TrungNguyen1909 / qemu-t8030

iPhone 11 emulated on QEMU
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Cannot start after restore (AppleT8015SPMIController: fault log 0x0) #81

Open zekksv opened 1 year ago

zekksv commented 1 year ago

I have completed the restore process but cannot boot. After some time i get endless fault log 0x0, I am attaching my full long.

Shortly it looks like this,

tx_flush:1075: disk0s1 xid 288 tx stats: # 100 finish 102 enter 1657 wait 9 1315578us close 1434us flush 543504us

tx_enter_internal:2133: disk0s1 waited 7299771 us to open tx xid 290 (nx_tx_wait_closed)

tx_flush:945: disk0s1 tx xid 290 took 13792888 us to flush

tx_flush:1033: disk0s1 tx xid 290 took 8462628 us to sync and write superblock

tx_flush:945: disk0s1 tx xid 291 took 2657518 us to flush

tx_flush:1033: disk0s1 tx xid 291 took 1347508 us to sync and write superblock

tx_flush:1033: disk0s1 tx xid 292 took 7313029 us to sync and write superblock

tx_enter_internal:2133: disk0s1 waited 2663805 us to open tx xid 294 (nx_tx_wait_closed)

tx_enter_internal:2133: disk0s1 waited 3606594 us to open tx xid 297 (nx_tx_wait_closed)

tx_flush:1033: disk0s1 tx xid 296 took 5022973 us to sync and write superblock

tx_flush:945: disk0s1 tx xid 301 took 10096260 us to flush

tx_flush:945: disk0s1 tx xid 303 took 2452457 us to flush

tx_flush:1033: disk0s1 tx xid 303 took 20331232 us to sync and write superblock

tx_flush:1033: disk0s1 tx xid 304 took 20330537 us to sync and write superblock

tx_flush:1033: disk0s1 tx xid 305 took 20333699 us to sync and write superblock

AppleT8015SPMIController::_debugDumpState:352: queueStatus: 0x100

AppleT8015SPMIController: fault log 0x0

AppleT8015SPMIController: fault log 0x0

AppleT8015SPMIController: fault log 0x0


authscuredev commented 1 year ago

I also have same issue, anyone here had the solution?

TrungNguyen1909 commented 1 year ago

Hmm, should be fixed in fd4b0f7

Though I can't even reproduce...

authscuredev commented 1 year ago

this one the result after running the latest patch, still failure, do i miss on something??

Loading iOS 14.0...
kernel_low: 0xfffffff004000000
kernel_high: 0xfffffff00a4cd4f0
KPF: found apfs_vfsop_mount
KPF: found handle_eval_rootauth
KPF: Found AMFI hashtype check
kpf_amfi_callback: Found AMFI (Leaf)
kpf_amfi_callback: Found lookup_in_trust_cache_module @ 0xfffffff007b5d71c
KPF: Found mac_mount
KPF: Found mac_mount
kpf_amfi_callback: Found AMFI (Routine)
kpf_amfi_callback: Found lookup_in_static_trust_cache @ 0xfffffff0097edcb8
qemu-system-aarch64: Missing patch: trustcache16
KPF: Found AppleKeyStoreUserClient::handleUserClientCommandGated
Qemu FB realize
boot_mode: 0
qemu-system-aarch64: t8030_memory_setup: Failed to read ticket from file root_ticket.der
g_virt_base: 0xfffffff006000000
g_phys_base: 0x0000000802000000
slide_virt: 0x0000000002f08000
slide_phys: 0x0000000000f08000
entry: 0x00000008070284e8
cmdline: [-restore rd=md0 nand-enable-reformat=1 -progress debug=0x14e kextlog=0xffff serial=3 -v wdt=-1]
iBoot version: qemu-t8030
Darwin Image4 Validator Version 3.0.0: Wed Aug 12 22:19:21 PDT 2020; root:AppleImage4-
AMFI is running in RESEARCH mode!

AUC:[0xffffffe19b7d0670]::probe(0xffffffe19b599d60, 0xffffffe807d63dac)

AppleCredentialManager: init: called, instance = <ptr>.
ACMFirstResponderKernelService: init: called, .
ACMRM-S: init: called, starting PersistentStore service.
ACMRM-C: init: called, starting AccessoryCache service.
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: acc-cache size = 16 (default).
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: acc-cache expiration = 2592000 (default).
ACMRM: init: called, starting TRM service.
ACMRM-A: init: called, starting TRM Analytics service.
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: analytics collection period = 86400 (default).
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: policy mode timeout = 259200 (default).
ACMRM-A: notifyStandardModeTimeoutChanged: called, value = 259200 (modified = YES).
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: (bounded) grace period timeout = 3600 (default).
ACMRM-A: notifyGracePeriodTimeoutChanged: called, value = 3600 (modified = YES).
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: enabled = 1 (default).
ACMRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=YES] (mask=0, DISABLED BY: Def=NO* BtArg=NO LegHW=NO OSEnv=NO | MngCo=NO DwnOS=NO ChkBd=NO coGSw=NO).
ACMRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=YES] (mask=0, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO* LegHW=NO OSEnv=NO | MngCo=NO DwnOS=NO ChkBd=NO coGSw=NO).
ACMRM: _loadDisabledByOSEnvironment: disabled by OSEnvironment: NO.
ACMRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=YES] (mask=0, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO LegHW=NO OSEnv=NO* | MngCo=NO DwnOS=NO ChkBd=NO coGSw=NO).
ACMRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: set TRM_PolicyTimeout = 259200.
ACMRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: sending kIOMessageServicePropertyChange(n=1) while DISABLED, TRM: 259200 -/ff 4294967295 -/ff miss=ff (CUR: 259200 -/ff 4294967295 -/ff).
AppleCredentialManager: init: returning, result = true, instance = <ptr>.
AppleARMBootPerf: Error: profile region not found (2)
AppleARMBootPerf: Error: failed to publish profile data (2)
virtual bool CoreAnalyticsHub::start(IOService *)::105:CoreAnalyticsHub start
AppleSSE::start called
AppleSSE::start returning, result = 1

AppleSEPKeyStore:321:0: starting (BUILT: Aug 12 2020 22:51:30)
AppleSEPKeyStore:545:0: _sep_enabled = 1
AppleCredentialManager: start: called, instance = <ptr>.
ACMRM: _publishIOResource: AppleUSBRestrictedModeTimeout = 259200.
AppleCredentialManager: start: initializing power management, instance = <ptr>.
AppleCredentialManager: start: started, instance = <ptr>.
AppleCredentialManager: start: returning, result = true, instance = <ptr>.
virtual bool AppleARMLightEmUp::start(IOService *): starting...
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: i2c1 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: smc-i2c1 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: i2c3 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: i2c2 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
000002.330072 wlan0.A[1] start@968:Default options property found with value 4
Creating an object of AppleBCMWLANPlatformFunctionEmbeddedAMFM class
000002.357259 wlan0.A[2] start@1401: Raised adjustBusy(+1), getBusyState() -> 1
000002.357629 wlan0.A[3] start@1403:Setting up notifier for CoreAnalyticsHub
AppleInterruptController::start: Num Shared Timestamps == 0
000002.410014 AppleT8030TypeCPhy@0: AppleT8027TypeCPhy::start: usb3-phy-parent not specified
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: i2c0 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleGPIOICController::start: this: <ptr>, _gpioicBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleGPIOICController::start: this: <ptr>, _gpioicBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: smc-i2c0 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS8000AES::start: registers at phys:0x0x235008000/0x0x23d2d0000 virt:0x<ptr>/0x0x4000 / 0x<ptr>/0x0x4000
AppleGPIOICController::start: this: <ptr>, _gpioicBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleA7IOPNub: withRegistryEntry, 47: allocated nub <ptr>

