TrungNguyen1909 / qemu-t8030

iPhone 11 emulated on QEMU
1.97k stars 194 forks source link

stuck at auto boot #61

Open neohob opened 2 years ago

neohob commented 2 years ago

I'm using Macbook Pro (Intel), follow side bar guide compile codes is fine, but auto boot stuck at apfs: mountroot , how can I fix it ? -------logs------- L2TP domain init L2TP domain init complete Load request for failed: -603946998 BSD root: md0, major 3, minor 0 apfs_vfsop_mountroot:2188: apfs: mountroot called! apfs_vfsop_mount:1745: unable to root from devvp (root_device): 2 apfs_vfsop_mountroot:2192: apfs: mountroot failed, error: 2 hfs: mounted AzulSeed18A5351d.arm64eCustomerRamDisk on device b(3, 0)

TrungNguyen1909 commented 2 years ago

Please copy more logs, and surround them with 3 backticks on each ends.

neohob commented 2 years ago

----all logs here-----

../qemu-t8030/build/qemu-system-aarch64 -s -M t8030,trustcache-filename=Firmware/038-44135-124.dmg.trustcache,ticket-filename=root_ticket.der \
-kernel kernelcache.research.iphone12b \
-dtb Firmware/all_flash/DeviceTree.n104ap.im4p \
-append "debug=0x14e kextlog=0xffff serial=3 -v" \
-initrd 038-44135-124.dmg \
-cpu max -smp 4 \
-m 4G -serial mon:stdio \
-drive file=nvme.1,format=raw,if=none,id=drive.1 \
-device nvme-ns,drive=drive.1,bus=nvme-bus.0,nsid=1,nstype=1,logical_block_size=4096,physical_block_size=4096 \
-drive file=nvme.2,format=raw,if=none,id=drive.2 \
-device nvme-ns,drive=drive.2,bus=nvme-bus.0,nsid=2,nstype=2,logical_block_size=4096,physical_block_size=4096 \
-drive file=nvme.3,format=raw,if=none,id=drive.3 \
-device nvme-ns,drive=drive.3,bus=nvme-bus.0,nsid=3,nstype=3,logical_block_size=4096,physical_block_size=4096 \
-drive file=nvme.4,format=raw,if=none,id=drive.4 \
-device nvme-ns,drive=drive.4,bus=nvme-bus.0,nsid=4,nstype=4,logical_block_size=4096,physical_block_size=4096 \
-drive file=nvram,if=none,format=raw,id=nvram \
-device apple-nvram,drive=nvram,bus=nvme-bus.0,nsid=5,nstype=5,id=nvram,logical_block_size=4096,physical_block_size=4096 \
-drive file=nvme.6,format=raw,if=none,id=drive.6 \
-device nvme-ns,drive=drive.6,bus=nvme-bus.0,nsid=6,nstype=6,logical_block_size=4096,physical_block_size=4096 \
-drive file=nvme.7,format=raw,if=none,id=drive.7 \
-device nvme-ns,drive=drive.7,bus=nvme-bus.0,nsid=7,nstype=8,logical_block_size=4096,physical_block_size=4096 \
-monitor telnet:,server,nowait
Loading iOS 14.0...
kernel_low: 0xfffffff004000000
kernel_high: 0xfffffff00a4cd4f0
KPF: found apfs_vfsop_mount
KPF: found handle_eval_rootauth
KPF: Found AMFI hashtype check
kpf_amfi_callback: Found AMFI (Leaf)
kpf_amfi_callback: Found lookup_in_trust_cache_module @ 0xfffffff007b5d71c
KPF: Found mac_mount
KPF: Found mac_mount
kpf_amfi_callback: Found AMFI (Routine)
kpf_amfi_callback: Found lookup_in_static_trust_cache @ 0xfffffff0097edcb8
KPF: Found AppleKeyStoreUserClient::handleUserClientCommandGated
Qemu FB realize
g_virt_base: 0xfffffff014000000
g_phys_base: 0x0000000802000000
slide_virt: 0x0000000011000000
slide_phys: 0x0000000001000000
entry: 0x00000008071204e8
boot_mode: 0
qemu-system-aarch64: t8030_memory_setup: Failed to read ticket from file root_ticket.der
cmdline: [-restore rd=md0 nand-enable-reformat=1 -progress debug=0x14e kextlog=0xffff serial=3 -v]
iBoot version: qemu-t8030
Darwin Image4 Validator Version 3.0.0: Wed Aug 12 22:19:21 PDT 2020; root:AppleImage4-
AppleImage4: failed to read nvram property: nonce-seeds: 2
AppleImage4: error reading seeds: 2
AMFI is running in RESEARCH mode!

