Try / OpenGothic

Reimplementation of Gothic 2 Notr
MIT License
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compiling on raspberry pi 4 (with vulkan driver installed) #121

Closed nex86 closed 1 year ago

nex86 commented 3 years ago

I tried to compile Open Gothic on a raspberry pi 4 but fails at "-MSSE2: unknown parameter" is it even possible to compile this on an ARM chip or do you really need SSE2?

Try commented 3 years ago

Hi, @nex86 ! The game itself is not using SSE2 or Neon, but this flag may come from libsquish. Can you try to set BUILD_SQUISH_WITH_SSE2=OFF in cmake build line? Can you show a full build log?

ip0p commented 3 years ago

I tried to compile Open Gothic on a raspberry pi 4 but fails at "-MSSE2: unknown parameter" is it even possible to compile this on an ARM chip or do you really need SSE2?

Hey @nex86 ! Cool to see someone else testing this. :D Yes it compiles! @Try is right you just have to disable SSE2. I also had to change some Texture Format in the Renderer (more infos in the issue on Tempest repo). I'm trying to get this running for a while now. Currently I can hit start and see the loading screen but after that I come back to the menu.

ip0p commented 3 years ago

This is how far it gets. Also an error message. Maybe because of the texture format change? image

Try commented 3 years ago
  1. Turns out that RG16 is not mandatory in Vulkan.
R16G16_UNORM 98.81% 1.19%

And 1.19 % of GPU's doesn't support it!

  1. RGBA8 is fine - can be changed to anything for now.
  2. Sounds like a ZenLib issue:
    // zenParser.cpp:110
    void ZenParser::readHeader(ZenHeader& header, ParserImpl*& impl)
    if (!skipString("ZenGin Archive"))
        THROW("Not a valid format");
ip0p commented 3 years ago

OK. I can maybe check this evening if I can get more infos.

ip0p commented 3 years ago

I added some debug logs... (My breakpoint debugging is not working. need to figure out how to configure VS Code correctly) But it outputs nothing. :( How can I enable the default logging of Zenlib? I'm still not so familar with C++. ^^ image

Try commented 3 years ago

How can I enable the default logging of Zenlib?

What exactly do you mean by default logging? std::cout should just work.

ip0p commented 3 years ago

Nvm I thought the LogInfo() wasn't working... I recopied a fresh G2 install to the pi and now it kind of works! The intro plays after that I see a black screen with mana and health bar. Then the whole system freezes. I will try again with reduced resolution after work in the evening. But I have the feeling that its too heavy to handle for the pi.

nex86 commented 3 years ago

But I have the feeling that its too heavy to handle for the pi.

I was thinking about that as well, My original thought was to get it working on the Nintendo Switch with L4T Ubuntu since it has a well working Vulkan driver and better performance. But the issue was it being based on 18.04 and the depencies are too old to get it compiled. The issue I had was with cmake I think, and installing cmake manually gave me an error about a missing OpenSSL development package that is not in the repo. And the 20.04 update is very unstable.

This is why I continued the work on the raspberry pi.

Try commented 3 years ago

I will try again with reduced resolution after work in the evening.

./Gothic2Notr -w dragonisland.zen :)

ip0p commented 3 years ago

I will try again with reduced resolution after work in the evening.

./Gothic2Notr -w dragonisland.zen :)

this is how far it gets with dragonisland. just UI + black screen. after that the system freezes. didn't had time to figure out resolution change. (feature request: please add command line parameters for resolution! ;))

Schlumpf7 commented 3 years ago

Hi there, any progress on running openGothic on the Pi 4. I'm very interested in this, too.

ip0p commented 3 years ago

hey @Schlumpf7! I never tried again since then. Maybe its a good time to try again. ^^

nex86 commented 3 years ago

I'm not even sure if the PI4s vulkan driver is even usable for this since its still WIP. My original goal was to get this to work on the Nintendo Switch over L4T Linux. Its got amazing Vulkan support on the Switch, since its using the official nvidia driver. But the issue were outdated depencies and I couldn't get newer ones via repo. However, I could try it again or even with arch linux now since its available.

Schlumpf7 commented 3 years ago

Here are my errors for making it: make[2]: [lib/Tempest/Engine/CMakeFiles/Tempest.dir/build.make:584: lib/Tempest/Engine/CMakeFiles/Tempest.dir/gapi/vulkan/vcommandbuffer.cpp.o] Error 1 make[1]: [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1013: lib/Tempest/Engine/CMakeFiles/Tempest.dir/all] Error 2 It would be nice if you could provide support for it :)

Try commented 3 years ago

Hi, @Schlumpf7 !

Error 1

This doesn't look like full error message, was there any other output be compiler?

clort81 commented 2 years ago

I have a jetson nano and pixel-c here which both can run nvidia's vulkan drivers.

The nano comes with Ubuntu but can be transformed to devuan ceres without too much effort, then you have a modern system for building.

TlalkaM commented 2 years ago

Hi! First of all thanks for bringing gothic engine to the open source! Today i successfully compiled and run OpenGothic on rpi4 4gb model. I'm on manjaro (aarch64) with mesa-git package and vc4-kms-v3d-pi4 driver. But the performance is quite lacking, around 1fps at 1024x768 but here is the screenshot, everything is looking quite ok, only the shadows looks kinda querky. Sounds play fine, and the cpu load is hanging around 2 so i think the gpu is the major bottleneck. www

Are there any environment variables or directives in ini file to lower the render distance and turn off shadows?

