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Dependency Dashboard #13265

Open renovate[bot] opened 3 years ago

renovate[bot] commented 3 years ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

Config Migration Needed

[!WARNING] These dependencies are deprecated:

Datasource Name Replacement PR?
npm @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties Unavailable
npm @storybook/addon-styling Unavailable
npm @storybook/testing-library Unavailable
npm babel-eslint Available
npm brute-knex Unavailable
npm ember-ajax Unavailable
npm ember-cli-shims Unavailable
npm ember-mocha Unavailable

Pending Approval

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These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

Ignored or Blocked

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Detected dependencies

.github/scripts/docker-compose.yml - `mysql 8.0.35` - `redis 7.0` - `prom/prometheus v2.30.3` - `grafana/grafana 8.3.0` - `prom/pushgateway v1.6.0`
.devcontainer/.docker/Dockerfile - `node 20.15.1-bullseye-slim`
.github/actions/restore-cache/action.yml - `actions/cache v4` - `actions/cache v4` - `actions/github-script v6`
.github/workflows/ci.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `dorny/paths-filter v2.12.0` - `AurorNZ/paths-filter v3.0.1` - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/cache v4` - `actions/cache v4` - `actions/cache v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `actions/cache v4` - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `actions/upload-artifact v4` - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `actions/cache v4` - `actions/upload-artifact v4` - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `benchmark-action/github-action-benchmark v1.20.4` - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `szenius/set-timezone v1.2` - `actions/upload-artifact v4` - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `szenius/set-timezone v1.2` - `actions/upload-artifact v4` - `tailscale/github-action v1` - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `actions/cache v4` - `actions/upload-artifact v4` - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `actions/cache v4` - `actions/upload-artifact v4` - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `actions/cache v4` - `actions/upload-artifact v4` - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `actions/upload-artifact v3` - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/download-artifact v4` - `codecov/codecov-action v3` - `actions/download-artifact v4` - `codecov/codecov-action v3` - `aurelien-baudet/workflow-dispatch v2` - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `gacts/purge-jsdelivr-cache v1`
.github/workflows/create-release-branch.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `asdf-vm/actions v2` - `actions/github-script v6`
.github/workflows/migration-review.yml - `actions/github-script v6` - `peter-evans/create-or-update-comment ac8e6509d7545ebc2e5e7c35eaa12195c2f77adc`
.github/workflows/stale.yml - `actions/stale v8`
apps/admin-x-activitypub/package.json - `@radix-ui/react-form 0.0.3` - `clsx 2.1.1` - `react 18.3.1` - `react-dom 18.3.1` - `use-debounce 10.0.4` - `@playwright/test 1.46.1` - `@testing-library/react 14.3.1` - `@types/jest 29.5.12` - `@types/react 18.3.3` - `@types/react-dom 18.3.0` - `jest 29.7.0` - `ts-jest 29.1.5`
apps/admin-x-demo/package.json - `@testing-library/react 14.3.1` - `@types/react 18.3.3` - `@types/react-dom 18.3.0` - `react 18.3.1` - `react-dom 18.3.1`