AUC:[0xffffffe19bb1ff40]::probe(0xffffffe19b8e9f40, 0xffffffe8080b3dac)

AppleCredentialManager: init: called, instance = <ptr>.
ACMFirstResponderKernelService: init: called, .
ACMRM-S: init: called, starting PersistentStore service.
ACMRM-C: init: called, starting AccessoryCache service.
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: acc-cache size = 16 (default).
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: acc-cache expiration = 2592000 (default).
ACMRM: init: called, starting TRM service.
ACMRM-A: init: called, starting TRM Analytics service.
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: analytics collection period = 86400 (default).
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: policy mode timeout = 259200 (default).
ACMRM-A: notifyStandardModeTimeoutChanged: called, value = 259200 (modified = YES).
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: (bounded) grace period timeout = 3600 (default).
ACMRM-A: notifyGracePeriodTimeoutChanged: called, value = 3600 (modified = YES).
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: enabled = 1 (default).
ACMRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=YES] (mask=0, DISABLED BY: Def=NO* BtArg=NO LegHW=NO OSEnv=NO | MngCo=NO DwnOS=NO ChkBd=NO coGSw=NO).
ACMRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=YES] (mask=0, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO* LegHW=NO OSEnv=NO | MngCo=NO DwnOS=NO ChkBd=NO coGSw=NO).
ACMRM: _loadDisabledByOSEnvironment: disabled by OSEnvironment: NO.
ACMRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=YES] (mask=0, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO LegHW=NO OSEnv=NO* | MngCo=NO DwnOS=NO ChkBd=NO coGSw=NO).
ACMRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: set TRM_PolicyTimeout = 259200.
ACMRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: sending kIOMessageServicePropertyChange(n=1) while DISABLED, TRM: 259200 -/ff 4294967295 -/ff miss=ff (CUR: 259200 -/ff 4294967295 -/ff).
AppleCredentialManager: init: returning, result = true, instance = <ptr>.
AppleARMBootPerf: Error: profile region not found (2)
AppleARMBootPerf: Error: failed to publish profile data (2)
virtual bool CoreAnalyticsHub::start(IOService *)::105:CoreAnalyticsHub start
AppleSSE::start called
AppleSSE::start returning, result = 1

AppleInterruptController::start: Num Shared Timestamps == 0
virtual bool AppleARMLightEmUp::start(IOService *): starting...
AppleSEPKeyStore:321:0: starting (BUILT: Aug 12 2020 22:51:30)
AppleSEPKeyStore:545:0: _sep_enabled = 1
AppleCredentialManager: start: called, instance = <ptr>.
ACMRM: _publishIOResource: AppleUSBRestrictedModeTimeout = 259200.
000004.032660 wlan0.A[1] start@968:Default options property found with value 4
Creating an object of AppleBCMWLANPlatformFunctionEmbeddedAMFM class
000004.074468 wlan0.A[2] start@1401: Raised adjustBusy(+1), getBusyState() -> 1
000004.075067 wlan0.A[3] start@1403:Setting up notifier for CoreAnalyticsHub
AppleGPIOICController::start: this: <ptr>, _gpioicBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleGPIOICController::start: this: <ptr>, _gpioicBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS8000AES::start: registers at phys:0x0x235008000/0x0x23d2d0000 virt:0x<ptr>/0x0x4000 / 0x<ptr>/0x0x4000
AppleGPIOICController::start: this: <ptr>, _gpioicBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: smc-i2c1 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: smc-i2c0 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS5L8960XUSBPhy::start: hsic disabled
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: i2c0 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleCredentialManager: start: initializing power management, instance = <ptr>.
AppleCredentialManager: start: started, instance = <ptr>.
AppleCredentialManager: start: returning, result = true, instance = <ptr>.
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: i2c3 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: i2c2 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: i2c1 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
000004.519001 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::prepareDefaults: model iPhone version 12.1
Identified Serial Port uart7 at 0x23521c000(<ptr>)
AppleA7IOPNub: withRegistryEntry, 47: allocated nub <ptr>

Identified Serial Port uart0 at 0x235200000(<ptr>)
AppleA7IOPNub: withRegistryEntry, 47: allocated nub <ptr>

RTBuddy(ANS2): start(<ptr>) - (Aug 12 2020@22:50:37)
RTBuddy(SMC): start(<ptr>) - (Aug 12 2020@22:50:37)
LPM state clear
RTBuddy(ANS2): Resuming...

RTBuddy(SMC): Resuming...

000004.791753 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_handleUSBCableConnect: cable connected, but don't have device configuration yet
AppleA7IOPNub: withRegistryEntry, 47: allocated nub <ptr>

