connection from a host so we can now accept socks connections [01:06:25.0730-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x0600] client_protocol_version restore-step-ids = {0x11030600:11} restore-step-names = {0x11030600:client_protocol_version} restore-step-uptime = 36 restore-step-user-progress = 0 client protocol version 15 [01:06:25.0758-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x0600] client_protocol_version restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 36 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:25.0780-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x0601] copy_restore_options restore-step-ids = {0x11030601:12} restore-step-names = {0x11030601:copy_restore_options} restore-step-uptime = 36 restore-step-user-progress = 0 unable to open /usr/local/share/restore//options.n104.plist: No such file or directory 0: NSPOSIXErrorDomain/2: create_dictionary_from_plist: unable to open plist unable to open /usr/local/share/restore//options.plist: No such file or directory 0: NSPOSIXErrorDomain/2: create_dictionary_from_plist: unable to open plist UUID 4D003338-E13F-C734-8C61-3D3B6C9E1F2B Restore options: UUID => <CFString 0x109e07700 [0x10673c1b8]>{contents = "4D003338-E13F-C734-8C61-3D3B6C9E1F2B"} PersonalizedDuringPreflight => <CFBoolean 0x10673dc00 [0x10673c1b8]>{value = true} CreateFilesystemPartitions => <CFBoolean 0x10673dc00 [0x10673c1b8]>{value = true} [01:06:25.0866-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x0601] copy_restore_options restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 36 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:25.0882-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x0655] is_host_compatible restore-step-ids = {0x11030655:13} restore-step-names = {0x11030655:is_host_compatible} restore-step-uptime = 36 restore-step-user-progress = 0 Checkpoint engine recorder path set to /mnt5 [01:06:25.0912-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x0655] is_host_compatible restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 36 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:25.0937-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x0604] set_weight_from_options restore-step-ids = {0x11030604:14} restore-step-names = {0x11030604:set_weight_from_options} restore-step-uptime = 36 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:26.0001-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x0604] set_weight_from_options restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 37 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:26.0040-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x068F] libauthinstall_callback restore-step-ids = {0x1103068F:15} restore-step-names = {0x1103068F:libauthinstall_callback} restore-step-uptime = 37 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:26.0097-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x068F] libauthinstall_callback restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 37 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:26.0133-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x0608] device_has_hoover restore-step-ids = {0x11030608:16} restore-step-names = {0x11030608:device_has_hoover} restore-step-uptime = 37 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:26.0170-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x0608] device_has_hoover restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 37 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:26.0197-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x060B] update_ticket restore-step-ids = {0x1103060B:17} restore-step-names = {0x1103060B:update_ticket} restore-step-uptime = 37 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering ramrod_ticket_update_verify looking up boot manifest hash device tree ticket_hash: 5118EA8F39FF61D152BA7E1F92591910CDE7A2B09B867D8D58DC37E2CDC0B7C98DD296D4BF57862D143413DD17012D70 crypto-hash-method found. Using SHA2-384 computed ticket_hash : 5118EA8F39FF61D152BA7E1F92591910CDE7A2B09B867D8D58DC37E2CDC0B7C98DD296D4BF57862D143413DD17012D70 received valid ticket (8931 bytes) [01:06:26.0372-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x060B] update_ticket restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 37 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:26.0395-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x060D] wait_for_storage restore-step-ids = {0x1103060D:18} restore-step-names = {0x1103060D:wait_for_storage} restore-step-uptime = 37 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering wait_for_storage_device ramrod_display_set_granular_progress_forced: 0.000000 Searching for NAND service Searching for NAND service Found NAND service: AppleANS2NVMeController NAND initialized. Waiting for devnode. entering wait_for_device: 'EmbeddedDeviceTypeRoot' Using device path /dev/disk0 for EmbeddedDeviceTypeRoot entering ramrod_probe_media_internal entering wait_for_device: 'EmbeddedDeviceTypeRoot' Using device path /dev/disk0 for EmbeddedDeviceTypeRoot [01:06:26.0562-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x060D] wait_for_storage restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 37 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:26.0598-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x060E] update_NAND_firmware restore-step-ids = {0x1103060E:19} restore-step-names = {0x1103060E:update_NAND_firmware} restore-step-uptime = 37 restore-step-user-progress = 0 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress_forced: 0.000000 entering update_NAND executing /usr/bin/nvmefwupdater --query Invalid-FW-File.pak error NAND firmware file not exist: /usr/standalone/firmware/Invalid-FW-File.pak skipping update_NAND executing /usr/bin/nvmefwupdater --skip ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x1210 value=0x240024, returning ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24004 value=0x1000, returning ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24008 value=0x0, returning ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24118 value=0x102, returning ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24108 value=0x102, returning ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24420 value=0x102, returning ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24414 value=0x102, returning ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x2441c value=0x10002, returning ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24418 value=0x10002, returning ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24144 value=0x10002, returning ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24524 value=0x10002, returning ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24508 value=0x102, returning ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24504 value=0x10002, returning virtual void AppleANS2NVMeController::SetModeselRegister(uint32_t)::1186:Setting modesel to 0 ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x1304 value=0x0, returning bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1964:nvme: Vendor ID : 0x1b36 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1965:nvme: Model Number : QEMU NVMe Ctrl
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1966:nvme: Serial Number : QEMUT8030ANS bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1967:nvme: Firmware Rev : 1.0 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2000:nvme: S3E A0 Invalid 1x slc 1D 0 plane 128GB NAND bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2009:ECCVersion : 0 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2010:FTL Rev : 0.0 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2011:DM_Version : 0 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2012:======================= bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2019:Found 16 namespaces in current NAND bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[1] as nstype[1] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[2] as nstype[2] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[3] as nstype[3] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[4] as nstype[4] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2420:Set NVRAM NSID to 5 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[5] as nstype[5] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[6] as nstype[6] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[7] as nstype[8] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[8] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[9] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[10] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[11] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[12] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[13] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[14] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[15] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[16] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::SetSwapWriteLimit(uint32_t)::2192: Swap limit set to 2147483648bytes, 2GB bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2509:inOptions 0x1 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2576:NSID : 1 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2577:NSType : 1 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2578:NSSize : 0

bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2576:NSID : 2 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2577:NSType : 2 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2578:NSSize : 2048

bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2576:NSID : 3 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2577:NSType : 3 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2578:NSSize : 32

bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2576:NSID : 4 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2577:NSType : 4 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2578:NSSize : 2

bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2576:NSID : 5 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2577:NSType : 5 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2578:NSSize : 2

bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2576:NSID : 6 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2577:NSType : 6 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2578:NSSize : 1

bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2576:NSID : 7 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2577:NSType : 8 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2578:NSSize : 256

bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2582: Creating 7 namespaces on NAND bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1964:nvme: Vendor ID : 0x1b36 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1965:nvme: Model Number : QEMU NVMe Ctrl
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1966:nvme: Serial Number : QEMUT8030ANS bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1967:nvme: Firmware Rev : 1.0 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2000:nvme: S3E A0 Invalid 1x slc 1D 0 plane 128GB NAND bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2009:ECCVersion : 0 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2010:FTL Rev : 0.0 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2011:DM_Version : 0 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2012:======================= bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2019:Found 16 namespaces in current NAND bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[1] as nstype[1] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[2] as nstype[2] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[3] as nstype[3] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[4] as nstype[4] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2420:Set NVRAM NSID to 5 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[5] as nstype[5] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[6] as nstype[6] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[7] as nstype[8] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[8] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[9] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[10] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[11] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[12] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[13] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[14] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[15] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[16] as nstype[0] bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::SetSwapWriteLimit(uint32_t)::2192: Swap limit set to 2147483648bytes, 2GB virtual bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::AllocateNodes(bool)::1578:allocateAll 0 virtual bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::AllocateNodes(bool)::1605:Creating blockdevice with NSID - 2, NSTYPE - 2 virtual bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::AllocateNodes(bool)::1605:Creating blockdevice with NSID - 3, NSTYPE - 3 virtual bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::AllocateNodes(bool)::1605:Creating blockdevice with NSID - 6, NSTYPE - 6 [effaceable:ERR ] unable to find content [effaceable:INIT] started virtual bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::AllocateNodes(bool)::1605:Creating blockdevice with NSID - 7, NSTYPE - 8 virtual IOReturn AppleNVMeNamespaceDevice::GetDeviceProperties()::269: Logical Blocks Size = 4096 virtual IOReturn AppleNVMeNamespaceDevice::GetDeviceProperties()::272: Block Count = 256 virtual bool AppleNVMeNamespaceDevice::start(IOService *)::111:NVMe Namespace Device registration done for NSID: 7, NSTYPE: 8 Asked to skip the firmware update set_pci_port_state: result=0 set_pci_port_state: result=0 set_nvme_state: result=0 Skipped firmware update successfully dev_init:297: disk0 device accelerated crypto: 0 (compiled @ Aug 12 2020 22:19:57) dev_init:300: disk0 device_handle block size 4096 block count 8388597 features 0 internal nx_kernel_mount:1134: disk0 initializing cache w/hash_size 4096 and cache size 10064 [01:06:30.0602-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x060E] update_NAND_firmware restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 41 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:30.0629-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x060F] clear_remap_variable restore-step-ids = {0x1103060F:20} restore-step-names = {0x1103060F:clear_remap_variable} restore-step-uptime = 41 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering clear_remap_variable executing /usr/sbin/nvram -d enable-remap-mode nx_kernel_mount:1402: disk0 checkpoint search: largest xid 13, best xid 13 @ 25 nx_kernel_mount:1404: disk0 reloading after unclean unmount, checkpoint xid 13, superblock xid 4 import_iboot_forwarded_roothash:2577: importing root hash ... apfs_extract_root_hash_arm:10001: could not retrieve system-volume-auth-blob from device tree import_iboot_forwarded_roothash:2580: apfs_extract_root_hash_and_manifest failed with error: No such file or directory (2) enable-remap-mode [01:06:32.0003-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x060F] clear_remap_variable restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 43 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:32.0026-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x065C] print_nvram_variables restore-step-ids = {0x1103065C:21} restore-step-names = {0x1103065C:print_nvram_variables} restore-step-uptime = 43 restore-step-user-progress = 0 ramrod_print_NVRAM_variables executing /usr/sbin/nvram -xp <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">

boot-args restore-outcome aW5pdGlhbF9lbmdpbmVfbm9fcmV0dXJu restored-exit-status MHgxMDA=