To compile successfully i only had to download contrib folder from the libpng repo and insert it in the libpng lib source code folder.

Also i think the gpu has some kind of problem, because when i try to launch game 9/10 times i got error shown below, i don't know what changes when game runs, but i just rerun the run script and somtimes it works.

OpenGothic v1.0 dev

GPU: ?
#1: std::terminate - /usr/lib/ [0xffffb4b5abf0]
#2: __cxa_rethrow - /usr/lib/ [0xffffb4b5b030]
#3: Tempest::Detail::VSwapchain::VSwapchain(Tempest::Detail::VDevice&, Tempest::SystemApi::Window*) - /home/mtlalka/git/OpenGothic/build/opengothic/ [0xffffb4de996c]
#4: Tempest::VulkanApi::createSwapchain(Tempest::SystemApi::Window*, Tempest::AbstractGraphicsApi::Device*) - /home/mtlalka/git/OpenGothic/build/opengothic/ [0xffffb4debbcc]
#5: Tempest::Device::swapchain(Tempest::SystemApi::Window*) const - /home/mtlalka/git/OpenGothic/build/opengothic/ [0xffffb4def288]
#6: Tempest::Swapchain::Swapchain(Tempest::Device&, Tempest::SystemApi::Window*) - /home/mtlalka/git/OpenGothic/build/opengothic/ [0xffffb4df2100]
#7: MainWindow::MainWindow(Tempest::Device&) - /home/mtlalka/git/OpenGothic/build/opengothic/Gothic2Notr(_ZN10MainWindowC2ERN7Tempest6DeviceE+0x64) [0xaaaadc4be6f8]
#8: main - /home/mtlalka/git/OpenGothic/build/opengothic/Gothic2Notr(main+0x110) [0xaaaadc3edaf0]

Aborted (core dumped)

But sometimes i'm able to lauch, and the game works normally with this output

OpenGothic v1.0 dev
AL lib: (EE) ALSANoMMapProc: available update failed: Broken pipe
GPU = V3D 4.2
Depth format = 14 Shadow format = 4
Info: ZEN: Reading presets...
swapchain is outdated - reset renderer
Info: ZEN: Reading world...
Info: oCWorld reading chunk: MeshAndBsp
Info: ZEN: Reading mesh...
Info: Reading mesh '' (Version: 265)
Info: Found 260696 vertices
Info: ZEN: Done reading mesh!
Info: oCWorld reading chunk: VobTree
Info: oCWorld reading chunk: WayNet
Info: Loading 1 freepoints
Info: Loading 3402 edges
Info: Done loading edges!
Info: ZEN: Reading presets...
Try commented 2 years ago

Hi, @TlalkaM !

Are there any environment variables or directives in ini file to lower the render distance and turn off shadows?

No, the only way for now is to hack into source code: renderer.cpp, here is the diff:

diff --git a/game/graphics/renderer.cpp b/game/graphics/renderer.cpp
index 8f1a48a..05d4641 100644
--- a/game/graphics/renderer.cpp
+++ b/game/graphics/renderer.cpp
@@ -139,10 +139,10 @@ void Renderer::draw(Tempest::Attachment& result, Tempest::Encoder<CommandBuffer>

-  const Texture2d* sh[Resources::ShadowLayers];
-  for(size_t i=0; i<Resources::ShadowLayers; ++i)
-    sh[i] = &textureCast(shadowMap[i]);
-  wview->setFrameGlobals(sh,Gothic::inst().world()->tickCount(),cmdId);
+  // const Texture2d* sh[Resources::ShadowLayers];
+  // for(size_t i=0; i<Resources::ShadowLayers; ++i)
+  //   sh[i] = &textureCast(shadowMap[i]);
+  wview->setFrameGlobals(nullptr,Gothic::inst().world()->tickCount(),cmdId);

@@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ void Renderer::draw(Tempest::Attachment& result, Tempest::Encoder<CommandBuffer>

   for(uint8_t i=0; i<Resources::ShadowLayers; ++i) {
-    cmd.setFramebuffer({{shadowMap[i], Vec4(), Tempest::Preserve}}, {shadowZ[i], 0.f, Tempest::Preserve});
-    wview->drawShadow(cmd,cmdId,i);
+    //cmd.setFramebuffer({{shadowMap[i], Vec4(), Tempest::Preserve}}, {shadowZ[i], 0.f, Tempest::Preserve});
+    //wview->drawShadow(cmd,cmdId,i);

   cmd.setFramebuffer({{lightingBuf, Vec4(),           Tempest::Preserve},
TlalkaM commented 2 years ago

Thanks for patch! After patching and recompiling it's 100% better! Now it's 2 fps and the game looks similar to original :) Only some light sources pass thru solid objects, like this tower on screenshot :) asd

I'll try maybe to overclock and do some tweaks on the os side to maybe improve that, but my hopes aren't high.

@Try Probably off-topic but do You have any plans to also implement OpenGL as graphics api?

Try commented 2 years ago

For performance side of things, you may want to look here:

Do you know, HW specs of underlying hardware? I mean, pixels per second and triangles per second - that will help identify bottlenecks.

OpenGL as graphics api?

No, too much work and pointless - by the time job is done opengl will be completely dead :)

Nindaleth commented 1 year ago

There's not much fillrate info to find on RPi4 GPU - it uses VideoCore VI (VC6) which is said (source1, source2) to provide around 32 GFLOPS and 2.5 Gpixel/s.

For the record, the original RPi GPU (VC4) is listed to provide 24 GFLOPS, 1 Gpixel/s and 1.5 Gtexel/s.