TryCatchLearn / Reactivities-v6

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problem with meta.touched and MyDateInput.tsx #1

Open fschwiet opened 3 years ago

fschwiet commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the course. I'm still working my way through it. I noticed an issue working with the date picker. meta.touched is used to limit showing an error state until after the user has had a chance to change the field or submit the form. However I find it doesn't show the error status in one scenario:

I was going to see if I could repro the issue with your repro, but couldn't even get it to run. It looks like its setup to run postgres, I'm not there yet. I kind of assumed the final project would still run against SQLite for development mode. I tried changing the connection string to "DefaultConnection": "Data source=database.db" but that wasn't enough.