[01:06:33.0215-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x065C] print_nvram_variables restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 44 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:33.0239-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x0610] asp_nand_set_writable restore-step-ids = {0x11030610:22} restore-step-names = {0x11030610:asp_nand_set_writable} restore-step-uptime = 44 restore-step-user-progress = 0 ASPStorage instance not found! [01:06:33.0281-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x0610] asp_nand_set_writable restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 44 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:33.0316-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x0613] find_filesystem_partitions restore-step-ids = {0x11030613:23} restore-step-names = {0x11030613:find_filesystem_partitions} restore-step-uptime = 44 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering ramrod_probe_media_internal entering wait_for_device: 'EmbeddedDeviceTypeRoot' Using device path /dev/disk0 for EmbeddedDeviceTypeRoot device partitioning scheme is GPT APFS Container 'Container' /dev/disk0s1 device is APFS formatted Captured preboot partition on main OS container 2 find_filesystem_partitions: storage=/dev/disk0 container=/dev/disk0s1 system=/dev/disk0s1s1 data= baseband data= log= update= xart= hardware=/dev/disk0s1s3 scratch= preboot=/dev/disk0s1s4 find_filesystem_partitions: recovery os container= volume= [01:06:33.0475-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x0613] find_filesystem_partitions restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 44 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:33.0500-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x067E] verify_storage_for_update restore-step-ids = {0x1103067E:24} restore-step-names = {0x1103067E:verify_storage_for_update} restore-step-uptime = 44 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:33.0533-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x067E] verify_storage_for_update restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 44 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:33.0564-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x0609] load_sep_os restore-step-ids = {0x11030609:25} restore-step-names = {0x11030609:load_sep_os} restore-step-uptime = 44 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering load_sep_os device has no sep [01:06:33.0626-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x0609] load_sep_os restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 44 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:33.0667-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x0693] preload_keys_for_fsck restore-step-ids = {0x11030693:26} restore-step-names = {0x11030693:preload_keys_for_fsck} restore-step-uptime = 44 restore-step-user-progress = 0 Erase install, not preloading keys No data volume present; must avoid any read/write mounting [01:06:33.0716-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x0693] preload_keys_for_fsck restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 44 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:33.0742-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x0665] fsck_filesystems restore-step-ids = {0x11030665:27} restore-step-names = {0x11030665:fsck_filesystems} restore-step-uptime = 44 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering unmount_filesystems ramrod_display_set_granular_progress_forced: 0.000000 entering force_unmount_partition Preboot not mounted (unmount ignored) Skipping unmount of the update partition ramrod_display_set_granular_progress_forced: 0.000000 entering force_unmount_partition Hardware not mounted (unmount ignored) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress_forced: 0.000000 entering force_unmount_partition Data not mounted (unmount ignored) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress_forced: 0.000000 entering force_unmount_partition xART not mounted (unmount ignored) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress_forced: 0.000000 entering force_unmount_partition System not mounted (unmount ignored) Skipping fsck on erase install [01:06:33.0901-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x0665] fsck_filesystems restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 44 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:33.0945-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x0614] mount_system_partition restore-step-ids = {0x11030614:28} restore-step-names = {0x11030614:mount_system_partition} restore-step-uptime = 44 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering mount_partition executing /sbin/mount_apfs -R -o rdonly /dev/disk0s1s1 /mnt1 dev_init:297: disk0s1 device accelerated crypto: 3 (compiled @ Aug 12 2020 22:19:57) dev_init:300: disk0s1 device_handle block size 4096 block count 8388597 features 22 internal solidstate nx_kernel_mount:1134: disk0s1 initializing cache w/hash_size 4096 and cache size 10064 nx_kernel_mount:1402: disk0s1 checkpoint search: largest xid 13, best xid 13 @ 25 nx_kernel_mount:1404: disk0s1 reloading after unclean unmount, checkpoint xid 13, superblock xid 4 apfs_mount:23552: mount for ramdisk handle_mount:627: vol-uuid: AA3A7B11-F6AC-4DBE-8E25-487B69023FDF block size: 4096 block count: 8388597 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 8.0.2) handle_mount:640: setting dev block size to 4096 from 512 nx_volume_group_update:6634: Volume System is not in a volume group apfs_vfsop_mount:2171: disk0s1s1:0 mounted volume: System /dev/disk0s1s1 mounted on /mnt1 System mounted read-only entering mount_partition executing /sbin/mount_apfs -R -o rdonly /dev/disk0s1s3 /mnt6 apfs_mount:23552: mount for ramdisk handle_mount:627: vol-uuid: DC338A8F-19F4-4DBB-AF9F-03C1AF6DBABC block size: 4096 block count: 8388597 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 8.0.2) handle_mount:640: setting dev block size to 4096 from 512 nx_volume_group_update:6628: Volume Hardware role 140 Not a System or data volume apfs_vfsop_mount:2171: disk0s1s3:0 mounted volume: Hardware /dev/disk0s1s3 mounted on /mnt6 Hardware mounted read-only [01:06:36.0621-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x0614] mount_system_partition restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 47 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:36.0637-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x0654] read_previous_os_build_version restore-step-ids = {0x11030654:29} restore-step-names = {0x11030654:read_previous_os_build_version} restore-step-uptime = 47 restore-step-user-progress = 0 unable to open /mnt1/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist: No such file or directory ramrod_read_os_build_version: Unable to read system version plist [01:06:36.0675-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x0654] read_previous_os_build_version restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 47 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:36.0720-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x0615] copy_hardware_info restore-step-ids = {0x11030615:30} restore-step-names = {0x11030615:copy_hardware_info} restore-step-uptime = 47 restore-step-user-progress = 0 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: Image4Supported 2022-04-17 01:06:36.775871+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: Image4Supported libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: Image4Supported : true 2022-04-17 01:06:36.783312+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: Image4Supported : 1 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: CertificateSecurityMode 2022-04-17 01:06:36.790644+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: CertificateSecurityMode libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: CertificateSecurityMode : false 2022-04-17 01:06:36.799946+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: CertificateSecurityMode : 0 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: EffectiveProductionStatusAp 2022-04-17 01:06:36.809643+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: EffectiveProductionStatusAp libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: EffectiveProductionStatusAp : true 2022-04-17 01:06:36.818145+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: EffectiveProductionStatusAp : 1 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: EffectiveSecurityModeAp 2022-04-17 01:06:36.829649+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: EffectiveSecurityModeAp libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: EffectiveSecurityModeAp : false 2022-04-17 01:06:36.837587+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: EffectiveSecurityModeAp : 0 [01:06:36.0843-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x0615] copy_hardware_info restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 47 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:36.0877-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x0616] fdr_create restore-step-ids = {0x11030616:31} restore-step-names = {0x11030616:fdr_create} restore-step-uptime = 47 restore-step-user-progress = 0 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: ChipID 2022-04-17 01:06:36.953207+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: ChipID libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: ChipID : 32816 2022-04-17 01:06:36.960883+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: ChipID : 32816 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: BoardId 2022-04-17 01:06:36.974948+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: BoardId libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: BoardId : 4 2022-04-17 01:06:36.986840+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: BoardId : 4 restored_fdr_initialize: FDR is supported libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: MLBSerialNumber 2022-04-17 01:06:37.075600+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: MLBSerialNumber libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: MLBSerialNumber : C39948108J9N72J1F 2022-04-17 01:06:37.084296+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: MLBSerialNumber : C39948108J9N72J1F libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: SerialNumber 2022-04-17 01:06:37.091834+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: SerialNumber 2022-04-17 01:06:37.097512+0000 restored_external[8:384] [fast-path] taking platform fast path for key: VasUgeSzVyHdB27g2XpN0g libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: SerialNumber : C39ZRMDEN72J 2022-04-17 01:06:37.108534+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: SerialNumber : C39ZRMDEN72J created HTTP FDR client 0x109f106b0 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: MLBSerialNumber 2022-04-17 01:06:39.006158+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: MLBSerialNumber libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: MLBSerialNumber : C39948108J9N72J1F 2022-04-17 01:06:39.012012+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: MLBSerialNumber : C39948108J9N72J1F libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: SerialNumber 2022-04-17 01:06:39.018148+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: SerialNumber libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: SerialNumber : C39ZRMDEN72J 2022-04-17 01:06:39.027944+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: SerialNumber : C39ZRMDEN72J created local FDR client 0x109f10ee0 Received response without expected RESTORED_FDR_TRUST_DATA Received response without expected RESTORED_BOOTED_OS_FDR_TRUST_DATA ramrod_ticket_copy_data_object_property: failed to get data property from Img4 manifest failed to set trust object digest libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: HWModelStr 2022-04-17 01:06:39.108153+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: HWModelStr libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: HWModelStr : N104DEV 2022-04-17 01:06:39.117330+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: HWModelStr : N104DEV WARNING: FDR failure hidden for Dev Board due to FDRIgnoreDevBoardFailures. Original Error 6 RestoredFDRCreate() returned 0 FDR is not supported on this device [01:06:39.0136-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x0616] fdr_create restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 50 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:39.0163-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x0617] fdr_save_data restore-step-ids = {0x11030617:32} restore-step-names = {0x11030617:fdr_save_data} restore-step-uptime = 50 restore-step-user-progress = 0 RestoredFDRSaveData: restoredFDR is NULL, not able to preserve FDR data. RestoredFDRSaveData success [01:06:39.0213-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x0617] fdr_save_data restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 50 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:39.0242-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x0618] store_baseband_migration restore-step-ids = {0x11030618:33} restore-step-names = {0x11030618:store_baseband_migration} restore-step-uptime = 50 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:39.0276-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x0618] store_baseband_migration restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 50 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:39.0302-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x0619] check_for_restore_log restore-step-ids = {0x11030619:34} restore-step-names = {0x11030619:check_for_restore_log} restore-step-uptime = 50 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering check_for_restore_log ramrod_display_set_granular_progress_forced: 0.000000 restore log does not exist [01:06:39.0354-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x0619] check_for_restore_log restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 50 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:39.0386-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x061A] check_for_ota_logs restore-step-ids = {0x1103061A:35} restore-step-names = {0x1103061A:check_for_ota_logs} restore-step-uptime = 50 restore-step-user-progress = 0 Initializing libpartition Skipping OTA log submission on erase install with damaged gigalocker or missing data [01:06:39.0437-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x061A] check_for_ota_logs restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 50 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:39.0481-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x061B] submit_update_stats restore-step-ids = {0x1103061B:36} restore-step-names = {0x1103061B:submit_update_stats} restore-step-uptime = 50 restore-step-user-progress = 0 Skipping OTA metrics submission on erase install with damaged gigalocker [01:06:39.0534-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x061B] submit_update_stats restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 50 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:39.0564-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x0661] read_persistent_files restore-step-ids = {0x11030661:37} restore-step-names = {0x11030661:read_persistent_files} restore-step-uptime = 50 restore-step-user-progress = 0 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: SupportsBurninMitigation 2022-04-17 01:06:39.608529+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: SupportsBurninMitigation libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: SupportsBurninMitigation : false 2022-04-17 01:06:39.640104+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: SupportsBurninMitigation : 0 persistent_files_create has nothing to persist. Checking if hardware folder contents need to be stashed entering mount_partition executing /sbin/mount_apfs -R -o rdonly /mnt4 mount_apfs: volume could not be mounted: No such file or directory mounting on /mnt4 failed ramrod_dump_mounted_filesystem_info:**DUMPING MOUNTED FILESYSTEMS**** ramrod_dump_mounted_filesystem_info: 5 filesystems are mounted /dev/disk0s1s3 is mounted at /mnt6 /dev/disk0s1s1 is mounted at /mnt1 tmpfs is mounted at /mnt5 devfs is mounted at /dev /dev/md0 is mounted at / ramrod_dump_mounted_filesystem_info: *****DONE DUMPING MOUNTED FILESYSTEMS**** Unable to mount or no update partition present(not necessarily a ). Hardware folder contents will not be stashed Done checking hardware folder contents [01:06:40.0799-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x0661] read_persistent_files restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 51 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:40.0820-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x061D] unmount_unconditionally restore-step-ids = {0x1103061D:38} restore-step-names = {0x1103061D:unmount_unconditionally} restore-step-uptime = 51 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering unmount_filesystems ramrod_display_set_granular_progress_forced: 0.000000 entering force_unmount_partition Preboot not mounted (unmount ignored) Skipping unmount of the update partition ramrod_display_set_granular_progress_forced: 0.000000 entering force_unmount_partition apfs_vfsop_unmount:2375: disk0s1: unmounting volume 'Hardware' nx_volume_group_update:6628: Volume Hardware role 140 Not a System or data volume apfs: total mem allocated: 213655 (0 mb); apfs_vfsop_unmount:2682: all done. going home. (numMountedAPFSVolumes 1) Hardware unmounted ramrod_display_set_granular_progress_forced: 0.000000 entering force_unmount_partition Data not mounted (unmount ignored) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress_forced: 0.000000 entering force_unmount_partition xART not mounted (unmount ignored) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress_forced: 0.000000 entering force_unmount_partition apfs_vfsop_unmount:2375: disk0s1: unmounting volume 'System' nx_volume_group_update:6634: Volume System is not in a volume group apfs: total mem allocated: 64 (0 mb); apfs_vfsop_unmount:2682: all done. going home. (numMountedAPFSVolumes 0) System unmounted [01:06:41.0009-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x061D] unmount_unconditionally restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 52 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:41.0042-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x064E] clean_nand restore-step-ids = {0x1103064E:39} restore-step-names = {0x1103064E:clean_nand} restore-step-uptime = 52 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering clean_NAND virtual IOReturn IOEmbeddedNVMeBlockDevice::doFormatMedia(UInt64)::907:burnin partition may not be present. NSID1 fBlockCount 8388608 virtual IOReturn IOEmbeddedNVMeBlockDevice::doFormatMedia(UInt64)::933:block count changing from 8388608 -> 0 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineBlankPart()::1877:Non-Blank NAND, Number of namespaces - 16 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2509:inOptions 0x0 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2576:NSID : 1 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2577:NSType : 1 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2578:NSSize : 0

bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2576:NSID : 2 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2577:NSType : 2 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2578:NSSize : 2048

bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2576:NSID : 3 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2577:NSType : 3 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2578:NSSize : 32

bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2576:NSID : 4 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2577:NSType : 4 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2578:NSSize : 2

bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2576:NSID : 5 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2577:NSType : 5 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2578:NSSize : 2

bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2576:NSID : 6 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2577:NSType : 6 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2578:NSSize : 1

bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2576:NSID : 7 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2577:NSType : 8 bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2578:NSSize : 256

bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::CreateNamespaces(uint64_t, uint32_t)::2582: Creating 7 namespaces on NAND NAND format complete entering ramrod_probe_media_internal entering wait_for_device: 'EmbeddedDeviceTypeRoot' Using device path /dev/disk0 for EmbeddedDeviceTypeRoot find_filesystem_partitions: storage=/dev/disk0 container= system= data= baseband data= log= update= xart= hardware= scratch= preboot= find_filesystem_partitions: recovery os container= volume= [01:06:41.0237-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x064E] clean_nand restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 52 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:41.0264-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x061F] format_effaceable_storage restore-step-ids = {0x1103061F:40} restore-step-names = {0x1103061F:format_effaceable_storage} restore-step-uptime = 52 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering format_effaceable_storage Device does not support effaceable storage. Skipping effaceable format. [01:06:41.0304-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x061F] format_effaceable_storage restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 52 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:41.0333-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x068A] format_ean_storage restore-step-ids = {0x1103068A:41} restore-step-names = {0x1103068A:format_ean_storage} restore-step-uptime = 52 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering format_ean_storage Ean storage not present for this device. Skipping ean format. [01:06:41.0374-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x068A] format_ean_storage restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 52 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:41.0411-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x0621] create_filesystem_partitions restore-step-ids = {0x11030621:42} restore-step-names = {0x11030621:create_filesystem_partitions} restore-step-uptime = 52 restore-step-user-progress = 0 APFS Erase Install entering create_filesystem_partition ramrod_display_set_granular_progress_forced: 0.000000 dev_init:297: disk0 device accelerated crypto: 0 (compiled @ Aug 12 2020 22:19:57) dev_init:300: disk0 device_handle block size 4096 block count 8388597 features 0 internal [01:06:41.0910-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED:[0x0621] create_filesystem_partitions restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 52 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:41.0931-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED:[0x0677] perform_main_os_prepare restore-step-ids = {0x11030677:43} restore-step-names = {0x11030677:perform_main_os_prepare} restore-step-uptime = 52 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:41.0966-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: (null):[0x0660] update_partitions_for_apfs restore-step-ids = {0x11030677:43;0x11030660:44} restore-step-names = {0x11030677:perform_main_os_prepare;0x11030660:update_partitions_for_apfs} restore-step-uptime = 52 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:42.0006-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: (null):[0x0660] update_partitions_for_apfs restore-step-ids = {0x11030677:43} restore-step-names = {0x11030677:perform_main_os_prepare} restore-step-uptime = 53 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:42.0038-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: (null):[0x0622] reload_filesystem_partitions restore-step-ids = {0x11030677:43;0x11030622:45} restore-step-names = {0x11030677:perform_main_os_prepare;0x11030622:reload_filesystem_partitions} restore-step-uptime = 53 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering ramrod_probe_media_internal entering wait_for_device: 'EmbeddedDeviceTypeRoot' Using device path /dev/disk0 for EmbeddedDeviceTypeRoot device partitioning scheme is GPT APFS Container 'Container' /dev/disk0s1 find_filesystem_partitions: storage=/dev/disk0 container=/dev/disk0s1 system= data= baseband data= log= update= xart= hardware= scratch= preboot= find_filesystem_partitions: recovery os container= volume= [01:06:42.0160-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: (null):[0x0622] reload_filesystem_partitions restore-step-ids = {0x11030677:43} restore-step-names = {0x11030677:perform_main_os_prepare} restore-step-uptime = 53 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:42.0195-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: (null):[0x065D] delete_mobilebackups restore-step-ids = {0x11030677:43;0x1103065D:46} restore-step-names = {0x11030677:perform_main_os_prepare;0x1103065D:delete_mobilebackups} restore-step-uptime = 53 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:42.0227-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: (null):[0x065D] delete_mobilebackups restore-step-ids = {0x11030677:43} restore-step-names = {0x11030677:perform_main_os_prepare} restore-step-uptime = 53 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:42.0260-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: (null):[0x160D] delete_recovery_partition restore-step-ids = {0x11030677:43;0x1103160D:47} restore-step-names = {0x11030677:perform_main_os_prepare;0x1103160D:delete_recovery_partition} restore-step-uptime = 53 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:42.0300-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: (null):[0x160D] delete_recovery_partition restore-step-ids = {0x11030677:43} restore-step-names = {0x11030677:perform_main_os_prepare} restore-step-uptime = 53 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:42.0332-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: (null):[0x0658] format_media restore-step-ids = {0x11030677:43;0x11030658:48} restore-step-names = {0x11030677:perform_main_os_prepare;0x11030658:format_media} restore-step-uptime = 53 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering create_apfs_filesystems content-protect property not found encryptable property not found entering ramrod_probe_media_internal entering wait_for_device: 'EmbeddedDeviceTypeRoot' Using device path /dev/disk0 for EmbeddedDeviceTypeRoot device partitioning scheme is GPT APFS Container 'Container' /dev/disk0s1 find_filesystem_partitions: storage=/dev/disk0 container=/dev/disk0s1 system= data= baseband data= log= update= xart= hardware= scratch= preboot= find_filesystem_partitions: recovery os container= volume= ramrod_display_set_granular_progress_forced: 0.000000 /System/Library/Filesystems/apfs.fs/newfs_apfs -C /dev/disk0s1 executing /System/Library/Filesystems/apfs.fs/newfs_apfs -C /dev/disk0s1 2022-04-17 01:06:43.939183+0000 newfs_apfs[18:417] Warning, unable to start xartutil, spawn error: 2 dev_init:297: disk0s1 device accelerated crypto: 0 (compiled @ Aug 12 2020 22:19:57) dev_init:300: disk0s1 device_handle block size 4096 block count 8388597 features 0 internal dev_init:297: disk0s1 device accelerated crypto: 0 (compiled @ Aug 12 2020 22:19:57) dev_init:300: disk0s1 device_handle block size 4096 block count 8388597 features 0 internal nx_kernel_mount:1134: disk0s1 initializing cache w/hash_size 4096 and cache size 10064 nx_kernel_mount:1234: disk0s1 container cleanly-unmounted flag set. nx_kernel_mount:1402: disk0s1 checkpoint search: largest xid 1, best xid 1 @ 1 entering ramrod_probe_media_internal entering wait_for_device: 'EmbeddedDeviceTypeRoot' Using device path /dev/disk0 for EmbeddedDeviceTypeRoot device partitioning scheme is GPT APFS Container 'Container' /dev/disk0s1 device is APFS formatted find_filesystem_partitions: storage=/dev/disk0 container=/dev/disk0s1 system= data= baseband data= log= update= xart= hardware= scratch= preboot= find_filesystem_partitions: recovery os container= volume= block size for /dev/disk0s1: 4096 /System/Library/Filesystems/apfs.fs/newfs_apfs -A -o role=s -v System /dev/disk0s1 executing /System/Library/Filesystems/apfs.fs/newfs_apfs -A -o role=s -v System /dev/disk0s1 dev_init:297: disk0s1 device accelerated crypto: 3 (compiled @ Aug 12 2020 22:19:57) dev_init:300: disk0s1 device_handle block size 4096 block count 8388597 features 22 internal solidstate nx_kernel_mount:1134: disk0s1 initializing cache w/hash_size 4096 and cache size 10064 nx_kernel_mount:1234: disk0s1 container cleanly-unmounted flag set. nx_kernel_mount:1402: disk0s1 checkpoint search: largest xid 1, best xid 1 @ 1 spaceman_metazone_init:189: disk0s1 metazone for device 0 of size 262143 blocks (encrypted: 8126454-8257525 unencrypted: 8257525-8388597) dev_dump:256: Aggregate constructed: dev= di=0 dv_num_slice=15 dv_num_slice_blk=589824 dv_num_lslice_blk=131061 spaceman_evaluate_chunk_for_disabled_allocation_zones:975: disk0s1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 1 blocks starting at paddr 4096000 spaceman_evaluate_chunk_for_disabled_allocation_zones:975: disk0s1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 2 blocks starting at paddr 32768 spaceman_evaluate_chunk_for_disabled_allocation_zones:975: disk0s1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 3 blocks starting at paddr 65536 spaceman_evaluate_chunk_for_disabled_allocation_zones:975: disk0s1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 4 blocks starting at paddr 98304 spaceman_trim_free_blocks:3361: disk0s1 scan took 0.026560 s, trims took 0.006126 s spaceman_trim_free_blocks:3369: disk0s1 8369165 blocks free in 1 extents spaceman_trim_free_blocks:3377: disk0s1 8369165 blocks trimmed in 1 extents (6126 us/trim, 163 trims/s) spaceman_trim_free_blocks:3380: disk0s1 trim distribution 1:0 2+:0 4+:0 16+:0 64+:0 256+:1 apfs_newfs:24955: FS will NOT be encrypted. dev_dump:256: Aggregate destructed: dev= di=0 dv_num_slice=15 dv_num_slice_blk=589824 dv_num_lslice_blk=131061 We should not have an xART partition. Not creating an xART partition because we're on a system that doesn't support it. We should not have a baseband volume. libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: ChipID 2022-04-17 01:06:46.738615+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: ChipID libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: ChipID : 32816 2022-04-17 01:06:46.748745+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: ChipID : 32816 libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: BoardId 2022-04-17 01:06:46.756387+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: BoardId libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: BoardId : 4 2022-04-17 01:06:46.761136+0000 restored_external[8:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: BoardId : 4 Hardware partition size calculation: 24 MiB FDR