virtual IOService *AppleANS2NVMeController::probe(IOService *, SInt32 *)::194:Found (ANS2) provider, returning score 100000
void AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::GetRestoreEnvironment()::444:Restore Environment!
LPM: Log data is NOT valid. 0x0 0x0
AppleDialogSPMIPMU::start: Primary PMU detected
virtual bool AppleANS2NVMeController::start(IOService *)::394:Found the ANS2Endpoint1
AppleARMRTC started!#####
AppleDialogSPMIPMURTC started!******
Failed to read info-leg_scrpadRTBuddy(SIO): start(<ptr>) - (Aug 12 2020@22:50:37)
Starting AppleSMC kext(<ptr>) - (Aug 12 2020@22:51:44)
AppleDialogSPMIPMURTC tick read!&&&&&&&
void AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::GetRestoreEnvironment()::444:Restore Environment!
AppleDialogSPMIPMURTC ending!%%%
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::SetNamespacesStruct()::186:Obtained 7 namespaces from DT
AppleARMRTC registering service!@@@@@@
AppleSMCEmbedded::setPowerState(): ENTER powerStateOrdinal=1, _activeKeyCommand=17 newState=1
000004.930398 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_handleUSBCableConnect: cable connected, but don't have device configuration yet
virtual IOFilterInterruptEventSource *AppleANS2NVMeController::CreateDeviceInterrupt(IOInterruptEventSource::Action, IOFilterInterruptEventSource::Filter, IOService *)::2719:ANS2 NVMe interrupt index - 0x4
AppleARMRTC service registered!$$$$$
AppleARMRTC publishing service!^^^^^^
/Library/Caches/ _setPowerStateGated() ENTER powerStateOrdinal=1, _powerState=1
apfs_module_start:2411: load:, v1677.0.5, apfs-1677.0.5, 2020/08/12 kmod start
apfs_sysctl_register:1253: done registering sysctls. load succeeded
L2TP domain init
L2TP domain init complete
Load request for failed: -603946998
BSD root: md0, major 3, minor 0
apfs_vfsop_mountroot:2188: apfs: mountroot called!
virtual IOReturn IONVMeController::CreateSubmissionQueue(uint16_t, uint8_t)::2886:SQ index=0 entrysize=64
apfs_vfsop_mount:1745: unable to root from devvp <ptr> (root_device): 2
apfs_vfsop_mountroot:2192: apfs: mountroot failed, error: 2
virtual IOReturn IONVMeController::CreateSubmissionQueue(uint16_t, uint8_t)::2886:SQ index=1 entrysize=128
ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x1210 value=0x240024, returning
ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24004 value=0x1000, returning
ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24008 value=0x0, returning
ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24118 value=0x102, returning
ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24108 value=0x102, returning
ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24420 value=0x102, returning
ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24414 value=0x102, returning
ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x2441c value=0x10002, returning
ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24418 value=0x10002, returning
ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24144 value=0x10002, returning
ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24524 value=0x10002, returning
ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24508 value=0x102, returning
ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x24504 value=0x10002, returning
virtual void AppleANS2NVMeController::SetModeselRegister(uint32_t)::1186:Setting modesel to 4
ANS2: MMIO write to unknown vendor register, offset=0x1304 value=0x4, returning
hfs: mounted AzulSeed18A5351d.arm64eCustomerRamDisk on device b(3, 0)
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1964:nvme: Vendor ID     : 0x1b36
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1965:nvme: Model Number  : QEMU NVMe Ctrl
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1966:nvme: Serial Number : QEMUT8030ANS
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1967:nvme: Firmware Rev  : 1.0
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2000:nvme: S3E A0 Invalid 1x slc 1D 0 plane 128GB NAND
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2009:ECCVersion   : 0
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2010:FTL Rev      : 0.0
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2011:DM_Version   : 0
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2012:=======================
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2019:Found 16 namespaces in current NAND
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[1] as nstype[1]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[2] as nstype[2]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[3] as nstype[3]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[4] as nstype[4]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[5] as nstype[5]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[6] as nstype[6]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[7] as nstype[8]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[8] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[9] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[10] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[11] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[12] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[13] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[14] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[15] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[16] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::SetSwapWriteLimit(uint32_t)::2192: Swap limit set to 2147483648bytes, 2GB
virtual bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::InitializeController()::507:FW update not complete, create dummy block device
uint32_t AppleEmbeddedNVMeNVRAM::GetNVRAMSize()::745:NVRAM size is 8192 bytes
virtual bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::AllocateNodes(bool)::1578:allocateAll 1
virtual bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::StartController()::1547:Setting NAND status to Ready
dyld: setting comm page to 0x0
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022[1] <Notice>: hello
Darwin Bootstrapper Version 7.0.0: Mon Aug 10 04:09:14 PDT 2020; root:libxpc_executables-2038.0.13~13/launchd/RELEASE_ARM64E
boot-args = -restore rd=md0 nand-enable-reformat=1 -progress debug=0x14e kextlog=0xffff serial=3 -v
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022[1] <Notice>: Restore environment starting.
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022[1] ( <Notice>: entering ondemand mode
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: fsck
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: mount-phase-1
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: data-protection
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: finish-obliteration
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: commit-boot-mode
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: boot-mode committed: (null)
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: restore-datapartition
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: restore-datapartition: optional boot task not present
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: mount-phase-2
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: init-with-data-volume
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: MSUEarlyBootTask
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: fips
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: keybag
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: usermanagerd
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: init_featureflags
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: fud
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: tzinit
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: finish-restore
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: finish-demo-restore
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: sysstatuscheck
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: prng_seedctl
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Error>: Unable to open /System/Library/xpc/launchd.plist [2:No such file or directory]
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: launchd_cache_loader
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Error>: No MRM cache found
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Warning>: Unable to load cache
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: launchd UUID: 4C2464F5-9F87-31DE-B252-584E3391D4FA
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Early boot complete. Continuing system boot.
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: entering bootstrap mode
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] ( <Warning>: Unknown key for Boolean: EnablePressureExit
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] ( <Error>: (lint): Unable to find persona with type 6: kpersona_find returned -1
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] ( <Error>: (lint): Unable to find persona with type 6: kpersona_find returned -1
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] ( <Error>: (lint): Unable to find persona with type 6: kpersona_find returned -1
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] ( <Error>: (lint): Unable to find persona with type 6: kpersona_find returned -1
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] ( <Error>: Failed to bootstrap path: path = /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemonsAltAccount, error = 2: No such file or directory
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] ( <Error>: Failed to bootstrap path: path = /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemons, error = 2: No such file or directory
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] ( <Error>: Failed to bootstrap path: path = /AppleInternal/Library/LaunchDaemons, error = 2: No such file or directory
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: exiting bootstrap mode
Fri Jun 10 01:36:18 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: exiting ondemand mode
Fri Jun 10 01:36:19 2022 localhost[1] ( <Warning>: Could not find and/or execute program specified by service: 2: No such file or directory: /usr/local/bin/KeyMaker
Fri Jun 10 01:36:19 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: Service setup event to handle failure and will not launch until it fires.
Fri Jun 10 01:36:19 2022 localhost[1] ( <Error>: Missing executable detected. Job: '' Executable: '/usr/local/bin/KeyMaker'
Fri Jun 10 01:36:19 2022 localhost[1] ( <Warning>: Service exited with abnormal code: 78
objc[4]: Class AMSupportURLConnectionDelegate is implemented in both ?? (0x101504000) and ?? (0x101f14028). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[4]: Class AMSupportURLSession is implemented in both ?? (0x101504050) and ?? (0x101f14078). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
[01:36:22.0122-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT ANOMALY: [check_collection]auto-boot(does_not_exist)
[01:36:22.0143-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT PROGRESS: START (unknown) -> (initial_monitor_no_return)
[01:36:22.0144-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: NVRAM access available on initial check
restore-anomalies = {0x00000000:[check_collection]auto-boot(does_not_exist)}
restore-outcome = initial_monitor_no_return
executing /usr/sbin/nvram -s restore-outcome=initial_monitor_no_return
[01:36:22.0749-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: (NVRAM set) restore-outcome=initial_monitor_no_return [sync=true] (initial entry)
entering set_boot_stage
[01:36:22.0805-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT MONITOR: [0x0204] boot_stage
restore-step-monitor = {0x11010204:"boot_stage"}
executing /sbin/mount_tmpfs /mnt5
entering show_service_nodes

