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Versus Survival has weird bugs and is generally unstable #489

Open RichardHafer opened 4 months ago

RichardHafer commented 4 months ago


I have played a ton of Versus Survival in recent months. There were always a few bugs that kept annoying me and others, or were downright hilarious.

1. Rarely, when the game has 7 players and the 8th player joins some time during game, he will be put on a full team and so there will be 5 people on it. Only happens on infected team and while the timer is already started. If none of them left and they get switched to survivor, there are then 5 survivors, therefore causing some major bugs with defibs and voicelines and generally just being unfair because the infected team is also limited to 3 people since the server is full.

2. Sometimes, when you join a Versus Survival match you will be stuck in spectator mode. You have to manually press your team select button and select a team, which doesn't do anything for a whole 10-20 seconds before you suddenly get put on the team you wished to join. Big delay for seemingly no reason. I saw many new players be confused because they just couldn't play and leave after a minute or two.

3. Sometimes, there can be up to 3 hunters on the infected team at the beginning of a round, incredible!

I will post more if I have forgotten anything!

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FurtadoPires commented 3 months ago

1 - Is duplicated from #155 2 - Is duplicated from #154

alexiscoutinho commented 3 months ago

If the 3 Hunters in the beginning is an independent issue, then this would be a partial duplicate.