24 MiB total IORegistry requires a 24 MiB Hardware Partition block size for /dev/disk0s1: 4096 /System/Library/Filesystems/apfs.fs/newfs_apfs -s 25165824 -A -o role=h -v Hardware /dev/disk0s1 executing /System/Library/Filesystems/apfs.fs/newfs_apfs -s 25165824 -A -o role=h -v Hardware /dev/disk0s1 dev_init:297: disk0s1 device accelerated crypto: 3 (compiled @ Aug 12 2020 22:19:57) dev_init:300: disk0s1 device_handle block size 4096 block count 8388597 features 22 internal solidstate nx_kernel_mount:1134: disk0s1 initializing cache w/hash_size 4096 and cache size 10064 nx_kernel_mount:1234: disk0s1 container cleanly-unmounted flag set. nx_kernel_mount:1402: disk0s1 checkpoint search: largest xid 2, best xid 2 @ 3 spaceman_metazone_init:189: disk0s1 metazone for device 0 of size 262143 blocks (encrypted: 8126454-8257525 unencrypted: 8257525-8388597) spaceman_datazone_init:442: disk0s1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 1 blocks starting at paddr 4096000 spaceman_datazone_init:442: disk0s1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 2 blocks starting at paddr 32768 spaceman_datazone_init:442: disk0s1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 3 blocks starting at paddr 65536 spaceman_datazone_init:442: disk0s1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 4 blocks starting at paddr 98304 dev_dump:256: Aggregate constructed: dev= di=0 dv_num_slice=15 dv_num_slice_blk=589824 dv_num_lslice_blk=131061 spaceman_trim_free_blocks:3361: disk0s1 scan took 0.013618 s, trims took 0.005483 s spaceman_trim_free_blocks:3369: disk0s1 8369157 blocks free in 2 extents spaceman_trim_free_blocks:3377: disk0s1 8369157 blocks trimmed in 2 extents (2741 us/trim, 364 trims/s) spaceman_trim_free_blocks:3380: disk0s1 trim distribution 1:0 2+:0 4+:0 16+:0 64+:0 256+:2 apfs_newfs:24955: FS will NOT be encrypted. dev_dump:256: Aggregate destructed: dev= di=0 dv_num_slice=15 dv_num_slice_blk=589824 dv_num_lslice_blk=131061 Waiting to decide if scratch is needed. Update partition is not created as part of create_apfs_filesystems..skipping block size for /dev/disk0s1: 4096 /System/Library/Filesystems/apfs.fs/newfs_apfs -A -o role=b -v Preboot /dev/disk0s1 executing /System/Library/Filesystems/apfs.fs/newfs_apfs -A -o role=b -v Preboot /dev/disk0s1 dev_init:297: disk0s1 device accelerated crypto: 3 (compiled @ Aug 12 2020 22:19:57) dev_init:300: disk0s1 device_handle block size 4096 block count 8388597 features 22 internal solidstate nx_kernel_mount:1134: disk0s1 initializing cache w/hash_size 4096 and cache size 10064 nx_kernel_mount:1234: disk0s1 container cleanly-unmounted flag set. nx_kernel_mount:1402: disk0s1 checkpoint search: largest xid 3, best xid 3 @ 5 spaceman_metazone_init:189: disk0s1 metazone for device 0 of size 262143 blocks (encrypted: 8126454-8257525 unencrypted: 8257525-8388597) spaceman_datazone_init:442: disk0s1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 1 blocks starting at paddr 4096000 spaceman_datazone_init:442: disk0s1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 2 blocks starting at paddr 32768 spaceman_datazone_init:442: disk0s1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 3 blocks starting at paddr 65536 spaceman_datazone_init:442: disk0s1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 4 blocks starting at paddr 98304 dev_dump:256: Aggregate constructed: dev= di=0 dv_num_slice=15 dv_num_slice_blk=589824 dv_num_lslice_blk=131061 spaceman_trim_free_blocks:3361: disk0s1 scan took 0.012826 s, trims took 0.003257 s spaceman_trim_free_blocks:3369: disk0s1 8369149 blocks free in 2 extents spaceman_trim_free_blocks:3377: disk0s1 8369149 blocks trimmed in 2 extents (1628 us/trim, 614 trims/s) spaceman_trim_free_blocks:3380: disk0s1 trim distribution 1:0 2+:0 4+:0 16+:0 64+:0 256+:2 apfs_newfs:24955: FS will NOT be encrypted. dev_dump:256: Aggregate destructed: dev= di=0 dv_num_slice=15 dv_num_slice_blk=589824 dv_num_lslice_blk=131061 [01:06:49.0916-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: (null):[0x0658] format_media restore-step-ids = {0x11030677:43} restore-step-names = {0x11030677:perform_main_os_prepare} restore-step-uptime = 60 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:49.0947-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: (null):[0x0659] find_volumes_after_format restore-step-ids = {0x11030677:43;0x11030659:49} restore-step-names = {0x11030677:perform_main_os_prepare;0x11030659:find_volumes_after_format} restore-step-uptime = 60 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering ramrod_probe_media_internal entering wait_for_device: 'EmbeddedDeviceTypeRoot' Using device path /dev/disk0 for EmbeddedDeviceTypeRoot device partitioning scheme is GPT APFS Container 'Container' /dev/disk0s1 device is APFS formatted Captured preboot partition on main OS container 2 find_filesystem_partitions: storage=/dev/disk0 container=/dev/disk0s1 system=/dev/disk0s1s1 data= baseband data= log= update= xart= hardware=/dev/disk0s1s3 scratch= preboot=/dev/disk0s1s4 find_filesystem_partitions: recovery os container= volume= [01:06:50.0073-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: (null):[0x0659] find_volumes_after_format restore-step-ids = {0x11030677:43} restore-step-names = {0x11030677:perform_main_os_prepare} restore-step-uptime = 61 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:50.0095-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: (null):[0x065A] baseband_migration_data restore-step-ids = {0x11030677:43;0x1103065A:50} restore-step-names = {0x11030677:perform_main_os_prepare;0x1103065A:baseband_migration_data} restore-step-uptime = 61 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:50.0126-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT END: (null):[0x065A] baseband_migration_data restore-step-ids = {0x11030677:43} restore-step-names = {0x11030677:perform_main_os_prepare} restore-step-uptime = 61 