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Error foreign key constraint are incompatible. #20464

Open koznov opened 1 week ago

koznov commented 1 week ago

Issue Summary

Hello! I'm facing issue with upgrading to latest version from 5.60 after migrating to MySQL 8 with upgrading OS to Ubuntu 20.04. I've applied recommendations from article about ER_FK_INCOMPATIBLE_COLUMNS and that doesn't help. I'm

SHOW TABLE STATUS giving me collation utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci at all tables.

mysql> show create database ghost\G 1. row Database: ghost Create Database: CREATE DATABASE ghost /!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci / /!80016 DEFAULT ENCRYPTION='N' / 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show variables like '%collation_connection%'; +----------------------+--------------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +----------------------+--------------------+ | collation_connection | utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci | +----------------------+--------------------+ 1 row in set (0.01 sec)


mysql> SELECT @@GLOBAL.sql_mode; +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | @@GLOBAL.sql_mode | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)


MySQL Server version: 8.0.37-0ubuntu0.20.04.3 (Ubuntu)

Steps to Reproduce

Installation should be updated from MySQL 5.7 to 8 and upgrade from 5.x to 5.60.0 and then to 5.86.2. Database collation is updated to utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci. Update to latest version.

Ghost Version


Node.js Version


How did you install Ghost?

Ubuntu 18.04 upgraded to 20.04, manual installation

Database type


Browser & OS version

Version 126.0.6478.115 (Official Build) / Windows 11

Relevant log / error output

user@server:/var/www/ghost$ ghost update

Love open source? We’re hiring JavaScript Engineers to work on Ghost full-time.

+ sudo systemctl is-active ghost_vmadm-in
✔ Checking system Node.js version - found v18.20.3
✔ Ensuring user is not logged in as ghost user
✔ Checking if logged in user is directory owner
✔ Checking current folder permissions
✔ Checking folder permissions
✔ Checking file permissions
✔ Checking content folder ownership
✔ Checking memory availability
✔ Checking free space
✔ Checking for available migrations
✔ Checking for latest Ghost version

# 5.86.2

* 🐛 Fixed YouTube bookmark creation - Kevin Ansfield


View the changelog for full details:

✔ Fetched release notes
Version already installed.
ℹ Downloading and updating Ghost [skipped]
+ sudo systemctl stop ghost_vmadm-in
✔ Stopping Ghost
✔ Linking latest Ghost and recording versions
+ sudo ln -s /var/www/ghost/current/content/themes/source /var/www/ghost/content/themes/source
✔ Linking built-in themes
+ sudo systemctl start ghost_vmadm-in
+ sudo systemctl stop ghost_vmadm-in
✖ Restarting Ghost
A GhostError occurred.

Message: Ghost was able to start, but errored during boot with: alter table `recommendation_click_events` add constraint `recommendation_click_events_member_id_foreign` foreign key (`member_id`) references `members` (`id`) on delete SET NULL - Referencing column 'member_id' and referenced column 'id' in foreign key constraint 'recommendation_click_events_member_id_foreign' are incompatible.
Help: Error occurred while executing the following migration: 2023-09-12-11-22-10-add-recommendation-click-events-table.js
Suggestion: journalctl -u ghost_vmadm-in -n 50

Debug Information:
    OS: Ubuntu, v20.04.6 LTS
    Node Version: v18.20.3
    Ghost Version: 5.86.2
    Ghost-CLI Version: 1.26.0
    Environment: production
    Command: 'ghost update'

Additional log info available in: /home/user/.ghost/logs/ghost-cli-debug-2024-06-26T07_17_50_484Z.log

Try running ghost doctor to check your system for known issues.

You can always refer to for troubleshooting.