IOBlockStorageDriver RegistryID : 0x10000021e Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e
NS_01 RegistryID : 0x10000021d Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e
AppleANS2NVMeController RegistryID : 0x1000001fa Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e
RTBuddyService RegistryID : 0x1000001f7 Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e
RTBuddyV2 RegistryID : 0x1000001e5 Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e
iop-ans-nub RegistryID : 0x100000132 Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e
AppleASCWrapV2 RegistryID : 0x1000001b0 Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x0
ans RegistryID : 0x100000131 Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e
AppleT803xIO RegistryID : 0x1000001a2 Busy State : 0x5 Service State : 0x1e
arm-io RegistryID : 0x100000116 Busy State : 0x1 Service State : 0x1e
AppleARMPE RegistryID : 0x100000186 Busy State : 0x2 Service State : 0x1e
N104DEV RegistryID : 0x100000185 Busy State : 0x1 Service State : 0x1e
Root RegistryID : 0x100000100 Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x0

[01:36:23.0179-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT MONITOR: [0x1180] create_ramdisk
restore-step-monitor = {0x11011180:"create_ramdisk"}
[01:36:23.0182-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT MONITOR: [0x0206] monitoring_child
restore-step-monitor = {0x11010206:"monitoring_child"}
objc[7]: Class AMSupportURLConnectionDelegate is implemented in both ?? (0x101808000) and ?? (0x102218028). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[7]: Class AMSupportURLSession is implemented in both ?? (0x101808050) and ?? (0x102218078). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: Image4Supported
2022-06-10 01:36:24.750029+0000 restored_external[7:370] RestoreLog: Client Query: Image4Supported
libMobileGestalt utility.c:64: Could not open /private/var/containers/Shared/SystemGroup/ No such file or directory
2022-06-10 01:36:24.771769+0000 restored_external[7:370] Could not open /private/var/containers/Shared/SystemGroup/ No such file or directory
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: Image4Supported : true
2022-06-10 01:36:24.791882+0000 restored_external[7:370] RestoreLog: Client Response: Image4Supported : 1
[01:36:24.0793-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: Image4 device: AP nonce clearable
entering ramrod_clear_ap_nonce
[01:36:24.0833-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: AP nonce consumed
[01:36:24.0841-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: Pre-existing NVRAM variable: restore-outcome=initial_monitor_no_return
[01:36:24.0859-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT ANOMALY: [check_collection]auto-boot(does_not_exist)
[01:36:24.0861-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT PROGRESS: START (unknown) -> (initial_engine_no_return)
[01:36:24.0862-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: NVRAM access available on initial check
restore-anomalies = {0x00000000:[check_collection]auto-boot(does_not_exist)}
restore-outcome = initial_engine_no_return
executing /usr/sbin/nvram restore-outcome=initial_engine_no_return
[01:36:25.0352-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0400] umask
restore-step-ids = {0x11030400:1}
restore-step-names = {0x11030400:umask}
restore-step-uptime = 9
restore-step-user-progress = -1
[01:36:25.0360-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0400] umask
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 9
restore-step-user-progress = -1
[01:36:25.0366-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0402] setvbuf
restore-step-ids = {0x11030402:2}
restore-step-names = {0x11030402:setvbuf}
restore-step-uptime = 9
restore-step-user-progress = -1
[01:36:25.0372-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0402] setvbuf
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 9
restore-step-user-progress = -1
[01:36:25.0379-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0403] kernel_logger_thread
restore-step-ids = {0x11030403:3}
restore-step-names = {0x11030403:kernel_logger_thread}
restore-step-uptime = 9
restore-step-user-progress = -1
[01:36:25.0388-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0403] kernel_logger_thread
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 9
restore-step-user-progress = -1
[01:36:25.0395-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0406] set_progress_0
restore-step-ids = {0x11030406:4}
restore-step-names = {0x11030406:set_progress_0}
restore-step-uptime = 9
restore-step-user-progress = -1
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: DeviceClass
2022-06-10 01:36:25.406067+0000 restored_external[7:370] RestoreLog: Client Query: DeviceClass
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: DeviceClass : iPhone
2022-06-10 01:36:25.410747+0000 restored_external[7:370] RestoreLog: Client Response: DeviceClass : iPhone
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: DeviceColorMapPolicy
2022-06-10 01:36:25.412757+0000 restored_external[7:370] RestoreLog: Client Query: DeviceColorMapPolicy
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: DeviceColorMapPolicy : 0
2022-06-10 01:36:25.425399+0000 restored_external[7:370] RestoreLog: Client Response: DeviceColorMapPolicy : 0
2022-06-10 01:36:25.435305+0000 restored_external[7:370] IOMFB: /System/Library/Frameworks/MediaToolbox.framework/MediaToolbox not found
2022-06-10 01:36:25.441926+0000 restored_external[7:370] IOMFB: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MediaToolbox.framework/MediaToolbox not found
2022-06-10 01:36:25.447239+0000 restored_external[7:370] IOMFB: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Celestial.framework/Celestial not found
2022-06-10 01:36:25.449039+0000 restored_external[7:370] IOMFB: FigInstallVirtualDisplay not found
unable to get display list
unable to get framebuffer
No framebuffer but an internal display. Ok on bridge but weird anywhere else.
ramrod_display_set_granular_progress_forced: 0.000000
[01:36:31.0077-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0406] set_progress_0
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 15
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[01:36:31.0087-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0407] start_gasgauge_thread