Identified Serial Port uart0 at 0x235200000(<ptr>)
Identified Serial Port uart7 at 0x23521c000(<ptr>)
AppleA7IOPNub: withRegistryEntry, 47: allocated nub <ptr>

LPM state clear
RTBuddy(ANS2): start(<ptr>) - (Aug 12 2020@22:50:37)
RTBuddy(SMC): start(<ptr>) - (Aug 12 2020@22:50:37)
RTBuddy(SMC): Boot args override: wdt = -1
RTBuddy(ANS2): Boot args override: wdt = -1
LPM: Log data is NOT valid. 0x0 0x0
AppleDialogSPMIPMU::start: Primary PMU detected
AppleARMRTC started!#####
AppleDialogSPMIPMURTC started!******
Failed to read info-leg_scrpadAppleDialogSPMIPMURTC tick read!&&&&&&&
AppleDialogSPMIPMURTC ending!%%%
RTBuddy(ANS2): Resuming...

RTBuddy(SMC): Resuming...

AppleA7IOPNub: withRegistryEntry, 47: allocated nub <ptr>

AppleARMRTC registering service!@@@@@@
virtual IOService *AppleANS2NVMeController::probe(IOService *, SInt32 *)::194:Found (ANS2) provider, returning score 100000
Starting AppleSMC kext(<ptr>) - (Aug 12 2020@22:51:44)
RTBuddy(SIO): start(<ptr>) - (Aug 12 2020@22:50:37)
AppleSMCEmbedded::setPowerState(): ENTER powerStateOrdinal=1, _activeKeyCommand=17 newState=1
void AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::GetRestoreEnvironment()::444:Restore Environment!
RTBuddy(SIO): Boot args override: wdt = -1
virtual bool AppleANS2NVMeController::start(IOService *)::394:Found the ANS2Endpoint1
void AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::GetRestoreEnvironment()::444:Restore Environment!
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::SetNamespacesStruct()::186:Obtained 7 namespaces from DT
RTBuddy(SIO): Resuming...

AppleARMRTC service registered!$$$$$
AppleARMRTC publishing service!^^^^^^
virtual IOFilterInterruptEventSource *AppleANS2NVMeController::CreateDeviceInterrupt(IOInterruptEventSource::Action, IOFilterInterruptEventSource::Filter, IOService *)::2719:ANS2 NVMe interrupt index - 0x4
AppleSmartIO (RTBuddy-based)::start (<ptr>) - (Aug 12 2020@22:19:30)
/Library/Caches/ _setPowerStateGated() ENTER powerStateOrdinal=1, _powerState=1
Identified Serial Port uart4 at 0x235210000(<ptr>)
apfs_module_start:2411: load:, v1677.0.5, apfs-1677.0.5, 2020/08/12 kmod start
apfs_sysctl_register:1253: done registering sysctls. load succeeded
L2TP domain init
L2TP domain init complete
Load request for failed: -603946998
BSD root: md0, major 3, minor 0
apfs_vfsop_mountroot:2188: apfs: mountroot called!
apfs_vfsop_mount:1745: unable to root from devvp <ptr> (root_device): 2
apfs_vfsop_mountroot:2192: apfs: mountroot failed, error: 2
virtual IOReturn IONVMeController::CreateSubmissionQueue(uint16_t, uint8_t)::2886:SQ index=0 entrysize=64
virtual IOReturn IONVMeController::CreateSubmissionQueue(uint16_t, uint8_t)::2886:SQ index=1 entrysize=128
virtual void AppleANS2NVMeController::SetModeselRegister(uint32_t)::1186:Setting modesel to 4
000003.181414 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: AppleUSBXDCIARM::start: _dock is NULL, defaulting to device mode
000003.183996 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::prepareDefaults: model iPhone version 12.1
hfs: mounted AzulSeed18A5351d.arm64eCustomerRamDisk on device b(3, 0)
000003.201148 usb-drd-port-hs@00100000: AppleUSB20XHCITypeCPort::start: _dock is NULL, defaulting to device mode
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1964:nvme: Vendor ID     : 0x1b36
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1965:nvme: Model Number  : QEMU NVMe Ctrl
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1966:nvme: Serial Number : QEMUT8030ANS
000003.215255 usb-drd-port-hs@00100000: AppleUSBHostPort::fullDisconnect:
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1967:nvme: Firmware Rev  : 7.1.0
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2000:nvme: S3E A0 Invalid 1x slc 1D 0 plane 128GB NAND
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2009:ECCVersion   : 0
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2010:FTL Rev      : 0.0
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2011:DM_Version   : 0
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2012:=======================
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2019:Found 16 namespaces in current NAND
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[1] as nstype[1]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[2] as nstype[2]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[3] as nstype[3]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[4] as nstype[4]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[5] as nstype[5]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[6] as nstype[6]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[7] as nstype[8]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[8] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[9] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[10] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[11] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[12] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[13] as nstype[0]
000003.263067 usb-drd-port-hs@00100000: AppleUSB20XHCITypeCPort::cableChangeOccurred: cable detect disabled: transport type 2 connect type 2 restricted mode 0
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[14] as nstype[0]
000003.264781 usb-drd-port-hs@00100000: AppleUSB20XHCITypeCPort::cableChangeOccurred: no action for transport type 2 connect type 2 restricted mode 0
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[15] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[16] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::SetSwapWriteLimit(uint32_t)::2192: Swap limit set to 2147483648bytes, 2GB
virtual bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::InitializeController()::507:FW update not complete, create dummy block device
uint32_t AppleEmbeddedNVMeNVRAM::GetNVRAMSize()::745:NVRAM size is 8192 bytes
virtual bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::AllocateNodes(bool)::1578:allocateAll 1
virtual bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::StartController()::1547:Setting NAND status to Ready
dyld: setting comm page to 0x0
ERR: AppleStockholmControl::start:334 failed waiting for AppleStockholmSPMI
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022[1] <Notice>: hello
Darwin Bootstrapper Version 7.0.0: Mon Aug 10 04:09:14 PDT 2020; root:libxpc_executables-2038.0.13~13/launchd/RELEASE_ARM64E
boot-args = -restore rd=md0 nand-enable-reformat=1 -progress debug=0x14e kextlog=0xffff serial=3 -v wdt=-1
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022[1] <Notice>: Restore environment starting.
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: entering ondemand mode
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: fsck
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: mount-phase-1
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: data-protection
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: finish-obliteration
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: commit-boot-mode
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: boot-mode committed: (null)
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: restore-datapartition
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: restore-datapartition: optional boot task not present
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: mount-phase-2
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: init-with-data-volume
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: MSUEarlyBootTask
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: fips
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: keybag
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: usermanagerd
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: init_featureflags
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: fud
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: tzinit
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: finish-restore
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: finish-demo-restore
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: sysstatuscheck
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: prng_seedctl
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Error>: Unable to open /System/Library/xpc/launchd.plist [2:No such file or directory]
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: launchd_cache_loader
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Error>: No MRM cache found
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Warning>: Unable to load cache
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: launchd UUID: 4C2464F5-9F87-31DE-B252-584E3391D4FA
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Early boot complete. Continuing system boot.
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: entering bootstrap mode
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] ( <Warning>: Unknown key for Boolean: EnablePressureExit
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] ( <Error>: (lint): Unable to find persona with type 6: kpersona_find returned -1
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] ( <Error>: (lint): Unable to find persona with type 6: kpersona_find returned -1
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] ( <Error>: (lint): Unable to find persona with type 6: kpersona_find returned -1
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] ( <Error>: (lint): Unable to find persona with type 6: kpersona_find returned -1
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] ( <Error>: Failed to bootstrap path: path = /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemonsAltAccount, error = 2: No such file or directory
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] ( <Error>: Failed to bootstrap path: path = /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemons, error = 2: No such file or directory
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] ( <Error>: Failed to bootstrap path: path = /AppleInternal/Library/LaunchDaemons, error = 2: No such file or directory
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: exiting bootstrap mode
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: exiting ondemand mode
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] ( <Warning>: Could not find and/or execute program specified by service: 2: No such file or directory: /usr/local/bin/KeyMaker
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: Service setup event to handle failure and will not launch until it fires.
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] ( <Error>: Missing executable detected. Job: '' Executable: '/usr/local/bin/KeyMaker'
Tue Oct 25 15:38:43 2022 localhost[1] ( <Warning>: Service exited with abnormal code: 78
objc[4]: Class AMSupportURLConnectionDelegate is implemented in both ?? (0x105774000) and ?? (0x106184028). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[4]: Class AMSupportURLSession is implemented in both ?? (0x105774050) and ?? (0x106184078). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
[15:38:46.0044-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT ANOMALY: [check_collection]auto-boot(does_not_exist)
[15:38:46.0060-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT PROGRESS: START (unknown) -> (initial_monitor_no_return)
[15:38:46.0061-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: NVRAM access available on initial check
restore-anomalies = {0x00000000:[check_collection]auto-boot(does_not_exist)}
restore-outcome = initial_monitor_no_return
executing /usr/sbin/nvram -s restore-outcome=initial_monitor_no_return
[15:38:46.0532-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: (NVRAM set) restore-outcome=initial_monitor_no_return [sync=true] (initial entry)
entering set_boot_stage
[15:38:46.0584-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT MONITOR: [0x0204] boot_stage
restore-step-monitor = {0x11010204:"boot_stage"}
executing /sbin/mount_tmpfs /mnt5
entering show_service_nodes

