TryQuiet / quiet

A private, p2p alternative to Slack and Discord built on Tor & IPFS
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.94k stars 83 forks source link

Blank screen after using updater #2250

Closed kingalg closed 7 months ago

kingalg commented 7 months ago

Update between 2.0.1-alpha.1 and 2.1.0-alpha.0 Systems: Windows, MacOS, Linux

Agreeing to update the app when updater popup shows up results in crashing the app and blank screen:

Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 13 41 16

It's hard to get logs as after updater is activated the app restarts but this is what I got when I:

  1. Installed Quiet 2.0.1-alpha.1
  2. Ignored updater popup
  3. Closed the app
  4. Open the app with logs
    Read extra envs: { TEST_MODE: 'true' }
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    setAsDefaultProtocolClient true
    electron main
    desktop:main:main Event: app.ready +0ms
    desktop:main:main Event: app.browser-window-created  +106ms
    desktop:main:main Event: app.browser-window-created  +16ms
    desktop:main:main Created mainWindow +24ms
    desktop:main:main Forked backend, PID: 4186 +211ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    WARNING: Missing strong random number source
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    options {
    socketIOPort: '51057',
    appDataPath: '/Users/rumbleefish/Library/Application Support/Quiet2',
    resourcesPath: '/Applications/',
    platform: 'desktop',
    socketIOSecret: '250229421113720384931890833718249951985446894324'
    configOptions {
    socketIOPort: '51057',
    socketIOSecret: '250229421113720384931890833718249951985446894324',
    torBinaryPath: '"/Applications/"',
    torResourcesPath: '/Applications/',
    torControlPort: 51058,
    options: {
    env: {
      appDataPath: '/Users/rumbleefish/Library/Application Support/Quiet2/Quiet'
    env: {},
    bootstrapMultiaddrs: [],
    createPaths: true
    [Nest] 4186  - 1706272735324     LOG [NestFactory] Starting Nest application...
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    [Nest] 4186  - 1706272735348     LOG [InstanceLoader] RegistrationModule dependencies initialized +24ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    [Nest] 4186  - 1706272735403     LOG [InstanceLoader] IpfsFileManagerModule dependencies initialized +55ms
    [Nest] 4186  - 1706272735403     LOG [InstanceLoader] SocketModule dependencies initialized +0ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    [Nest] 4186  - 1706272735403     LOG [InstanceLoader] IpfsModule dependencies initialized +0ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    [Nest] 4186  - 1706272735404     LOG [InstanceLoader] LocalDbModule dependencies initialized +1ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    QUIET DIR /Users/rumbleefish/Library/Application Support/Quiet2/Quiet
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    [Nest] 4186  - 1706272735405     LOG [InstanceLoader] TorModule dependencies initialized +1ms
    [Nest] 4186  - 1706272735405     LOG [InstanceLoader] StorageModule dependencies initialized +0ms
    [Nest] 4186  - 1706272735406     LOG [InstanceLoader] AppModule dependencies initialized +1ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    [Nest] 4186  - 1706272735407     LOG [InstanceLoader] Libp2pModule dependencies initialized +1ms
    [Nest] 4186  - 1706272735407     LOG [InstanceLoader] ConnectionsManagerModule dependencies initialized +0ms
    backend:SocketService init:started +0ms
    backend:SocketService Data server running on port 51057 +1ms
    desktop:main:main Event: mainWindow did-finish-load +3s
    Checking for update
    backend:SocketService socket connection +897ms
    backend:SocketService init: connection +1ms
    backend:SocketService init:finished +0ms
    backend:Tor Initializing tor... +0ms
    No authorization header
    backend:Tor Jan 26 13:38:56.438 [notice] Tor (git-7c1601fb6edd780f) running on Darwin with Libevent 2.1.11-stable, OpenSSL 1.1.1s, Zlib 1.2.11, Liblzma N/A, Libzstd N/A and Unknown N/A as libc.
    backend:Tor Jan 26 13:38:56.438 [notice] Tor can't help you if you use it wrong! Learn how to be safe at
