Tslat / Advent-Of-Ascension

Advent of Ascension - A Minecraft mod for the daring
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Theikos - Dimension Suggestion #1320

Closed profilename14 closed 2 years ago

profilename14 commented 4 years ago


Grand tides crashing against towering stone can be heard through the portal.


A water-based dimension with a unique type of generation, somewhat combining the ideas of procedurally generated dimensions and minigame dimensions like Immortallis.

It is meant to be one of the more endgame dimensions, fitting well after the Precasia -> Gardencia -> L'Borean progression line. The reason for it fitting well into this progression line is due to it being extremely filled with water (the dimensions in this progression line appear to go from less water to more water), and due to being another dimension with ties to Selyan (which 3 out of 4 of the dimensions in the progression line have). Its realm task could be to shoot L'Borean water with a Skydriver Bow while holding a Blank Realmstone, or it could have something to do with the Cruuk's L'Borean trench idea if it gets implemented (#230).

It would have a unique progression system, where the player can go to finish a main dungeon and boss or explore a procedurally generated ocean outside the spawn point. After doing either of these, the player can explore the deeper levels of the ocean and then return to challenge a second boss.


I originally came up with the visual design idea of a water-based dimension after seeing the name of the mentioned minigame dimension "The Floodlands." I imagined it as an entirely underwater dungeon about as short as Immortallis. However, I later expanded this vision into the main dungeon being a massive skyscraper in the middle of a procedural ocean, with a final boss at the end. Then I added more ideas to it, like its second dungeon, its two bosses, and its outside world's islands and seafloor.

Immortallis was one of the main inspirations of the gameplay of Theikos's dungeons, but many new ideas were added to make Theikos even better. Immortallis has always been one of the most enjoyable dimensions in older versions, as it forsook the grindiness of most other dimensions and instead became a short but interesting dungeon. However, Theikos adds to this idea by adding bosses with advanced AIs, dungeons with randomly generated elements, an outside world from the main dungeon, and much more.


Theikos was once one of Selyan's most prized worlds. Its oceans teemed with life, its islands were home to exotic species, and natural wonders were scattered throughout. However, rising up over the years was a tribal civilization of sentient water elementals. These beings were welcomed by Selyan, and they flourished throughout its waters. Over many millennia, they created medieval-like societies and constructed great kingdoms reaching across the oceans. These kingdoms were ruled by the great King Typhis. However, Typhis and their empire grew greedy, they extracted more and more from the lands, caring less about the nature around them. Eventually, they began to forget Selyan and turned their worship to Pluton.

This enraged Selyan, and so they summoned a divine being to break Typhis's empire and return Theikos to a natural state. This being was Sulphuros, a horrifically powerful beast who turned half of the ocean into pure sulfuric acid to break the kingdom. Typhis's subjects and even Typhis themself eventually fell, and their great castles scattered throughout the oceans became nothing but crumbling ruins. In a last-ditch effort, Typhis sealed Sulphuros in the very bottom depths of their tower, hoping that someone else will arrive strong enough to defeat it. Typhis's race now haunts the isles of Theikos as the Water Wraiths, still defending their king from any trespassers. The only intact artifact of their civilization is the King's Tower, which was preserved only through the arcane power of Typhis.


When the player first enters the dimension, they will spawn in a set place near X=0 and Z=0. Around their entry portal would be a massive skyscraper reaching near the maximum Y value at the top, with the Y level they spawn at being around Y=80. Additionally, the player would be surrounded by a massive, deep ocean of seafoam green water (would be a shade of about #52e3bc), with a sea level of Y=75. The water would be seafoam green until about Y=35, where it starts to fade to orange. Below Y=30 the water is completely orange and lethally acidic, quickly killing the player if they enter normally (although there are ways to prevent this). Islands would be uncommonly scattered around at least 100 blocks away from the center tower, and at about Y=10 and below, there is an ocean floor layer that contains special structures and ores.

The main tower of the dimension would only appear in the origin of the map. It would be made of mostly chalky white stone called White Limestone, with the higher parts of it above Y=35 also having seafoam green whitewash bricks and Sea Glass, and the lower parts of it below Y=35 also having orange whitewash bricks. It has 3 different parts.

It is important to note that all blocks in and within a 20 block radius of the main tower's edges are completely indestructible, and the player is unable to place blocks there. Also, there is a nerf to utopian armor in this dimension to prevent the player from completely cheesing it; utopian armor's healing effects are only 5% as strong (one health restored every 2 seconds).

Hub Area

The first part of the main tower is the hub area at Y=70. This area would be a large platform around the tower surrounded by white limestone walls. Beyond the fences would be the seafoam green ocean, and while at Y=65 to Y=75 nearby the hub area, the player will occasionally hear ambient sound effects of waves crashing into the tower. Four waterfalls flow from the sides of the hub area, and these can be used to exit or enter the hub area from the outside ocean. There would also be four decorative fountains filled with seafoam green water around the main tower and a large door on the front side of the tower.

NPCs: There would be 2 NPCs in the middle floor of the dimension's main tower; both of them are invulnerable and cannot be moved by the player. These NPCs are all "Water Wraiths" which are the main inhabitants of this dimension. They look like humanoid, dark cyan colored ghost creatures and wear large black stone masks with glowing symbols. Every type of enemy and NPC water wraith would have a different mask symbol. Water Wraiths are legless and have a somewhat similar model to lunarchers.

Royal Noble

The Royal Noble would stand one of the far sides of Hub Area (most likely to the right of the main tower gate).

They trade for various items that the player collects in the two dungeons of the main tower, and also give some utility items and weapons. However, unlike in Immortallis where the dungeon only gives you currency for the token trader, the Royal Noble would only sell some of the items the two dungeons can give the player.

These are the trades that the Noble has for normal items

The Royal Noble would also trade for normal coins, and give the player most of the building blocks used in the main tower. For 2 silver coins, they would sell 16 Raw Depths Stone, 16 White Limestone, 8 Acidic Bricks, 8 Alkaline Bricks, and 8 Sea Glass. For 10 silver coins, they sell 1 Ocean Lamp, 1 Ascending lamp, and 1 Boiling lamp

The Royal Noble's mask would have a glowing blue X symbol on it

Gate Keeper The Gate Keeper would stand to the right of the entrance to the main tower. If right-clicked, they will open up a trade window that allows the player to obtain an "Ascending Token" or a "Boiling Token." The Ascending token would require 15 silver coins per attempt, and the Boiling tokens would require 10 silver coins and 4 Sulphurite Crystals (which will be talked about later).

The gate in front of the Gate Keeper would act differently depending on what token the player uses. The Ascending token would open up the player to the "Ascending Tower" (the main dungeon making up most of the tower). The Boiling token would open up the "Boiling Depths" (a smaller dungeon made to be done later in the dimensions progression).

The gate to the main tower itself is a 4x3 block large ornate door made of White Limestone, and players are not able to see through it. The player can use one of the two tokens from the Gate Keeper on the main gate to open it. The staircase room beyond the gate will be dependent on what token is used. While a run is in progress, it will keep the layout of the last used token, but otherwise, it will be an empty room. If the player uses the Ascending Token, then the gate will open up and the room ahead will have a spiral staircase leading upward into the first room of the Ascending Tower. If the player uses a Boiling Token, then the room ahead will have a spiral staircase going downwards, leading to the first room of the Boiling Depths.

When a gate is first opened, it will close right after the player enters the staircase room. If another player is in the hub area, they will be alerted that two players can enter the main tower at once, and the gate will stay open until either 20 seconds pass or another player passes through the gate. This allows runs to be done in multiplayer.

The player will not be allowed to use the Boiling Token on the gate unless they are wearing a Royal Mask or a full set of Alkaline Armor, and they will receive a chat message telling them about this by the Gate Keeper.

The Gate Keeper's mask would have a glowing golden lock symbol on it

New Debuff:

Before going any further, it should be noted that this dimension comes with a special new debuff.

Acid: This debuff, unlike other debuffs, can individually stack. This means, for example, that if a mob receives Acid I for 5 seconds, and two seconds later, receives Acid II for 5 seconds; they would effectively have Acid III for 3 seconds and Acid II for 2 seconds after that.

Acid's effect on mobs and players is that each layer of the debuff lowers that mob's armor level by 1, and this can go into negative ranges until the target is taking extra damage from attacks. This makes it especially powerful against armored opponents, but also useful against unarmored opponents. It also encourages a different playstyle than other weapons, as it encourages applying as much Acid as possible when dealing damage with something like the Sulphuric Sword, while debuffs like poison and wither encourage waiting between attacks (as they do not stack).

