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Handlebars special partial "@partial-block" gets reported as unknown global #19930

Open miko007 opened 3 months ago

miko007 commented 3 months ago

Issue Summary

The handlebars template engine provides an internal, special partial called @partial-block, that can be used when calling a partial in "block style".

Instead of calling the partial regularly like {{> my-partial}}, it can be called in block form like

{{#> my-partial}}
  some fallback text

Inside the partial, the content passed inside the block can then be accessed using the special partial {{@partial-block}}. The feature itself works like expected inside of a ghost theme, the usage gets however reported as a theme error, specifically as "{{@partial-block}} is not a known global". This should not be the case.


Steps to Reproduce

  1. put a partial with the content

    fancy partial
      {{#if @partial-block}}
        {{> @partial-block}}

    in a theme.

  2. call it like

    {{#> my-partial}}
    this is a fallback text
  3. check backend for theme errors

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Database type

MySQL 5.7

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No response

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daniellockyer commented 3 months ago

Hey there, thank you so much for the detailed bug report.

That does look like something that shouldn't happen! A PR to fix this issue would be very welcome 🙂