TryCatchLearn / Reactivities-v6

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Submit button not working #7

Open cmukoyi opened 1 year ago

cmukoyi commented 1 year ago

The onSubmit functionality for the form has no response when you run the app

This is from the ActivityForm.tsx

<Segment clearing> <Form onSubmit={handleSubmit} autoComplete='off' > <Form.Input placeholder='Title' value={activity.title} name ='title' onChange={hanldeInputChange}/> <Form.TextArea placeholder='Description' value={activity.description} name='description' onChange={hanldeInputChange} /> <Form.Input placeholder='Category' value={activity.category} name='category' onChange={hanldeInputChange} /> <Form.Input type = 'date' placeholder='Date' value={} name='date' onChange={hanldeInputChange} /> <Form.Input placeholder='City' value={} name='city' onChange={hanldeInputChange}/> <Form.Input placeholder='Venue' value={activity.venue} name='venue' onChange={hanldeInputChange}/> <Button type='submit' loading = {submitting} floated = 'right' positive content = 'Submit' /> <Button onClick={closeForm} floated = 'right' type='button' content = 'Cancel' /> </Form> </Segment>