apps/admin-x-design-system/package.json - `@dnd-kit/core 6.1.0` - `@dnd-kit/sortable 7.0.2` - `@ebay/nice-modal-react 1.2.13` - `@radix-ui/react-avatar 1.1.0` - `@radix-ui/react-checkbox 1.1.1` - `@radix-ui/react-form 0.0.3` - `@radix-ui/react-popover 1.1.1` - `@radix-ui/react-radio-group 1.2.0` - `@radix-ui/react-separator 1.1.0` - `@radix-ui/react-switch 1.1.0` - `@radix-ui/react-tabs 1.1.0` - `@radix-ui/react-tooltip 1.1.2` - `@sentry/react 7.119.2` - `@tailwindcss/forms 0.5.9` - `@tailwindcss/line-clamp 0.4.4` - `@uiw/react-codemirror 4.23.6` - `autoprefixer 10.4.19` - `clsx 2.1.1` - `postcss 8.4.39` - `postcss-import 16.1.0` - `react-colorful 5.6.1` - `react-hot-toast 2.4.1` - `react-select 5.8.2` - `tailwindcss 3.4.14` - `@codemirror/lang-html 6.4.9` - `@radix-ui/react-tooltip 1.1.2` - `@storybook/addon-essentials 7.6.20` - `@storybook/addon-interactions 7.6.20` - `@storybook/addon-links 7.6.20` - `@storybook/addon-styling 1.3.7` - `@storybook/blocks 7.6.20` - `@storybook/react 7.6.20` - `@storybook/react-vite 7.6.4` - `@storybook/testing-library 0.2.2` - `@testing-library/react 14.3.1` - `@testing-library/react-hooks 8.0.1` - `@types/lodash-es 4.17.12` - `@vitejs/plugin-react 4.2.1` - `c8 8.0.1` - `chai 4.3.8` - `eslint-plugin-react-hooks 4.6.0` - `eslint-plugin-react-refresh 0.4.3` - `eslint-plugin-tailwindcss 3.13.0` - `jsdom 24.1.3` - `lodash-es 4.17.21` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `react 18.3.1` - `react-dom 18.3.1` - `rollup-plugin-node-builtins 2.1.2` - `sinon 17.0.0` - `storybook 7.6.20` - `ts-node 10.9.2` - `typescript 5.4.5` - `vite 4.5.3` - `vite-plugin-svgr 3.3.0` - `react ^18.2.0` - `react-dom ^18.2.0`
apps/admin-x-framework/package.json - `@sentry/react 7.119.2` - `@tanstack/react-query 4.36.1` - `@types/react 18.3.3` - `@types/react-dom 18.3.0` - `@vitejs/plugin-react 4.2.1` - `react 18.3.1` - `react-dom 18.3.1` - `vite 4.5.3` - `vite-plugin-css-injected-by-js ^3.3.0` - `vite-plugin-svgr 3.3.0` - `vitest 0.34.3` - `@testing-library/react 14.3.1` - `@types/mocha 10.0.1` - `c8 8.0.1` - `eslint-plugin-react-hooks 4.6.0` - `eslint-plugin-react-refresh 0.4.3` - `jsdom 24.1.3` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `react 18.3.1` - `react-dom 18.3.1` - `sinon 17.0.0` - `ts-node 10.9.2` - `typescript 5.4.5` - `react ^18.2.0` - `react-dom ^18.2.0`
apps/admin-x-settings/package.json - `@codemirror/lang-html 6.4.9` - `@tryghost/color-utils 0.2.2` - `@tryghost/kg-unsplash-selector 0.2.6` - `@tryghost/limit-service 1.2.14` - `@tryghost/nql 0.12.7` - `@tryghost/timezone-data 0.4.3` - `react 18.3.1` - `react-dom 18.3.1` - `@playwright/test 1.46.1` - `@testing-library/react 14.3.1` - `@types/react 18.3.3` - `@types/react-dom 18.3.0` - `@types/validator 13.12.0` - `@vitejs/plugin-react 4.2.1` - `eslint-plugin-react-hooks 4.6.0` - `eslint-plugin-react-refresh 0.4.3` - `eslint-plugin-tailwindcss 3.13.0` - `stylelint 15.10.3` - `vite 4.5.3` - `vite-plugin-css-injected-by-js ^3.3.0` - `vite-plugin-svgr 3.3.0` - `vitest 0.34.3`
apps/announcement-bar/package.json - `@tryghost/content-api 1.11.21` - `react 17.0.2` - `react-dom 17.0.2` - `@vitejs/plugin-react 4.2.1` - `jsdom 24.1.3` - `vite 4.5.3` - `vite-plugin-svgr 3.3.0` - `vitest 0.34.3`
apps/comments-ui/package.json - `@headlessui/react 1.7.19` - `@tiptap/core 2.9.0` - `@tiptap/extension-blockquote 2.9.0` - `@tiptap/extension-document 2.9.0` - `@tiptap/extension-hard-break 2.9.0` - `@tiptap/extension-link 2.9.0` - `@tiptap/extension-paragraph 2.9.0` - `@tiptap/extension-placeholder 2.9.0` - `@tiptap/extension-text 2.9.0` - `@tiptap/pm 2.9.0` - `@tiptap/react 2.9.0` - `react 17.0.2` - `react-dom 17.0.2` - `react-string-replace 1.1.1` - `@playwright/test 1.46.1` - `@testing-library/jest-dom 5.17.0` - `@testing-library/react 12.1.5` - `@testing-library/user-event 14.5.2` - `@vitejs/plugin-react 4.2.1` - `@vitest/coverage-v8 0.34.3` - `autoprefixer 10.4.19` - `bson-objectid 2.0.4` - `concurrently 8.2.2` - `eslint-plugin-i18next 6.0.3` - `eslint-plugin-react-hooks 4.6.0` - `eslint-plugin-react-refresh 0.4.3` - `eslint-plugin-tailwindcss 3.13.0` - `jsdom 24.1.3` - `postcss 8.4.39` - `tailwindcss 3.4.14` - `vite 4.5.3` - `vite-plugin-css-injected-by-js 3.3.0` - `vite-plugin-svgr 3.3.0` - `vitest 0.34.3`
