Tschipp / CarryOn

Carry On mod for Minecraft
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
65 stars 47 forks source link

[BUG] Roots classic ignore blacklist tag filter #597

Closed DevDyna closed 4 months ago

DevDyna commented 4 months ago

I have try to disable the "picking up" of [roots classic] all standing stones due it cause a issue (they stuck when carry) so i have added at all a block tag ['forge:immovable'] like how was on blacklist of carryon , restarted the game and i try to see if it work but still partially working due the baseblock still disabled but the top block still same as before

Version : carryon-forge-1.19.2-

How to reproduce:


[and cannot be more placed , when used /carryon place it place the top block]

2024-02-25_11 35 31