The icon for the Acid debuff would, if on the player, show only how much duration is left on the current longest level of Acid and show the total level of Acid (if the example in the second sentence was applied to the player, they would see "Acid III 0:03" and three seconds later, "Acid II 0:02") and not show separate Acid debuffs. Each level of Acid the player has would color one half of a chestplate in their armor bar to become orange, from right to left.

Acid can also have negative levels (representing alkalinity) which reduces the player's current Acid level and can cause the player to have increased defense. If possible, this increased defense could be shown by adding a seafoam green chestplate symbol to the player's armor bar.

This debuff will be one of the themes of this dimension, with many mobs and weapons applying it.

Ascending Tower:

The Ascending Tower is the main dungeon and most important part of Theikos. It is immediately accessible to the player as they enter, and is much longer than the Boiling Depths. It has many Alkaline Bricks and forms of White Limestone used in its composition, has many fountains of alkaline water spread around rooms, and also has diamond-shaped windows of Seaglass in its combat rooms and boss room (not puzzle or parkour rooms however as these are not actually generated until the player enters the dungeon, and so should not be visible from the outside). Between floors 16-20, the player can hear slight rain and can see some drops of it outside of windows due to eternal rain on the top of the tower.

It begins as the player walks up the staircase from the gate room of the hub area.

The Ascending Tower is procedurally generated every time someone uses a token on the gate, and it is made up of 20 floors that each go one level higher than the last, stretching into extremely high Y levels. It is mainly constructed out of "combat rooms," "puzzle rooms," and "parkour rooms." Combat rooms involve the player fighting against randomly generated waves of Water Wraiths, puzzle rooms involve the player using special water-related mechanics to get through a puzzle (think Legend of Zelda), and parkour rooms involve the player jumping through a water-themed course of broken down ladders, stairs, and pillars.

There should also be some special system where the player's items can be regained without having to climb to the floor the player died at. Having to climb 16 floors to get your items back from a lucky enemy would just be unfun and force the player to cheese encounters. It would be even worse if they don't have a gravestone mod, as the chunk that they died at would be loaded throughout the entire dungeon and guarantee that their items despawn. These issues could be fixed by putting a special chest in the dungeon entrance that appears when the killed player reenters the starting room.

There is also the boss room, where the player fights against the final boss of the dungeon.

The ascending tower's layout is made up like this:

Floor 1: Combat Room level 1 Floor 2: Combat Room level 1 Floor 3: Parkour room Floor 4: Combat Room level 2 Floor 5: Combat Room level 2 Floor 6: Puzzle room Floor 7: Combat Room level 3 Floor 8: Combat Room level 3 Floor 9: Parkour room Floor 10: Combat Room level 3 Floor 11: Combat Room level 4 Floor 12: Puzzle room Floor 13: Combat Room level 4 Floor 14: Combat Room level 4 Floor 15: Parkour room Floor 16: Combat Room level 5 Floor 17: Combat Room level 5 Floor 18: Puzzle room Floor 19: Combat Room level 6 Floor 20: Boss Room

Parkour Rooms: Parkour rooms would have a decent list of preset rooms, possibly about 12. I am not the great builder and it is not easy to show room layouts in a text document, so I will leave what these rooms look like up to someone else. However, I will explain that these rooms should not only involve jumping onto platforms, but they should also involve some water-based mechanics, like raising water levels to swim around or raise the position of special platforms, decreasing water levels, and pulling levers to open climbable waterfalls just to name a few.

Puzzle Rooms: Puzzle rooms would be similar to Parkour rooms, although slightly shorter, not involve as much jumping around, and be more focused on the mechanics of water and general fluids. An example would be trying to get across a long bridge with arrow traps shooting arrows of harming across it. One would have to get through by pulling a lever to open a lava flow but also manipulating positions so the lava flow covers the entire set of arrow traps, and then finally pulling a lever to open a water source to turn the lava into stone. Again, there would be a list of around 12 possible rooms.

Combat Rooms: Combat rooms make up most of the Ascending Tower of Theikos. In these rooms, the player battles against three waves of Water Wraiths defending the tower against outsiders. Each combat room has a level which determines how difficult the waves that the player faces will be. Combat rooms are all about 6 blocks tall but they have varied layouts. They often have small fountains on all 4 sides, sometimes have a fountain in the middle, and sometimes have various other water-related structures, but they will always have at least one source of water inside them. Additionally, all of the combat room levels 1-6 have their own special floor pattern.

Before talking about what combat room levels have different waves, I should go over what mobs will appear in this dungeon. Remember that this is all hypothetical and will likely have to be balanced through testing.

Water Wraith Wizards

Water Wraith Wizards have many different variants that will randomly be chosen during wave (to increase battle variety). They tend to have lower defense and health, but they have the advantage of having highly varied and strong ranged attacks. They have a skeleton-like AI but shoot lobbed projectiles and try to stay in a medium-range to the player. Note that all other water wraiths and hostile mobs will not be affected by the wizard's attacks.

All Water Wraith Wizards can drop Torrentium with a 20% chance and Mask Shards with a 12.5% chance


All wizards would have an archmage version of themselves, which have 50% more health and have their special effect become twice as powerful

In addition to their normal drops, all archmage versions of wizards have an added 15% chance to drop an Arcane Crystal. The Arcane Crystal acts as an upgrade kit for all basic staves, turning them into more powerful advanced staves. Each advanced staff would cost 1 more of each of their runes (although the Advanced Wind staff would just cost 4 wind runes) but deal 12 damage instead of 5. Additionally, all advanced staves would receive a new, more detailed texture. All advanced staves would use a similar texture, but like vulcanes, they would be more unique than simply using a different color for the staff head.

All archmage versions of wizards wield the advanced staff versions of the staff their normal variants use (Corroders would simply use a special advanced staff with a unique orange staff head.

Additionally, all archmage versions of wizards have silver trimming on their hoods and robes.

Water Wraith Warriors

Water Wraith warriors use melee weapons to attack the player. They tend to have high health and defense, and they use many different attacking styles and melee weapons. They do not use normal Minecraft melee AI, but something similar to what I talked about in issue #556, where they hit the player with actual attacks rather than contact damage. Special attacks and normal attacks from Water Wraith Warriors will not damage other water wraiths or hostile mobs. Whenever any warrior is charging a normal attack, they can be knocked back and prevented from hitting if timed correctly, allowing players to more easily avoid attacks from slower enemies like knights and berserkers. Every melee weapon using Water Wraith has a special attack. These take longer to use and are easier to dodge than normal attacks, but are much more powerful. Every warrior's special attack has a 7.5-second cooldown before using after they spawn and a 15-second cooldown before using after a finish performing their special attack.

All warriors drop Torrentium with a 20% chance and Mask Shards with a 12.5% chance

Great Warriors

All warriors would have great versions of themselves who have 50% extra health, have more powerful attacks, and some have extra effects added to their special attacks

All Great Warriors have a 15% chance to drop a Wrath Crystal in addition to their normal version's drops. A Wrath Crystal is a usable item that causes the player to receive a special buff for 40 seconds. This buff causes them to have the Battle rage regenerate 2 times as fast, allowing them to pull off many critical hits with physical weapons for a short time. This Wrath crystal also gives 500 points of butchery XP if the player is level 30 or higher, giving the player an extra source of experience for Butchery.

All Great Warriors have a black cape with King Typhis's mask symbol on it, encrusted in Cesityte.

Water Wraith Archers

Water wraith archers all use bows to shoot the player, but like mages, they have multiple variants to be chosen from in a wave. They tend to have moderate health and defense, high range, but less damage compared to other types of water wraiths. They have an AI very similar to skeletons, but they tend to stay farther away from the player than mages. Note that all other water wraiths and hostile mobs will not be affected by the archer's attacks.

All Archers drop Torrentium with a 20% chance and Mask Shards at a 12.5% chance

Master Archers:

All archer would have master versions of themselves who have 50% more health, become more accurate, and become more powerful in a special way

In addition to their normal version's drops, all Master Archers have a 15% chance to drop a Dexterity Crystal. A Dexterity Crystal can be crafted with 8 Holly Arrows to create 8 Holly Arrows of Slaying. Any bow/archergun that fires a Holly Arrow of Slaying will deal 33% more damage (including enchantments) than it would if it fired a normal Holly Arrow. This makes slower bows like the Deep Bow and Sunshine Bow more useful when using special ammunition, as marker arrows and arrows of harming are much less useful for them than faster bows.

