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How to get client id and client secret #77

Open gustawdaniel opened 5 years ago

gustawdaniel commented 5 years ago

I want to integrate with depreciated API v0.1 and make CREATE / UPDATE / DELETE operations.

Documentation about authentication is there

It is enumerated some values that I should know before creating Bearer Token.

I know my user email and password, but in admin panel (ghost v2) I can't find a place where client data are displayed.

I found table clients in the database, but It should be documented, how to find client_id and client_secret because of mapping between these names and database columns names are not obvious.

After logging to the database and typing desc clients i can see:

| Field           | Type          | Null | Key | Default     | Extra |
| id              | varchar(24)   | NO   | PRI | NULL        |       |
| uuid            | varchar(36)   | NO   |     | NULL        |       |
| name            | varchar(50)   | NO   | UNI | NULL        |       |
| slug            | varchar(50)   | NO   | UNI | NULL        |       |
| secret          | varchar(191)  | NO   |     | NULL        |       |
| redirection_uri | varchar(2000) | YES  |     | NULL        |       |
| client_uri      | varchar(2000) | YES  |     | NULL        |       |
| auth_uri        | varchar(2000) | YES  |     | NULL        |       |
| logo            | varchar(2000) | YES  |     | NULL        |       |
| status          | varchar(50)   | NO   |     | development |       |
| type            | varchar(50)   | NO   |     | ua          |       |
| description     | varchar(2000) | YES  |     | NULL        |       |
| created_at      | datetime      | NO   |     | NULL        |       |
| created_by      | varchar(24)   | NO   |     | NULL        |       |
| updated_at      | datetime      | YES  |     | NULL        |       |
| updated_by      | varchar(24)   | YES  |     | NULL        |       |

But with client_id with value id and uuid and cleint_secret with value secret I can't get token and see the response:


{"errors":[{"message":"Access denied.","context":"Client credentials were not valid","errorType":"UnauthorizedError"}]}

My question is? It is possible to add a view of client_id and client_secreat in admin? Or type docs about a manner of obtaining these values.