    backend:Tor  +129ms
    backend:Tor Jan 26 13:38:56.439 [notice] Configuration file "/var/tmp/dist/tor/etc/tor/torrc" not present, using reasonable defaults.
    backend:Tor  +0ms
    backend:Tor Jan 26 13:38:56.441 [notice] Opening Socks listener on
    backend:Tor  +2ms
    backend:Tor Jan 26 13:38:56.441 [notice] Opened Socks listener connection (ready) on
    backend:Tor Jan 26 13:38:56.441 [notice] Opening HTTP tunnel listener on
    backend:Tor  +0ms
    backend:Tor Jan 26 13:38:56.441 [notice] Opened HTTP tunnel listener connection (ready) on
    backend:Tor Jan 26 13:38:56.441 [notice] Opening Control listener on
    backend:Tor Jan 26 13:38:56.441 [notice] Opened Control listener connection (ready) on
    backend:Tor  +1ms
    backend:Tor Jan 26 13:38:56.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 0% (starting): Starting
    backend:Tor  +37ms
    backend:ConnectionsManagerService attachTorEventsListeners +0ms
    launch 1
    backend:ConnectionsManagerService launchCommunityFromStorage +0ms
    backend:Tor Jan 26 13:38:56.000 [notice] Starting with guard context "default"
    backend:Tor  +4ms
    backend:ConnectionsManagerService launchCommunityFromStorage - community peers [
    ] +1ms
    backend:LocalDbService:err Getting 'peers' [Error: NotFound: ] {
    code: 'LEVEL_NOT_FOUND',
    notFound: true,
    status: 404
    } +0ms
    backend:ConnectionsManagerService launchCommunityFromStorage - sorted peers [
    ] +1ms
    backend:ConnectionsManagerService Launching community: peers: [
    ] +1ms
    backend:ConnectionsManagerService Spawning hidden service for community 554BCE404FDDCB487576430FFB2D9B13, peer: QmWWhGgX5HQdzimcyh127BRkPpxWAaygmkPKLhKVzBvqU2 +0ms
    backend:Tor Jan 26 13:38:56.000 [notice] New control connection opened from
    backend:Tor  +7ms
    backend:Tor Jan 26 13:38:56.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 5% (conn): Connecting to a relay
    backend:Tor  +3ms
    backend:ConnectionsManagerService Launching community 554BCE404FDDCB487576430FFB2D9B13: peer: QmWWhGgX5HQdzimcyh127BRkPpxWAaygmkPKLhKVzBvqU2 +9ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    [Nest] 4186  - 1706272736495     LOG [LazyModuleLoader] SocketModule dependencies initialized
    [Nest] 4186  - 1706272736495     LOG [LazyModuleLoader] Libp2pModule dependencies initialized
    backend:ConnectionsManagerService Launching community 554BCE404FDDCB487576430FFB2D9B13: payload peers: /dns4/uqpfdv7sxpmrzqsshe6ib5zklsn3jcncayefmdo4ngim67eq6ccz24qd.onion/tcp/80/ws/p2p/QmWWhGgX5HQdzimcyh127BRkPpxWAaygmkPKLhKVzBvqU2 +17ms
    backend:ConnectionsManagerService Launching community 554BCE404FDDCB487576430FFB2D9B13: retrieved Libp2p PSK +1ms
    backend:Libp2pService Local peerId: QmWWhGgX5HQdzimcyh127BRkPpxWAaygmkPKLhKVzBvqU2 +0ms
    backend:Libp2pService Initializing libp2p for QmWWhGgX5HQdzimcyh127BRkPpxWAaygmkPKLhKVzBvqU2, bootstrapping with 1 peers +0ms
    backend:ProcessInChunksService Processing 1 items +0ms
    backend:Libp2pService Initialized libp2p for peer QmWWhGgX5HQdzimcyh127BRkPpxWAaygmkPKLhKVzBvqU2 +4ms
    backend:StorageService Initializing storage +0ms
    creating paths in fn - utils
    backend:StorageService Initialized storage +9ms
    backend:ProcessInChunksService Processing /dns4/uqpfdv7sxpmrzqsshe6ib5zklsn3jcncayefmdo4ngim67eq6ccz24qd.onion/tcp/80/ws/p2p/QmWWhGgX5HQdzimcyh127BRkPpxWAaygmkPKLhKVzBvqU2 failed, message: Tried to dial self +14ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    [Nest] 4186  - 1706272736556     LOG [LazyModuleLoader] IpfsModule dependencies initialized
    counter ipfs 1
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    [Nest] 4186  - 1706272736558     LOG [LazyModuleLoader] SocketModule dependencies initialized
    [Nest] 4186  - 1706272736558     LOG [LazyModuleLoader] Libp2pModule dependencies initialized
    backend:OrbitDb [create]:started +0ms
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    [Nest] 4186  - 1706272736717     LOG [LazyModuleLoader] IpfsFileManagerModule dependencies initialized
    quiet Initializing debug logger +0ms
    [Nest] 4186  - 1706272736718     LOG [LazyModuleLoader] IpfsModule dependencies initialized