All Master Archers visually have gold trimming in their hoods and cloaks in addition to their special bows

Water Wraith Clerics

Unlike other Water Wraiths or almost any other hostile mob in the mod, Clerics do not directly attack the player. Instead, clerics empower or help other Water Wraiths and enemies in various ways. They often have lower health and defense than other Water Wraiths but also benefit from their specialized status effect. Some Clerics will buff any Water Wraiths within a certain radius and maneuver themselves to affect as many enemies as possible, similar to the dark spirit in issue #937. Other Clerics will fire projectiles to help other enemies (but only at enemies that benefit from them). These projectiles are unable to affect the player to prevent them from randomly being sent to full health or receiving a powerful buff. If a Cleric detects no other enemies in the room, they will try to move away from the player in hope that they can join the next wave of enemies.

All Archers drop Torrentium with a 20% chance and Mask Shards at a 12.5% chance

High Clerics

All clerics have more powerful versions of themselves who have 50% extra health and have more powerful positive effects on other enemies. Some have more powerful beneficial effects on themselves as well.

In addition to their normal drops, all High Clerics have an added 15% chance to drop a Divine Crystal. A Divine Crystal can be used once on a summoned minion to permanently give it 20% more max health.

High clerics have a gold-colored trimming on their robes.

Combat Room Details

Every level of combat rooms has its own set of possible waves, with higher leveled rooms having more difficult waves of enemies. Remember this is all hypothetical and some adjustments may have to be made. Note that waves do not spawn all at once, they all spawn over about 8-16 seconds (dependent on the wave size) and appear from the four corners of the room in bursts of particle effects.

Combat Room level 1:

Wave 1:

1 random Warrior 0-1 random Archers 0-1 random Wizards

Wave 2:

2-3 random Warriors 1 random Archer 1 random Wizard 0-1 random Clerics

Wave 3:

2-3 random Warriors 2 random Archers 2-3 random Wizards 1 random Cleric

Combat Room level 2:

Wave One:

Wave 1:

2-3 random Archers 1 random Cleric 1-2 random Wizards

Wave 2:

1 random Warrior 3 random Archers 2 random Clerics

Wave 3:

2 random Warriors 4-5 random Archers 2 random Wizard 2-3 random Clerics

Combat Room level 3:

Wave 1:

2 random Wizards 1-2 random Warriors 2 random Archers 1-2 random Clerics

Wave 2:

2-3 random Wizards 2-3 random Warriors 1-3 random Archers 2-4 random Clerics

Wave 3:

4-5 random Wizards 2-4 random Warriors 2 random Archers 2-3 random Clerics

Combat Room level 4:

Wave 1:

1 random Great Warrior 1 random Wizard 1 random Archer 1-3 random Clerics

Wave 2:

50% chance of a random Great Warrior / 50% chance of a random Master Archer 50% chance of a random Archmage Wizard / 50% chance of a random High Cleric 1-3 random Wizards 1-3 random Warriors 1-3 random Archers 2-3 random Clerics

Wave 3:

1 random Great Wizard 1 random High Cleric 50% chance of a random Great Warrior / 50% chance of a random Master Archer 1-5 random Wizards 2-3 random Warriors 2-4 random Archers 2-3 random Clerics

Combat Room level 5:

Wave 1:

50% chance of a random Great Warrior / 50% chance of a random Master Archer 50% chance of a random Archmage Wizard / 50% chance of a random High Cleric

1-2 random Wizards 1-2 random Warriors 1-2 random Archers 1-2 random Clerics

Wave 2:

50% chance of 2 random Archmage Wizards / 50% chance of 2 random Master Archers 50% chance of 2 random Great Warriors / 50% chance of 2 random High Clerics

3 random Wizards 3 random Warriors 2 random Archers 1 random Clerics

Wave 3:

1 random Great Wizards 1 random High Cleric 2 random Great Warriors 2 random Master Archer

2-4 random Wizards 2-3 random Warriors 2-3 random Archers 2-5 random Clerics

Combat Room level 6:

Wave 1:

2 random Great Wizards 2 random High Cleric 2 random Great Warriors 2 random Master Archers

Wave 2:

6-7 random Wizards 6-7 random Warriors 6-7 random Archers 6-7 random Clerics

Wave 3:

4-5 random Great Wizards 4-5 random High Cleric 4-5 random Great Warriors 4-5 random Master Archers

Boss Room: King Typhis, Emperor of Eternal Rain

King Typhis

Once the player manages to reach the end of the dungeon and walks into the boss room, an animation will play where extremely heavy rain pours into the center of the room, and King Typhis materializes from it over a few seconds. Afterward, King Typhis points their sword at the player, boss music begins playing, and the battle begins.

King Typhis has 3500 points of health and can move around through hovering at a fast speed. They wield a sword and staff into battle, and they wear a mask bearing the symbol of their kingdom.

King Typhis can do three kinds of attacks to damage the player during combat. There is a period of about 1.5 seconds after finishing an attack before they begin a new one, in order to give time for the player to strike back. Typhis has a 5/9 chance to use Sword Slash, a 3/9 chance to use Cascade Wave, and a 1/9 chance to use Summon. When below 50% health, Typhis has a 4/9 chance to use Sword Slash instead, but a 1/9 chance to use Tidal Blade as well. After the fight begins, Typhis will also use Falling Sky on random areas of the room, with more areas being affected as Typhis reaches lower health.

Sword Slash: Typhis quickly hovers towards the player, and when in range, delivers two slashes that each take 2/3 of a second to charge but deal 14 damage. Typhis holds up their sword during the charging period, giving away that they are about to attack. If the player knocks Typhis back with a melee weapon at the right time then they will be able to avoid the sword slash.

Cascade Wave: Typhis quickly floats to the nearest corner of the room, and using their staff, fires out a spreading wave of 10 projectiles that travel across the floor. Each of these projectiles deals 5 points of magic damage, but the player can only be affected by one at a time. The player can do a sprint jump over the wave of projectiles to avoid them. When Typhis has less than 50% health, there is a 50% chance that they will fire another wave 1 second after the first.

Tidal Blade: Typhis holds their sword up in the air and moves around more slowly for 1.5 seconds, charging up an attack. After the charging duration, Typhis releases a massive sword slash with splash particle effects that has a range of about 3 blocks. Being caught in this attack deals a deadly 25 points of damage and causes massive amounts of knockback. In order to avoid this attack, the player must immediately realize Typhis is charging it and then quickly run out of range. Only used When Typhis is below 50% health.

Summon: Typhis floats a short distance away from the player and summons a random elite Water Wraith of any kind. Clerics summoned will always put utmost focus to help Typhis over other summoned Water Wraiths, but other types of Water Wraiths behave normally. Water Wraiths summoned have splash-like particle effects appear around them while they spawn.

Falling Sky: Throughout the fight, Typhis targets areas of the room with a powerful rain effect. The arena is made up of 4 squares that can be targeted, with 1 being affected by rain at a time while Typhis is above 50% health, 2 being affected at a time while Typhis is above 25% health, and 3 being affected at a time while Typhis is below 25% health. Whenever a square of the room is selected to have rain, there will be a 3 second period where there is a slight drizzle (as a warning for the player to run out to somewhere else). Afterward, there is be a 7 second period where extremely heavy rain falls, dealing 3 points of armor-piercing damage per second to the player (to prevent lag, the textures for the raindrops should just be made twice as large). Rain also douses any fire the player currently has in case they were hit by a summoned Pyromancer.

After being defeated, the player will receive a Royal Mask Shard and have a 33% chance to receive an Alkaline Bow, a 33% chance to receive an Ascending Sword, and a 33% chance to receive a Cascade Staff. King Typhis has a rare chance to drop a potion of negative Acid VI for 45 seconds.

Higher Levels of the Ocean:

The higher Y levels of the ocean are explorable as soon as the player enters the dimension. There would be various underwater mobs that would inhabit this part of the ocean and there would be small islands scattered around.

Islands: Islands would be uncommonly found around Theikos, taking about 2 minutes on average in a normal boat to find a new one. Each island would have a 10% chance to have a Sacred Willow, a 5% chance to be a volcano, a 10% chance to contain a Life Lake, a 10% chance to contain a King Crab Arena, a 25% chance to have a ruined fort, a 10% chance to have a lotto structure, a 20% chance of having ruins, and a 10% chance to have a wanderer's house. Each island would be about 20-30 blocks large. Additionally, Scuttlers (passive mobs that can give food) naturally spawn on islands.

Islands have a ground of Theikos grass and Alkali soil. Theikos Grass blocks are slightly blue-tinted, bright green colored at their tops, and Alkali soil blocks are greyish brown. Various types of foliage would also grow on top of Theikos Grass. The beaches of the islands would be made of grey sand called Limestone Sand. Below the sand and dirt of the islands would be a large layer of white limestone, ending with large spikes that go down to about Y=42 (the islands would not be connected to the seafloor, but have jagged bottoms of white limestone and be free-floating). Islands also generate randomly, so some islands can be larger or smaller than others, and some islands can have different shapes.

