TrungNguyen1909 / qemu-t8030

iPhone 11 emulated on QEMU
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Springboard support? #85

Open Rix565 opened 1 year ago

Rix565 commented 1 year ago

Hey, does Springboard support started to began?

I would love to have a complete iOS experience (obviously not in the following months, I am myself a programmer and can understand the nightmares of creating an emulator, especially when it comes to Apple devices...) like with the MacOS emulation on Qemu on GitHub too.


TrungNguyen1909 commented 1 year ago


we are making some progress on that, but I cant really make any estimation on when it will be usable.

Rix565 commented 1 year ago

Ahhh cool! Someday we will be able to run iOS 15 apps on PC using this project :smile:

khanhduytran0 commented 1 year ago

Have you tried with gpu=0 boot argument? (source: Corellium) Basically this forces SpringBoard to do software rendering. I tested this argument on a physical device: UI lags as expected, Safari no longer exposes WebGL, so I guess you may find some luck here.

TrungNguyen1909 commented 1 year ago

@khanhduytran0 ahh, I tried adding that, but SpringBoard is still crashing in CoreImage (-[CIContext init])

khanhduytran0 commented 1 year ago

Can I have a look into ObjC error(?) and backtrace? Also, maybe you could try these CoreImage-related environment variables: CI_ENABLE_METAL_GPU=0 CI_FORCE_SOFTWARE_GL=1 CI_USE_SW=1 (all of these are undocumented so I’m unsure what could change)

TrungNguyen1909 commented 1 year ago

@khanhduytran0 Ahh, certainly!!

I'm working on the iPhone 6S model so...



Process:             SpringBoard [56]
Hardware Model:      iPhone8,1
OS Version:          14.0
BuildID:             18A373

Exception Type:      EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
Exception Subtype:
KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000
VM Region Info: 0 is not in any region.  Bytes before following region: 4372103168
      REGION TYPE                      START - END             [ VSIZE] PRT/MAX SHRMOD  REGION DETAIL
      __TEXT                        104990000-104994000        [   16K] r-x/r-x SM=COW  ...p/SpringBoard

Termination Signal:  Segmentation fault: 11
Termination Reason:  Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0xb
Terminating Process: exc handler [56]
Triggered by Thread: 35

Thread 35 name: Dispatch queue:
Thread 35 Crashed:
  1: CoreImage               (slide=0xd308000) 0x1954cd400 __ZN2CI9GLContextC2ENS0_16ShareContextInfoEP12CGColorSpaceS3_NS_11PixelFormatEbmbb + 416
  2: CoreImage               (slide=0xd308000) 0x1954cd43c __ZN2CI9GLContextC1ENS0_16ShareContextInfoEP12CGColorSpaceS3_NS_11PixelFormatEbmbb + 24
  3: CoreImage               (slide=0xd308000) 0x195351ffc +[CIContext(Internal) internalContextWithEAGLContext:options:] + 768
  4: CoreImage               (slide=0xd308000) 0x19534f360 -[CIContext initWithOptions:] + 608
  5: MobileIcons             (slide=0xd308000) 0x1b23805c4 ___67+[CIContext(IconServicesAdditions) _MI_sharedIconCompositorContext]_block_invoke + 204
  6: libdispatch.dylib       (slide=0xd308000) 0x18d3ad280 __dispatch_client_callout + 16
  7: libdispatch.dylib       (slide=0xd308000) 0x18d37ed5c __dispatch_once_callout + 28
  8: MobileIcons             (slide=0xd308000) 0x1b23804f4 +[CIContext(IconServicesAdditions) _MI_sharedIconCompositorContext] + 68
  9: MobileIcons             (slide=0xd308000) 0x1b2380bdc __LICGImageCreateCoreImageLanczosScaled + 480
 10: MobileIcons             (slide=0xd308000) 0x1b2380908 __LICGImageCreateScaled + 240
 11: MobileIcons             (slide=0xd308000) 0x1b237eed8 ____createApplicationIconFromImage_block_invoke + 1044
 12: MobileIcons             (slide=0xd308000) 0x1b237df10 __createIcon + 216
 13: MobileIcons             (slide=0xd308000) 0x1b237cfe8 __createApplicationIconFromImage + 88
 14: MobileIcons             (slide=0xd308000) 0x1b237a730 _LICreateIconForImages + 284
 15: MobileIcons             (slide=0xd308000) 0x1b237a5d8 _LICreateIconForImage + 80
 16: UIKitCore               (slide=0xd308000) 0x18fbb48bc -[UIImage(UIApplicationIconPrivate) _applicationIconImageForFormat:precomposed:idiom:scale:] + 212
 17: UIKitCore               (slide=0xd308000) 0x18fbb47bc -[UIImage(UIApplicationIconPrivate) _applicationIconImageForFormat:precomposed:scale:] + 112
 18: UIKitCore               (slide=0xd308000) 0x18fbb4724 -[UIImage(UIApplicationIconPrivate) _applicationIconImageForFormat:precomposed:] + 96
 19: UserNotificationsUIKit  (slide=0xd308000) 0x1add94310 -[BBSectionIcon(UserNotificationsUIKit) nc_imageForFormat:scale:] + 328
 20: UserNotificationsUIKit  (slide=0xd308000) 0x1add871f4 +[NCNotificationSectionSettings(Bulletin) notificationSectionSettingsForBBSectionInfo:] + 1400
 21: UserNotificationsUIKit  (slide=0xd308000) 0x1adddd620 -[NCBulletinNotificationSource observer:updateSectionInfo:] + 196
 22: BulletinBoard           (slide=0xd308000) 0x1a658c7bc ___32-[BBObserver updateSectionInfo:]_block_invoke + 96
 23: libdispatch.dylib       (slide=0xd308000) 0x18d3ac298 __dispatch_call_block_and_release + 24
 24: libdispatch.dylib       (slide=0xd308000) 0x18d3ad280 __dispatch_client_callout + 16
 25: libdispatch.dylib       (slide=0xd308000) 0x18d3894fc __dispatch_lane_serial_drain$VARIANT$armv81 + 568
 26: libdispatch.dylib       (slide=0xd308000) 0x18d38a01c __dispatch_lane_invoke$VARIANT$armv81 + 456
 27: libdispatch.dylib       (slide=0xd308000) 0x18d393808 __dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 692
 28: libsystem_pthread.dylib (slide=0xd308000) 0x1d301c5a4 __pthread_wqthread + 272
 29: libsystem_pthread.dylib (slide=0xd308000) 0x1d301f874 _start_wqthread + 8

