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Disable Witch spawns on Dead Center 1 in Versus #436

Open JuggerLeft opened 9 months ago

JuggerLeft commented 9 months ago


In a recent update the boss spawn in this Chapter was finally changed to fix a issue with Tanks and Witches! Tanks would spawn before the Survivors did leave the Elevator and Witches would always die in fire... Now the Witch can survive for a longer period of time but, unfortunely, she will still sometimes kill herself in the fire... That creates situations on Versus where the Witch could die for one team and stay alive for the other.

Wandering Witches are already known for being inconsistent but the fire in this Chapter adds yet another later of randomization that creates unfair situations, so i'd suggest disabling her spawn for this Chapter on Versus! That can be done by editing the Mission Files for this Campaign and in the c1m1_hotel section that configures Versus, changing the witch_chance value from 0.3 to 0. It would look like this:

        "Map" "c1m1_hotel"
        "DisplayName" "#L4D360UI_LevelName_VERSUS_C1M1"
        "Image" "maps/c1m1_hotel"
        "VersusCompletionScore"  "500"
          "spawn_pos_min"    "0.79"
          "spawn_pos_max"    "0.90"
          "tank_chance"    "0.3"
          "witch_chance"    "0"