Palm trees would grow in the sand and grass of Islands (about 4-8 would generate per island), and each one has a 20% chance of having 1-3 Coconut Blocks generated at its top. These coconut blocks can be placed in the player's crafting grid to get 3 coconut chunks, which each provide 2 shanks of hunger and small amounts of saturation. This gives players a food source in this dimension while they are exploring. Coconut Chunks can also be placed in a crafting grid with a bottle to get "Coconut Milk," which, when drunk, reduces all levels of Acid (negative or positive) to 0. Each Palm tree can provide saplings when their leaves are broken, and these saplings will always give the player 1-3 coconuts upon growing. Palm trees can also be made into planks, which are greyish brown and have stair, fence, slab, and door variants.

The layer of white limestone and white limestone spikes can have a special ore generate. This ore would be vibrant seafoam green in color and be called Cesityte. Its ingots would be used in the crafting of some of the Alkaline themed weapons, and it can be used in Alkaline armor which is important for progression.

Island Structures:

Some structures would be able to spawn on islands, some of which would include NPCs

Wave One:

1-2 random Warriors 1-2 random Archers 1 random Wizard 1 random Cleric

Wave Two:

2-4 random Wizards 2-3 random Warriors 2-3 random Archers 2-4 random Clerics

Wave Three:

1 random Great Warrior 1 random Master Archer 1 random Archmage Wizard 1 random High Cleric 2-3 random Wizards 2-3 random Warriors 2-3 random Archers 2-3 random Clerics

If a player dies and no other players are within 3 chunks, then all Water Wraiths will despawn and any player can begin from where they left off.

After finishing the third wave, a loot chest will spawn in the back of the fort in a burst of particle effects, containing a variety of useful items like coins, food, Torrentium, Mask Shards, Alkaline Ingots, and occasionally one of the 4 special crystals from elite Water Wraiths.

Like the King Crab Arena, when the third wave is defeated, all players who were inside the building at any point are marked as participants. When they are not within 5 chunks, a new player can fight through the Ruined Fort. When a new player is close to the door of the fort, the loot chest will immediately disappear (fast enough that it cannot be seen) so that the new player can receive rewards after winning.

Lower Levels of the Ocean:

In contrast to the island paradise that is the top level of the ocean, the seafloor is a monster-filled wasteland of extremely corrosive water. Before venturing here, the player must get a full set of Alkaline armor or a Royal Mask, or else they will quickly die in the acid. In the ground, players can mine for Sulphurite Crystal ore. This can be crafted into acidic themed weapons and armor when combined with mob drops, or used to enter the Boiling Depths.

The seafloor is constructed of Depths Stone and is filled with dead coral growing on the ground. A few structures can spawn here, including the Sunken Ruins (very common due to most of the Water Wraith buildings being underwater before the cataclysm), Magma Cave (uncommon), Sunken Ship (rare), Stone Spires (uncommon), Grave Sites (uncommon), and Hauler's Cove (rare). There is also a good amount of food growing along the seafloor, in the form of Orange bushes and Strangler Kelp. Many hostile creatures like Deep Wyrms and Vitriclaws have adapted to the corrosive environment, and they can provide valuable loot like Vitriolic Compounds.

Seafloor Structures:

A few structures can spawn on the seafloor:


Theikos has many naturally spawning mobs in both its surface and ocean. Most aquatic mob's bodies have separately animated segments to ensure smooth movement as they turn around. Most creatures have 2-3 segments and some longer creatures like the Moon Serpent have about 10. Additionally, all aquatic mobs are harmed by water that is drastically different from their normal pH, quickly taking armor-piercing damage. For example, Deep Wyrms are damaged by alkaline water, and Axeheads are damaged by acidic water. Mobs will not willingly go into the water of highly different pHs because of this. The only mobs exempt from this are the Moon Serpent, Scuttler, and Chelortress.

Sea Strider


An aggressive spider-like creature that roams around the ocean surface on four legs, attacking in packs with bioluminescent venom. It has 4 light blue glowing eyes and dark seafoam-green chitin, and moves its back legs when propelling itself forward. It has a fast speed on the surface of water (but is extremely slow on land), 35 health, and tends to spawn in groups. They do 4 damage per hit but inflict glowing against targets that do not currently have it for 4 seconds, and they inflict 8 damage to targets with glowing. They have about 60% of the sight range normal mobs have to make them less annoying during boat trips, but have 100% sight range towards mobs with the glowing effect.

Drops: When killed, they can drop Bioluminescence with a 50% chance.

Location: Surface


A winged fish creature that can often be seen flying across the sky. They have 5 health and they tend to pick up shiny objects found across the islands due to being naturally curious, so they occasionally drop valuable items. They also often tend to fly in the direction of nearby islands, so savvy players can follow them to be directed to new places.

Drops: 1 Raw Fish and a slightly higher chance to drop items from the rare loot table.

Location: Sky


A common crab creature that is very small, has a grey shell, and has light blue glowing eyes. It has 6 health and is peaceful. As a sort of easter egg, a Scuttler will become aggresive and begin to snip at the player if they are hit but not killed. It moves slowly, and its attack deal 1 damage and minimal knockback.

Drops: 1 crab meat.

Location: Islands


A rare mob that acts as a miniboss. A massive rotating cube made out of the combined essences of Water Wraiths. It is unknown how these creatures come to be, but they attack passing boats by drawing them in and dealing with deadly blows when they come close. These creatures are normally invisible, and can only be foreseen by a small area of rain falling on the ocean in clear skies.

When the player gets within 9 blocks of one of these creatures, the Vortex will rupture out of the water and will begin to draw in the player until they are 16 blocks away. The speed they are pulled in is different depending on what boat they are using (other boats will be talked about later), but it is just enough that the player can move away when moving back. However the vortex will also slowly fire non-damaging projectiles which slightly pull the player in, so the player must move their boat to avoid these projectiles. The vortex has 400 health, and when the player moves into melee range they take 8 hearts of armor-piercing damage and are thrown back about 20 blocks (enough that they are pushed out of the range of the vortex. It also has melee immunity.

Drops: When killed, they can drop an Undertow staff with a 50% chance.

Location: Surface

Water Wraith Galley

A very uncommon enemy that appears patrolling the ocean during alkaline rain. A ship that is about twice as wide and tall as a player made boat, operated by 3 Water Wraiths that use bows. They have about 150 health, 5 armor points, and move across the water surface at the same speed as a player boat. They shoot arrows at the player with a semi-fast speed and deal 5 damage per shot. Each water Wraith has a golden wave symbol on their masks.

Drops: When killed, they drop 10-15 palm-wood planks, drop 1-3 silver coins, and have a much higher than normal chance to drop an item from the rare loot table.

Location: Surface



A semi-common, shark-like creature with a bladed head that can chop prey. It can charge forward a distance of 4 blocks to attack when it is near the player, dealing 11 points of damage and large amounts of knockback. It has 70 health and 5 points of armor, and it will not attack players on a boat unless it is provoked. Its blade has trace amounts of Torrentium which can be occasionally harvested.

Location: Sub-surface

Drops: Torrentium with a 10% chance

Shine Jelly

A common jellyfish-like creature that comes in blue, green, purple, and yellow colors. They have a unique movement AI where they occasionally jet in a random direction but tend to stay at least 3 blocks below the surface. They emit light so they can be seen during night time for ambience purposes. They have 60 health, and every 1.5 seconds when the player is within 4 blocks of one but not on a boat, they will shoot a zap of electricity at them which deals 8 damage.

Drops: When killed, they can drop 1-3 Bioluminescence.

Location: Sub-Surface


Minecraft 1.13 Cod, Pufferfish and Tropical Fish all appear in the sub-surface waters of Theikos, with tropical fish being the most common, cod being somewhat common, and pufferfish being somewhat rare and only in lower elevations (something like Y=40).

Location: Sub-Surface


An uncommonly spawning clam-like creature on the seafloor, filled with glowing orange crystals. It will warn other mobs in a somewhat-large radius of the player's location by making clicking sounds if they get to close to it. It also slowly fires projectiles towards the player which inflict a deadly Acid V debuff for 4 seconds, but they do only 3 damage and have a short range of 5 blocks. It has 60 health, and a high defense of about 15 points when closed, but none when it opens up to fire a projectile.

Drops: 33% chance of Sulphurite Crystal, giving the player a secondary source of this material through hunting.

Location: Sea Floor

Strangler Kelp

A commonly spawning mass of kelp that grows on the seafloor, which gets its air by stealing it from other creatures. It will pull players into it while doing small amounts of damage. When attacked by Strangler Kelp, the player will begin drowning even if they normally can breathe underwater through a set bonus or potion effect, as the kelp steals oxygen from their lungs (if this cannot be programmed it can simply do strong suffocation damage that bypasses water breathing). Strangler Kelp has 90 health, no defense, and gun immunity.