apps/portal/package.json - `@babel/eslint-parser 7.23.3` - `@doist/react-interpolate 1.1.1` - `@sentry/react 7.119.2` - `@testing-library/jest-dom 5.17.0` - `@testing-library/react 12.1.5` - `@vitejs/plugin-react 4.2.1` - `@vitest/coverage-v8 0.34.3` - `@vitest/ui 0.34.3` - `concurrently 8.2.2` - `cross-fetch 4.0.0` - `eslint-plugin-i18next 6.0.3` - `jsdom 24.1.3` - `react 17.0.2` - `react-dom 17.0.2` - `vite 4.5.3` - `vite-plugin-css-injected-by-js 3.3.0` - `vite-plugin-svgr 3.3.0` - `vitest 0.34.3`
apps/signup-form/package.json - `react 18.3.1` - `react-dom 18.3.1` - `@playwright/test 1.46.1` - `@storybook/addon-essentials 7.6.20` - `@storybook/addon-interactions 7.6.20` - `@storybook/addon-links 7.6.20` - `@storybook/addon-styling 1.3.7` - `@storybook/blocks 7.6.20` - `@storybook/react 7.6.20` - `@storybook/react-vite 7.6.4` - `@storybook/testing-library 0.2.2` - `@tailwindcss/line-clamp 0.4.4` - `@types/react 18.3.3` - `@types/react-dom 18.3.0` - `@vitejs/plugin-react 4.2.1` - `autoprefixer 10.4.19` - `concurrently 8.2.2` - `eslint-plugin-react-hooks 4.6.0` - `eslint-plugin-react-refresh 0.4.3` - `eslint-plugin-tailwindcss 3.13.0` - `jsdom 24.1.3` - `postcss 8.4.39` - `postcss-import 16.1.0` - `prop-types 15.8.1` - `rollup-plugin-node-builtins 2.1.2` - `storybook 7.6.20` - `stylelint 15.10.3` - `tailwindcss 3.4.14` - `vite 4.5.3` - `vite-plugin-svgr 3.3.0` - `vitest 0.34.3`
apps/sodo-search/package.json - `@tryghost/content-api 1.11.21` - `flexsearch 0.7.43` - `react 17.0.2` - `react-dom 17.0.2` - `@testing-library/jest-dom 5.17.0` - `@testing-library/react 12.1.5` - `@vitejs/plugin-react 4.2.1` - `jsdom 24.1.3` - `nock 13.3.3` - `vite 4.5.3` - `vite-plugin-svgr 3.3.0` - `vitest 0.34.3`
ghost/activitypub/package.json - `bson-objectid 2.0.4` - `@tryghost/logging 2.4.19` - `c8 10.1.2` - `knex 3.1.0` - `mocha 10.8.2` - `nock 13.5.5` - `sinon 19.0.2` - `sqlite3 5.1.7` - `ts-node 10.9.2` - `typescript 5.6.3`
ghost/adapter-cache-memory-ttl/package.json - `@isaacs/ttlcache 1.4.1` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/adapter-cache-redis/package.json - `cache-manager 4.1.0` - `cache-manager-ioredis 2.1.0` - `cluster-key-slot 1.1.2` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/adapter-manager/package.json - `@tryghost/errors 1.3.5` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `should 13.2.3` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/admin/lib/ember-power-calendar-utils/package.json - `ember-cli-babel 8.2.0`
ghost/admin/package.json - `i18n-iso-countries 7.12.0` - `jose 4.15.9` - `path-browserify 1.0.1` - `webpack 5.96.1` - `@babel/eslint-parser 7.23.3` - `@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties 7.18.6` - `@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators 7.23.7` - `@ember/jquery 2.0.0` - `@ember/optional-features 2.1.0` - `@ember/render-modifiers 2.1.0` - `@ember/test-helpers 2.9.4` - `@ember/test-waiters 3.1.0` - `@embroider/macros 1.13.4` - `@faker-js/faker 7.6.0` - `@glimmer/component 1.1.2` - `@html-next/vertical-collection 3.0.0` - `@sentry/ember 7.119.2` - `@sentry/integrations 7.114.0` - `@sentry/replay 7.116.0` - `@tinybirdco/charts 0.2.1` - `@tryghost/color-utils 0.2.2` - `@tryghost/ember-promise-modals 2.0.1` - `@tryghost/helpers 1.1.90` - `@tryghost/kg-clean-basic-html 4.1.4` - `@tryghost/kg-converters 1.0.7` - `@tryghost/koenig-lexical 1.3.30` - `@tryghost/limit-service 1.2.14` - `@tryghost/nql 0.12.7` - `@tryghost/nql-lang 0.6.3` - `@tryghost/string 0.2.12` - `@tryghost/timezone-data 0.4.3` - `animejs 3.2.2` - `babel-eslint 10.1.0` - `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties 6.24.1` - `babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx 6.24.1` - `broccoli-asset-rev 3.0.0` - `broccoli-concat 4.2.5` - `broccoli-funnel 3.0.8` - `broccoli-merge-trees 4.2.0` - `broccoli-terser-sourcemap 4.1.1` - `chai 4.3.8` - `chai-dom 1.11.0` - `element-resize-detector 1.2.4` - `ember-ajax 5.1.2` - `ember-assign-helper 0.4.0` - `ember-auto-import 