Tsuzat / NeoSolarized.nvim

NeoSolarized colorscheme for NeoVim with full transparency
Apache License 2.0
174 stars 16 forks source link

The background turns black #13

Closed Lengdrich closed 1 year ago

Lengdrich commented 1 year ago

After installing the plugin and configuring it for this theme, my background has changed to this.


this is my config:

    event = "VeryLazy",

    config = function()
        style = "dark",         -- "dark" or "light"
        -- transparent = true,     -- true/false; Enable this to disable setting the background color
        terminal_colors = true, -- Configure the colors used when opening a `:terminal` in Neovim
        enable_italics = false,  -- Italics for different hightlight groups (eg. Statement, Condition, Comment, Include, etc.)
        styles = {
          -- Style to be applied to different syntax groups
          comments = { italic = false },
          keywords = { italic = false },
          functions = { bold = true },
          variables = {},
          string = { italic = false },
          underline = true, -- true/false; for global underline
          undercurl = true, -- true/false; for global undercurl
        -- Add specific hightlight groups
        -- on_highlights = function(highlights, colors)
        --   -- highlights.Include.fg = colors.red -- Using `red` foreground for Includes
        -- end,
      -- vim.cmd [[ colorscheme NeoSolarized ]]

Tsuzat commented 1 year ago

As far as I know, it could of due to following reasons.

Try setting up NeoSolarized as default colorscheme see just to debug it. Try changing the transparency to false and try changing the style. I hope you may find your solution.

Lengdrich commented 1 year ago

yes, when I turn transparency = false, the problem is solved