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [01:06:50.0155-GMT]{4>8} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: (null):[0x065B] asr_and_invert_image restore-step-ids = {0x11030677:43;0x1103065B:51} restore-step-names = {0x11030677:perform_main_os_prepare;0x1103065B:asr_and_invert_image} restore-step-uptime = 61 restore-step-user-progress = 0 restore_apfs_image : started restoring an APFS image entering mount_partition executing /sbin/mount_apfs -R /dev/disk0s1s1 /mnt1 dev_init:297: disk0s1 device accelerated crypto: 3 (compiled @ Aug 12 2020 22:19:57) dev_init:300: disk0s1 device_handle block size 4096 block count 8388597 features 22 internal solidstate nx_kernel_mount:1134: disk0s1 initializing cache w/hash_size 4096 and cache size 10064 nx_kernel_mount:1234: disk0s1 container cleanly-unmounted flag set. nx_kernel_mount:1402: disk0s1 checkpoint search: largest xid 4, best xid 4 @ 7 spaceman_metazone_init:189: disk0s1 metazone for device 0 of size 262143 blocks (encrypted: 8126454-8257525 unencrypted: 8257525-8388597) spaceman_datazone_init:442: disk0s1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 1 blocks starting at paddr 4096000 spaceman_datazone_init:442: disk0s1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 2 blocks starting at paddr 32768 spaceman_datazone_init:442: disk0s1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 3 blocks starting at paddr 65536 spaceman_datazone_init:442: disk0s1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 4 blocks starting at paddr 98304 dev_dump:256: Aggregate constructed: dev= di=0 dv_num_slice=15 dv_num_slice_blk=589824 dv_num_lslice_blk=131061 apfs_mount:23552: mount for ramdisk spaceman_trim_free_blocks:3361: disk0s1 scan took 0.027810 s, trims took 0.004681 s spaceman_trim_free_blocks:3369: disk0s1 8369141 blocks free in 2 extents spaceman_trim_free_blocks:3377: disk0s1 8369141 blocks trimmed in 2 extents (2340 us/trim, 427 trims/s) spaceman_trim_free_blocks:3380: disk0s1 trim distribution 1:0 2+:0 4+:0 16+:0 64+:0 256+:2 set_cloneinfo_id_epoch:23137: set cloneinfo_id_epoch to 16 handle_mount:627: vol-uuid: 6D29D7BC-DD8F-47BB-959D-F944C1FEAE76 block size: 4096 block count: 8388597 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 8.0.2) handle_mount:640: setting dev block size to 4096 from 512 nx_volume_group_update:6634: Volume System is not in a volume group apfs_vfsop_mount:2171: disk0s1s1:0 mounted volume: System /dev/disk0s1s1 mounted on /mnt1 System mounted read-write Successfully marked device node /dev/rdisk0s1s1 as static data OS digest = 3f3b3f5d9ed11b5e6b230d44b6d84f83d65030720f1f0b9ccece6516c3d60d077aa86bfc92a30711a7ed869244c35268 Restoring to APFS Inverter Image = /mnt1/apfs_invert_asr_img executing /usr/sbin/asr -source asr://localhost:12345 -target /mnt1/apfs_invert_asr_img --embed -erase -noprompt --chunkchecksum --puppetstrings --expectedhash 3f3b3f5d9ed11b5e6b230d44b6d84f83d65030720f1f0b9ccece6516c3d60d077aa86bfc92a30711a7ed869244c35268 handleConnectResult new session to port 12345 failed: 61 handleConnectResult new session to port 12345 failed: 61 handleConnectResult new session to port 12345 failed: 61 ASR: 2022-04-17 01:07:02.008649+0000 asr[24:445] [User Defaults] Could not connect to cfprefsd. No CFPreferences/NSUserDefaults changes will be saved ASR STATUS: start 537 multicast-client handleConnectResult new session to port 12345 failed: 61 ASR: 2022-04-17 01:07:02.145377+0000 asr[24:445] [si_destination_compare] send failed: Invalid argument ASR: 2022-04-17 01:07:02.148215+0000 asr[24:445] [si_destination_compare] send failed: Undefined error: 0 ASR: 2022-04-17 01:07:02.153525+0000 asr[24:445] [si_destination_compare] send failed: Invalid argument ASR: Waiting for connection attempt from server ASR STATUS: setup ASR: Validating target... ASR: done ASR STATUS: metadata ASR: Validating source... ASR: done ASR: Retrieving scan information... ASR: done ASR: Validating sizes... ASR: done ASR STATUS: restore tx_flush:1033: disk0s1 tx xid 6 took 1182875 us to sync and write superblock ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 2% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress_forced: 8.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 4% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress_forced: 9.000000 tx_flush:1033: disk0s1 tx xid 8 took 1810844 us to sync and write superblock Attempting to forcibly halt cpu 0 cpu 0 failed to halt with error -5: halt not supported for this configuration Attempting to forcibly halt cpu 1 cpu 1 failed to halt with error -5: halt not supported for this configuration Attempting to forcibly halt cpu 2 cpu 2 failed to halt with error -5: halt not supported for this configuration Debugger synchronization timed out; waited 10000000 nanoseconds IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleANS2NVMeController IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleS5L8960XWatchDogTimer IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2 IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2 IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2 IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleSMC IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleT8030PMGR panic(cpu 3 caller 0xfffffff007a4434c): "Ticket spinlock timeout; start: 0x10bfa1d17, end: 0x10c27e3d7, current: 0x10c2821aa, lock: 0xfffffff0099a6f80, *lock: 0x5b, waiting for 0x5c, owner: 0" Debugger message: panic Memory ID: 0x0 OS release type: Restore OS version: 18A5351d Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 20.0.0: Wed Aug 12 22:56:55 PDT 2020; root:xnu-7195.0.33~64/RELEASE_ARM64_T8030 Kernel UUID: FDDAF386-4EA2-35FC-8235-1F167AEFD6F3 iBoot version: qemu-t8030 secure boot?: YES Paniclog version: 13 Kernel text base: 0xfffffff007004000 mach_absolute_time: 0x10e252fd3 Epoch Time: sec usec Boot : 0x625b67ed 0x000a62d8 Sleep : 0x00000000 0x00000000 Wake : 0x00000000 0x00000000 Calendar: 0x625b68a6 0x0001269c