restore-step-ids = {0x11030407:5}
restore-step-names = {0x11030407:start_gasgauge_thread}
restore-step-uptime = 15
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[01:36:31.0100-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT WARNING: MAIN:[0x0407] gasgauge_start_update_thread failed: -1
restored_external: gasgauge_start_update_thread failed: -1
[01:36:31.0104-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0407] start_gasgauge_thread
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-warnings = {0x11060407:{0:"gasgauge_start_update_thread failed: -1"}}
restore-step-uptime = 15
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[01:36:31.0117-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0408] listen_for_log_client
restore-step-ids = {0x11030408:6}
restore-step-names = {0x11030408:listen_for_log_client}
restore-step-uptime = 15
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[01:36:31.0140-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0408] listen_for_log_client
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 15
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[01:36:31.0149-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x040D] create_listen_socket
restore-step-ids = {0x1103040D:7}
restore-step-names = {0x1103040D:create_listen_socket}
restore-step-uptime = 15
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[01:36:31.0155-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x040D] create_listen_socket
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 15
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[01:36:31.0164-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0404] update_root_mount
restore-step-ids = {0x11030404:8}
restore-step-names = {0x11030404:update_root_mount}
restore-step-uptime = 15
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[01:36:31.0223-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0404] update_root_mount
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 15
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[01:36:31.0230-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0405] disable_watchdog
restore-step-ids = {0x11030405:9}
restore-step-names = {0x11030405:disable_watchdog}
restore-step-uptime = 15
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[01:36:31.0243-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0405] disable_watchdog
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 15
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[01:36:31.0251-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x040E] enable_usb
restore-step-ids = {0x1103040E:10}
restore-step-names = {0x1103040E:enable_usb}
restore-step-uptime = 15
restore-step-user-progress = 0
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: UniqueDeviceID
2022-06-10 01:36:31.288093+0000 restored_external[7:370] RestoreLog: Client Query: UniqueDeviceID
2022-06-10 01:36:31.290202+0000 restored_external[7:370] [fast-path] taking platform fast path for key: re6Zb+zwFKJNlkQTUeT+/w
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: nFRqKto/RuQAV1P+0/qkBA
2022-06-10 01:36:31.292254+0000 restored_external[7:370] RestoreLog: Client Query: nFRqKto/RuQAV1P+0/qkBA
2022-06-10 01:36:31.294117+0000 restored_external[7:370] [fast-path] taking platform fast path for key: nFRqKto/RuQAV1P+0/qkBA
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: TF31PAB6aO8KAbPyNKSxKA
2022-06-10 01:36:31.298058+0000 restored_external[7:370] RestoreLog: Client Query: TF31PAB6aO8KAbPyNKSxKA
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: TF31PAB6aO8KAbPyNKSxKA : 1234605616436508552
2022-06-10 01:36:31.307953+0000 restored_external[7:370] RestoreLog: Client Response: TF31PAB6aO8KAbPyNKSxKA : 1234605616436508552
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: 566JrJVMlDfnslGpwUzNlQ
2022-06-10 01:36:31.310200+0000 restored_external[7:370] RestoreLog: Client Query: 566JrJVMlDfnslGpwUzNlQ
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: 566JrJVMlDfnslGpwUzNlQ : 32816
2022-06-10 01:36:31.320472+0000 restored_external[7:370] RestoreLog: Client Response: 566JrJVMlDfnslGpwUzNlQ : 32816
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: nFRqKto/RuQAV1P+0/qkBA : <CFData 0x105607de0 [0x101efc1b8]>{length = 25, capacity = 25, bytes = 0x30303030383033302d31313232333334 ... 3535363637373838}
2022-06-10 01:36:31.347042+0000 restored_external[7:370] RestoreLog: Client Response: nFRqKto/RuQAV1P+0/qkBA : {length = 25, bytes = 0x30303030 38303330 2d313132 32333334 ... 35353636 37373838 }
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: UniqueDeviceID : 00008030-1122334455667788
2022-06-10 01:36:31.350485+0000 restored_external[7:370] RestoreLog: Client Response: UniqueDeviceID : 00008030-1122334455667788
000019.850345 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: Apple Mobile Device
000019.851089 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice:    interface: AppleUSBMux
000019.852795 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: Reserved 1 + Apple Mobile Device
000019.853319 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice:    interface: Reserved
000019.853958 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice:    interface: AppleUSBMux
000019.854378 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: Reserved 2 + Apple Mobile Device
000019.854948 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice:    interface: Reserved
000019.855408 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice:    interface: AppleUSBMux
000019.856131 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: Reserved 3 + Apple Mobile Device
000019.856717 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice:    interface: Reserved
000019.857262 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice:    interface: AppleUSBMux
000019.871482 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function Reserved
waiting for matching IOKit service: {
    IOProviderClass = AppleUSBDeviceMux;
AppleUSBDeviceMux build: Aug 12 2020 22:50:42
000019.884594 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function AppleUSBMux
000019.885259 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::startUSBStack: starting usb stack
qemu-system-aarch64: usb_tcp_host_attach: failed to connect to server: -1

