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How to restrict connection pool size for mysql and/or postgresql? #2709

Closed drnic closed 10 years ago

drnic commented 10 years ago

Could someone please help me with some example configuration for telling mysql or postgresql adapters to use a constrained connection pool size?

It may fix

I tried the following for mysql within my config.js:

config = {
    production: {
        database: {
            client: 'mysql',
            connection: {
                host:     sql.credentials.hostname,
                port:     sql.credentials.port,
                user:     sql.credentials.username,
                password: sql.credentials.password,
                charset  : 'utf8',
                connectionLimit: 3 // limit of the free cleardb spark plan
joshuatalb commented 10 years ago

A quick Google search returned this. The Engine returned by the _createengine() function in most cases has a QueuePool integrated, so this should work.

engine = create_engine('postgresql://me@localhost/mydb', pool_size=20, max_overflow=0)

halfdan commented 10 years ago

@drnic This isn't an issue with Ghost and should either be asked in the Forums or taken from the documentation of knex.js or node-mysql.

drnic commented 10 years ago

Thanks for pointing me to the forums. I'll do Q&A there.

drnic commented 10 years ago

A quick google - doh - showed me the project does document how to manage pool sizes -

I swear I tried to google for this before :)