Trunks1982 / Daikin-Rotex-HPSU-CAN

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no connection with heat pump #9

Closed tosomax closed 3 months ago

tosomax commented 5 months ago


I have just installed your software on a ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 bought from aliexpress. The ESP32 is connected to a CAN transmitter bought from aliexpress (wcmcu-230).

I have a ehsxb08p50ba daikin/rotex heat pump.

I have followed your guide to connect everything together and to the J13 CAN port of the heat pump.

Everything up and running, but the ESP32 does not seem to receive any data from the CAN Bus

It keeps saying: send standard id=0x680 rtr=FALSE size 7 COmponent time took a long time for an operation (1.00 s) Componets should block for at most 20-30ms

Do I have the wrong type of CAN transmitter? I cannot seem to find exactly the model you suggested.

Do you have any suggestion about other things I need to check?


Trunks1982 commented 5 months ago

Hi ich benutze diesen Transciver.Ist aber so wie ich es sehe das gleiche.Welches Baujahr ist die Rotex und welche genau ist es?

tosomax commented 5 months ago

The model of the heatpump Is Daikin EHSXB08P50PA. It should be a 2017/2018 model. I'm not really sure how I can diagnose the issue...maybe I've set up something wrong. Do you have any advice? For reference, I have already set up another esp32 with espaltherma and it is working, I'm definitely not an expert but I am not a total noob, so I believe that at least the connections are made correctly. I can think possibly of a detective CAN trasceiver or maybe this specific hpsu unit needs different CAN commands?

Trunks1982 commented 5 months ago

ESPAltherma kann in seiner Original Version doch kein Can?! Wie hast du den Esp geflasht? Bitte einmal mit esphome flashen und dann die yaml durch cooy paste einfügen.

tosomax commented 5 months ago

ESPAltherma doesn't do CAN, I know there is a fork that might be able to use CAN, but I haven't tried.

The ESP32 I'm using with espaltherma is a differnt one, I've bought specifically a S3 wroom for your software. I've followed this guide and then I have loaded your .yaml file

I can see the device from HomeAssistant, I can reach the web page, but I have no communication with the heatpump. If you think it is worth to repeat the process I will do it

Trunks1982 commented 5 months ago

Ich würde noch mal über Homassist den esp neu erstellen und wenn der esp angezeigt wird die yaml per copy paste einfügen. Wenn sie can hat muss das funktionieren.Letztes mal hatten wir auch einen User der zb falsch geflasht hat und danach hat es funktioniert.

Kabel sollte gedrillt sein zb ein Netzwerkkabel. Ist nur nen Anhaltspunkt. Können Sie mir mal nen Foto von der Bedieneinheit von der Rotex posten?

tosomax commented 5 months ago

Tonight I will reflash ESPHome, though I can't do it through home assistant as suggested since my HA is installed in docker. I will try to change cables, since I'm using dupont connectors, not twisted wires like network cables.

Here's some pictures, hope it is helpful

1708607083291 1708607083314 1708607083269 1708607083340

Trunks1982 commented 5 months ago

Ich würde erstmal neu flashen bevor du die Kabel tauscht.

Trunks1982 commented 5 months ago

Bildschirmfoto 2024-02-22 um 14 15 40 so sollte das log dann aussehen wenn was empfangen wird

tosomax commented 5 months ago

thanks I will try to reflash it and let you know :)

tosomax commented 5 months ago

Reflashed through ESPHome: I have installed ESPhome in docker, then from the webgui I reflashed the basic esphome on ESP32, then I copypasted the yaml file and reflashed again.

I don't have that "time" error, but still it seems that I don't get any data from the CAN bus. What I might try is to change cables, then I think i could buy another CAN transceiver, it might be defective, who knows.

Do you believe that my heat pump has a different protocol so the commands that are sent through the can bus are not recognized? Sorry I'm not an expert in this field, I hope I am clear

Screenshot 2024-02-22 153047

Trunks1982 commented 5 months ago

Was man machen könnte wäre das debuggen höher zusetzen und einmal zugucken wenn händisch was an der heizung verstellt wird ob daten reinkommen.