Thread 35 State:
    x0: 0x0000000000000000   x1: 0x0000000000000b71   x2: 0x00000000000120a8   x3: 0x000000010527f007
    x4: 0x000000016c8199c0   x5: 0x0000000000000010   x6: 0x000000000000000a   x7: 0x0000000000000023
    x8: 0x0000000000000000   x9: 0xb596878ef6d10028  x10: 0x00000001e25ce8c8  x11: 0x0000000000000002
   x12: 0x00000000fffffffd  x13: 0x0000010000000000  x14: 0x0000000000000000  x15: 0x0000000000000000
   x16: 0x0000000000000000  x17: 0x0000000000000001  x18: 0x0000000000000000  x19: 0x0000000104bd1060
   x20: 0x0000000104bd1204  x21: 0x0000000000000000  x22: 0x0000000000000000  x23: 0x0000000000000001
   x24: 0x0000000000000000  x25: 0x0000000000000000  x26: 0x0000000000000000  x27: 0x0000000000000001
   x28: 0x0000000000000000   fp: 0x000000016c819c40   lr: 0x00000001954cd0cc
    sp: 0x000000016c819950   pc: 0x0000000000000000 cpsr: 0x60000800
   esr: 0x82000006
khanhduytran0 commented 1 year ago

Hm, seems like it is forcing to use OpenGL anyway, even with +[CIContext contextWithCGContext:options:] and kCIContextUseSoftwareRenderer being set :thinking:

khanhduytran0 commented 1 year ago

My test was done on iOS 12. I tried on iOS 14.3 but it turned out to ignore gpu=0. It appears that Apple took away CoreImage software rendering since iOS 13 (Corellium added GPU support at the same time)

I think it can be worked around by just hooking +[CIContext internalContextWithEAGLContext:options:] to return nil, hopefully making any calls to the context no-op.

khanhduytran0 commented 1 year ago

@TrungNguyen1909 hi again, is IOMFB support pushed? I couldn't get it to work

*** Assertion failure in FBSDisplayConfiguration *__sb__mainDisplayConfiguration()_block_invoke(), _SBSPrefixHelper.m:52
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'we expect a mainDisplayConfiguration - CADisplayClass: CADisplay, mainDisplay: (null)'
VisualEhrmanntraut commented 1 year ago

@khanhduytran0 no

TrungNguyen1909 commented 1 year ago

@ChefKissInc @khanhduytran0,

The problem is, I've a backlog of stuff that should be committed together with IOMFB, so I can't commit that part right now.

On the other hand, we just got Springboard running properly~~

I'm working on Multitouch stuff rn.

Rix565 commented 1 year ago

@TrungNguyen1909 that means... the home screen works??? screen?

y2k04 commented 1 year ago


Anonymous941 commented 1 year ago

@TrungNguyen1909 Can you commit it to another branch? It's been several months.

VisualEhrmanntraut commented 1 year ago

It's been so long, me and @NyanCatTW1 have already single-handedly gotten hackintoshes with AMD integrated GPUs working on macOS Big Sur & published it already, in comparison. Screen Shot 2023-03-07 at 18 58 17

Anonymous941 commented 1 year ago

Really? Where??

VisualEhrmanntraut commented 1 year ago

Really? Where??

Idk if I'm allowed to send that here, and uh, there's a lot of work to do so I haven't published it yet. Kidding, check my profile's pinned repositories. Do note it's still experimental, but it's relatively stable

Anonymous941 commented 1 year ago

Does this boot the Springboard, or is it just one of many drivers needed to get it working? Either way, nice work!

VisualEhrmanntraut commented 1 year ago

Did you read my comment? It says AMD iGPUs on macOS, meaning macOS hackintoshes. Don't know what Springboard has to do with it I know this is unrelated to the thread itself, but I placed it as a comparison point for how slow this has been worked on. Our project had more RE than code involved as well. Rephrased the original comment, I apologise for the confusion