Drops: 2-3 Sentient Kelp, which can be eaten and right-clicked onto the ground to grow more Strangler Kelp like a crop.

Location: Sea Floor

Deep Wyrm

Deep Wyrm

An amphibious predator with 6 glowing orange eyes. Due to its presence of both arms and fins, it can move at full speed when running along the seafloor, half-speed while swimming through water, and half-speed if it walks on land. It will try to run at the player along the seafloor, but it will begin swimming if it notices the player trying to swim upwards. It deals with 9 points of damage per hit and inflicts Acid III for 4 seconds. It has 110 health.

Location: Sea Floor

Drops: 33% chance of a Vitriolic Compound.

Moon Serpent

Moon Serpent

A very uncommon and massive serpent with two horns, a visor covered eye, and white scales made out of Torrentium. It has a massive 350 points of health and it deals 14 points of damage with its head, but if 25 damage is dealt to the visor covering its face then it's weak spot will be revealed; its eye receives 5 times as much damage as the rest of its body. It will not attack players in boats unless provoked.

Drops: 2-3 Torrentium.

Location: Very uncommonly anywhere in the ocean, including the seafloor and sub-surface


A living fish-like creature that has a large and spike-covered exoskeleton, giving off the appearance of it being an undead skeleton. It is aggressive, has 60 health, and 10 points of armor. If it is within 4 blocks of the player then it will swim toward them to attack, dealing 7 damage and applying Acid I for 7 seconds. If it is about 4 blocks away from the player than it will use ranged attacks once every 1.5 seconds, firing spikes that deal 6 damage per hit and apply Acid II for 3 seconds.

Drops: 1-3 Bones, 25% chance of a Vitriolic Compound.

Location: Sea Floor


A much larger version of the scuttler, with orange glowing eyes and an orange-tinted red shell. Scuttlers that fall into deep acidic water eventually develop into Vitriclaws, which are capable of secreting strong acid from their pincers to defend themself. They have 85 health and 6 armor points. They are aggressive, deal 6.5 damage per hit, and apply Acid V for 3 seconds, but they only walk along the ocean floor. They can also jump about 3.5 blocks high if they notice a player is swimming just out of reach. A scuttler mob that falls to the ocean floor will actually grow into a Vitriclaw after 2 minutes.

Drops: 1-2 crab meat, 15% chance of a Vitriolic Compound.

Location: Sea Floor



A squid-like creature that appears to be highly intelligent. They are commonly found near the Sea Floor but are aggressive towards players for unknown reasons. They have 60 health and are capable of firing large blasts of psionic energy at nearby players, which are very slow-moving (slow enough to easily be dodged) but deal a high 7 points of armor-piercing damage if they hit. they try to stay about 5 blocks away from players so that their shots have a better chance of hitting.

Drops: 1-2 Psionic Matter.

Location: Sea Floor

King Crab

A massive crab beast that only exists in King Crab Arenas. It is said that King Crabs only come into existence when Vitriclaws manage to crawl their way out of the ocean and take over an island. Half of their eyes glow in an orange color and the other half of their eyes glow in a seafoam green color. They have a massive right claw that secretes a strong base, and a large cannon-like left arm that fires acid at enemies.

They have 550 health and 5 armor points. Their left arm fires slow-moving orange projectiles once every 3 seconds, which gives the player Acid 6 for 10 seconds. Their melee is heavily affected by armor, but it is extremely deadly if the player manages to get to low armor levels from Acid debuffs. If the player has been shot by the left arm once or twice then they can take near-fatal damage from a melee attack. However, the right arm causes negative Acid 6 for 10 seconds so that it cannot deal deadly attacks in quick succession. To win, the player has to manage their level of acidity in order to avoid deadly damage if they are melee attacked.

Drops: 8-10 crab meat along with a 50% chance to drop a Crab Claw Maul.

Location: Sea Floor


A hunter mob resembling a sea turtle with a metal, ice-covered shell and a helmet-like head. It can extract heat from the water around it, consume it for energy, and then use the remaining lack of heat as a weapon against intruders. It can do melee attacks, dealing 9 damage per hit, but it also can fire shards of ice at the player, which deals 1.5 points of armor-piercing damage and inflict slowness III for 3.5 seconds. It requires level 73 Hunter skill to defeat, has 65 health, 16 defense, and magic immunity.

Drops: 50% chance of a Magma Heart and 20% chance of Torrentium.

Location: Sea Floor inside Magma Caves.


A strange and large worm-like creature composed of 4-7 large cell-like creatures (random every time they spawn). They attack players with melee attacks from their front cell and also deal 4 damage + 1 damage for every cell they have, and also inflict Acid I for 2 seconds. When their front or back cell is destroyed, they simply lose the cell and become weaker, but if one of their middle cells is destroyed the Salvichain will divide into two different entities that both attack the player. This can be extremely deadly if the player accidentally creates four different entities that are all individually weakening their armor and dealing damage. Each cell has 15 health. It looks similar to a real-life salp, but each cell unit is a cube with a deep orange core inside.

Drops: Each cell individually has an 8% chance to drop a Vitriolic Compound, and a 5 times smaller chance to roll a global loot table

Location: Sea Floor


Theikos does not have special day time or night time events like the overworld, but it does have rain, as well as a day/night cycle unlike most dimensions.

Whenever it rains in Theikos, there is a 50% chance that it is alkaline and a 50% chance that it is acidic.

During alkaline rain, all mobs and players hit by rain have a negative Acid I effect for 3 seconds applied to them every second, effectively making every mob on the surface receive 3 extra defense. During this time, Water Wraith Galleys can occasionally be seen patrolling the ocean.

During acidic rain, all mobs and players hit by rain have an Acid I effect applied to them for 3 seconds every second, effectively reducing the defense of all mobs by 3 points. Additionally, the ocean surface becomes a normal blue during acidic rain, signaling that it has become a neutral pH. During this time, Deep Wyrms and Vitriclaws can uncommonly spawn on islands, and Sea Floor mobs can pursue the player up to the surface.

Like the Overworld and Precasia, Theikos has a day/night cycle. During night time, Sea Striders and Shine Jellies spawn more often, and their bioluminescence can be seen as the player crosses the ocean.

Boiling Depths:

The Boiling Depths is a second, shorter dungeon in Theikos. It has a more acidic theme compared to the Ascending Tower's alkaline theme. It is made up of stone from the seafloor on the inside, as well as Acidic Bricks and many fountains of Acidic Water. All water in the boiling depths ignores y levels and is automatically acidic from floor 1 to 10. It is also somewhat dark, with lamps being used sparingly in room layouts and no windows being present

It begins as the player walks down a staircase from the gate room of the hub area.

Like the Ascending Tower, the Boiling Depths is procedurally generated every time someone uses a token on the gate but is made up of 10 floors that are each lower than the last, stretching into bedrock levels. Mostly, It is constructed of Combat Rooms and Puzzle Rooms. Combat Rooms let the player battle against special versions of enemies found on the seafloor, while puzzle rooms involve the player using some special water-related mechanics, especially a new ability the player receives here.

The shrine is a large room the player enters right before fighting the boss. It has many drawings and words inscribed on the walls, which give lore on the story of Theikos. There is a glowing door on the ground to the next floor, which exists to lock the boss inside the lowest level of the tower until someone enters who is strong enough to defeat it.

There is also the boss room, where the player fights against the dungeon's boss.

The Boiling Depth's layout is made up like this:

Floor 1: Combat Room level 1 Floor 2: Combat Room level 1 Floor 3: Puzzle room Floor 4: Combat Room level 2 Floor 5: Combat Room level 2 Floor 6: Puzzle room Floor 7: Combat Room level 3 Floor 8: Combat Room level 3 Floor 9: Shrine Floor 10: Boss Room

Puzzle Rooms:

The Boiling Depths has its own set of puzzle rooms that are more underwater focused, and it would have about 8 different possible rooms. All of these would involve a special new mechanic, Waterdashing. When the player enters their first puzzle room in the Boiling Depths, there will be an altar that allows the player (or players if another player joined the dungeon) to obtain a special artifact, the Water Arrow. When the player uses this item underwater, it lets them dash forward 6 blocks in the direction they are facing, and also allows them to dive up out of the surface of the water. It can be used once per second, and it has a very low unholster time (ensuring the player can switch to it during combat). This item is used at least once in all of the possible puzzle rooms and there are tutorial drawings inscribed into the walls hinting at its mechanics. Puzzle rooms will still mainly be focused on water-related mechanics, and they will have a higher focus specifically on underwater mechanics. They will also include a new fluid called "Essence of Corrosion," which will damage even acid resistant players who fall into it.