IOBlockStorageDriver RegistryID : 0x10000022d Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e
NS_01 RegistryID : 0x10000022c Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e
AppleANS2NVMeController RegistryID : 0x100000201 Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e
RTBuddyService RegistryID : 0x1000001fe Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e
RTBuddyV2 RegistryID : 0x1000001f7 Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e
iop-ans-nub RegistryID : 0x100000134 Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e
AppleASCWrapV2 RegistryID : 0x1000001b4 Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x0
ans RegistryID : 0x100000133 Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e
AppleT803xIO RegistryID : 0x1000001a5 Busy State : 0x4 Service State : 0x1e
arm-io RegistryID : 0x100000116 Busy State : 0x1 Service State : 0x1e
AppleARMPE RegistryID : 0x100000189 Busy State : 0x2 Service State : 0x1e
N104DEV RegistryID : 0x100000188 Busy State : 0x1 Service State : 0x1e
Root RegistryID : 0x100000100 Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x0

[15:38:46.0851-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT MONITOR: [0x1180] create_ramdisk
restore-step-monitor = {0x11011180:"create_ramdisk"}
[15:38:46.0853-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT MONITOR: [0x0206] monitoring_child
restore-step-monitor = {0x11010206:"monitoring_child"}
objc[7]: Class AMSupportURLConnectionDelegate is implemented in both ?? (0x103754000) and ?? (0x104164028). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[7]: Class AMSupportURLSession is implemented in both ?? (0x103754050) and ?? (0x104164078). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: Image4Supported
2022-10-25 15:38:48.093621+0000 restored_external[7:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: Image4Supported
libMobileGestalt utility.c:64: Could not open /private/var/containers/Shared/SystemGroup/ No such file or directory
2022-10-25 15:38:48.110086+0000 restored_external[7:384] Could not open /private/var/containers/Shared/SystemGroup/ No such file or directory
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: Image4Supported : true
2022-10-25 15:38:48.127465+0000 restored_external[7:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: Image4Supported : 1
[15:38:48.0129-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: Image4 device: AP nonce clearable
entering ramrod_clear_ap_nonce
[15:38:48.0166-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: AP nonce consumed
[15:38:48.0174-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: Pre-existing NVRAM variable: restore-outcome=initial_monitor_no_return
[15:38:48.0188-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT ANOMALY: [check_collection]auto-boot(does_not_exist)
[15:38:48.0190-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT PROGRESS: START (unknown) -> (initial_engine_no_return)
[15:38:48.0192-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: NVRAM access available on initial check
restore-anomalies = {0x00000000:[check_collection]auto-boot(does_not_exist)}
restore-outcome = initial_engine_no_return
executing /usr/sbin/nvram restore-outcome=initial_engine_no_return
[15:38:48.0629-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0400] umask
restore-step-ids = {0x11030400:1}
restore-step-names = {0x11030400:umask}
restore-step-uptime = 6
restore-step-user-progress = -1
[15:38:48.0634-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0400] umask
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 6
restore-step-user-progress = -1
[15:38:48.0639-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0402] setvbuf
restore-step-ids = {0x11030402:2}
restore-step-names = {0x11030402:setvbuf}
restore-step-uptime = 6
restore-step-user-progress = -1
[15:38:48.0643-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0402] setvbuf
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 6
restore-step-user-progress = -1
[15:38:48.0646-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0403] kernel_logger_thread
restore-step-ids = {0x11030403:3}
restore-step-names = {0x11030403:kernel_logger_thread}
restore-step-uptime = 6
restore-step-user-progress = -1
[15:38:48.0652-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0403] kernel_logger_thread
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 6
restore-step-user-progress = -1
[15:38:48.0656-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0406] set_progress_0
restore-step-ids = {0x11030406:4}
restore-step-names = {0x11030406:set_progress_0}
restore-step-uptime = 6
restore-step-user-progress = -1
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: DeviceClass
2022-10-25 15:38:48.662480+0000 restored_external[7:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: DeviceClass
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: DeviceClass : iPhone
2022-10-25 15:38:48.664550+0000 restored_external[7:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: DeviceClass : iPhone
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: DeviceColorMapPolicy
2022-10-25 15:38:48.665752+0000 restored_external[7:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: DeviceColorMapPolicy
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: DeviceColorMapPolicy : 0
2022-10-25 15:38:48.673918+0000 restored_external[7:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: DeviceColorMapPolicy : 0
2022-10-25 15:38:48.684448+0000 restored_external[7:384] IOMFB: /System/Library/Frameworks/MediaToolbox.framework/MediaToolbox not found
2022-10-25 15:38:48.688888+0000 restored_external[7:384] IOMFB: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MediaToolbox.framework/MediaToolbox not found
2022-10-25 15:38:48.693103+0000 restored_external[7:384] IOMFB: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Celestial.framework/Celestial not found
2022-10-25 15:38:48.694419+0000 restored_external[7:384] IOMFB: FigInstallVirtualDisplay not found
unable to get display list
unable to get framebuffer
No framebuffer but an internal display. Ok on bridge but weird anywhere else.
ramrod_display_set_granular_progress_forced: 0.000000
[15:38:54.0313-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0406] set_progress_0
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 12
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[15:38:54.0318-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0407] start_gasgauge_thread
restore-step-ids = {0x11030407:5}
restore-step-names = {0x11030407:start_gasgauge_thread}
restore-step-uptime = 12
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[15:38:54.0326-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT WARNING: MAIN:[0x0407] gasgauge_start_update_thread failed: -1
restored_external: gasgauge_start_update_thread failed: -1
[15:38:54.0328-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0407] start_gasgauge_thread
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-warnings = {0x11060407:{0:"gasgauge_start_update_thread failed: -1"}}
restore-step-uptime = 12
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[15:38:54.0334-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0408] listen_for_log_client
restore-step-ids = {0x11030408:6}
restore-step-names = {0x11030408:listen_for_log_client}
restore-step-uptime = 12
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[15:38:54.0344-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0408] listen_for_log_client
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 12
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[15:38:54.0348-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x040D] create_listen_socket
restore-step-ids = {0x1103040D:7}
restore-step-names = {0x1103040D:create_listen_socket}
restore-step-uptime = 12
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[15:38:54.0352-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x040D] create_listen_socket
