TsotsosLab / SMILER

The Saliency Model Implementation Library for Experimental Research.
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AWS has errors processing certain images #37

Open andyjliu opened 2 years ago

andyjliu commented 2 years ago

When running MATLAB models without smoothing on the sample images provided, AWS model running fails on some images but not others.

The images that worked were flipped_person, cat_on_tower, cat_on_box, bar_colours, and O_Q. The images that did not work were repin, monkey, dalmatian, clowns, and shishkin.

The specific error message is

Index in position 3 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 1).

Error in aws

Error in AWS_wrap (line 51)
    [~, salmap] = evalc('aws(img,1,2.1)');

[AWS] Error processing image ./clowns.jpg.

Steps to reproduce: initialize the below as an experiment.yaml file within SMILER on MacOS, the run SMILER on said file:

  name: Simple Example
  description: An illustrative example of how to set up SMILER YAML experiments.
  input_path: ./SMILER/examples/input_images
  base_output_path: /tmp/test_out
    do_smoothing: none


  - algorithm: AWS
    output_path: ./SMILER/smiler_tools/smiler_tools/exp_output/AWS
      do_smoothing: default
richanghmc commented 2 years ago

I've gotten this error too, but when I specify the parameters with params = struct("color_space", "HSV") and run AWS_map = AWS_wrap(img_path,params); I no longer get that error message.

f-wright commented 2 years ago

When running without any parameters on my computer, bar_colours.png, cat_in_box.jpg, cat_on_tower.jpg, clowns.jpg, dalmatian.jpg, flipped_person.jpeg, and O_Q.png all succeed, but monkey.jpg, repin.jpg, and shishkin.jpg fail.

When I run with the parameters @richanghmc suggested on the ones that failed before, repin.jpg succeeds but monkey.jpg and shishkin.jpg still fail.

My error message is similar to @al1729's, but not quite the same. Specifically, I get

Index in position 3 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 1.

Error in aws

Error in AWS_wrap (line 49)
    [~, salmap] = evalc('aws(img,1,2.1)');

which has a different line number. My system is Windows 10 running MATLAB R2021b.

cfmcint commented 2 years ago

When running without any parameters on my computer the following images succeed: repin.jpg, O_Q.png, flipped_person.jpeg, cat_on_tower.jpg, cat_in_box.jpg, bar_colours.png. The images that fail are: clowns.jpg, dalmatian.jpg, monkey.jpg, and shishkin.jpg.

When I run with the suggested parameters on my previous failures I find that dalmatian.jpg, monkey.jpg, and shishkin.jpg still fail.

The error I get more or less matches @f-wright 's and is

Index in position 3 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 1).

Error in aws

Error in AWS_wrap (line 49)
    [~, salmap] = evalc('aws(img,1,2.1)');

My system is Windows 10 running MATLAB R2021a.

JadeKessinger commented 1 year ago

When running without any parameters on my computer, O_Q.png, bar_colours.png, cat_in_box.jpg, cat_on_tower.jpg, flipped_person.jpeg, and repin.jpg succeed. clowns.jpg, dalmatian.jpg, monkey.jpg, and shishkin.jpg fail.

When I run the suggested parameters on the previous failures, clowns.jpg now succeeds, but dalmatian.jpg, monkey.jpg, and shishkin.jpg still fail.

When running with parameters on the previous successes, cat_in_box.jpg and repin.jpg now fail.

The output images of the successes with and without parameters are also noticeably different for bar_colours.png, cat_on_tower.jpg, and flipped_person.jpg. With parameters, the differences (like the flipped person) are given more attention and there are fewer objects highlighted in general. O_Q.png looks the same with and without parameters.

The error message I get overall matches the previous ones:

Index in position 3 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 1.

Error in aws

Error in AWS_wrap (line 49)
    [~, salmap] = evalc('aws(img,1,2.1)');


Succeeds with and without parameters: O_Q.png, bar_colours.png, cat_on_tower.jpg, flipped_person.jpg. Succeeds only with parameters: clowns.jpg Succeeds only without parameters: cat_in_box.jpg, repin.jpg Fails with and without parameters: dalmatian.jpg, monkey.jpg, shishkin.jpg

My system is Windows 11 running MATLAB R2022b.