The issue is that this site returns 404 today. There are two possible solutions:
Work together with York University EECS Department computing team to reinstate hosting the files for SMILER at current URL (ask Toni for contact info), OR
Devise alternative hosting, with HMC, or with some free hosting provider (some have free tiers for open source projects and research projects -- that's SMILER!).
Acceptance Criteria
When you pick a model that has a "model_files" entry in smiler.json and delete the files in question, then a subsequent smiler run -m [that model] will re-populate those files on disk.
Currently, is used by SMILER to retrieve "model_files" lists specified in a model's smiler.json when a model is first run. Here's an example:
The code that does this lives here:
The issue is that this site returns 404 today. There are two possible solutions:
Acceptance Criteria
smiler run -m [that model]
will re-populate those files on disk.