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 12
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[15:38:54.0361-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0404] update_root_mount
restore-step-ids = {0x11030404:8}
restore-step-names = {0x11030404:update_root_mount}
restore-step-uptime = 12
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[15:38:54.0401-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0404] update_root_mount
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 12
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[15:38:54.0406-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0405] disable_watchdog
restore-step-ids = {0x11030405:9}
restore-step-names = {0x11030405:disable_watchdog}
restore-step-uptime = 12
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[15:38:54.0417-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0405] disable_watchdog
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 12
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[15:38:54.0422-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x040E] enable_usb
restore-step-ids = {0x1103040E:10}
restore-step-names = {0x1103040E:enable_usb}
restore-step-uptime = 12
restore-step-user-progress = 0
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: UniqueDeviceID
2022-10-25 15:38:54.463926+0000 restored_external[7:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: UniqueDeviceID
2022-10-25 15:38:54.466032+0000 restored_external[7:384] [fast-path] taking platform fast path for key: re6Zb+zwFKJNlkQTUeT+/w
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: nFRqKto/RuQAV1P+0/qkBA
2022-10-25 15:38:54.467893+0000 restored_external[7:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: nFRqKto/RuQAV1P+0/qkBA
2022-10-25 15:38:54.469390+0000 restored_external[7:384] [fast-path] taking platform fast path for key: nFRqKto/RuQAV1P+0/qkBA
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: TF31PAB6aO8KAbPyNKSxKA
2022-10-25 15:38:54.473321+0000 restored_external[7:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: TF31PAB6aO8KAbPyNKSxKA
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: TF31PAB6aO8KAbPyNKSxKA : 1234605616436508552
2022-10-25 15:38:54.479770+0000 restored_external[7:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: TF31PAB6aO8KAbPyNKSxKA : 1234605616436508552
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: 566JrJVMlDfnslGpwUzNlQ
2022-10-25 15:38:54.481869+0000 restored_external[7:384] RestoreLog: Client Query: 566JrJVMlDfnslGpwUzNlQ
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: 566JrJVMlDfnslGpwUzNlQ : 32816
2022-10-25 15:38:54.493123+0000 restored_external[7:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: 566JrJVMlDfnslGpwUzNlQ : 32816
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: nFRqKto/RuQAV1P+0/qkBA : <CFData 0x11fe0da50 [0x103e481b8]>{length = 25, capacity = 25, bytes = 0x30303030383033302d31313232333334 ... 3535363637373838}
2022-10-25 15:38:54.517997+0000 restored_external[7:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: nFRqKto/RuQAV1P+0/qkBA : {length = 25, bytes = 0x30303030 38303330 2d313132 32333334 ... 35353636 37373838 }
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: UniqueDeviceID : 00008030-1122334455667788
2022-10-25 15:38:54.522055+0000 restored_external[7:384] RestoreLog: Client Response: UniqueDeviceID : 00008030-1122334455667788
000015.403117 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: Apple Mobile Device
000015.404207 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice:    interface: AppleUSBMux
000015.405245 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: Reserved 1 + Apple Mobile Device
000015.405659 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice:    interface: Reserved
000015.406065 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice:    interface: AppleUSBMux
000015.406532 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: Reserved 2 + Apple Mobile Device
000015.406931 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice:    interface: Reserved
000015.407250 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice:    interface: AppleUSBMux
000015.407620 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: Reserved 3 + Apple Mobile Device
000015.408058 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice:    interface: Reserved
000015.408389 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice:    interface: AppleUSBMux
waiting for matching IOKit service: {
    IOProviderClass = AppleUSBDeviceMux;
AppleUSBDeviceMux build: Aug 12 2020 22:50:42
000015.432516 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function Reserved
000015.435558 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function AppleUSBMux
000015.436351 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::startUSBStack: starting usb stack
000015.439079 AppleT8027USBXDCI@0: IOUSBDeviceController::startUSBStack: not connected
000015.440089 AppleT8027USBXDCI@0: AppleUSBXDCI::goOnBus: not on bus
000015.444127 AppleT8027USBXDCI@0: AppleUSBXDCIARM::cableChangeOccurred: cable detect disabled: transport type 2 connect type 2 restricted mode _lastRestrictedMode 0
000015.444980 AppleT8027USBXDCI@0: AppleUSBXDCIARM::cableChangeOccurred: powering on for transport type 2 connect type 2 restricted mode 0
qemu-system-aarch64: usb_tcp_host_attach: failed to connect to server: -1

IOReturn AppleUSBDeviceMux::setPropertiesGated(OSObject *) setting debug level to 7
[15:38:57.0558-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x040E] enable_usb
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 15
restore-step-user-progress = 0
waiting for host to trigger start of restore [timeout of 120 seconds]
000022.352228 wlan0.A[4] initWithProvider@120:amfm not matched
000022.355650 wlan0.A[5] deferredStart@1730: Lowered adjustBusy(-1), getBusyState() -> 4
error waiting for events: timed out
[15:40:57.0575-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: MAIN:[0x0104] handle_new_connections
[15:40:57.0579-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT PROGRESS: FAILED (initial_engine_no_return) -> (initial_engine_failure_no_return)
restore-outcome = initial_engine_failure_no_return
executing /usr/sbin/nvram -s restore-outcome=initial_engine_failure_no_return
[15:40:58.0459-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: (NVRAM set) restore-outcome=initial_engine_failure_no_return [sync=true] (engine process terminating)
[15:40:58.0603-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: Post-engines NVRAM variable: restore-outcome=initial_engine_failure_no_return
[15:40:58.0632-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT PROGRESS: NO_REBOOT_RETRY (initial_monitor_no_return) -> (recovery_mode)
restore-child-failures = {initial:EXIT(1)[REBOOT]}
executing /usr/sbin/nvram restore-child-failures={initial:EXIT(1)[REBOOT]}
restore-outcome = recovery_mode
executing /usr/sbin/nvram restore-outcome=recovery_mode
restored exited normally with status 1 - rebooting
[15:41:00.0494-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT MONITOR:(FAILURE:256) [0x020A] set_exit_status
restore-step-monitor = {0x1101020A:"set_exit_status"}
restored-exit-status = 0x100
executing /usr/sbin/nvram restored-exit-status=0x100
Searching for NAND service
Found NAND service: AppleANS2NVMeController
NAND initialized. Waiting for devnode.
entering wait_for_device: 'EmbeddedDeviceTypeRoot'
Using device path /dev/disk0 for EmbeddedDeviceTypeRoot
entering ramrod_probe_media_internal
entering wait_for_device: 'EmbeddedDeviceTypeRoot'
Using device path /dev/disk0 for EmbeddedDeviceTypeRoot
Data volume access is restricted..Checking for path on update volume to sync read/write ramdisk

Unable to find update partition and data volume access is restricted. Nothing to sync the ramdisk to!!