? Unable to upgrade Ghost from v5.60.0 to v5.86.2. Would you like to revert back to v5.60.0? (Y/n)

Jun 26 09:17:43 vmadmin systemd[1]: Started Ghost systemd service for blog: vmadm-in.
Jun 26 09:17:44 vmadmin node[45362]: Love open source? We’re hiring JavaScript Engineers to work on Ghost full-time.
Jun 26 09:17:44 vmadmin node[45362]:
Jun 26 09:17:44 vmadmin node[45362]: - Inspecting operating system
Jun 26 09:17:47 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:47] INFO Ghost is running in production...
Jun 26 09:17:47 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:47] INFO Your site is now available on
Jun 26 09:17:47 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:47] INFO Ctrl+C to shut down
Jun 26 09:17:47 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:47] INFO Ghost server started in 2.218s
Jun 26 09:17:47 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:47] INFO Bootstrap client was closed.
Jun 26 09:17:47 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:47] WARN Database state requires migration.
Jun 26 09:17:48 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:48] INFO Creating database backup
Jun 26 09:17:48 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:48] INFO Database backup written to /var/www/ghost/content/data/vm-admin.ghost.2024-06-26-07-17-48.json
Jun 26 09:17:48 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:48] INFO Running migrations.
Jun 26 09:17:48 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:48] INFO Adding permission for browse:recommendation
Jun 26 09:17:48 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:48] INFO Adding permission(Browse recommendations) to role(Administrator)
Jun 26 09:17:48 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:48] INFO Adding permission(Browse recommendations) to role(Admin Integration)
Jun 26 09:17:48 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:48] INFO Adding permission(Browse recommendations) to role(Editor)
Jun 26 09:17:48 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:48] INFO Adding permission(Browse recommendations) to role(Author)
Jun 26 09:17:48 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:48] INFO Adding permission(Browse recommendations) to role(Contributor)
Jun 26 09:17:48 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:48] INFO Adding permission for read:recommendation
Jun 26 09:17:48 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:48] INFO Adding permission(Read recommendations) to role(Administrator)
Jun 26 09:17:48 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:48] INFO Adding permission(Read recommendations) to role(Admin Integration)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Adding permission(Read recommendations) to role(Editor)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Adding permission(Read recommendations) to role(Author)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Adding permission(Read recommendations) to role(Contributor)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Adding permission for edit:recommendation
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Adding permission(Edit recommendations) to role(Administrator)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Adding permission(Edit recommendations) to role(Admin Integration)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Adding permission for add:recommendation
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Adding permission(Add recommendations) to role(Administrator)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Adding permission(Add recommendations) to role(Admin Integration)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Adding permission for destroy:recommendation
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Adding permission(Delete recommendations) to role(Administrator)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Adding permission(Delete recommendations) to role(Admin Integration)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Adding table: recommendations
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Adding setting: recommendations_enabled
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Adding table: recommendation_click_events
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Rolling back: alter table `recommendation_click_events` add constraint `recommendation_click_events_member_id_foreign` foreign key (`member_id`) references `members` (`id`) on delete SET NULL - Referencing col>
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Dropping table: recommendation_click_events
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Dropping setting: recommendations_enabled
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Dropping table: recommendations
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Removing permission(Delete recommendations) from role(Admin Integration)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Removing permission(Delete recommendations) from role(Administrator)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Removing permission for destroy:recommendation
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Removing permission(Add recommendations) from role(Admin Integration)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Removing permission(Add recommendations) from role(Administrator)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Removing permission for add:recommendation
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Removing permission(Edit recommendations) from role(Admin Integration)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Removing permission(Edit recommendations) from role(Administrator)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Removing permission for edit:recommendation
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Removing permission(Read recommendations) from role(Contributor)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Removing permission(Read recommendations) from role(Author)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Removing permission(Read recommendations) from role(Editor)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Removing permission(Read recommendations) from role(Admin Integration)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Removing permission(Read recommendations) from role(Administrator)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Removing permission for read:recommendation
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Removing permission(Browse recommendations) from role(Contributor)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Removing permission(Browse recommendations) from role(Author)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Removing permission(Browse recommendations) from role(Editor)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Removing permission(Browse recommendations) from role(Admin Integration)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Removing permission(Browse recommendations) from role(Administrator)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Removing permission for browse:recommendation
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Rollback was successful.
