TryGhost / express-hbs

Express handlebars template engine with inheritance, partials, i18n and async helpers.
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Inline-partials helper to fill slots? #257

Open gnimmelf opened 9 months ago

gnimmelf commented 9 months ago

Hi guys,

Using inline partials to fill up slots in another partial is a fantastic feature when developing themes. See

However slots that are empty by default must be filled to avoid getting a missing-partial error: (See handlebars repo here and here.)




    {{! Some widget or whatever}}    



If I do not want to pass content to some slots, I need to pass an empty partial.



    {{#*inline "empty-by-default-top-slot"}}{{/inline}}
    {{#*inline "empty-by-default-end-slot"}}{{/inline}}


A theme using inline partials can have many optional slots. This makes the templates overly verbose and cumbersome, almost on par with passing bool-variables to the template to if-test. However a helper to check if the partial is defined would simplify the process by either passing content or not, like so:


There is a stalled pull for this in handlebars:

And here is the ghost rewrite I currently use:

// # Partial helper to test if inline partials are defined in scope.
// Usage: `{{#if (is_partial_defined "slot-name"}}{{>slot-name}}{{/if}}`
// Returns true if a partial is defined, otherwise false
const instance = require("../services/theme-engine/engine");
const errors = require('@tryghost/errors');
const tpl = require('@tryghost/tpl');

const messages = {
    "The {{is_partial_defined}} helper must be passed a partial name",

module.exports = function is_partial_defined(partialName, options) {  
    if (!partialName) {
      throw new errors.IncorrectUsageError({
        message: tpl(messages.partialNameMissing),

    if (instance.handlebars.partials[partialName] === undefined) {
      return false;
    } else {
      return true;

I know you have a strict policy on custom expansions across the board, which is appreciated, but I am kind of hoping for this one, as it's more of a "core" theme-developer-geared thing. You decide! =)

Thanks, Flemming