[15:41:01.0423-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT MONITOR:(FAILURE:1) [0x1183] sync_ramdisk
restore-step-monitor = {0x11011183:"sync_ramdisk"}
[15:41:01.0431-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT MONITOR: [0x1181] unmount_ramdisk
restore-step-monitor = {0x11011181:"unmount_ramdisk"}
Tried to unmount a volume at '/mnt5' that wasn't mounted. Ignoring the error.
successfully unmounted tmpfs
[15:41:01.0436-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT MONITOR: [0x1182] eject_ramdisk
restore-step-monitor = {0x11011182:"eject_ramdisk"}
[15:41:01.0439-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT FINAL-MONITOR:(FAILURE:1)  [EXIT] {initial:EXIT(1)[REBOOT]}

[15:41:01.0439-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT FINAL-MONITOR:(FAILURE:1)  [EXIT] {initial:EXIT(1)[REBOOT]}

[15:41:01.0439-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT FINAL-MONITOR:(FAILURE:1)  [EXIT] {initial:EXIT(1)[REBOOT]}

Couldn't retrieve SMC Key AC-R. Got SMC error: -3
unable to kick port micro - Couldn't set AC-R to 0
executing /sbin/reboot
2022-10-25 15:41:04.087499+0000 reboot[13:402] rebooted by root
Tue Oct 25 15:41:04 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: System shutdown initiated by: reboot.13<-restored_extern.4<-launchd.1
Tue Oct 25 15:41:04 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: committing to system shutdown
Tue Oct 25 15:41:04 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: shutdown UNINITIALIZED -> COMMITTED
Tue Oct 25 15:41:04 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: shutdown already committed
Tue Oct 25 15:41:04 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: shutdown COMMITTED -> COMMITTED
Tue Oct 25 15:41:04 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: shutdown COMMITTED -> WAITING_ON_SERVICES
Tue Oct 25 15:41:04 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: shutdown WAITING_ON_SERVICES -> WRITE_DISABLED
Tue Oct 25 15:41:04 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: shutdown WRITE_DISABLED -> WAITING_ON_COALITIONS
launchd launches[0] inflight messages: 0
Tue Oct 25 15:41:04 2022 localhost[1] ( <Warning>: kill(-1, SIGKILL) returned EPERM (expected at most twice)
launchd launches[1] inflight messages: 0
Tue Oct 25 15:41:04 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: shutdown WAITING_ON_COALITIONS -> LAUNCH_SHUTDOWN_TEARDOWN
Tue Oct 25 15:41:04 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: Userspace teardown took: 171 ms
Tue Oct 25 15:41:04 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: Will be calling reboot(2) with flags: 0x0
Tue Oct 25 15:41:04 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Quiescing queues
Tue Oct 25 15:41:04 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: shutdown LAUNCH_SHUTDOWN_TEARDOWN -> WAITING_ON_QUIESCE
Tue Oct 25 15:41:04 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: bye
launchd quiesce complete
hfs: unmount initiated on AzulSeed18A5351d.arm64eCustomerRamDisk on device b(3, 0)
virtual void AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::systemWillShutdown(IOOptionBits)::4247:Entry, inOptions - 0xe0000310
000145.369121 usb-drd-port-hs@00100000: AppleUSBHostPort::fullDisconnect:
virtual void AppleNVMeController::systemWillShutdown(IOOptionBits)::1311:Entry, inOptions - 0xe0000310
virtual void IONVMeController::systemWillShutdown(IOOptionBits)::509:Entry, inOptions - 0xe0000310
virtual void IONVMeController::systemWillShutdown(IOOptionBits)::559:Exit, inOptions - 0xe0000310
virtual void AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::systemWillShutdown(IOOptionBits)::4257:Exit, inOptions - 0xe0000310
IOPlatformHaltRestartAction -> AppleT8030PMGR
wdog restart
boot_mode: 0
qemu-system-aarch64: t8030_memory_setup: Failed to read ticket from file root_ticket.der
g_virt_base: 0xfffffff006000000
g_phys_base: 0x0000000802000000
slide_virt: 0x0000000003894000
slide_phys: 0x0000000001894000
entry: 0x00000008079b44e8
cmdline: [-restore rd=md0 nand-enable-reformat=1 -progress debug=0x14e kextlog=0xffff serial=3 -v wdt=-1]
iBoot version: qemu-t8030
Darwin Image4 Validator Version 3.0.0: Wed Aug 12 22:19:21 PDT 2020; root:AppleImage4-
AMFI is running in RESEARCH mode!

AUC:[0xffffffe19bb34670]::probe(0xffffffe19b8fe080, 0xffffffe80807bdac)

AppleCredentialManager: init: called, instance = <ptr>.
ACMFirstResponderKernelService: init: called, .
ACMRM-S: init: called, starting PersistentStore service.
ACMRM-C: init: called, starting AccessoryCache service.
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: acc-cache size = 16 (default).
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: acc-cache expiration = 2592000 (default).
ACMRM: init: called, starting TRM service.
ACMRM-A: init: called, starting TRM Analytics service.
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: analytics collection period = 86400 (default).
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: policy mode timeout = 259200 (default).
ACMRM-A: notifyStandardModeTimeoutChanged: called, value = 259200 (modified = YES).
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: (bounded) grace period timeout = 3600 (default).
ACMRM-A: notifyGracePeriodTimeoutChanged: called, value = 3600 (modified = YES).
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: enabled = 1 (default).
ACMRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=YES] (mask=0, DISABLED BY: Def=NO* BtArg=NO LegHW=NO OSEnv=NO | MngCo=NO DwnOS=NO ChkBd=NO coGSw=NO).
ACMRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=YES] (mask=0, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO* LegHW=NO OSEnv=NO | MngCo=NO DwnOS=NO ChkBd=NO coGSw=NO).
ACMRM: _loadDisabledByOSEnvironment: disabled by OSEnvironment: NO.
ACMRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=YES] (mask=0, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO LegHW=NO OSEnv=NO* | MngCo=NO DwnOS=NO ChkBd=NO coGSw=NO).
ACMRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: set TRM_PolicyTimeout = 259200.
ACMRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: sending kIOMessageServicePropertyChange(n=1) while DISABLED, TRM: 259200 -/ff 4294967295 -/ff miss=ff (CUR: 259200 -/ff 4294967295 -/ff).
AppleCredentialManager: init: returning, result = true, instance = <ptr>.
AppleARMBootPerf: Error: profile region not found (2)
AppleARMBootPerf: Error: failed to publish profile data (2)
virtual bool CoreAnalyticsHub::start(IOService *)::105:CoreAnalyticsHub start
AppleSSE::start called
AppleSSE::start returning, result = 1