Aber eigentlich sieht das schonmal ganz gut aus der log

Trunks1982 commented 5 months ago

Bildschirmfoto 2024-02-22 um 15 39 40 Hast du nach dem ersten flashen auf edit geklickt und dann alles aus meiner yaml kopiert und Bildschirmfoto 2024-02-22 um 15 40 40 so eingefügt?

Trunks1982 commented 5 months ago

Und was du mal ausprobieren könntest verstell mal über die webbi oder über Homeassistant zb die Betriebsart oder Raumsoll und guck mal ob sich was an der Heizung ändert.

tosomax commented 5 months ago

Yes I have copypasted as you described. Now I have added the option "verbose" to the log. Tried to change the operating mode via webgui and this is the log: (no change on the heatpump unfortunately) Screenshot 2024-02-22 154929 I have changed the water tank temperature on the heat pump manually, and nothing comes up on the log.

I might just try and buy another CAN transceiver from Amazon, in case this is broken.

Trunks1982 commented 5 months ago

Das ist echt merkwürdig.Würde vielleicht bevor du einen neuen transreceiver bestellst einmal nen anderes Kabel testen.Deine Heizung sollte aufjedenfall funktionieren.Meine sieht genauso aus. CAN L und H sind nicht vertauscht? Nur um alles auszuschliessen.

tosomax commented 5 months ago

I'll try different cables, I have also tried to switch CAN L and H just in case (although I have followed your guide to the letter, even the colors of the wires :D).

I'll try to change all the cables just in case, if it doesn't work I'll buy new can transceiver

tosomax commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the help :)

Trunks1982 commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the help :)

Kein Problem. Und danke für deine kleine Spende.

tosomax commented 5 months ago

changed all cables, used wires from ethernet cable, no success. Even checked continuity with a multimeter.

Last question before buying another CAN transceiver, do I need to change some parameter on the HPSU to activate the CAn port J13 or should it always work?

Thanks again

Trunks1982 commented 5 months ago

Sollte immer funtkionieren.

tosomax commented 5 months ago

I've googled a bit, it seems that theese small CAN transceiver are frequently knock offs and defective. I bought it from aliexpress, might be the case. Also, from what I've found I should be measuring about 2.5V between CAN-H or CAN-L and GND. I'm measuring 1.6V. I've just bought a Waveshare CAN transceiver from Amazon, hoping it will be legit (10 times the cost than aliexpress, but I don't want to wait another 2 weeks).

I'll let you know how it goes!

Trunks1982 commented 5 months ago

Ich habe auch den von waveshare und die sind top.Bei amazon kann man den wenigsten schnell zurück schicken.👍

tosomax commented 5 months ago

The waveshare can trasceiver arrived. Now I measure 2.5v between GND an CANH or CANL, so I Guess the other Can transceiver was a knock off or broken. However, I cannot still get it working, I dont get any signal from the HPSU. I dont know if you might any advice...

I was wondering if I Need to connect the ESP32 to the ground of the J13 port or not? I am powering the ESP32 with an external Power supply

Trunks1982 commented 5 months ago

Der Waveshare-Kann-Transceiver ist angekommen. Jetzt messe ich 2,5 V zwischen GND und CANH oder CANL, also denke ich, dass der andere Can-Transceiver ein Knock-off oder kaputt war. Ich kann es jedoch immer noch nicht zum Laufen bringen, ich bekomme kein Signal von der HPSU.Ich weiß nicht, ob du einen Rat geben könntest...

Ich habe mich gefragt, ob ich den ESP32 mit dem J13-Anschluss verbinden muss oder nicht? Ich steige den ESP32 mit einem externen Netzteil

Der Esp32 muss mit dem Waveshare verbunden werden und dann von da zur Rotex.War schon so richtig wie du es angeschlossen hattest.Hast du die richtigen Pins verwendet die ich in der yaml eingestellt habe?

tosomax commented 5 months ago

Yes I used pins 47 and 48, I used also the same color code for the cables to avoid any mistake. I Will try ti repeat the flashing and double check everything once again just to be sure!

Trunks1982 commented 5 months ago

Werte verändern funktioniert auch nicht? Hätte jetzt echt gedacht das es am transceiver liegt.Mhm

Trunks1982 commented 5 months ago

Ich hätte noch ne idee.

tosomax commented 5 months ago

No unfortunately even changing values doesn't do anything.