Panicked task 0xffffffe19b923200: 2059 pages, 7 threads: pid 24: asr Panicked thread: 0xffffffe19c0a22e0, backtrace: 0xffffffe814597930, tid: 449 lr: 0xfffffff007a2af48 fp: 0xffffffe814597970 lr: 0xfffffff007a2ad48 fp: 0xffffffe8145979e0 lr: 0xfffffff007b64940 fp: 0xffffffe814597a00 lr: 0xfffffff007b56e1c fp: 0xffffffe814597ac0 lr: 0xfffffff00811c5f4 fp: 0xffffffe814597ad0 lr: 0xfffffff007a2aa30 fp: 0xffffffe814597e50 lr: 0xfffffff007a2aa30 fp: 0xffffffe814597eb0 lr: 0xfffffff0097db97c fp: 0xffffffe814597ed0 lr: 0xfffffff007a4434c fp: 0xffffffe814597f20 lr: 0xfffffff007a57b0c fp: 0xffffffe814597f50 lr: 0xfffffff007a4956c fp: 0xffffffe814597f80 lr: 0xfffffff007b4e170 fp: 0xffffffe814597fc0 lr: 0xfffffff007b58820 fp: 0xffffffe814597fe0 lr: 0xfffffff00811c6f8 fp: 0xffffffe814597ff0

!! debugger synchronization failed, no stackshot !! IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleANS2NVMeController IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleS5L8960XWatchDogTimer IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2 IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2 IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2 IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleSMC IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleT8030PMGR IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleANS2NVMeController IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleS5L8960XWatchDogTimer IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2 IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2 IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2 IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleSMC IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleT8030PMGR IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleANS2NVMeController IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleS5L8960XWatchDogTimer IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2 IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2 IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddyV2 IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleSMC IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleT8030PMGR wdog panic (attempt 1) root1@DESKTOP-GRME42H:~/ios/iphone$


TrungNguyen1909 commented 2 years ago

Closing this one since the original one is resolved. Other issues seem to be unrelated (compare the part after Panic(cpu x ...)) and should be filed separately.