AppleSEPKeyStore:321:0: starting (BUILT: Aug 12 2020 22:51:30)
AppleSEPKeyStore:545:0: _sep_enabled = 1
AppleCredentialManager: start: called, instance = <ptr>.
ACMRM: _publishIOResource: AppleUSBRestrictedModeTimeout = 259200.
AppleCredentialManager: start: initializing power management, instance = <ptr>.
AppleCredentialManager: start: started, instance = <ptr>.
AppleCredentialManager: start: returning, result = true, instance = <ptr>.
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: smc-i2c1 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
000150.046054 AppleT8030TypeCPhy@0: AppleT8027TypeCPhy::start: usb3-phy-parent not specified
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: i2c1 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleGPIOICController::start: this: <ptr>, _gpioicBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: smc-i2c0 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: i2c3 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: i2c2 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
virtual bool AppleARMLightEmUp::start(IOService *): starting...
000150.556245 wlan0.A[1] start@968:Default options property found with value 4
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: i2c0 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
Creating an object of AppleBCMWLANPlatformFunctionEmbeddedAMFM class
000150.645115 wlan0.A[2] start@1401: Raised adjustBusy(+1), getBusyState() -> 1
000150.645828 wlan0.A[3] start@1403:Setting up notifier for CoreAnalyticsHub
AppleGPIOICController::start: this: <ptr>, _gpioicBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS8000AES::start: registers at phys:0x0x235008000/0x0x23d2d0000 virt:0x<ptr>/0x0x4000 / 0x<ptr>/0x0x4000
AppleGPIOICController::start: this: <ptr>, _gpioicBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleInterruptController::start: Num Shared Timestamps == 0
AppleA7IOPNub: withRegistryEntry, 47: allocated nub <ptr>

AppleA7IOPNub: withRegistryEntry, 47: allocated nub <ptr>

Identified Serial Port uart0 at 0x235200000(<ptr>)
Identified Serial Port uart7 at 0x23521c000(<ptr>)
RTBuddy(SMC): start(<ptr>) - (Aug 12 2020@22:50:37)
RTBuddy(SMC): Boot args override: wdt = -1
LPM state clear
RTBuddy(ANS2): start(<ptr>) - (Aug 12 2020@22:50:37)
RTBuddy(SMC): Resuming...

LPM: Log data is NOT valid. 0x0 0x0
RTBuddy(ANS2): Boot args override: wdt = -1
AppleDialogSPMIPMU::start: Primary PMU detected
AppleARMRTC started!#####
AppleDialogSPMIPMURTC started!******
Failed to read info-leg_scrpadStarting AppleSMC kext(<ptr>) - (Aug 12 2020@22:51:44)
AppleSMCEmbedded::setPowerState(): ENTER powerStateOrdinal=1, _activeKeyCommand=0 newState=1
AppleDialogSPMIPMURTC tick read!&&&&&&&
AppleDialogSPMIPMURTC ending!%%%
RTBuddy(ANS2): Resuming...

AppleA7IOPNub: withRegistryEntry, 47: allocated nub <ptr>

AppleARMRTC registering service!@@@@@@
AppleARMRTC service registered!$$$$$
AppleARMRTC publishing service!^^^^^^
RTBuddy(SIO): start(<ptr>) - (Aug 12 2020@22:50:37)
virtual IOService *AppleANS2NVMeController::probe(IOService *, SInt32 *)::194:Found (ANS2) provider, returning score 100000
void AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::GetRestoreEnvironment()::444:Restore Environment!
RTBuddy(SIO): Boot args override: wdt = -1
/Library/Caches/ _setPowerStateGated() ENTER powerStateOrdinal=1, _powerState=1
RTBuddy(SIO): Resuming...

virtual bool AppleANS2NVMeController::start(IOService *)::394:Found the ANS2Endpoint1
void AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::GetRestoreEnvironment()::444:Restore Environment!
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::SetNamespacesStruct()::186:Obtained 7 namespaces from DT
virtual IOFilterInterruptEventSource *AppleANS2NVMeController::CreateDeviceInterrupt(IOInterruptEventSource::Action, IOFilterInterruptEventSource::Filter, IOService *)::2719:ANS2 NVMe interrupt index - 0x4
AppleSmartIO (RTBuddy-based)::start (<ptr>) - (Aug 12 2020@22:19:30)
Identified Serial Port uart4 at 0x235210000(<ptr>)
apfs_module_start:2411: load:, v1677.0.5, apfs-1677.0.5, 2020/08/12 kmod start
apfs_sysctl_register:1253: done registering sysctls. load succeeded
L2TP domain init
L2TP domain init complete
Load request for failed: -603946998
BSD root: md0, major 3, minor 0
apfs_vfsop_mountroot:2188: apfs: mountroot called!
apfs_vfsop_mount:1745: unable to root from devvp <ptr> (root_device): 2
apfs_vfsop_mountroot:2192: apfs: mountroot failed, error: 2
virtual IOReturn IONVMeController::CreateSubmissionQueue(uint16_t, uint8_t)::2886:SQ index=0 entrysize=64
virtual IOReturn IONVMeController::CreateSubmissionQueue(uint16_t, uint8_t)::2886:SQ index=1 entrysize=128
virtual void AppleANS2NVMeController::SetModeselRegister(uint32_t)::1186:Setting modesel to 4
hfs: mounted AzulSeed18A5351d.arm64eCustomerRamDisk on device b(3, 0)
000152.592184 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: AppleUSBXDCIARM::start: _dock is NULL, defaulting to device mode
000152.607980 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::prepareDefaults: model iPhone version 12.1
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1964:nvme: Vendor ID     : 0x1b36
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1965:nvme: Model Number  : QEMU NVMe Ctrl
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1966:nvme: Serial Number : QEMUT8030ANS
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::1967:nvme: Firmware Rev  : 7.1.0
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2000:nvme: S3E A0 Invalid 1x slc 1D 0 plane 128GB NAND
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2009:ECCVersion   : 0
000152.624688 usb-drd-port-hs@00100000: AppleUSB20XHCITypeCPort::start: _dock is NULL, defaulting to device mode
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2010:FTL Rev      : 0.0
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2011:DM_Version   : 0
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2012:=======================
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2019:Found 16 namespaces in current NAND
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[1] as nstype[1]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[2] as nstype[2]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[3] as nstype[3]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[4] as nstype[4]
000152.643515 usb-drd-port-hs@00100000: AppleUSBHostPort::fullDisconnect:
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[5] as nstype[5]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[6] as nstype[6]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[7] as nstype[8]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[8] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[9] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[10] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[11] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[12] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[13] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[14] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[15] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2435:Identified nsid[16] as nstype[0]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::SetSwapWriteLimit(uint32_t)::2192: Swap limit set to 2147483648bytes, 2GB
000152.694376 usb-drd-port-hs@00100000: AppleUSB20XHCITypeCPort::cableChangeOccurred: cable detect disabled: transport type 2 connect type 2 restricted mode 0
000152.695585 usb-drd-port-hs@00100000: AppleUSB20XHCITypeCPort::cableChangeOccurred: no action for transport type 2 connect type 2 restricted mode 0
virtual bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::InitializeController()::507:FW update not complete, create dummy block device
uint32_t AppleEmbeddedNVMeNVRAM::GetNVRAMSize()::745:NVRAM size is 8192 bytes
virtual bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::AllocateNodes(bool)::1578:allocateAll 1
virtual bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::StartController()::1547:Setting NAND status to Ready
ERR: AppleStockholmControl::start:334 failed waiting for AppleStockholmSPMI
dyld: setting comm page to 0x0
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022[1] <Notice>: hello
Darwin Bootstrapper Version 7.0.0: Mon Aug 10 04:09:14 PDT 2020; root:libxpc_executables-2038.0.13~13/launchd/RELEASE_ARM64E
boot-args = -restore rd=md0 nand-enable-reformat=1 -progress debug=0x14e kextlog=0xffff serial=3 -v wdt=-1
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022[1] <Notice>: Restore environment starting.
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022[1] ( <Notice>: entering ondemand mode
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: fsck
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: mount-phase-1
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: data-protection
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: finish-obliteration
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: commit-boot-mode
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: boot-mode committed: (null)
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: restore-datapartition
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: restore-datapartition: optional boot task not present
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: mount-phase-2
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Doing boot task: init-with-data-volume
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: MSUEarlyBootTask
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: fips
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: keybag
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: usermanagerd
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: init_featureflags
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: fud
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: tzinit
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: finish-restore
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: finish-demo-restore
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: sysstatuscheck
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: prng_seedctl
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Error>: Unable to open /System/Library/xpc/launchd.plist [2:No such file or directory]
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Skipping boot-task: launchd_cache_loader
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Error>: No MRM cache found
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Warning>: Unable to load cache
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: launchd UUID: 4C2464F5-9F87-31DE-B252-584E3391D4FA
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] <Notice>: Early boot complete. Continuing system boot.
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: entering bootstrap mode
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] ( <Warning>: Unknown key for Boolean: EnablePressureExit
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] ( <Error>: (lint): Unable to find persona with type 6: kpersona_find returned -1
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] ( <Error>: (lint): Unable to find persona with type 6: kpersona_find returned -1
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] ( <Error>: (lint): Unable to find persona with type 6: kpersona_find returned -1
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] ( <Error>: (lint): Unable to find persona with type 6: kpersona_find returned -1
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] ( <Error>: Failed to bootstrap path: path = /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemonsAltAccount, error = 2: No such file or directory
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] ( <Error>: Failed to bootstrap path: path = /System/Library/NanoLaunchDaemons, error = 2: No such file or directory
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] ( <Error>: Failed to bootstrap path: path = /AppleInternal/Library/LaunchDaemons, error = 2: No such file or directory
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: exiting bootstrap mode
Tue Oct 25 15:41:21 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: exiting ondemand mode
Tue Oct 25 15:41:24 2022 localhost[1] ( <Warning>: Could not find and/or execute program specified by service: 2: No such file or directory: /usr/local/bin/KeyMaker
Tue Oct 25 15:41:24 2022 localhost[1] ( <Notice>: Service setup event to handle failure and will not launch until it fires.
Tue Oct 25 15:41:24 2022 localhost[1] ( <Error>: Missing executable detected. Job: '' Executable: '/usr/local/bin/KeyMaker'
Tue Oct 25 15:41:24 2022 localhost[1] ( <Warning>: Service exited with abnormal code: 78
000170.634490 wlan0.A[4] initWithProvider@120:amfm not matched
000170.649345 wlan0.A[5] deferredStart@1730: Lowered adjustBusy(-1), getBusyState() -> 4
objc[4]: Class AMSupportURLConnectionDelegate is implemented in both ?? (0x105364000) and ?? (0x105d74028). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[4]: Class AMSupportURLSession is implemented in both ?? (0x105364050) and ?? (0x105d74078). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
[15:41:41.0330-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT ANOMALY: [check_collection]auto-boot(does_not_exist)
[15:41:41.0449-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT PROGRESS: START (unknown) -> (initial_monitor_no_return)
[15:41:41.0463-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: NVRAM access available on initial check
restore-anomalies = {0x00000000:[check_collection]auto-boot(does_not_exist)}
restore-outcome = initial_monitor_no_return
executing /usr/sbin/nvram -s restore-outcome=initial_monitor_no_return
[15:41:43.0085-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: (NVRAM set) restore-outcome=initial_monitor_no_return [sync=true] (initial entry)
entering set_boot_stage
[15:41:43.0363-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT MONITOR: [0x0204] boot_stage
restore-step-monitor = {0x11010204:"boot_stage"}
executing /sbin/mount_tmpfs /mnt5
entering show_service_nodes