IOReturn AppleUSBDeviceMux::setPropertiesGated(OSObject *) setting debug level to 7
[01:36:34.0395-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x040E] enable_usb
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 18
restore-step-user-progress = 0
waiting for host to trigger start of restore [timeout of 120 seconds]
000024.067180 wlan0.A[4] initWithProvider@120:amfm not matched
000024.070722 wlan0.A[5] deferredStart@1730: Lowered adjustBusy(-1), getBusyState() -> 4
error waiting for events: timed out
[01:38:34.0416-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: MAIN:[0x0104] handle_new_connections
[01:38:34.0420-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT PROGRESS: FAILED (initial_engine_no_return) -> (initial_engine_failure_no_return)
restore-outcome = initial_engine_failure_no_return
executing /usr/sbin/nvram -s restore-outcome=initial_engine_failure_no_return
[01:38:35.0168-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: (NVRAM set) restore-outcome=initial_engine_failure_no_return [sync=true] (engine process terminating)
[01:38:35.0270-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: Post-engines NVRAM variable: restore-outcome=initial_engine_failure_no_return
[01:38:35.0293-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT PROGRESS: NO_REBOOT_RETRY (initial_monitor_no_return) -> (recovery_mode)
restore-child-failures = {initial:EXIT(1)[REBOOT]}
executing /usr/sbin/nvram restore-child-failures={initial:EXIT(1)[REBOOT]}
restore-outcome = recovery_mode
executing /usr/sbin/nvram restore-outcome=recovery_mode
restored exited normally with status 1 - rebooting
[01:38:36.0679-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT MONITOR:(FAILURE:256) [0x020A] set_exit_status
restore-step-monitor = {0x1101020A:"set_exit_status"}
restored-exit-status = 0x100
executing /usr/sbin/nvram restored-exit-status=0x100
Searching for NAND service
Found NAND service: AppleANS2NVMeController
NAND initialized. Waiting for devnode.
entering wait_for_device: 'EmbeddedDeviceTypeRoot'
Using device path /dev/disk0 for EmbeddedDeviceTypeRoot
entering ramrod_probe_media_internal
entering wait_for_device: 'EmbeddedDeviceTypeRoot'
Using device path /dev/disk0 for EmbeddedDeviceTypeRoot
Data volume access is restricted..Checking for path on update volume to sync read/write ramdisk

Unable to find update partition and data volume access is restricted. Nothing to sync the ramdisk to!!