I also thought It was the transceiver, but I Will do more experiments until I can get to the bottom of this :)

Trunks1982 commented 5 months ago

Wenn du den neu flasht steht das gleiche wie hier vei die in der grund yaml?

esp32: board: esp32-s3-devkitc-1 framework: type: arduino

tosomax commented 5 months ago

Screenshot_2024-02-26-00-05-40-705_com android chrome

Trunks1982 commented 5 months ago

Meine wenn du den neu über esphome flasht ohne meine yaml vorher eingespielt zu haben?

tosomax commented 4 months ago

Yes I have checked by reflashing, everything is right.

This Is out of my league, but could It be possibile that my heat pump used different "strings" and different "can id"? Is it possibile to write an easy code to have the ESP32 in listening mode and listen to what the can bus of the HPSU Is sending? I don't know if you are familiar with PyHPSU, It Is something similar to your program with Raspberry Pi. I tried to check all the "can codes" and they look similar but not the same to yours. Maybe my heat pump is just different than yours

Trunks1982 commented 4 months ago

Wenn du debug auf verbose änderst und an der wärmepumpe einen wert änderst sollten werte reinkommen.

tosomax commented 4 months ago

I have managed to get it working!! Thanks so much!

In the end I had a bad transceiver (solved with the new Waveshare) and with a multimeter I was able to find a faulty cable!!

Now I only need to translate your code to italian or english :D

I hope I can do it with google translate, change the yaml and have my own local version ;)

Trunks1982 commented 4 months ago

Das freut mich das es hetzt funktioniert.Hätte nicht gedacht das es an einem kabel liegt.

Trunks1982 commented 4 months ago

Wenn du eine Italienische bzw Englische Version hast kann ich die hier ja gerne veröffendlichen.

tosomax commented 4 months ago

In the next weeks I will try to do a complete translation, I will do It in english so It will be useful to more people.

I have to say that I really like your work, it is much simpler than other options likes espaltherma or PyHPSU, and the use of the CAN bus gives much more options than the X10 port. Also the hardware required for this project Is cheaper than what you Need for PyHPSU

Thank you again for the help, much appreciated!

Trunks1982 commented 4 months ago

Danke für die Wertschätzung. Das war auch mein gedanke so einfach wie möglich.PyHPSU und espaltherma haben mir nie zugesagt und deswegen bin ich auf diese Lösung gekommen.

mschallar commented 4 months ago

I have the same issue.

I ordered the same waveshare as you did: and the the recommended ESP32

The cables looked good with my multimeter. I checked the contunuity between the ESP32 and waveshare, as well as between the waveshare and J13 connector. I also replaced each cable just to be sure, and checked the contunuity again. Still same multimeter results, but the connection to the HPSU doesnt work.


[23:09:36][W][component:214]: Component time took a long time for an operation (1.00 s).
[23:09:36][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[23:09:36][D][sensor:094]: 'Thermische Leistung': Sending state nan kW with 2 decimals of accuracy
[23:09:36][D][canbus:035]: send standard id=0x680 rtr=FALSE size=7

I also have the Rotex RoCon B1 installed in my living room. That device still receives the correct values from the HPSU in the basement.

How can I debug this any further? Has anyone an idea?

tosomax commented 4 months ago

You can test your transceiver by measuring the voltage between CANH and CANL, you Need to see some voltage when the ESP32 is trasmitting (once you boot up the esp32 with the code, It should start to transmit in a few seconds)

Then you can check if the transceiver is legit by measuring the voltage between CANH and GND, and also CANL GND. It should be around 2.5V when the Esp32 Is not trasmitting (to do so, disconnect CRX and TRX while leaving connected GND and 3.3V)

I can also suggest checking the cables between CANH and CANL to the heat pump: the connections should be CANH to CANH and CANL to CANL. The picture posted in GitHub can be misleading for someone who doesn't know the CAN protocol.

Let me know

mschallar commented 4 months ago

Thanks @tosomax . I soldered all cables to the ESP32 to make sure they are properly connected. After I've done that, it worked right away. Thanks @Trunks1982 for the effort!