    backend:StorageService 1/3 +162ms
    backend:CommunityMetadataStore Initializing community metadata key/value store +0ms
    backend:CommunityMetadataStore Loaded community metadata to memory +86ms
    backend:CertificatesStore Initializing certificates log store +0ms
    backend:CertificatesStore Loaded certificates to memory +29ms
    backend:CertificatesStore Initialized +0ms
    backend:CertificatesRequestsStore Initializing... +0ms
    backend:CertificatesRequestsStore DuplicatedCertBug {
    allEntries: [
    } +24ms
    backend:CertificatesRequestsStore DuplicatedCertBug {
    allCsrsUnique: [
    } +1ms
    backend:CertificatesRequestsStore DuplicatedCertBug [...filteredCsrsMap.values()] [
    ] +5ms
    backend:CertificatesRequestsStore Initialized +1ms
    backend:UserProfileStore Initializing user profiles key/value store +0ms
    backend:CertificatesRequestsStore DuplicatedCertBug {
    validation: true,
    csr: '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'
    } +6ms
    backend:UserProfileStore Loaded user profiles to memory +31ms
    backend:StorageService 2/3 +180ms
    backend:StorageService 3/3 +0ms
    backend:StorageService createDbForChannels init +0ms
    backend:StorageService Channels count: 1 +23ms
    backend:StorageService Channels names: [ 'general_95606d0e15fb658cf0a695bd48b0b296' ] +0ms
    creating channel
    backend:StorageService Creating channel general_95606d0e15fb658cf0a695bd48b0b296 +2ms
    backend:StorageService STORAGE: Finished createDbForChannels +0ms
    Storage.initDatabases: 205.101ms
    backend:StorageService Initialized DBs +1ms
    backend:StorageService Starting IPFS +0ms
    backend:ConnectionsManagerService storage initialized +412ms
    backend:ConnectionsManagerService Launched community 554BCE404FDDCB487576430FFB2D9B13 +1ms
    Hunting for heisenbug: Backend initialized community and sent event to state manager
    preparing listener
    backend:libp2p:websockets prepareListener +0ms
    backend:StorageService IPFS started +359ms
    backend:StorageService Pubsub - subscribe to /orbitdb/zdpuAubkQfjh7bUVJFvuCuNpkXc9LYF4NuPX7VS12e4ciy851/public-channels +0ms
    backend:StorageService Pubsub - subscribe to /orbitdb/zdpuAtjfjLokx2PW6UGrDQoB8VmEyq2i2endX4KuuD8efo7Vj/certificates +1ms
    backend:StorageService Pubsub - subscribe to /orbitdb/zdpuAq8czmPVqfV7B5fchXdFY11jVPNNymTnCJtvPDR1dCV3h/csrs +0ms
    backend:StorageService Pubsub - subscribe to /orbitdb/zdpuAtLG6WrE13SaXWmg52e1odsV3c97BPDQRudzzXFNqDoQD/community-metadata +0ms
    backend:StorageService Pubsub - subscribe to /orbitdb/zdpuAyScVHonV7KUdb3rdNmC9ZurssGdfgveYm3ds7KNJ6CpU/user-profiles +0ms
    channel {
    id: 'general_95606d0e15fb658cf0a695bd48b0b296',
    name: 'general',
    owner: 'mac2501',
    timestamp: 1706272691653,
    description: 'Welcome to #general'
    backend:StorageService Set general_95606d0e15fb658cf0a695bd48b0b296 to local channels +14ms
    backend:StorageService Created channel general_95606d0e15fb658cf0a695bd48b0b296 +1ms
    backend:StorageService Pubsub - subscribe to /orbitdb/zdpuAvY8XanSbZwQ1xuwYHozmXHFXSppqSck5DZJ26uw5nnu1/channels.general_95606d0e15fb658cf0a695bd48b0b296 +0ms
    backend:StorageService Subscribing to channel  general_95606d0e15fb658cf0a695bd48b0b296 +0ms
    backend:StorageService Subscribed to channel general_95606d0e15fb658cf0a695bd48b0b296 +2ms
    Update for version 2.1.0-alpha.0 is not available (latest version: 2.1.0-alpha.0, downgrade is disallowed).
    backend:Tor Jan 26 13:38:58.000 [notice] New control connection opened from
    backend:Tor  +2s
    backend:Tor Jan 26 13:39:01.000 [notice] New control connection opened from
Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 13 42 01 Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 13 42 16 Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 13 42 38
holmesworcester commented 7 months ago

Good catch! Do we have an upgrade test? How hard would this be? I don't think it's completely necessary now but if we have this problem more than once it might be best to invest in a test.

kingalg commented 7 months ago

Update between 2.1.1-alpha.0 and 2.1.0-alpha.1 Systems: Windows, MacOS, Linux