This Water Arrow will last for the remainder of the dungeon and can be used in not just puzzle rooms, but Combat Rooms and even the Boss Room (which is its main purpose). The free arrow given out at the beginning of the dungeon cannot be dropped and will disappear after finishing the dungeon or dying, but a permanent version can be crafted after finishing the Boiling Depths boss 3 times.

Combat Rooms:

Unlike the Ascending Tower, the Boiling Depths uses naturally spawning mobs in combat rooms. These combat rooms are entirely underwater, and all of the enemies used in them do not drop their normal drops but instead drop Disaster Shards and Torrentium, with more powerful mobs being more likely to drop them. Additionally, all mobs used in the Boiling Depths have 25% extra health. Lorewise, this is because they are empowered by the boss.

Like the Ascending Tower, there are different levels that have different types of waves. Mobile Creatures spawn from the corners, while immobile creatures will spawn somewhere random on the floor that is at least 3 blocks away from the player.

Combat Room level 1:

Wave 1:

50% chance of Tridacnus / 50% chance of Psionid 50% chance of 2 Vitriclaws / 50% chance of 2 Bonefins

Wave 2:

50% chance of 2 Psionids / 50% chance of 2 Bonefins 50% chance of 2 Strangler Kelp / 50% chance of 2 Tridacnuses 50% chance of 1 Vitriclaw / 50% chance of 1 Deep Wyrm

Wave 3:

50% chance of 3 Psionids / 50% chance of 3 Bonefins 50% chance of 4 Strangler Kelp / 50% chance of 3 Tridacnuses 50% chance of 2 Deep Wyrms / 50% chance of 3 Vitriclaws

Combat Room level 2:

Wave One:

Wave 1:

50% chance of 1 Deep Wyrm / 50% chance of 1 Salvichain 50% chance of 2 Strangler Kelp / 50% chance of 2 Bonefins 50% chance of 2 Tridacnuses / 50% chance of 3 Strangler Kelp

Wave 2:

50% chance of 2 Deep Wyrms / 50% chance of 2 Vitriclaws 50% chance of 2 Salvichains / 50% chance of 5 Tridacnuses 50% chance of 4 Strangler Kelp / 50% chance of 3 Psionids 50% chance of 2 Deep Wyrms / 50% chance of 2 Bonefins

Wave 3:

50% chance of 2 Deep Wyrms / 50% chance of 3 Psionids 50% chance of 2 Salvichains / 50% chance of 3 Vitriclaws 50% chance of 5 Strangler Kelp / 50% chance of 2 Deep Wyrms 50% chance of 3 Bonefins / 50% chance of 2 Salvichains 50% chance of 2 Psionids / 50% chance of 2 Vitriclaws

Combat Room level 3:

Wave 1:

50% chance of 1 Salvichain / 50% chance of 1 Vitriclaw 50% chance of 5 Strangler Kelp / 50% chance of 4 Tridacnuses 50% chance of 3 Bonefins / 50% chance of 2 Salvichains 50% chance of 4 Psionids / 50% chance of 4 Deep Wyrms

Wave 2:

50% chance of 3 Salvichains / 50% chance of 3 Psionids 50% chance of 5 Tridacnuses / 50% chance of 3 Deep Wyrms 50% chance of 5 Strangler Kelp / 50% chance of 3 Vitriclaws 50% chance of 3 Bonefins / 50% chance of 2 Salvichains 50% chance of 2 Psionids / 50% chance of 2 Vitriclaws

Wave 3:

50% chance of 3 Salvichains / 50% chance of 4 Vitriclaws 50% chance of 4 Vitriclaws / 50% chance of 3 Deep Wyrms 50% chance of 2 Salvichains / 50% chance of 3 Bonefins 50% chance of 5 Strangler Kelp / 50% chance of 5 Psionids 50% chance of 3 Bonefins / 50% chance of 3 Psionids 100% chance of 1 Moon Serpent

Boss Room: Sulphuros, The Flame in Water

Sulphuros 1

Sulphuros 2

As soon as the player descends into the 10th room, they will see a massive boss room that reaches down to Y=0, about 20 blocks deep. In the center of the room, the player will see Sulphuros being suspended in the center of the room by 4 massive chains. Soon after the player enters, Sulphuros will turn its head to face them, open its face while roaring, and break free of its chains, beginning the battle

Sulphuros has 5000 health and can quickly hover in all directions underwater. It takes the form of a cloaked abomination with a mass of deadly tendrils and a featureless arrow-shaped head. When it reaches 50% health, its head opens up revealing a deep-red, rhombus-shaped crystal infused with the power of Selyan.

Sulphuros has 4 attacks, with three of them being used in its first phase and an extra one being added in its second phase. Sulphuros has a 33% chance to use Corrosive Lash, a 33% chance to use Sulphuric Shot, and a 33% chance to use Acid Arrow in its first phase. In its second phase below 50% health, it has a 25% chance to use each previous attack instead, and a new 25% chance to use Alkahest Beam. Sulphuros has a 2 second period after finishing any of its attacks when it does not attack the player, in order to give the player time to attack.

Corrosive Lash: Sulphuros moves towards the player and performs a single lash of a tentacle similar to King Typhis's Sword Slash, but holds one of its tentacles up for 0.75 seconds before the strike. If the player knocks Sulphuros back at the right time then they will avoid the attack. However, if the player fails to avoid the lash, they take 17 points of damage and Acid III for 10 seconds

Sulphuric Shot: Sulphuros moves a medium distance from the player and then causes a triangle of three orange globs to appear. Every second over 3 seconds, Sulphuros fires a projectile at the player that causes them to take 5 points of damage and Acid II for 15 seconds. The player can avoid these projectiles by using their Water Arrow three times in succession. Below 50% health, Sulphuros has a 50% chance to instead fire 5 projectiles in a pentagon over 5 seconds.

Acid Arrow: Sulphuros moves a medium distance from the player and straightens out into an arrow-like position over 1 second. Then Sulphuros homes in on the player at a fast speed to stab them with its head. If Sulphuros hits the player, they take massive 22 points of damage and Acid IV for 15 seconds. However, if the player manages to dodge out of the way right in front of a wall (using the Water Arrow), Sulphuros will not be fast enough to turn and will end up hitting the wall, stunning it for 3 extra seconds.

Alkahest Beam: A special attack only used when Sulphuros is below 50% health. Sulphuros very quickly moves to the center of the room, and it charges energy into its head for 2 seconds while constantly facing the player. Then, Sulphuros has a 0.33 second period where it is unable to turn, during which the player must use their Water Arrow to dash out of the way. Finally, Sulphuros releases a massive 2-second long laser beam. It deals 11 points of damage and Acid IV for 20 seconds 4 times over the duration of the beam, meaning that if the player escapes late they will not receive the full effect. After finishing the beam, Sulphuros will take 6 seconds before it begins a new attack

After being defeated, the player will receive a Grand Arrow Shard and have a 33% chance to receive a Sulphuric Sword, a 33% chance to receive a Melter, and a 33% chance to receive an Acid Blast Staff. Sulphuros has a rare chance to drop a splash potion of Acid XV for 20 seconds.

New Weapons:

Sulphuric Sword: Deals 17.5 Damage and causes Acid I for 8.25 seconds. Functions as a sword that lets the user wear down higher health/armor mobs, but requires the user to precisely click every 1.6 seconds to keep the enemy at Acid V. Obtained with a 33% chance by defeating Sulphuros.

Ascending Sword: Deals 20.5 damage, but enemies receive strength 1 for 8 seconds when hit by it, making it require good skill at avoiding mobs to not die while using it. Visually looks like the same sword King Typhis uses. Obtained with a 33% chance by defeating King Typhis.

Berserker Axe: "Greatblade" that deals 24 damage and cuts wood like a normal axe. Deals double its damage (including enchantments) if the player sprints at least 5 blocks before attacking, and it also changes texture to become red when this effect is activated.

Stream Staff: Fires a projectile that heals 20 points of Health (5 health on players) on whatever it hits. Costs 5 life runes and 2 water runes.

Alkalinity Staff: Applies negative 3 Acid to the player for 10 seconds and removes any Acid levels (negative or positive, which is important for not letting the player gain infinite defense), causing their defense to increase by 3 points and any Acid debuffs to be removed. Costs 5 energy runes and 4 water runes. It can be crafted with Cesityte Ingots and Limonite Rods.

Dissolving Wave: Shotgun which fires 4 projectiles that each do 9.5 damage and apply Acid I for 5 seconds. Has a firespeed of about 0.35 shots per second.

Alkaline Bow: Deals a massive 35 damage per shot, but gives a regeneration effect that heals 35 damage back over about 3 seconds (note that this regeneration effect does not stack), requiring precise and fast shots to get the most out of its damage. Also, if possible to program, it can be fired normally through water. Obtained with a 33% chance by defeating King Typhis.

