TryQuiet / quiet

A private, p2p alternative to Slack and Discord built on Tor & IPFS
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Does not build on macOS M1/arm and many dependency issues while installing #2519

Open Simon-Laux opened 1 month ago

Simon-Laux commented 1 month ago

Branch develop : 8aa9e0c0fed89f423f5ef7df4b962b6e62d4f952

node-sass -> node-gyp python error because my system python is too new

The error is sth about opening a file with the wrong flags (some flag was removed by newer python)

I recommend upgrading/changing dependencies to get rid of node-sass, as it is deprecated, so switch to dart sass (npm:sass) instead.

multiple dependency resolution errors

Some that I remember were about react native version.


On the node of node version management I like the newer fnm more than nvm, because it's much faster.

go-ipfs does not know arm

go-ipfs does not exist anymore, so I used overrides to redirect it to it's new package name kubo:

    "overrides": {
        "go-ipfs": "npm:kubo"

Unfortunately it has this issue about arm as an unknown platform since 2022:

I would consider alternative installation options for ipfs, also maybe is also worth a look, though I don't know if it is already mature enough for quiet's use case, as I'm an IPFS newbie.