2.8.1` - `ember-classic-decorator 3.0.1` - `ember-cli 3.24.0` - `ember-cli-app-version 5.0.0` - `ember-cli-babel 8.2.0` - `ember-cli-chart 3.7.2` - `ember-cli-dependency-checker 3.3.2` - `ember-cli-deprecation-workflow 2.2.0` - `ember-cli-htmlbars 6.3.0` - `ember-cli-inject-live-reload 2.1.0` - `ember-cli-mirage 2.4.0` - `ember-cli-node-assets 0.2.2` - `ember-cli-shims 1.2.0` - `ember-cli-string-helpers 6.1.0` - `ember-cli-test-loader 3.1.0` - `ember-composable-helpers 5.0.0` - `ember-concurrency 2.3.7` - `ember-could-get-used-to-this 1.0.1` - `ember-css-transitions 4.4.0` - `ember-data 3.24.0` - `ember-decorators 6.1.1` - `ember-ella-sparse 0.16.0` - `ember-exam 6.0.1` - `ember-export-application-global 2.0.1` - `ember-fetch 8.1.2` - `ember-in-viewport 4.1.0` - `ember-infinity 2.3.0` - `ember-keyboard 8.2.1` - `ember-load 0.0.17` - `ember-load-initializers 2.1.2` - `ember-mocha 0.16.2` - `ember-modifier 4.1.0` - `ember-moment 10.0.0` - `ember-one-way-select 4.0.1` - `ember-power-select 6.0.1` - `ember-resolver 8.1.0` - `ember-simple-auth 5.0.0` - `ember-sinon 5.0.0` - `ember-source 3.24.0` - `ember-svg-jar 2.4.9` - `ember-template-lint 5.11.0` - `ember-test-selectors 6.0.0` - `ember-tooltips 3.6.0` - `ember-truth-helpers 3.1.1` - `eslint-plugin-babel 5.3.1` - `flexsearch 0.7.43` - `fs-extra 11.2.0` - `glob 8.1.0` - `liquid-fire 0.34.0` - `liquid-wormhole 3.0.1` - `loader.js 4.7.0` - `microdiff 1.4.0` - `miragejs 0.1.48` - `papaparse 5.3.2` - `pretender 3.4.7` - `process 0.11.10` - `react 18.3.1` - `react-dom 18.3.1` - `reframe.js 4.0.2` - `semver 7.6.3` - `sentry-testkit 5.0.9` - `sinon-chai 4.0.0` - `testem 3.15.1` - `tracked-built-ins 3.3.0` - `util 0.12.5` - `walk-sync 3.0.0` - `node ^18.12.1 || ^20.11.1` - `ember-basic-dropdown 6.0.2` - `ember-in-viewport 4.1.0`
ghost/announcement-bar-settings/package.json - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/api-framework/package.json - `@tryghost/debug 0.1.32` - `@tryghost/errors 1.3.5` - `@tryghost/promise 0.3.12` - `@tryghost/tpl 0.1.32` - `@tryghost/validator 0.2.14` - `jsonpath 1.1.1` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `should 13.2.3` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/api-version-compatibility-service/package.json - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/audience-feedback/package.json - `@tryghost/errors 1.3.5` - `@tryghost/tpl 0.1.32` - `bson-objectid 2.0.4` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `should 13.2.3` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/bookshelf-repository/package.json - `@tryghost/mongo-utils 0.6.2` - `knex 2.4.2` - `c8 7.14.0` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `sinon 15.2.0` - `@tryghost/nql 0.12.7`
ghost/bootstrap-socket/package.json - `@tryghost/logging 2.4.18` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `should 13.2.3` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/collections/package.json - `@tryghost/debug 0.1.32` - `@tryghost/errors 1.3.5` - `@tryghost/logging 2.4.18` - `@tryghost/nql 0.12.7` - `@tryghost/tpl 0.1.32` - `bson-objectid 2.0.4` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/constants/package.json - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `should 13.2.3` - `sinon 15.2.0`
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ghost/custom-fonts/package.json - `c8 10.1.2` - `mocha 10.7.3` - `sinon 19.0.2` - `ts-node 10.9.2` - `typescript 5.6.2`
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ghost/domain-events/package.json - `@tryghost/logging 2.4.18` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `should 13.2.3`
ghost/donations/package.json - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `sinon 15.2.0` - `ts-node 10.9.2` - `typescript 5.4.5`
ghost/dynamic-routing-events/package.json - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/email-addresses/package.json - `nodemailer 6.9.16` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `sinon 15.2.0` - `ts-node 10.9.2` - `typescript 5.4.5`