Deluge Cannon: Deals 20 damage with a 0.45 fire rate and applies negative 4 Acid to the target for 12 seconds. The enemy's increase in armor causes them to take more and more damage from this cannon (and other cannons) but also become more resistant to other attacks. It can also be used on minions to buff their defense at the cost of their current health. Can be crafted with Cesityte Ingots and Mask Shards.

Hydro Blaster: Blaster that deals no damage, but would have a low charge up time, require only 1 energy per shot, fire a single stream of shots (like soul storm and eradicator), and deal slight knockback. Functions as a harmless mob pusher, but also functions in combat to prevent enemies from easily approaching the player. Additionally, it douses mobs that are on fire.

Melter: Blaster that deals no damage, causes Acid 3 for 12.5 seconds with each shot, costs 20 energy per use, and has a fire rate of 1 shot per second. It is useful as a weapon to temporarily weaken an enemy before attacking with another weapon, or allowing another minion/player to do extra damage as the melter's shots are applied. Obtained with a 33% chance by defeating Sulphuros.

Vitriolic Upgrade kit: upgrades these 3 items, and is dropped in the loot table for seafloor mobs:

Boiling Archergun: Deals 13 damage with a fire rate of 1.96 shots per second (same as many other archerguns), and applies Acid I for 2.5 seconds and slowness 1 for 3 seconds.

Alkahest Staff: Creates a rhombus-shaped crystal right in front of the player that, after about half of a second, fires a 1-second long laser beam similar to the Alkahest Beam used by Sulphuros. During the beam's duration, it deals 6.5 damage and applies Acid I for 3 seconds four times. The laser beam can pierce through an unlimited number of enemies, is unaffected by gravity, and travels a distance of 25 blocks. It has a speed of one use per second (half the speed of other staves) and costs 5 water runes and 4 wither runes. Obtained with a 33% chance by defeating Sulphuros.

Tidal Maul: Deals 24 damage to the target and causes 11 blocks of knockback. Any enemies within a 2 block radius of the target receive the full knockback in the same direction but are undamaged.

Cascade Staff: Within a 5x5 square of the targeted place, creates strong rain 10 blocks above like King Typhis does with Falling Sky. This rain deals 10 damage per second to all mobs in its area for 10 seconds, but only one rain area can be active at a time (using the staff again causes a previous one to disappear). It has a speed of one use per second and costs 7 water runes, 5 storm runes, and 3 compass runes. Visually looks like the same staff King Typhis uses in their boss fight. Obtained with a 33% chance by defeating King Typhis.

Boiling Vulcane: Deals 20 damage and inflicts Acid III for 12.5 seconds

Ascending Vulcane: Deals 20 damage and applies NEGATIVE Acid III on the player for 12.5 seconds

Undertow Staff: Fires a projectile that deals 14 damage and pulls in the target 4 blocks toward the player. Costs 4 kinetic runes and 2 water runes. Dropped by Vortexes with a 50% chance

Depths Maul: Would look like a dark grey stone maul wrapped in dark green kelp. Does 27.5 damage and knocks the target back by only about 5 blocks, but knocks the targets downwards by about 10 blocks (making them fall deeper underwater or take extra fall damage). It can be crafted with Sentient Kelp and Dense Rocks from the Deeplands.

Crab Claw Maul: Maul that deals 26 damage, 20 blocks of knockback, and takes armor values into account more than other weapons (if the target has high defense, it does much less damage, but if the target has negative defense, it does much more damage). If this cannot be programmed then it can simply deal high amounts of damage but apply negative Acid III buff, so it does less and less damage if used too much. Would look like the King Crab's large red pincer on a hilt, and is dropped by the King Crab with a 50% chance. Totally not a Divine RPG reference.

Lumen Rifle: Gun that deals 13.5 damage per shot, shoots 1.33 times per second. Each mob it hits is inflicted with glowing for 10 seconds. It looks like a shiny grey Torrentium metal gun with lines of glowing light blue Bioluminescence in it. Crafted with Torrentium and Bioluminescence collected from Shine Jellies or Sea Striders

Torrid Flood: Gun that deals 4.5 damage per shot, but shoots 3.54 times per second. Every hit inflicts Acid I for 1 second. Crafted with Sulphurite Crystals and Vitriolic Compounds

Torrential Trident: A black stone trident that deals 23 damage with melee attacks and 21 damage when thrown. Allows players to use a trident in the late game. Crafted with Mask Shards and Disaster Shards.

Geyser Rifle: Explosive cannon that creates a medium-sized explosion (maybe 2.5 blocks in radius) that knocks all enemies hit by it high up into the air. The main hit would deal about 16 damage, but all enemies caught in the explosion would take about 8 fall damage as well. Requires grenades as ammunition. Can be crafted with Cesityte Ingots and Sulphurite Crystals.

Tsunami: Shotgun which shoots 15 projectiles at once, each doing 2.5 points damage. It causes extreme knockback at close range due to the number of shots that hit, and it has a fire rate of 0.4 per second. Can be crafted with Cesityte Ingots and Sulphurite Crystals.

Monsoon: A shiny Torrentium metal bow. Instead of firing arrows from the player, all arrows fired by this bow appear 30 blocks above wherever the user aims, taking about 1.5 seconds to reach the ground and hitting the target area with a 0.5 block radius of inaccuracy. It has a 0.33 fire speed and deals 14 points of damage per shot, but can be difficult to use on smaller mobs due to inaccuracy and delayed shots. If the arrow would spawn inside a block (likely due to the player using it underground), then the bow will fail to be used and not consume ammunition. Can be crafted with Torrentium and String.

Note: Unless specified, all alkaline weapons (Ascending Sword, Stream Staff, Alkalinity Staff, Alkaline Bow, Cascade Staff, Berserker Axe, Ascending Vulcane, and Deluge Cannon) have a seafoam green color scheme, and all acidic weapons (Sulphuric Sword, Dissolving Wave, Melter, all upgrade kit weapons, Alkahest Staff, Boiling Vulcane, and Boiling Archergun) would have an orange color scheme.


Royal Strider:


New Armor:

Alkaline Armor:

Vitriolic Armor:

Arcane Armor:

Royal Mask

The introduction of Theikos would also bring some new items to Gardencia, Candy Land, and itself in the form of boats. Boats in all three of these dimensions would be incredibly useful, but the player normally can only use the basic wooden boat. All three of these dimensions include a new upgraded form of boat for the player to use.

Sour Pop Boat:

// = Blank Space SP = Sour Pop PB = Plastic Block

// // //



Rosidian Boat:

// = Blank Space AP = Any Color of Flower Petal PS = Plant Stem Block

// // //



Aqueous Boat

// = Blank Space SC = Sulphurite Crystal WL = White Limestone

// // //



New Food:

Sentient Kelp: 2-3 drop from Strangler Kelp. Gives 2.5 hunger shanks, and has somewhat high saturation. It can be planted on depths stone underwater, meaning that Strangler Kelp can be farmed.

Crab Meat: King Crabs drop 8-10 Crab Meat, Vitriclaws drop 1-2 Crab Meat and Scuttlers drop 1 Crab Meat. Restores 3.5 shanks of hunger with slightly higher saturation than beef when cooked.

Orange: Can be found in Orange Bushes growing on the seafloor, which give 1-2 oranges upon being broken. Can be crafted into 4 orange seeds, which can be planted on Depths Stone, but only grow underwater and grow fastest in lethally acidic water. Restores 4.5 shanks of hunger upon eating with 5 shanks of saturation, but applies Acid II to the player for 8 seconds upon eating.

Coconut Chunk: 3 Coconut Chunks are obtained when the player places a Coconut Block inside their crafting grid (1-3 Coconut Blocks generate on Palm Trees with a 20% chance) and each restores 2 hunger shanks with 1.5 shanks of saturation.

Bottle of Coconut Milk: 1 Coconut Block placed in a crafting grid with an empty bottle gives the player a Bottle of Coconut Milk. When drunk, it will remove any positive or negative levels of Acid the player has and give them back their bottle.

Deep Sushi: 2 Sentient Kelp, 1 Crab Meat, and 1 Carrot crafted together create Deep Sushi, which gives 4.5 shanks of hunger, very high saturation, and 2 minutes of water breathing upon eating.

Tropical Cake: Crafted like a regular cake, but with Coconut Milk instead of milk buckets and Oranges instead of sugar. Can be placed down like a normal cake and gives just as much hunger/saturation when pieces are eaten, but gives the player negative Acid I for 25 seconds upon eating a slice. Visually looks like an orange and white cake with a circular orange slice on the top.