IOBlockStorageDriver RegistryID : 0x10000022c Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e
NS_01 RegistryID : 0x10000022b Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e
AppleANS2NVMeController RegistryID : 0x100000204 Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e
RTBuddyService RegistryID : 0x1000001ff Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e
RTBuddyV2 RegistryID : 0x1000001f6 Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e
iop-ans-nub RegistryID : 0x100000134 Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e
AppleASCWrapV2 RegistryID : 0x1000001da Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x0
ans RegistryID : 0x100000133 Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x1e
AppleT803xIO RegistryID : 0x1000001af Busy State : 0x3 Service State : 0x1e
arm-io RegistryID : 0x100000116 Busy State : 0x1 Service State : 0x1e
AppleARMPE RegistryID : 0x100000189 Busy State : 0x2 Service State : 0x1e
N104DEV RegistryID : 0x100000188 Busy State : 0x1 Service State : 0x1e
Root RegistryID : 0x100000100 Busy State : 0x0 Service State : 0x0

[15:41:44.0597-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT MONITOR: [0x1180] create_ramdisk
restore-step-monitor = {0x11011180:"create_ramdisk"}
[15:41:44.0632-GMT]{1>4} CHECKPOINT MONITOR: [0x0206] monitoring_child
restore-step-monitor = {0x11010206:"monitoring_child"}
objc[7]: Class AMSupportURLConnectionDelegate is implemented in both ?? (0x105714000) and ?? (0x106124028). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[7]: Class AMSupportURLSession is implemented in both ?? (0x105714050) and ?? (0x106124078). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: Image4Supported
2022-10-25 15:41:48.475569+0000 restored_external[7:386] RestoreLog: Client Query: Image4Supported
libMobileGestalt utility.c:64: Could not open /private/var/containers/Shared/SystemGroup/ No such file or directory
2022-10-25 15:41:48.511230+0000 restored_external[7:386] Could not open /private/var/containers/Shared/SystemGroup/ No such file or directory
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: Image4Supported : true
2022-10-25 15:41:48.533964+0000 restored_external[7:386] RestoreLog: Client Response: Image4Supported : 1
[15:41:48.0536-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: Image4 device: AP nonce clearable
entering ramrod_clear_ap_nonce
[15:41:48.0652-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: AP nonce consumed
[15:41:48.0660-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: Pre-existing NVRAM variable: restore-outcome=initial_monitor_no_return
[15:41:48.0672-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT ANOMALY: [check_collection]auto-boot(does_not_exist)
[15:41:48.0674-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT PROGRESS: START (unknown) -> (initial_engine_no_return)
[15:41:48.0674-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: NVRAM access available on initial check
restore-anomalies = {0x00000000:[check_collection]auto-boot(does_not_exist)}
restore-outcome = initial_engine_no_return
executing /usr/sbin/nvram restore-outcome=initial_engine_no_return
[15:41:50.0677-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0400] umask
restore-step-ids = {0x11030400:1}
restore-step-names = {0x11030400:umask}
restore-step-uptime = 42
restore-step-user-progress = -1
[15:41:50.0692-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0400] umask
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 42
restore-step-user-progress = -1
[15:41:50.0704-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0402] setvbuf
restore-step-ids = {0x11030402:2}
restore-step-names = {0x11030402:setvbuf}
restore-step-uptime = 42
restore-step-user-progress = -1
[15:41:50.0717-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0402] setvbuf
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 42
restore-step-user-progress = -1
[15:41:50.0726-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0403] kernel_logger_thread
restore-step-ids = {0x11030403:3}
restore-step-names = {0x11030403:kernel_logger_thread}
restore-step-uptime = 42
restore-step-user-progress = -1
[15:41:50.0736-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0403] kernel_logger_thread
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 42
restore-step-user-progress = -1
[15:41:50.0743-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0406] set_progress_0
restore-step-ids = {0x11030406:4}
restore-step-names = {0x11030406:set_progress_0}
restore-step-uptime = 42
restore-step-user-progress = -1
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: DeviceClass
2022-10-25 15:41:50.751809+0000 restored_external[7:386] RestoreLog: Client Query: DeviceClass
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: DeviceClass : iPhone
2022-10-25 15:41:50.754721+0000 restored_external[7:386] RestoreLog: Client Response: DeviceClass : iPhone
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: DeviceColorMapPolicy
2022-10-25 15:41:50.756597+0000 restored_external[7:386] RestoreLog: Client Query: DeviceColorMapPolicy
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: DeviceColorMapPolicy : 0
2022-10-25 15:41:50.768587+0000 restored_external[7:386] RestoreLog: Client Response: DeviceColorMapPolicy : 0
2022-10-25 15:41:50.787018+0000 restored_external[7:386] IOMFB: /System/Library/Frameworks/MediaToolbox.framework/MediaToolbox not found
2022-10-25 15:41:50.794448+0000 restored_external[7:386] IOMFB: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MediaToolbox.framework/MediaToolbox not found
2022-10-25 15:41:50.802777+0000 restored_external[7:386] IOMFB: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Celestial.framework/Celestial not found
2022-10-25 15:41:50.805128+0000 restored_external[7:386] IOMFB: FigInstallVirtualDisplay not found
unable to get display list
unable to get framebuffer
No framebuffer but an internal display. Ok on bridge but weird anywhere else.
ramrod_display_set_granular_progress_forced: 0.000000
[15:41:56.0461-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0406] set_progress_0
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 48
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[15:41:56.0472-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0407] start_gasgauge_thread
restore-step-ids = {0x11030407:5}
restore-step-names = {0x11030407:start_gasgauge_thread}
restore-step-uptime = 48
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[15:41:56.0493-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT WARNING: MAIN:[0x0407] gasgauge_start_update_thread failed: -1
restored_external: gasgauge_start_update_thread failed: -1
[15:41:56.0497-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0407] start_gasgauge_thread
