Try-Git / try_git

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This repo is empty #7

Open zachio opened 9 years ago

zachio commented 9 years ago

Need more files. Get it done stat

gitavery commented 8 years ago

Learning tools that will help us understand github try it out everyone progit-en.935.pdf

obernste1999 commented 8 years ago

The repository is supposed to be empty. The exercises are only saved in the command window you see below your screen when doing the tutorials. I'm guessing the only reason they introduced this specific repository is so you can learn about how to push/pull your commits remotely, for educational purposes.

GranularDetective commented 8 years ago

@zachdyer don't be a douche

GranularDetective commented 8 years ago

@gitavery the file in your link is very long and has a lot of words that are not computer code. Do better.