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Can't start finale while standing on two spots in c7m3 and c8m5 #497

Open alexiscoutinho opened 3 months ago

alexiscoutinho commented 3 months ago


If you stand near the shop in the beginning of The Sacrifice finale area, the generators will be locked even though you're technically on a legitimate finale area. @JuggerLeft also pointed out that standing on the satellite dish, in the middle of the No Mercy rooftop, has a similar effect, though in this case even the first radio dialogue is prevented. I presume these can be fixed via lump...

JuggerLeft commented 3 months ago

It acts different from other finales since usually the only the part of starting the finale is locked and only until all players are in the finale area, not the dialogue.

That's because of a trigger_multiple locking the radio that doesn't go really high so in some spots in the area of the finale the players will be technically outside.