ghost/email-analytics-provider-mailgun/package.json - `mocha 10.2.0` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/email-analytics-service/package.json - `@tryghost/debug 0.1.32` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `should 13.2.3` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/email-content-generator/package.json - `fs-extra 11.2.0` - `html-to-text 5.1.1` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0`
ghost/email-events/package.json - `bson-objectid 2.0.4` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/email-service/package.json - `@tryghost/color-utils 0.2.2` - `@tryghost/errors 1.3.5` - `@tryghost/kg-default-cards 10.0.9` - `@tryghost/logging 2.4.18` - `@tryghost/tpl 0.1.32` - `@tryghost/validator 0.2.14` - `bson-objectid 2.0.4` - `cheerio 0.22.0` - `handlebars 4.7.8` - `juice 9.1.0` - `c8 8.0.1` - `html-validate 8.24.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `should 13.2.3` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/email-suppression-list/package.json - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `should 13.2.3` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/express-dynamic-redirects/package.json - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `should 13.2.3` - `express ^4.17.1`
ghost/external-media-inliner/package.json - `file-type 16.5.4` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/extract-api-key/package.json - `jsonwebtoken 8.5.1`
ghost/ghost/package.json - `@nestjs/common 10.4.4` - `@nestjs/core 10.4.4` - `@nestjs/platform-express 10.4.4` - `@tryghost/errors 1.3.5` - `bson-objectid 2.0.4` - `express 4.21.1` - `reflect-metadata 0.1.14` - `rxjs 7.8.1` - `@nestjs/testing 10.4.4` - `@types/node 20.14.8` - `@types/sinon ^17.0.3` - `@types/supertest ^6.0.2` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `nock ^14.0.0-beta.6` - `sinon ^17.0.1` - `supertest ^7.0.0` - `ts-node 10.9.2` - `typescript 5.4.5`
ghost/html-to-plaintext/package.json - `html-to-text 8.2.1` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0`
ghost/i18n/package.json - `i18next 23.16.2` - `c8 8.0.1` - `i18next-parser 8.13.0` - `mocha 10.2.0`
ghost/identity-token-service/package.json - `jsonwebtoken 8.5.1` - `c8 10.1.2` - `mocha 10.8.2` - `node-jose 2.2.0` - `sinon 19.0.2` - `ts-node 10.9.2` - `typescript 5.6.3`
ghost/importer-handler-content-files/package.json - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/importer-revue/package.json - `@tryghost/debug 0.1.32` - `@tryghost/kg-default-cards 10.0.9` - `@tryghost/string 0.2.12` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `papaparse 5.3.2` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/in-memory-repository/package.json - `@tryghost/nql 0.12.7` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/job-manager/package.json - `@breejs/later 4.2.0` - `@tryghost/errors 1.3.5` - `@tryghost/logging 2.4.18` - `bree 6.5.0` - `cron-validate 1.4.5` - `fastq 1.17.1` - `p-wait-for 3.2.0` - `workerpool 9.1.3` - `@sinonjs/fake-timers 11.3.1` - `c8 8.0.1` - `date-fns 2.30.0` - `delay 5.0.0` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `rewire ^7.0.0` - `should 13.2.3` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/link-redirects/package.json - `bson-objectid 2.0.4` - `@types/express 4.17.21` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `should 13.2.3` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/link-replacer/package.json - `entities 4.5.0` - `html5parser 2.0.2` - ` 4.0.9` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `should 13.2.3` - `sinon 15.2.0`
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ghost/mail-events/package.json - `@tryghost/errors 1.3.5` - `@tryghost/tpl 0.1.32` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `sinon 15.2.0`
