Tslat / Passive-Mobs

Passive Mobs MC Mod
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link

Suggestion: Passive Hostile Mobs Run Away Setting #5

Closed coldReactive closed 18 hours ago

coldReactive commented 1 year ago

I'd like to suggest there be a tag or setting that allows the mod to dictate if the passive hostile mobs will run away from the player when attacked, as if they were animals. Unless this is already part of how your mod works? As it wasn't explicitly explained on the Mod Page.

Tslat commented 1 year ago

That's more or less outside the scope of the mod, to be fair

It's just meant to be an easy drop-in mod to make mobs peaceful Altering their actual AI and stuff is a whole other ballgame which isnt really what I aimed to do