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-warnings = {0x11060407:{0:"gasgauge_start_update_thread failed: -1"}}
restore-step-uptime = 48
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[15:41:56.0511-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0408] listen_for_log_client
restore-step-ids = {0x11030408:6}
restore-step-names = {0x11030408:listen_for_log_client}
restore-step-uptime = 48
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[15:41:56.0538-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0408] listen_for_log_client
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 48
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[15:41:56.0548-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x040D] create_listen_socket
restore-step-ids = {0x1103040D:7}
restore-step-names = {0x1103040D:create_listen_socket}
restore-step-uptime = 48
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[15:41:56.0559-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x040D] create_listen_socket
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 48
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[15:41:56.0570-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0404] update_root_mount
restore-step-ids = {0x11030404:8}
restore-step-names = {0x11030404:update_root_mount}
restore-step-uptime = 48
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[15:41:56.0669-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0404] update_root_mount
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 48
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[15:41:56.0681-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x0405] disable_watchdog
restore-step-ids = {0x11030405:9}
restore-step-names = {0x11030405:disable_watchdog}
restore-step-uptime = 48
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[15:41:56.0704-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x0405] disable_watchdog
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 48
restore-step-user-progress = 0
[15:41:56.0717-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN:[0x040E] enable_usb
restore-step-ids = {0x1103040E:10}
restore-step-names = {0x1103040E:enable_usb}
restore-step-uptime = 48
restore-step-user-progress = 0
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: UniqueDeviceID
2022-10-25 15:41:56.797218+0000 restored_external[7:386] RestoreLog: Client Query: UniqueDeviceID
2022-10-25 15:41:56.801797+0000 restored_external[7:386] [fast-path] taking platform fast path for key: re6Zb+zwFKJNlkQTUeT+/w
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: nFRqKto/RuQAV1P+0/qkBA
2022-10-25 15:41:56.805521+0000 restored_external[7:386] RestoreLog: Client Query: nFRqKto/RuQAV1P+0/qkBA
2022-10-25 15:41:56.808516+0000 restored_external[7:386] [fast-path] taking platform fast path for key: nFRqKto/RuQAV1P+0/qkBA
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: TF31PAB6aO8KAbPyNKSxKA
2022-10-25 15:41:56.816014+0000 restored_external[7:386] RestoreLog: Client Query: TF31PAB6aO8KAbPyNKSxKA
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: TF31PAB6aO8KAbPyNKSxKA : 1234605616436508552
2022-10-25 15:41:56.830318+0000 restored_external[7:386] RestoreLog: Client Response: TF31PAB6aO8KAbPyNKSxKA : 1234605616436508552
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:711: RestoreLog: Client Query: 566JrJVMlDfnslGpwUzNlQ
2022-10-25 15:41:56.835087+0000 restored_external[7:386] RestoreLog: Client Query: 566JrJVMlDfnslGpwUzNlQ
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: 566JrJVMlDfnslGpwUzNlQ : 32816
2022-10-25 15:41:56.850670+0000 restored_external[7:386] RestoreLog: Client Response: 566JrJVMlDfnslGpwUzNlQ : 32816
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: nFRqKto/RuQAV1P+0/qkBA : <CFData 0x114a0efd0 [0x105e081b8]>{length = 25, capacity = 25, bytes = 0x30303030383033302d31313232333334 ... 3535363637373838}
2022-10-25 15:41:56.895251+0000 restored_external[7:386] RestoreLog: Client Response: nFRqKto/RuQAV1P+0/qkBA : {length = 25, bytes = 0x30303030 38303330 2d313132 32333334 ... 35353636 37373838 }
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:743: RestoreLog: Client Response: UniqueDeviceID : 00008030-1122334455667788
2022-10-25 15:41:56.900791+0000 restored_external[7:386] RestoreLog: Client Response: UniqueDeviceID : 00008030-1122334455667788
000200.158348 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: Apple Mobile Device
000200.159864 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice:    interface: AppleUSBMux
000200.162411 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: Reserved 1 + Apple Mobile Device
000200.163431 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice:    interface: Reserved
000200.164393 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice:    interface: AppleUSBMux
000200.165283 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: Reserved 2 + Apple Mobile Device
000200.166221 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice:    interface: Reserved
000200.166623 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice:    interface: AppleUSBMux
000200.167699 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: Reserved 3 + Apple Mobile Device
000200.168578 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice:    interface: Reserved
000200.169142 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice:    interface: AppleUSBMux
waiting for matching IOKit service: {
    IOProviderClass = AppleUSBDeviceMux;
AppleUSBDeviceMux build: Aug 12 2020 22:50:42
000200.204947 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function AppleUSBMux
000200.209161 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function Reserved
000200.209750 AppleT8027USBXDCI@: IOUSBDeviceController::startUSBStack: starting usb stack
000200.213044 AppleT8027USBXDCI@0: IOUSBDeviceController::startUSBStack: not connected
000200.213980 AppleT8027USBXDCI@0: AppleUSBXDCI::goOnBus: not on bus
000200.218161 AppleT8027USBXDCI@0: AppleUSBXDCIARM::cableChangeOccurred: cable detect disabled: transport type 2 connect type 2 restricted mode _lastRestrictedMode 0
000200.219702 AppleT8027USBXDCI@0: AppleUSBXDCIARM::cableChangeOccurred: powering on for transport type 2 connect type 2 restricted mode 0
qemu-system-aarch64: usb_tcp_host_attach: failed to connect to server: -1

IOReturn AppleUSBDeviceMux::setPropertiesGated(OSObject *) setting debug level to 7
[15:41:59.0958-GMT]{4>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN:[0x040E] enable_usb
restore-step-ids = {}
restore-step-names = {}
restore-step-uptime = 51
restore-step-user-progress = 0
waiting for host to trigger start of restore [timeout of 120 seconds]
TrungNguyen1909 commented 1 year ago

@authscuredev The log shows the expected output for me. Looks like you haven't seen the wiki page on this.