Citrus Tea: Can be crafted by using an Orange, tea shreddings, and a teacup on a filled tea sink. Gives Regeneration V for 3.75 seconds, but Acid III for 15 seconds. Acts as a powerful regeneration tea but makes the drinker more vulnerable to damage during healing.

Vatarek: A seafoam green fish that can be caught near the surface waters of Theikos that requires level 38 hauling to catch. It restores a decent amount of hunger, and although it only heals the player by 2 hearts, it gives them negative Acid I for 15 seconds.

Soapfin: A black fish that can be caught near the surface waters of Theikos that has effect cleansing chemicals in its body. It requires level 83 hauling to catch. It restores a small amount of hunger, heals the player by 7 hearts, and removes any negative status effects from them.

Symphus: A very common fish that can be found on the seafloor of Theikos and does not require hailing to reel in. It gives slightly more hunger than normal fish when cooked with 3 shanks of hunger and 7 units of saturation, but it inflicts Acid I for 5 seconds when eaten raw. Serves as a replacement for normal fish found when fishing, as they cannot survive the acidic water of Theikos's seafloor.

Lophihook: A small anglerfish-like creature that dwells in the deep sea and uses its light to catch plankton. It can be caught if the player is at level 77 hauling and fishes in Theikos's seafloor (note that fishing rods used in acidic water do not float up, in order to allow the player to fish in the deep sea). It restores the player's hunger and only heals 5 hearts, but it also gives the player night vision for 50 seconds

Dart Fish: A small bottom feeder that dwells in the deep sea and has lethal amounts of poison in its meat. It has 4 black eyes and albino white skin. It can be caught by the player if they are at level 68 hauling and fish in Theikos's seafloor. It restores the player's hunger and, instead of healing health, it inflicts poison II for 30 seconds. However, its poison can very easily be extracted from it and applied to arrows, so it can be crafted with an arrow to create a poison arrow of poison II for 8 seconds.

Platinum Dragonfish: An incredibly rare, platinum scaled fish found in life lakes that requires level 93 hauling to catch. They award a massive amount of hauling experience upon catching, give 5 shanks of hunger, and give 12 hearts of health upon eating. However, consumption is not their main purpose; they can be given to the Psionid Hauler, who is rarely found on the seafloor, for 5 gold coins.

Duality Roll: A food item that restores 4 shanks of hunger and high saturation. When eaten, it has a 50% chance to give regeneration IV for 7 seconds and a 50% chance to inflict wither II for 4 seconds (meaning that it can kill you). Crafted with a Soapfin, Dart Fish, and piece of sentient kelp.

Misc Items:

Grand Water Arrow: An artifact that can be used to jet forward in water with the use button. It is a permanent version of the normal Water Arrow found in the Boiling Depths. It is crafted with 3 Sulphuric Shards which have a 100% chance to be dropped by Sulphuros. It can be used once per second and causes the player to dash 8 blocks in the direction they are facing.

Sea Torches: Can be placed underwater and are crafted in groups of four by using one item of Bioluminescence and a stick.

Glowing Wool: All colors of wool can be made into glowing wool, making them have a slightly changed texture and emit light at near glowstone level. Converts 4 wool into glowing wool at once. All glowing wool can also be made into a glowing carpet.

Marker Arrow: Inflicts glowing for 4 seconds (40% of the duration of a normal spectral arrow) but deals an extra 3 damage per shot on targets already affected by glowing (if this extra damage takes effect, however, the glowing effect is not reapplied and its timer is not reset). Can be used by any bow or archergun. Crafted in groups of four with 4 Spectral Holly Arrows around 1 Bioluminescence. Looks like a spectral arrow but with a light blue color scheme instead of yellow.

Psychic Block: Crafted with 4 Psionic Matter. It is normally a solid block, but it will become ethereal upon being activated with a redstone signal. It has a large eye symbol on all sides that closes when activated, and the entire block becomes slightly transparent when activated as well.

Acid Flask: Throwable item. Deals 4 damage and inflicts Acid II for 1.25 seconds. Can be used in the off-hand with another weapon to apply an Acid debuff. 4 can be crafted with a Vitriolic Compound and a bottle.

Magma Heart: The heart of a Chelortress. It can be used as a fuel that is more powerful than lava, smelting 128 items. It can also be used on the ground to create a lava source block letting it act as a stackable source of lava. It can also be eaten for 3 hunger shanks and fire resistance for 40 seconds.

Scryer: Looks like an eye with purple energy emanating from it. It can be thrown by the player, and if they do this, they will be able to look around from the view of the thrown eye (they are even able to move their camera to look around midflight). These eyes last for 7.5 seconds or until the player presses escape, and they emit light as well. While the eye is thrown, the player is inactive and can be attacked by mobs, but the eye itself cannot be targeted or hit. Can be useful if the player wants to quickly investigate something far away or check out something deep in a chasm. Crafted with one eye bulb and one psionic matter.

Blast Battery: A powerful mining explosive that functions through reacting a strong acid with a strong base. It functions similar to TNT, but it has a much larger blast radius. When detonated, it will never drop stone (or any dimensional kind of stone), but will always drop ores with a 100% chance. Crafted with 1 Mask Shard, 2 Vitriolic Compounds, and 2 Cesityte Ingots.


This section gives a more in-depth explanation of the appearance of the dimension, as well as the names of its blocks.


The idea of the King Crab was inspired by Minix0 in issue #953

The "I really do think that oranges should be added in some way, shape, or form to Advent of Ascension" guy for deep-sea oranges

Cruuk for the bioluminescence and underwater trench enemy ideas suggested in issue #230

Xolova for the original mod and the idea of the Floodlands

Ursun for creating massive amounts of new textures

Scimiguy for bringing the mod back from inactivity and updating it to 1.12

Final Note

Please do not implement this dimension until all polishing updates are completed (skill update, mob update, etc.). It is important that the base mod is improved first before more content is added, but feel free to take some ideas from this document to help improve other dimensions (like the dungeon system, boss mechanics, and Acid debuff). As new updates are released, I will add to this document to help it fit the new changes or add new things.

Thank you for reading.

TL;DR: Massive LoZ Wind Waker style ocean dimension with islands spread throughout its ocean surface, a deadly seafloor of sulfuric acid, and an enormous skyscraper dungeon built by a forgotten race.

EDIT 1: Added a system for protecting player items, gave King Typhis an extra attack, and re-balanced things. EDIT 2: Gave more interesting AI to Bonefins. EDIT 3: Added a new NPC and structure to the seafloor to make hauling a bit more useful. EDIT 4: Adjusted the cost of the Ascending and Boiling Tokens to reflect the new cost of Immortallis runs. EDIT 5: Adjusted the behavior of the Scuttler to give it more interesting AI.

Tslat commented 4 years ago

This is extremely thorough, probably one of the biggest/most comprehensive suggestions to date Good job!

Obviously I won't comment on the suggestion itself, but it's very well put together

DiamondWalker commented 4 years ago

I love this suggestion. It's unique and interesting while still fitting into AoA. The only thing I think could be improved is King Typhis' fight, since only three attacks sounds like it'd be a bit underwhelming. He could fire water projectiles around himself, or fire bubbles that spawn more projectiles, or even rain that consists of thick, damaging water droplets. There's a lot more that could be done with the fight.

Also, I'm not sure how the intro animations would work in minecraft.

profilename14 commented 4 years ago

I reworded some stuff (funny enough they actually did already have a rain attack already, although it probably should have been mentioned more specifically as an attack), and tried to integrate a charged sword attack to add some variety in the second phase.

Thank you for the feedback!

Hamburger666 commented 4 years ago

HMMMM well you did a great job on proposing this btw did you get Tsunami's idea from terraria

vrextachropthus commented 3 years ago

it sounds great

profilename14 commented 2 years ago

I have some plans for this in some non-Minecraft stuff and, judging from Tslat's preference to stay safe from legal stuff (something I can understand), it might sadly be best to have the suggestion closed. I don't think that in the wake of the mod requiring so much overhaul to older dimensions that asking for a new one is a constructive suggestion either, as I have faith that Tslat knows how to make new dimensions of quality when the time comes. Nonetheless, I wholeheartedly recommend taking any ideas that would benefit the mod (I don't care about crediting or anything, and pretty much everything besides the visual mob designs and basic thematic concept won't be seen at all in the outside thing. Weapon/mob mechanics and progression/dungeon systems suited for Minecraft would be especially great to take if you feel they are worth adding). Mostly, I hope that this suggestion can help inspire what might be done for current and future dimensions. It could act as a sort of proof of concept for what a dimension (new or old) could be, and how it could stand out from the others as a unique experience. Again, thank you all in this community for helping bring this mod back to life, and I hope it only continues to get better!