[01:38:37.0430-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT MONITOR:(FAILURE:1) [0x1183] sync_ramdisk
restore-step-monitor = {0x11011183:"sync_ramdisk"}
[01:38:37.0439-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT MONITOR: [0x1181] unmount_ramdisk
restore-step-monitor = {0x11011181:"unmount_ramdisk"}
Tried to unmount a volume at '/mnt5' that wasn't mounted. Ignoring the error.
successfully unmounted tmpfs
[01:38:37.0443-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT MONITOR: [0x1182] eject_ramdisk
restore-step-monitor = {0x11011182:"eject_ramdisk"}
[01:38:37.0447-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT FINAL-MONITOR:(FAILURE:1)  [EXIT] {initial:EXIT(1)[REBOOT]}

[01:38:37.0447-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT FINAL-MONITOR:(FAILURE:1)  [EXIT] {initial:EXIT(1)[REBOOT]}

[01:38:37.0447-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT FINAL-MONITOR:(FAILURE:1)  [EXIT] {initial:EXIT(1)[REBOOT]}

Couldn't retrieve SMC Key AC-R. Got SMC error: -3
unable to kick port micro - Couldn't set AC-R to 0
executing /sbin/reboot
2022-06-10 01:38:39.869529+0000 reboot[13:388] rebooted by root
Fri Jun 10 01:38:39 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: System shutdown initiated by: reboot.13<-restored_extern.4<-launchd.1
Fri Jun 10 01:38:39 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: committing to system shutdown
Fri Jun 10 01:38:39 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: shutdown UNINITIALIZED -> COMMITTED
Fri Jun 10 01:38:39 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: shutdown already committed
Fri Jun 10 01:38:39 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: shutdown COMMITTED -> COMMITTED
Fri Jun 10 01:38:39 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: shutdown COMMITTED -> WAITING_ON_SERVICES
Fri Jun 10 01:38:40 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: shutdown WAITING_ON_SERVICES -> WRITE_DISABLED
Fri Jun 10 01:38:40 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: shutdown WRITE_DISABLED -> WAITING_ON_COALITIONS
launchd launches[0] inflight messages: 0
launchd launches[1] inflight mesFri Jun 10 01:38:40 2022 localhost[1] ( <Warning>: kill(-1, SIGKILL) returned EPERM (expected at most twice)
sages: 0
Fri Jun 10 01:38:40 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: shutdown WAITING_ON_COALITIONS -> LAUNCH_SHUTDOWN_TEARDOWN
Fri Jun 10 01:38:40 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: Userspace teardown took: 120 ms
Fri Jun 10 01:38:40 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: Will be calling reboot(2) with flags: 0x0
Fri Jun 10 01:38:40 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Quiescing queues
Fri Jun 10 01:38:40 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: shutdown LAUNCH_SHUTDOWN_TEARDOWN -> WAITING_ON_QUIESCE
Fri Jun 10 01:38:40 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: bye
launchd quiesce complete
hfs: unmount initiated on AzulSeed18A5351d.arm64eCustomerRamDisk on device b(3, 0)
virtual void AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::systemWillShutdown(IOOptionBits)::4247:Entry, inOptions - 0xe0000310
virtual void AppleNVMeController::systemWillShutdown(IOOptionBits)::1311:Entry, inOptions - 0xe0000310
virtual void IONVMeController::systemWillShutdown(IOOptionBits)::509:Entry, inOptions - 0xe0000310
virtual void IONVMeController::systemWillShutdown(IOOptionBits)::559:Exit, inOptions - 0xe0000310
virtual void AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::systemWillShutdown(IOOptionBits)::4257:Exit, inOptions - 0xe0000310
IOPlatformHaltRestartAction -> AppleT8030PMGR
wdog restart
g_virt_base: 0xfffffff01e000000
g_phys_base: 0x0000000802000000
slide_virt: 0x000000001ac00000
slide_phys: 0x0000000000c00000
entry: 0x0000000806d204e8
boot_mode: 0
qemu-system-aarch64: t8030_memory_setup: Failed to read ticket from file root_ticket.der
cmdline: [-restore rd=md0 nand-enable-reformat=1 -progress debug=0x14e kextlog=0xffff serial=3 -v]
iBoot version: qemu-t8030
Darwin Image4 Validator Version 3.0.0: Wed Aug 12 22:19:21 PDT 2020; root:AppleImage4-
AppleImage4: failed to read nvram property: nonce-seeds: 2
AppleImage4: error reading seeds: 2
AMFI is running in RESEARCH mode!

AUC:[0xffffffe19ba87980]::probe(0xffffffe19b851cc0, 0xffffffe80803bdac)

AppleCredentialManager: init: called, instance = <ptr>.
ACMFirstResponderKernelService: init: called, .
ACMRM-S: init: called, starting PersistentStore service.
ACMRM-C: init: called, starting AccessoryCache service.
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: acc-cache size = 16 (default).
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: acc-cache expiration = 2592000 (default).
ACMRM: init: called, starting TRM service.
ACMRM-A: init: called, starting TRM Analytics service.
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: analytics collection period = 86400 (default).
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: policy mode timeout = 259200 (default).
ACMRM-A: notifyStandardModeTimeoutChanged: called, value = 259200 (modified = YES).
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: (bounded) grace period timeout = 3600 (default).
ACMRM-A: notifyGracePeriodTimeoutChanged: called, value = 3600 (modified = YES).
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: enabled = 1 (default).
ACMRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=YES] (mask=0, DISABLED BY: Def=NO* BtArg=NO LegHW=NO OSEnv=NO | MngCo=NO DwnOS=NO ChkBd=NO coGSw=NO).
ACMRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=YES] (mask=0, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO* LegHW=NO OSEnv=NO | MngCo=NO DwnOS=NO ChkBd=NO coGSw=NO).
ACMRM: _loadDisabledByOSEnvironment: disabled by OSEnvironment: NO.
ACMRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=YES] (mask=0, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO LegHW=NO OSEnv=NO* | MngCo=NO DwnOS=NO ChkBd=NO coGSw=NO).
ACMRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: set TRM_PolicyTimeout = 259200.
ACMRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: sending kIOMessageServicePropertyChange(n=1) while DISABLED, TRM: 259200 -/ff 4294967295 -/ff miss=ff (CUR: 259200 -/ff 4294967295 -/ff).
AppleCredentialManager: init: returning, result = true, instance = <ptr>.
AppleARMBootPerf: Error: profile region not found (2)
AppleARMBootPerf: Error: failed to publish profile data (2)
virtual bool CoreAnalyticsHub::start(IOService *)::105:CoreAnalyticsHub start
AppleSSE::start called
AppleInterruptController::start: Num Shared Timestamps == 0
AppleSSE::start returning, result = 1