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] ERROR alter table `recommendation_click_events` add constraint `recommendation_click_events_member_id_foreign` foreign key (`member_id`) references `members` (`id`) on delete SET NULL - Referencing column 'member_i>
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]:
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: alter table `recommendation_click_events` add constraint `recommendation_click_events_member_id_foreign` foreign key (`member_id`) references `members` (`id`) on delete SET NULL - Referencing column 'member_id' and referenced column 'id>
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: {"config":{"transaction":false},"name":"2023-09-12-11-22-10-add-recommendation-click-events-table.js"}
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: "Error occurred while executing the following migration: 2023-09-12-11-22-10-add-recommendation-click-events-table.js"
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: Error ID:
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]:     300
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: Error Code:
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]:     ER_FK_INCOMPATIBLE_COLUMNS
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: ----------------------------------------
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: Error: alter table `recommendation_click_events` add constraint `recommendation_click_events_member_id_foreign` foreign key (`member_id`) references `members` (`id`) on delete SET NULL - Referencing column 'member_id' and referenced col>
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]:     at /var/www/ghost/versions/5.86.2/node_modules/knex-migrator/lib/index.js:1032:19
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]:     at Packet.asError (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.86.2/node_modules/mysql2/lib/packets/packet.js:728:17)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]:     at Query.execute (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.86.2/node_modules/mysql2/lib/commands/command.js:29:26)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]:     at Connection.handlePacket (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.86.2/node_modules/mysql2/lib/connection.js:481:34)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]:     at PacketParser.onPacket (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.86.2/node_modules/mysql2/lib/connection.js:97:12)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]:     at PacketParser.executeStart (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.86.2/node_modules/mysql2/lib/packet_parser.js:75:16)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]:     at Socket.<anonymous> (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.86.2/node_modules/mysql2/lib/connection.js:104:25)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]:     at Socket.emit (node:events:517:28)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]:     at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:368:12)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]:     at readableAddChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:341:9)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]:     at Readable.push (node:internal/streams/readable:278:10)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]:     at TCP.onStreamRead (node:internal/stream_base_commons:190:23)
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]:
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] WARN Ghost is shutting down
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] WARN Ghost has shut down
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] WARN Your site is now offline
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] WARN Ghost was running for a few seconds
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin node[45393]: [2024-06-26 07:17:49] INFO Bootstrap client was closed.
Jun 26 09:17:49 vmadmin systemd[1]: Stopping Ghost systemd service for blog: vmadm-in...
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]: /usr/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/lib/process-manager.js:46
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]:         throw error;
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]:         ^
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]: {
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]:   message: {
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]:     statusCode: 500,
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]:     errorType: 'MigrationScriptError',
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]:     level: 'critical',
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]:     id: 300,
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]:     context: {
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]:       config: { transaction: false },
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]:       name: '2023-09-12-11-22-10-add-recommendation-click-events-table.js'
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]:     },
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]:     help: 'Error occurred while executing the following migration: 2023-09-12-11-22-10-add-recommendation-click-events-table.js',
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]:     code: 'ER_FK_INCOMPATIBLE_COLUMNS',
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]:     property: null,
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]:     redirect: null,
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]:     hideStack: false,
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]:     message: "Ghost was able to start, but errored during boot with: alter table `recommendation_click_events` add constraint `recommendation_click_events_member_id_foreign` foreign key (`member_id`) references `members` (`id`) on delet>
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]:     name: 'MigrationScriptError',
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]:     errno: 3780,
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]:     sqlState: 'HY000',
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]:     sqlMessage: "Referencing column 'member_id' and referenced column 'id' in foreign key constraint 'recommendation_click_events_member_id_foreign' are incompatible.",
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]:     sql: 'alter table `recommendation_click_events` add constraint `recommendation_click_events_member_id_foreign` foreign key (`member_id`) references `members` (`id`) on delete SET NULL'
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]:   }
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]: }
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin node[45362]: Node.js v18.20.3
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin systemd[1]: ghost_vmadm-in.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin systemd[1]: ghost_vmadm-in.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Jun 26 09:17:50 vmadmin systemd[1]: Stopped Ghost systemd service for blog: vmadm-in.

Code of Conduct

koznov commented 1 week ago
| utf8mb4                    | utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci     |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)