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Tank Run Mutation feedback #410

Open MrGuides opened 1 year ago

MrGuides commented 1 year ago


If anybody from "The Last Stand Community Update Team" is seeing/reading this, please take this comment/suggestion into consideration.

Two of the Tank Run updates (from August 22nd) will surely be the ones to ruin the Tank Run community and even the mutation overall (because they just suck and make Tank Run completely different). I'm talking about the auto-revive specifically. This just makes the game mode WAY too easy and it gets rid of a bunch of strategies along with having fun trying to revive and maybe playing a fun game of passing an item to others. This also takes away the challenge that tank run had and the spark and the reason people even played tank run in the first place.

I love Tank Run so much and it's the only reason I even play l4d2 anymore (and I'm sure that's the same for quite a bit of other people as well). I know at least some of the people who worked on this update (specifically Rayman cause I'm pretty sure he does the tank run updates because he made the mutation lmao) care about this game still (so if you're one of those people, PLEASE consider getting rid of the self-revive on tank run AND bring back the slowness in water).

P.S. I know that this could be the most useless comment ever, but I can promise that I'm not the only one that is thinking this way and I'm dead serious that this could really be the fall of the Tank Run community if you don't revert the 2 changes I talked about above (the auto-revive and the slow water). Thank you :)

(btw I'm very appreciative for the update (especially The Sacrifice being fixed!) and the fact that the community update team is still trying to make more updates, but the auto-revive and the non-slow water definitely changes Tank Run and it makes the mutation completely different from what it used to be).

One last thing, I would also suggest reverting the car alarm update because of trolls being an issue (but this one is not a huge concern lmao).

alexiscoutinho commented 10 months ago

One thing that can be quite annoying is the long time you need to wait in the saferoom when everyone else is dead except for you... I kinda wish that survivor_incap_decay_rate was increase to 6 seconds(currently 3) in this gamemode since Tanks will mostly ignore incapped players. That would mean that it would take a average of 50 seconds for a incapped player to die instead of almost 2 minutes!

The decay rate should only be increased while all alive survivors are inside the end safe room, which is possible. Otherwise it would break the balance.

does the Explosive Ammo have any special effect on the Tank on this gamemode?

Doesn't explosive ammo deal more damage by default?

JuggerLeft commented 10 months ago

The decay rate should only be increased while all alive survivors are inside the end safe room, which is possible. Otherwise it would break the balance.

That would definitely be a much better solution! The long waits get really tedious.

Doesn't explosive ammo deal more damage by default?

I'm not sure that's why i'm asking. From what i know it simply has AOE Damage and stumbles the SI, but the Tank is immune to stumble from those bullets and i don't think that AOE makes that much difference here taking into consideration that most of the time you will have Laser Sights in your weapons and that Tanks will oftenly not be close enough to each other for it to cause damage to multiple of them... I think that if those where replaced with Incendiary Ammo it would be much more benefitial overall.

alexiscoutinho commented 10 months ago

Ewww, it actually does the same amount of damage. Indeed pretty useless. Thanks for the notice. I think buffing its damage would be more interesting though.

JuggerLeft commented 10 months ago

Ewww, it actually does the same amount of damage. Indeed pretty useless. Thanks for the notice. I think buffing its damage would be more interesting though.

In relation to damage the Incendiary Ammo already exceeds in that regard on Tank Run since Tanks die much faster to Fire, so i don't really see much purpose on just increasing the amount of damage of Explosive Ammo when Incediary Ammo already does a much better job at that.

JuggerLeft commented 10 months ago

However Incediary Ammo is better used sparingly, preferably shooting a single bullet at a Tank and switching to the Magnum to save as much of them as possible.

Explosive Ammo causing more damage would be the kind that you spend more since it's effect would be instant, but then there are some questions to be answered: How much damage it would cause? Will the amount of damage vary depending on weapon or will it be the same regardless? Is the damage increase meaningful enough to be easily identifyable by the players?

alexiscoutinho commented 10 months ago

I suggested 20% boost in another issue across all game modes. Maybe in Tank Run it could be even more given that all other benefits of the explosive ammo are useless.

JuggerLeft commented 10 months ago

I think that a alternative to the damage increase could be that it instead reduces the speed of Tanks similarly to how Mounted Guns do! While the Tank is too bulky to be stumbled by mere Frag Rounds it being slowed down would make sense and could be really benefitial in though spots like sections that you need to move in water or help support friends from far away that are in a though spot witha Tank.

This way the Fire Bullets would be responsible for Damage Over Time that are better used sparingly, while Frag Rounds would be a Debuffer that's more efficient if used continuosly.

JuggerLeft commented 9 months ago


Me and Alexis made a mod that includes multiple experimental changes to Tank Run:

•Explosive Ammo slows down Tanks for a brief period of time.

•Tanks move a bit slower on water to make water levels in general more enjoyable and reward smart usage of water to your advantage.

•Tanks now take a bit longer to attack again after hitting a survivor so you don't get cornered as easily.

•Survivors will stand up quicker after being revived by a defibrillator so they actually have a chance to react.

•Church Guy will now become a Tank that has much less health then others, meant to be a neat easter egg.

•Pressing the second bridge button in the Second Chapter of The Passing will make Tanks take longer to spawn so the final section of the level isn't as frustrating or extremely rely in Adrenaline RNG.

•Hard Rain Finale will now only last 8 minutes to compensate for the small holdout spot surrounded by water and reduced visibility and audio feedback caused by the storm. This is just like the original Finale.

Please give feedback about all those changes, will be really helpful

JuggerLeft commented 9 months ago

A new version of the Addon with Experimental Changes has been released:

•Chapter tweaks are now done via map-specific scripts.

•Improved Tank model customization for maps.

•Players no longer need to wait for incapped Survivors in order to progress at areas like elevators.

•Restored The Passing 2 respawn interval of 20 seconds after starting the alarm.

•Made the Train Car Tank more special by making his model unique in the chapter and giving him 25% more health.

•Made the Train Car and Church Guy Tanks force spawn even when the Tank cap is filled.

•Increased respawn interval of Double Tanks in the Hard Rain finale to 50 seconds.