AppleSEPKeyStore:321:0: starting (BUILT: Aug 12 2020 22:51:30)
AppleSEPKeyStore:545:0: _sep_enabled = 1
AppleCredentialManager: start: called, instance = <ptr>.
ACMRM: _publishIOResource: AppleUSBRestrictedModeTimeout = 259200.
000152.444160 wlan0.A[1] start@968:Default options property found with value 4
AppleCredentialManager: start: initializing power management, instance = <ptr>.
AppleCredentialManager: start: started, instance = <ptr>.
AppleCredentialManager: start: returning, result = true, instance = <ptr>.
Creating an object of AppleBCMWLANPlatformFunctionEmbeddedAMFM class
000152.503883 wlan0.A[2] start@1401: Raised adjustBusy(+1), getBusyState() -> 1
000152.504861 wlan0.A[3] start@1403:Setting up notifier for CoreAnalyticsHub
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: i2c0 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS8000AES::start: registers at phys:0x0x235008000/0x0x23d2d0000 virt:0x<ptr>/0x0x4000 / 0x<ptr>/0x0x4000
AppleGPIOICController::start: this: <ptr>, _gpioicBaseAddress: <ptr>
virtual bool AppleARMLightEmUp::start(IOService *): starting...
AppleGPIOICController::start: this: <ptr>, _gpioicBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: smc-i2c1 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS5L8960XUSBPhy::start: hsic disabled
000152.836889 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::prepareDefaults: model iPhone version 12.1
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: i2c2 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleGPIOICController::start: this: <ptr>, _gpioicBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: i2c1 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: smc-i2c0 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: i2c3 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
000172.511989 wlan0.A[4] initWithProvider@120:amfm not matched
000172.536600 wlan0.A[5] deferredStart@1730: Lowered adjustBusy(-1), getBusyState() -> 4
apfs_module_start:2411: load:, v1677.0.5, apfs-1677.0.5, 2020/08/12 kmod start
apfs_sysctl_register:1253: done registering sysctls. load succeeded
L2TP domain init
L2TP domain init complete
Load request for failed: -603946998
BSD root: md0, major 3, minor 0
apfs_vfsop_mountroot:2188: apfs: mountroot called!
apfs_vfsop_mount:1745: unable to root from devvp <ptr> (root_device): 2
apfs_vfsop_mountroot:2192: apfs: mountroot failed, error: 2
hfs: mounted AzulSeed18A5351d.arm64eCustomerRamDisk on device b(3, 0)
NewDwarf commented 2 years ago

I can confirm exactly the same issue. ...some additional information:

  1. All nvm.* files remain untouched by the restore procedure.
  2. The GUI window doesn't show the Apple logo and the progress bar. Should we see them if restoring goes smoothly?

What is the purpose of using theticket-filename=root_ticket.der parameter? I did't find the root_ticket.der file in the working directory.

qemu claims on: qemu-system-aarch64: t8030_memory_setup: Failed to read ticket from file root_ticket.der

TrungNguyen1909 commented 2 years ago

Hello, The root_ticket.der file is created using the command located at here.

The Apple logo and progress bar will not show up, but the restore will proceed normally. It hasn't been released yet, and will remain so for a while (month-ish).

NewDwarf commented 2 years ago

@TrungNguyen1909 Thanks! At the first glance, the ramdisk mounts the root HFS filesystem. But nothing happens after...

BSD root: md0, major 3, minor 0
apfs_vfsop_mountroot:2188: apfs: mountroot called!
apfs_vfsop_mount:1745: unable to root from devvp <ptr> (root_device): 2
apfs_vfsop_mountroot:2192: apfs: mountroot failed, error: 2
hfs: mounted AzulSeed18A5351d.arm64eCustomerRamDisk on device b(3, 0)

I guess, on the next step the kernel have to start launchd to initiate restoring. Could you please confirm this? What output I should see?

NinjaCheetah commented 2 years ago

Having the exact same issue. Not sure if it helps, but I have root_ticket.der in the root directory (and no error message about it so it's being read) and that doesn't change what happens.

NewDwarf commented 2 years ago

@TrungNguyen1909 Any thoughts to debug this issue?

TheTechRobo commented 1 year ago

Is the root_ticket.der necessary to start the system?

TrungNguyen1909 commented 1 year ago

@TheTechRobo It is not necessary to start the system, but necessary for restore.