Tsjerk / Insane

INSert membrANE - A simple, versatile tool for building coarse-grained simulation systems
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Script create zip package #13

Closed jbarnoud closed 7 years ago

jbarnoud commented 7 years ago

We want to make a module of insane that would be split in multiple files. Already we depend on simopt, so the parsing of the arguments in factored out of insane.py.

This makes insane more difficult to use for users that are not familiar with installing python modules using pip.

A solution to this problem is to distribute insane as a zipped package. That package is a zip file that can be executed by python. The only constraint is that the zip file must contain a main.py, then it can be called from the command line as python insane.zip. Adding a shebang on top of the file allows to execute directly ./insane.zip.

This commit introduces zippackage.sh that creates such a zip package for insane. The zip package is simply named insane as the zip extension would be confusing for most users. The script downloads the latest version of simopt from github and includes it in the package.

Note that zippackage.sh must be executed from the 'maintainers' directory!

The package is build in the 'maintainers' directory and can be tested with ./insane -h.