Tsunder / Pardus-Sweetener

A browser extension that enhances the user interface of the online game Pardus
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Set an alarm to remind you when it is time to use drugs or stims. #104

Open Sei-lus opened 4 years ago

Sei-lus commented 4 years ago

I want to have the possibility to set an alarm within Sweetner that reminds me every hour or 30 minutes to remind me to take drugs every 1 hour and colored stims every 1 hour.

For normal people that don't play too much, setting when the alarm will sound may be useful (or just an alarm when you are undrugged or unstimmed).

Would be useful to have a title a message when you will be undrugged depending of how many you consume: I.E: You took 4t of drugs, if you hover over the "D Clock" it says drug free at 4:30:00 PM AND You fill the input to consume 6t of drugs and before you press "use" it tells you in how many hours will you be drug free.

Tsunder commented 4 years ago

can you expand more on this idea?

I do not think a ringing alarm so long as the user is both undrugged/unstimmed will go well, so it would need to account for such.

Sei-lus commented 4 years ago

I'm not really that savvy so I propose but I don't know if the implementation is easy:

  1. You are about to use a drug from your cargo, you input the number X then and it is 2:45 PM in Orion. If you put 1, it will say "Drug free at 3 PM" If you put 2, it will say "Drug free at 4 PM" If you put 10, then it will say "Drug free at 1 PM" That is the first idea.
  2. With previous example and 10t of drugs used: It is now 10 AM, if you hover over the drug timer it will say "undrugged at 1 PM"
  3. Alarms: You set the following possible options in the configuration page: "Remind you of drug intake" Boolean of Yes or No "At the tick, or at consumption" "Set time interval" If you put 4 hours, then an alarm or notification will ring or show depending on the previous option. If at tick, it will count 4 ticks of drugs. If at consumption, it will count 4 hours.

Everything is the same for "colored stims" Except that you can use 30 minutes interval besides hours. So you can either mix in with drugs hourly, or every 30 minutes (which is not a smart thing to do but let players choose if they want to use every 30 minutes for whatever reason). It would work the same: You set the following possible options in the configuration page: "Remind you of stim intake" Boolean of Yes or No "At the tick, or at consumption" "Set time interval" If you put "4" hours/ticks, then an alarm or notification will ring or show depending on the previous option. If at tick, it will count 4 ticks of stims which is 2 hours. If at consumption, it will count 4 hours.

The notification is less intrusive but the alarm may be a good idea IF you add a more calm type of sound that won't make people smash the computer if they hear it since it is not an emergency like "combat"

Same idea for other type of alarms like "trade"... Why anyone would want to use the submarine alarm for that would be beyond me.

I guess it would be cool to add alarms for building ticks or planet/SB ticks if the player is one of those that fill per tick.