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ghost/member-events/package.json - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `should 13.2.3` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/members-api/package.json - `@tryghost/errors 1.3.5` - `@tryghost/logging 2.4.18` - `@tryghost/nql 0.12.7` - `@tryghost/tpl 0.1.32` - `@tryghost/validator 0.2.14` - `@types/jsonwebtoken 9.0.6` - `body-parser 1.20.3` - `bson-objectid 2.0.4` - `express 4.21.1` - `jsonwebtoken 8.5.1` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `node-jose 2.2.0` - `uuid 9.0.1` - `@types/node-jose 1.1.13` - `c8 8.0.1` - `jwk-to-pem 2.0.6` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `nock 13.3.3` - `should 13.2.3` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/members-csv/package.json - `fs-extra 11.2.0` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `papaparse 5.3.2` - `pump 3.0.2` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `should 13.2.3` - `sinon 15.2.0`
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ghost/milestones/package.json - `@tryghost/errors 1.3.5` - `bson-objectid 2.0.4` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `sinon 15.2.0`
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ghost/model-to-domain-event-interceptor/package.json - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/mw-api-version-mismatch/package.json - `@tryghost/errors 1.3.5` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/mw-cache-control/package.json - `lodash 4.17.21` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `should 13.2.3` - `sinon 15.2.0`
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ghost/nql-filter-expansions/package.json - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `sinon 15.2.0`
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ghost/payments/package.json - `@tryghost/errors 1.3.5` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `should 13.2.3` - `sinon 15.2.0`
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ghost/post-revisions/package.json - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `sinon 15.2.0`
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ghost/settings-path-manager/package.json - `@tryghost/errors 1.3.5` - `@tryghost/tpl 0.1.32` - `date-fns 2.30.0` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `should 13.2.3` - `sinon 15.2.0`
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ghost/tiers/package.json - `@tryghost/errors 1.3.5` - `@tryghost/string 0.2.12` - `@tryghost/tpl 0.1.32` - `bson-objectid 2.0.4` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0`
ghost/update-check-service/package.json - `@tryghost/debug 0.1.32` - `@tryghost/errors 1.3.5` - `@tryghost/logging 2.4.18` - `@tryghost/tpl 0.1.32` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `should 13.2.3` - `sinon 15.2.0` - `uuid 9.0.1`
ghost/verification-trigger/package.json - `@tryghost/errors 1.3.5` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `should 13.2.3` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/version-notifications-data-service/package.json - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `sinon 15.2.0`
ghost/webmentions/package.json - `@tryghost/errors 1.3.5` - `@tryghost/logging 2.4.18` - `cheerio 0.22.0` - `bson-objectid 2.0.4` - `c8 8.0.1` - `mocha 10.2.0` - `nock 13.3.3` - `sinon 15.2.0`
package.json - `@actions/core 1.11.1` - `chalk 4.1.2` - `concurrently 8.2.2` - `eslint 8.44.0` - `eslint-plugin-ghost 3.4.0` - `eslint-plugin-react 7.33.0` - `husky 8.0.3` - `inquirer 8.2.6` - `lint-staged 15.2.10` - `nx 19.8.4` - `rimraf 5.0.10` - `ts-node 10.9.2` - `typescript 5.4.5` - `@tryghost/errors 1.3.5` - `@tryghost/logging 2.4.18` - `jackspeak 2.1.1`
ghost/tinybird/requirements.txt - `tinybird-cli >=4,<5`

ApplySci commented 1 day ago

What's the plan for the deprecated dependencies? And is there a plan for things like knex and bookshelf, that Ghost looks to lean on quite heavily, but which are looking a bit abandoned by their maintainers now?